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Winds of Change.png 变革之风
King of Kings.png 万王之王
Domination.png 霸业
Lions of the North.png 北方雄狮
Origins.png 起源
Leviathan.png 利维坦
Emperor.png 皇帝
Golden Century.png 黄金世纪
Dharma.png 达摩
Rule Britannia.png 统治吧,不列颠尼亚
Cradle of Civilization.png 文明的摇篮
Third Rome.png 第三罗马
Mandate of Heaven.png 天命
Rights of Man.png 人权
Mare Nostrum.png 我们的海
The Cossacks.png 哥萨克
Common Sense.png 常识
El Dorado.png 黄金国
Art of War.png 孙子兵法
Res Publica.png 公共事务
Wealth of Nations.png 国富论
Conquest of Paradise.png 天堂征服
EU4 icon.png 基础版本

开发者日志(英文:Developer diaries)是由Paradox官方制作,详细介绍游戏设计的文章,有时也会伴随视频日志同时公布。




编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
10 1.37 'Inca' Changelog EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 4 月 30 日 - 1.37 版本号“印加” 1.37版本“印加”及DLC变革之风的版本更新补丁日志 2024-04-30
9 Art for Winds of Change + Achievements EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 4 月 23 日 - 变革之风 DLC 美工与成就 新扩展包“变革之风”及1.37版本的美术内容展示:开局加载画面、部分任务图标、政府改革图标、兵模、顾问头像等;1.37版本新增的成就 2024-04-23
8 Winds of Change + 1.37 Free Patch & New Monuments EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 4 月 17 日 - 变革之风内容总结、1.37 免费更新和新奇观 公布新扩展包“变革之风”,总结扩展包主要特性,并展示部分1.37版本免费更新内容 2024-04-16
7 Timurids and Mughals EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 4 月 9 日 - 帖木儿和莫卧儿 帖木儿和莫卧儿的特有内容 2024-04-09
6 Tatars, Central Asia and Mongol Hordes EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 4 月 2 日 - 鞑靼、中亚和蒙古游牧 鞑靼、中亚、蒙古地区游牧国家的特有内容 2024-04-02
5 Hisn Kayfa, Hormuz, Oman, Theodoro & Trebizond EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 3 月 26 日 - 哈桑凯伊夫、霍尔木兹、阿曼、科穆宁和哥特人 哈桑凯伊夫、霍尔木兹、阿曼、特拉比松、狄奥多罗的特有内容 2024-03-26
4 Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, Germany EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 3 月 19 日 - 匈牙利、奥地利、波西米亚、德意志 匈牙利、奥地利、波希米亚、德意志的特有内容 2024-03-19
3 Venice, Italy & Netherlands EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 3 月 12 日 - 威尼斯、意大利、尼德兰 威尼斯、意大利、尼德兰的特有内容 2024-03-12
2 Aztecs, Maya and Inca EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 3 月 4 日 - 阿兹特克、玛雅和印加诸国 阿兹特克、玛雅、印加的特有内容 2024-03-05
1 Roadmap to 1.37 EU IV - 开发日志 2024 年 2 月 27 日 - 1.37 路线图 1.37版本及新扩展包的开发路线图 2024-02-27



编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
10 1.36.2 Changelog EU IV:1.36.2 补丁现已上线!校验码[e93d] 1.36.2版本更新补丁日志 2023-12-12
9 1.36.1 Changelog EU IV:1.36.1 补丁现已上线!校验码 [fab8] 1.36.1版本更新补丁日志 2023-11-14
8 1.36 'Byzantium' Changelog EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 10 月 31 日 - 1.36 版本号“拜占庭” 1.36版本“拜占庭”及DLC万王之王的版本更新补丁日志 2023-10-31
7 King of Kings Art + Achievements EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 10 月 24 日 - 万王之王美工与成就 1.36版本及新扩展包新增的美术内容:开局加载画面、部分任务图标、政府改革图标、兵模;1.36版本新增的成就 2023-10-24
6 1.36 Overview & QoL Features EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 10 月 17 日 - 万王之王内容总结、1.36 游戏质量和新奇观 总结新扩展包中的特有内容;1.36版本中的基础游戏质量更新;1.36版本新增的伟大工程 2023-10-17
5 Yemen and Arabia EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 10 月 10 日 - 也门和阿拉伯 新扩展包中拉西、也门和阿拉伯的特有内容 2023-10-10
4 Black & White Sheep // Georgia & Armenia EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 10 月 3 日 - 黑羊白羊、格鲁吉亚和亚美尼亚 新扩展包中白羊、黑羊、格鲁吉亚和亚美尼亚的特有内容 2023-10-03
3 Byzantium EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 9 月 26 日 - 拜占庭 新扩展包中拜占庭的特有内容 2023-09-26
2 The Mamluks EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 9 月 19 日 - 马穆鲁克 新扩展包中马穆鲁克的特有内容 2023-09-19
1 King of Kings announcement & Persia EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 9 月 12 日 - 万王之王 DLC 公布与波斯 扩展包“万王之王”公布;新扩展包中波斯的特有内容 2023-09-12



