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政府等级 公国级 公国
主流文化 Primary culture.png 鲁塞尼亚(东斯拉夫)
首都 Capital.png 扎波罗热Zaporozhia [283]
政体 Gov horde riding.png 谢契拉达
国教 Orthodoxy 东正教
科技组 游牧科技组 游牧科技组
Icon tech idea unlocked.png 传统
+10% 人力恢复速度
+25% 掠夺速度
Icon ideas.png 野心
+20% 全国人力修正
Icon ideas.png 理念

Development cost.png 迅速扎营

−10% 发展成本

National unrest.png 盖特曼国

−1 国家叛乱度

Land attrition.png 大草原骑手

−15% 陆军损耗

Land leader maneuver.png 打了就跑

+1 陆军将领机动

Power projection from insults.png 野蛮外交

+100% 来自侮辱的力量投射

Religious unity.png 游牧容忍

+25% 宗教统一度

Infantry cost.png 陆军优先

−10% 步兵花费
−10% 骑兵花费

扎波罗热(英文:Zaporozhie)哥萨克酋长国是一个位于鲁塞尼亚(区域)的小国。它从1555年至1647年是  波兰(之后是  波兰立陶宛联邦)的附庸,在经过1648年至1653年的短暂独立后,从1654年开始至1763年为止是  俄罗斯的附庸。



作为主流文化是鲁塞尼亚的国家,扎波罗热可以成立  鲁塞尼亚。扎波罗热事实上是游戏历史剧本中出现的唯一一个文化属于鲁塞尼亚或白俄罗斯的国家。


Execute decision.png收回鲁塞尼亚的遗产


  • 使用一般或历史国家
  • 从未是结局标签国家
  • 不是:
    • 国家 flag formed_ruthenia_flag 已设置
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 由玩家控制
    • 在使用自定义国家
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 是独立国家或是朝贡国
    • 由玩家控制
  • 不是:
  • 不是:
  • 不是:
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 主流文化是白俄罗斯(东斯拉夫)
    • 主流文化是鲁塞尼亚(东斯拉夫)
    • 主流文化是白俄罗斯(斯拉夫)
    • 主流文化是鲁塞尼亚(斯拉夫)
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 由玩家控制
    • 全部:
      • 由AI控制
      • 拥有至少3个非殖民地省份
  • 是殖民领
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 是前殖民领国家
    • 全部:
      • 是前殖民领国家
      • 由玩家控制
  • Administrative tech.png 行政科技至少为 10 级
  • (THIS) 独立国家朝贡国
  • 是草原游牧
  • 处于战争中
  • 至少满足之一:
    • 全部:
      • 拥有核心省份基辅
      • 拥有核心省份哈利奇
      • 拥有核心省份沃里尼亚
      • 拥有核心省份扎波罗热
      • 省份基辅:
        • 在直属州中
    • 全部:
      • 拥有核心省份基辅
      • 拥有核心省份扎波罗热
      • 省份基辅:
        • 在直属州中
      • 君主的 Diplomatic power.png 外交技能至少为 5

  • 省份基辅:
      • 如果是神圣罗马帝国领土但拥有者不是帝国成员
        • 该省份退出帝国
        • 皇帝收到“从帝国移除的省份Removed provinces from the Empire”观点修正
        • Imperial authority modifier.png 帝国权威 -1
      • 该省份成为首都
  • 所有省份位于鲁塞尼亚地区:
    • 仅限于:
      • 不是:
        • (该国)拥有该省份
      • 不是:
        • (该国)拥有该省宣称
    •  鲁塞尼亚获得该省永久宣称
  • 所有省份位于红鲁塞尼亚区域:
    • 仅限于:
      • 不是:
        • (该国)拥有该省份
      • 不是:
        • (该国)拥有该省宣称
    •  鲁塞尼亚获得该省永久宣称
  • 获得 Prestige.png 25 威望
  • 国家成为  鲁塞尼亚
  • 刷新非通用任务,获得新任务
  • 如果:
    • 仅限于:
      • 科技组是 游牧科技组 游牧
    • 转变科技组至 东欧科技组 东欧
    • 转变兵种组至 东欧科技组 东欧
  • 若不是选帝侯或帝国皇帝,全部省份退出神圣罗马帝国
  • 设置政府等级为 帝国级 帝国
  • 如果:
    • 仅限于:
      • 不是革命国家
      • 政体是 Government monarchy.png 君主制
    • 实行政府改革 鲁塞尼亚沙皇国
  • 如果:
成立鲁塞尼亚需要拥有全部绿色和黄色省份且为核心;或者拥有全部绿色省份作为核心的同时,有一位 Diplomatic power.png 外交技能至少为 5 的统治者。成立鲁塞尼亚后将获得全部阴影省份的永久宣称。