编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
25 1.35 Retrospective EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 7 月 11 日 - 1.35 回顾与暑假 1.35版本总结回顾 2023-07-11
24 1.35.6 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.6 补丁现已上线! 1.35.6版本更新补丁日志 2023-07-05
23 1.35.5 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.5 补丁现已上线! 1.35.5版本更新补丁日志 2023-06-27
22 1.35.4 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.4 补丁现已上线! 1.35.4版本更新补丁日志 2023-06-20
21 1.35.4 Release & History Lessons DLC EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 6 月 20 日 - 1.35.4 补丁发布与历史课程 DLC 1.35.4版本发行;DLC“历史课堂”发行 2023-06-20
20 Road to 1.35.4 EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 5 月 23 日 - 1.35.3 已知问题和1.35.4 之路 1.35.4版本更新计划 2023-05-23
19 1.35.3 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.3 补丁现已上线! 1.35.3版本更新补丁日志 2023-05-05
18 1.35.2 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.2 补丁现已上线! 1.35.2版本更新补丁日志 2023-05-04
17 1.35 Post-Release EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 4 月 25 日 - 1.35 发布后记 1.35版本更新后续支持工作 2023-04-25
16 1.35.1 Ottomans is now live! EU IV:1.35.1 补丁现已上线! 1.35.1版本更新补丁日志 2023-04-20
15 1.35 'Ottomans' Changelog EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 4 月 11 日 - 1.35版本号“奥斯曼人” 1.35版本“奥斯曼人”及DLC霸业的版本更新补丁日志 2023-04-11
14 1.35 Achievements EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 4 月 4 日 - 成就 1.35版本新增的9个新成就 2023-04-04
13 Domination Art and Unit Models EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 3 月 28 日 - 霸业兵模包 新扩展包美术展示:部分任务树图标、事件图片;新增8种兵模;新增加载画面 2023-03-28
12 1.35 Balance Changes and Usermodding Additions EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 3 月 21 日 - 平衡变化和玩家模组新增功能 1.35版本的部分平衡性改动;1.35版本新增的用户模组制作相关内容 2023-03-21
11 Government Mechanics + Free Content EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 3 月 14 日 - 特殊机制与免费内容 新增的部分政府特殊机制(包含于扩展包中),以及部分免费更新内容,如理念组、政策、政府改革、阶层特权等等 2023-03-14
10 All Blue EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 3 月 7 日 - 几大坨蓝 关于普鲁士、葡萄牙和朝鲜的新内容 2023-03-07
9 Great Britain EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 2 月 28 日 - 大不列颠 关于大不列颠的新内容 2023-02-28
8 Spain EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 2 月 14 日 - 法兰西 关于西班牙的新内容 2023-02-21
7 Empire of France EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 2 月 14 日 - 法兰西 关于法国的新内容 2023-02-14
6 Tsardom of Russia EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 2 月 7 日 - 俄罗斯 关于俄罗斯的新内容 2023-02-07
5 Shogunate of Japan EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 1 月 31 日 - 日本 关于日本的新内容 2023-01-31
4 Ottoman Empire 1.35 EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 1 月 24 日 - 奥斯曼 关于奥斯曼的新内容 2023-01-24
3 1.35 Emperor of China EU IV - 开发日志 2023 年 1 月 17 日 - 神州皇帝 关于中华大区的新内容 2023-01-17
2 Unit Pip Rebalance 1.35版本对单位点数的平衡性改动 2022-12-20
1 Roadmap to 1.35 接下来一段时期及新版本开发的路线图;理念组的调整 2022-12-13