谢契拉达[1](英语:Sich Rada;乌克兰语:Січова Рада;俄语:Сечевая Рада),是扎波罗热哥萨克国家的政府体制。“谢契”(或译“塞契”),是哥萨克部族的营寨、要塞,也是其政治、军事中心的所在;“拉达”是乌克兰语“大会、委员会”的音译。


  • 骑兵花费 −20% 骑兵花费
  • 骑兵作战能力 +20% 骑兵作战能力
  • 行政容量 +50 行政容量
  • Cavalry to infantry ratio.png +20% 骑兵比例

每年,谢契拉达政府会获得“3 +统治者属性”的特殊君主点数(分别对应 Administrative power.png/Diplomatic power.png/Military power.png)。当有100点某种点数后,可以在 Tab domestic government.png 政府界面选择相应的互动功能:

  • Administrative power.png接收逃亡农奴: 在一个随机省份增加 Development.png 1 发展度,种类随机;使一个随机邻国(优先选择宿敌)获得修正“农奴们投奔哥萨克”,持续10年,具有以下效果:
    • 国家税收修正 -10% 国家税收修正;
  • Diplomatic power.png组建劫掠队:获得修正“劫掠队”,持续10年,具有以下效果:
    • Hostile attrition.png +1 敌方损耗
    • Movement speed.png+10%移动速度;
  • Military power.png召集哥萨克诸部:War exhaustion.png −2 厌战度, 在首都征召占 20% 陆军上限的哥萨克骑兵




Execute decision.png大草原的呼唤


  •  扎波罗热
  • 不是:
    • 制定了「谢契拉达」政府改革
  • DLC 哥萨克 The Cossacks已激活
  • 不是:
  • 不是:
    • Is revolutionary
  • Icon stability.png 稳定度至少为 0
  • 不是:
    • 政体是dictatorship
  • 不是:
    • 制定了「总统独裁」政府改革

  • 如果:
    • 仅限于:
      • 不是:
        • 政体是republic
    • 改变政体为republic
  • 实行政府改革 谢契拉达


  • 基础权重:1



开局时  扎波罗热可以被  立陶宛作为附庸轻松释放。然而,它是一个非常强大的国家,有独特的游戏机制。要完全解锁这些潜能,需要走一条有些不寻常的路。


  1.  波兰开局
  2. 尽快从立陶宛南部得到释放扎波罗热作为附庸所需的土地
  3. 10年后开始吞并扎波罗热
  4. 然后在吞并时将几乎整个波兰的土地喂给这个附庸
  5. 当完全吞并时,准备再次释放,然后
  6. 释放并扮演  扎波罗热,选择贵族理念组,然后通过决议转为谢契拉达Government republic.png政府改革以解锁游牧理念组
  7. 重建波兰并选择波兰国家理念

通过这些步骤意味着玩家可以将一套机制和想法与游戏中的一个国家 扎波罗热结合起来。 它的成功实施将提供…

  1. 频繁的共和选举 通过谢契拉达Government republic.png 共和政府改革可以培养很多666的统治者
  2. 焚掠机制 类似于草原游牧Government steppe horde.png以便从被征服的领土上提取大量的神力值
  3. 不像部落 Government steppe horde.png 那样遭受非平坦地形的惩罚,最重要的是……
  4. 组成100%骑兵、轻骑兵和哥萨克部队 骑兵 通过成立  波兰
  5. 无可匹敌的骑兵作战能力 超过+110% 骑兵作战能力 骑兵作战能力 (总共获得 +20% 来自[[谢契拉达|谢契拉达Government republic.png]],+30% 来自波兰 4th 理念 - 翼骑兵, +25% 来自游牧理念的奖励, +15% 贵族理念 1st 理念 - 贵族骑士, +20% 来自一个忠诚的 60%影响力的哥萨克阶层. 这110% 还可以 从+10% 质量理念 3rd 理念- 优良马匹进一步提升到140%, 还有两个政策 +10% 贵族-间谍 ‘贵族忠诚法案’和+10% 游牧-间谍 ‘部落心理战法案’)
  6. Polish mission tree and ideas gaining access to Poland's powerful military buffs including +5% Discipline.png discipline, +15% Morale.png morale, +25% Manpower Icon.png manpower and -0.02 War exhaustion.png monthly war exhaustion
  7. both 贵族理念组 Aristocratic and Horde Government idea group.png Horde ideas
  8. Cossacks-government interactions for free Development.png+1 development or -2 War exhaustion.png war exhaustion and can raise 20% of Special unit force limit force limit stacks of 哥萨克阶层 cossacks infantry in the capital, all while it ...
  9. benefits of a parliament gained from its seat allocation bonuses and the buffs from successful parliamentary debates. Typically enacting a parliament will disable the 贵族阶层 Nobility estate, however, this is offset by Zaporozhie being able to have a 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks estate; especially when granting the most powerful Cossack privileges


Instead of starting as  立陶宛 rather start the game as  波兰.

Poland starts the game without a king and there is little it can do but wait for the event Successor of Wladyslaw III to fire, allowing Poland to form a personal union over Lithuania.

However, do not accept this personal union, the player should rather choose a powerful local king instead. This will avoid the elective monarchy government form and its debuffs but most importantly will allow rivalry of Lithuania and gaining claims over its territory.

It is important to take the southern part of Lithuania in order to release  扎波罗热 as a vassal immediately after this first war. It takes ten years to re-annex a vassal so the earlier they are released the better.

Be sure to take an extra steppe province or two east of the Zaporozhien cores to allow Poland access to steppe terrain (which will unlock the 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks Estate to improve Poland's cavalry) as well as a route to war for cash and humiliation with  莫斯科,  大帐 and  克里米亚.

After this critical first phase of releasing Zaporozhie, the player can add key territory to Poland - all with the aim to feed it to its Zaporozhien vassal - but not too much land as it will take longer to annex a vassal too bloated in size. Most of the land acquisition should be left until after the released Zaporozhie has re-formed Poland.

Suggested first stage expansion targets (hence before the release and playing as Zaporozhie and subsequent reforming of Poland) could be:

  • immediately take Danzig from rival  条顿骑士团Teutonic - or wait for the release of  但泽 from  条顿骑士团 who can then choose to become your vassal,
  • definitely integrating  马佐夫舍 as soon as possible to free up a diplomatic slot,
  • possibly the gold province from  匈牙利 depending on whether  奥地利 has allied them or not
  • taking Silesia from  波希米亚.
  • possibly carving a ring around the eastern border of Lithuania to cut it off from an aggressive  莫斯科 - this is after all to be the future and rightful territory of Poland's esteemed vassal Zaporozhie.

Continue to grant Polish provinces to Zaporozhie as they get closer to 80%+ annexation progress. Each grant will reduce their liberty desire together with frequently paying off their debt (which can be hastened by forcing them to divert their trade income to Poland). This focus on reduced liberty desire will become more important as their relative size to Poland will continue to grow.

Once nearly all of Poland has been granted to Zaporozhie and they are at 80%+ annexation they can be annexed almost immediately by doing two things:

  1. enact the parliament debate 'Create Offices for Vassal Nobles' which gives an instant 外交吞并花费 −15% Diplomatic annexation cost (this debate requires at least 2 Government monarchy.png monarchy subjects that are Icon vassal.png vassals or a Personal union.png personal union) and
  2. granting the 'Nobility Integration Policy' as a privilege to the 贵族阶层 nobility estate which also grants an instant 外交吞并花费 −5% diplomatic annexation cost.


Politically it may be safe to stay friendly toward and even be allied to  奥地利 and  波希米亚 until just before being ready to release and play as  扎波罗热. This will protect a weakened Poland (from generously granting so much land to Zaporozhie and consequently drastically losing force limit after each such grant) from its powerful and aggressive neighbour  奥斯曼 in the south. These alliances will become even more important should Poland gain  摩尔达维亚 as a vassal and border state to the Ottomans.


Setting up the three trade centres around Danzig for the future home trade node of Zaporozhie are essential to building a powerful economy to support the cavalry-heavy troops. For example, developing the flat terrain in Danzig, a 15 development 宝石 gem producing Danzig which has embraced the 文艺复兴 Renaissance institution will trigger the faceting event within 1MTTH. Inventing faceting creates a Diamond District giving Danzig a permanent province modifier of 本地商品产出 +0.5 Local goods produced and 贸易值修正 +15% Trade value modifier.

While annexing Zaporozhie be sure to set them to divert all their trade income to Poland (the setting can be found in the subject interaction tab) and only grant Zaporozhie the trade centres last, after it has been given all of the non-trade centre provinces. This will allow Poland maximum trade income even while it is shrinking each year (especially in production and taxes) from its generous donations of land to its vassal.


Be sure to keep Poland updated on all technology. It is not required to invest in ideas much since all this will be lost on releasing and playing as Zaporozhie.

What will transfer from Poland to newly releasable Zaporozhie are the following:

  • Army tradition - hence fight many continual battles, see
  • Army professionalism - from not hiring mercenaries and frequent drilling see Army#Army professionalism
  • Mercantilism.pngMercantilism - gain Mercantilism.png +1% Mercantilism each time when granting and renewing every ten years as many trade monopolies as possible and frequently selecting the Papal interaction 'Sanction commercial monopoly'
  • Technology.pngTechnology levels and Institutions.png Institutions embraced, hence the suggestion for developing renaissance in Danzig, a triple benefit
  • Icon stability.pngStability - be sure to increase Icon stability.pngstability to +3 to mitigate the future -3 loss when declaring independence
  • 通货膨胀Inflation - loans can certainly be taken to embrace institutions and to build as many markets, barracks and workshops in future Zaporozhien land as possible, but know the level of 通货膨胀inflation will transfer to the released vassal

Lost on transfer will be any Innovativeness.pnginnovativeness, so no point pursuing such benefits.

It is extremely useful to be able to have a 1st golden age as Poland as early as possible to help win wars, develop provinces for cheaper and gain technologies quicker. Once released and playing as Zaporozhie the player will be able to have a 2nd golden age and therefore Zaporozhien Poland can in fact have two golden ages this way.

Be aware that Polish missions cannot be done twice. Even if annexed. Once Poland is reformed it continues where its predecessor left off. So be sure to keep missions with useful claims and long-term bonuses for later when the new Poland has been formed.


Before releasing  扎波罗热 be sure to insult and set to rivals all Zaporozhie's possible future supporters of its independence. Cancel all ideas and use the refunded mana to develop key provinces. Use debt to embrace institutions or try to use admin mana to boost stability to +3 (the future stability cost of declaring independence from one's liege).

On playing as a newly released  扎波罗热 be sure to do the following in order:

  1. cancel the first idea group (defensive) for some minor mana credits
  2. select 贵族理念组 Aristocratic ideas, then only after that ...
  3. take the 'Call of the Steppes' decision to enact the Sich Rada Government republic.png government reform, this will disable Aristocratic ideas (but since it has already been selected in the place of Defensive ideas it will remain unlocked) and allow Horde Government idea group.png Horde ideas (one could of course choose to be a Russian principality but this plays sub-par to Zaporozhie's unique mechanics as it does not have the military benefits of the Sich Rada and access to both Aristocratic and Horde ideas at the same time)
  4. one can therefore have both Aristocratic and Horde ideas for super powerful cavalry boosted by the Polish cavalry ideas
  5. before forming Poland use Zaporozhie 1st idea - Fast Fort Builders - for cheaper Development.pngdevelopment of any institutions or trade provinces
  6. state only Polish provinces at first, accept Polish culture and state enough Polish land to have more than 50% Polish culture and culture shift
  7. the decision to form Poland will now appear
  8. form Poland and be sure to take their more powerful ideas and traditions
  9. the mix of Catholic and Orthodox provinces allow one to easily choose either religion; either by focused development in targeted provinces before being released and hence be released as a particular religion or by using religious rebels with only a few provincial conversions needed.


The newly formed Poland built on Zaporozhie Sich Rada mechanics can make use of many unusual idea combinations.

Combining 贵族理念组 Aristocratic and Horde Government idea group.png Horde ideas to boost the already powerful Polish ideas around cavalry and military buffs like manpower make for easy conquests. These conquests allow for new land to be razed using the Sich Rada government reform mechanic generating vast quantities of mana while the same Government republic.png republican mechanics allow for even more mana by frequently having 666 rulers.

Being either Orthodox or Catholic, but specifically Orthodox, allows for the liberal use of the 'deus vult' CB from 宗教理念组 Religious ideas on the many Catholic and Sunni neighbours. It also helps to convert the diverse region to one's religion quickly in order to gain the true faith provincial bonuses.

行政理念组 Administrative ideas will help with governing capacity constraints from the quick expansion of the Polish hussar horde and 外交理念组 Diplomatic ideas will help to ally electors and ultimately dismantle the HRE as well as gaining from the war score reduction when taking so much land.


The powerful Sich Rada government reform which is unique to  扎波罗热 allows for:

  • 骑兵花费 −20% Cavalry cost
  • 骑兵作战能力 +20% Cavalry combat ability
  • 行政容量 +50 Governing capacity
  • Cavalry to infantry ratio.png +25% Cavalry to infantry ratio
  • Special unit force limit +25% Special unit force limit

As mentioned all these abilities are enhanced by:

  • Polish ideas: +5% discipline, +15% morale, +25% manpower and -0.02 monthly war exhaustion
  • Others ideas and policies to for example give unmatched cavalry combat ability of over +110% 骑兵作战能力 cavalry combat ability (a total achieved as +20% from Sich Rada, +30% from Polish 4th idea - Winged Hussars, +25% full Horde ideas, +15% Aristocratic 1st idea - Noble knights, up to +20% from a loyal 60%+ influence Cossack estate. This can further be increased to 140% by +10% Quality 3rd idea - Finest Horses, and two policies namely +10% Aristocratic-Espionage Noble Loyalty Act and +10% Horde-Espionage Psychological Warfare Act, refer Land units#Combat ability 2).

Importantly  扎波罗热 can field 100% cavalry armies as this 'all Winged Hussar & Cossack cavalry horde of the Polish Zaporozhien Republic' strategy allows the Cavalry to infantry ratio.png Cavalry to infantry ratio to be stretched to its limit, namely:

  • base +50% Cavalry to infantry ratio.png Cavalry to infantry ratio,
  • add +25% from Sich Rada,
  • add +10% from Aristocratic idea 3 - Noble Connections and
  • add +10% Horde government idea 1 - Horse-lords of the Steppes and
  • add +10% from a loyal 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks estate (max value).

This makes for a permanent +105% Cavalry to infantry ratio.png cavalry to infantry ratio for Zaporozhien Poland. Of course there is still the temporary +20% Ab cavalry armies.png Cavalry Armies ability during the 地理大发现时代 Age of Discovery.

Not only do these Zaporozhien Polish armies comprise 100% cavalry units with insane combat abilities, morale and discipline, they also comprise mostly of special unit types.

Zaporozhien Poland benefits from +25% Special unit force limit Special unit force limit from Sich Rada, enacting the Polish Tier 5 - Military Doctrines and Organization reforms called 'Cossack Registry' which allows for another +10% Special unit force limit special unit force limit and then, depending on the land given to the estate, from the 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks estate privileges "Establish the Cossacks regiments" and "Expand the Cossacks regiments" increase Special unit force limit Special unit force limit by :

[math]\displaystyle{ \text {force limit} \cdot \frac{\text{Cossack estate land share}}{2} }[/math], or :

[math]\displaystyle{ \text {force limit} \cdot {\text{Cossack estate land share}} }[/math], if both are given.

Therefore at least half of the all-cavalry armies could comprise Special unit force limit Special units of huge stacks of 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks cavalry. Cossacks can be either Infantry.png infantry or 骑兵 cavalry units but they all benefit from

  • 冲击伤害 +15% 冲击伤害.

That was the 'Smackus' part as resulting from the powerful all-cavalry armies. As to the 'Maximus' part which is all economy-based, even there  扎波罗热 excels as it:

  1. can field dirt cheap all-powerful −80% 骑兵花费 cavalry cost armies and it
  2. has easy direct access to the world's most valuable trade nodes (able to boost each trade node by +100% 贸易力量 trade power from placing it inside a trade company).

Firstly the Zaporozhien Poland cavalry armies are cheap, dirt cheap, at the maximum allowed −80% 骑兵花费 cavalry cost discount, making them even significantly cheaper than infantry:

  • −10% from Polish traditions
  • −20% from Government republic.png Sich Rada government reform (only with 哥萨克)
  • −20% from 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks estates (scales with loyalty and influence) (only with 哥萨克)
  • −33% from Horde 1st idea - Horse-lords of the Steppes
  • −20% from Aristocratic 3rd idea - Noble Resilience
  • there is still to add perhaps the Aristocratic-Economic policy of The Court of Wards and Liveries for another −10%
  • Many combinations of these cost discounts total more than −80% but be aware that Regiment cost.png regiment cost has a floor of 20% after applying the aggregate of all possible discounts

Secondly, Zaporozhien Poland's capital is based in the Eastern European subcontinent which means all the trade nodes of Western Europe - all of them - and each of the trade nodes in Anatolia and Egypt can be made into a trade company (be sure to leave the non-trade centres outside the trade companies so their production can be boosted from "nearby trade companies" bonuses).

 扎波罗热 should therefore strategically and quickly move from the Danzig trade node to set a path via Lubeck and the Baltic to the English channel. Cossack cavalries should take London early and move its main trade node there soonest. Then take all the trade nodes in the English channel, thereby connecting the upstream and downstream lines from Moscow, Novgorod, Stockholm and Lubeck to the Dutch and English home node. After this money will flow in buckets and all other expansion can feed into this stream.


  1. 谢契拉达曾用的译名是“锡奇拉达”。


伊比利亚  葡萄牙  卡斯蒂利亚  阿拉贡  纳瓦拉  阿斯图里亚斯  西班牙  格拉纳达  安达卢西亚
法兰西  法兰西  勃艮第  普罗旺斯  布列塔尼  奥尔良
低地  尼德兰  荷兰  布拉班特  乌得勒支
不列颠  英格兰  苏格兰  诺森伯兰  康沃尔  大不列颠  安茹王国  爱尔兰
北欧及波罗的  丹麦  瑞典  挪威  哥得兰  芬兰  斯堪的纳维亚  条顿骑士团  利沃尼亚骑士团  里加  普鲁士  利沃尼亚
中欧  波兰  立陶宛  波兰立陶宛联邦  匈牙利  瓦拉几亚  摩尔达维亚  罗马尼亚
北德意志  科隆  特里尔  美因茨  黑森  不伦瑞克  迪特马尔申  吕贝克  勃兰登堡  萨克森  波希米亚  威斯特伐利亚  汉诺威  波美拉尼亚  普鲁士  德意志
南德意志  奥地利  兰茨胡特  维尔茨堡  安斯巴赫  罗滕堡  普法尔茨  符腾堡  瑞士  巴伐利亚  法兰克尼亚  施瓦本  神圣罗马帝国
意大利  萨伏依  蒙费拉托  萨卢佐  热那亚  米兰  威尼斯  佛罗伦萨  教宗国  那不勒斯  意大利  撒丁-皮埃蒙特  两西西里  罗马帝国
巴尔干及安纳托利亚  克罗地亚  拉古萨  塞尔维亚  阿尔巴尼亚  拜占庭  奥斯曼  卡拉曼  詹达尔  特拉比松  伊庇鲁斯  医院骑士团  塞浦路斯  达尔马提亚  保加利亚  希腊  罗姆  拉丁帝国
东欧  莫斯科  诺夫哥罗德  梁赞  特维尔  彼尔姆  切尔尼戈夫  扎波罗热  狄奥多罗  克里米亚  大帐  喀山  格鲁吉亚  俄罗斯  鲁塞尼亚  金帐