编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
18 EU4 patch 1.34.3 Sweden is now LIVE! 1.34.3版本的更新日志 2022-09-22
18 Post Release & Norse Easter Egg EU IV - 开发日志 2022 年 9 月 20 日 - 新DLC发售和诺斯彩蛋 对北方雄狮DLC当中诺斯信仰彩蛋的介绍 2022-09-20
17 1.34 "Sweden" Changelog 1.34版本“瑞典”及DLC北方雄狮的版本更新补丁日志 2022-09-06
16 1.34 Achievements 欧陆风云4开发日志 8/9 成就 1.34版本更新中的11个新成就;新的模组制作相关内容;理念组、政策平衡性改动的新版本 2022-08-09
15 Scandinavian Unit Models 欧陆风云4开发日志 8/2 斯堪的纳维亚诸国兵模 斯堪的纳维亚及波罗的海国家兵模:挪威、丹麦、迪特马尔申、芬兰、里加、萨米、荷尔斯泰因、冰岛、拉特加尔;新版本及扩展包中的其它美术成果 2022-08-02
14 1.34 Monuments 欧陆风云4开发日志 7/26 奇观与平衡性改动 1.34版本更新中的8种新的伟大工程;理念组和政策的平衡性改动;王冠领地与政府改革进度挂钩;与行政容量相关的平衡性改动;其它改动 2022-07-26
13 1.34 AI Improvements 欧陆风云4开发日志 7/19 AI改进 1.34版本更新中对AI行为的改善 2022-07-19
12 Finland and Lübeck 欧陆风云4开发日志 7/12 芬兰和吕贝克 芬兰、吕贝克的新任务树及事件;神权制的新政府改革;其它改动和新增内容 2022-07-12
11 Gotland 欧陆风云4开发日志 7/5 哥特兰 哥得兰的新任务树及事件;与海盗共和国相关的新改动 2022-07-05
10 Commonwealth 欧陆风云4开发日志 6/28 波兰和立陶宛 波兰、立陶宛和波兰立陶宛联邦的新任务树、事件、国家理念、特有陆军单位:翼骑兵及其它特有内容 2022-06-28
9 Scandinavia 欧陆风云4开发日志 6/21 斯堪的纳维亚 斯堪的纳维亚的新任务树、事件及国家理念;瑞典卡尔步兵再平衡;君主制新政府改革(重制);共和制的新政府改革 2022-06-21
8 Norway 欧陆风云4开发日志 6/14 挪威 挪威的新任务树、事件及其它特有内容;瑞典卡尔步兵再平衡;君主制的新政府改革 2022-06-14
7 The Rise of Sweden 欧陆风云4开发日志 6/7 瑞典的崛起 瑞典的新任务树、事件、特有陆军单位(卡尔步兵)、特有雇佣兵团(芬兰轻骑兵)及其它特有内容 2022-06-07
6 Denmark 欧陆风云4开发日志 5/31 丹麦 丹麦的新任务树、事件、国家理念及其它特有内容;新的海军学说( 统治吧,不列颠尼亚 );其它改动 2022-05-31
5 1.34 Combat 欧陆风云4开发日志 5/24 陆战 1.34版本更新中对陆战机制的合理化改动 2022-05-24
4 Riga 欧陆风云4开发日志 5/17 里加 里加的新任务树、事件及其它特有内容;新的政府改革;其它改动; 2022-05-17
3 The Livonian Order 欧陆风云4开发日志 5/10 利沃尼亚骑士团 利沃尼亚骑士团的新任务树、事件及其它特有内容;新教、改革宗平衡性改动;其它改动和新增内容 2022-05-10
2 The Teutonic Order 欧陆风云4开发日志 5/3 条顿骑士团 条顿骑士团的新任务树、事件及其它特有内容;圣公宗重做 2022-05-03
1 1.34 Roadmap 欧陆风云4开发日志 4/26 1.34版本号的路线图 接下来一段时期及新版本开发的路线图 2022-04-26



1.33 版本
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
10 1.33.3 France Update Retrospective Retrospective of patch 1.33 2022-04-12
9 1.33.3 France Hotfix Patch notes of 1.33.3 2022-04-07
8 1.33 France Update is now LIVE! Release of patch 1.33 2022-03-02
7 1.33.2 France Open Beta Update Patch notes for 1.33.2 open beta 2022-02-22
6 1.33.1 Open Beta Patch Notes Patch notes for 1.33.1 open beta 2022-02-11
5 No DD today + 1.33 Open Beta feedback update 1.33 open beta feedback 2022-02-08
4 1.33 Opt-in Beta Patch now Available on Steam! Patch notes for 1.33 open beta 2022-02-01
3 1.33 Changes + Open Beta Game balance changes, script debt, and open beta 2022-02-01
2 【牧游社】1.33中的AI更新 改动AI的行为,修正陆战系统 2022-1-25
1 Happy New Year 【牧游社】新年新日志 修复漏洞,平衡机制,改进AI表现 2022-1-18
1.32 版本
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
16 1.32.2 Songhai is now LIVE! 1.32.2 Changelog 2021-11-30
15 Reflections and the Future Post-Origins plans 2021-11-16
14 1.32.1 Songhai is now LIVE! 1.32.1 Changelog 2021-11-15
13 1.32 Songhai is now LIVE! Release of 1.32 2021-11-11
12 Achievements, Monuments & Balance New achievements, balance, and performance discussion 2021-11-09
11 1.32 Songhai Changelog Changelog of 1.32 2021-11-04
10 The 'Art of Africa' Theory New unit models for Origins and new advisor icons for Leviathan 2021-11-02
9 Judaism & Other African Changes New mechanics for Judaism and new missions, events and content for sub-Saharan African nations 2021-10-26
8.5 Balance Update for the Upcoming Content Various balance changes regarding content shown in previous developer diaries 2021-10-21
8 New Missions: Mutapa and Kilwa Mission trees and events for Kilwa and Mutapa. New formable nations in Africa and one in the Middle East. New estate privileges for Fetishist, Muslim, and Christian nations 2021-10-19
7 New Monuments The addition of 52 new monuments, with an example for every continent 2021-10-13
6 New Missions: Kongo New mission tree and events for Kongo. Missions and ideas for Adal. Terrain and climate changes for the Horn of Africa. Cawa units and estate changes for Ethiopia. 2021-10-05
5 Rebalancing Concentrate Development, Institutions, and More Changes on how institutions work, balance changes for Catholic Curia powers, concentrate development, favors, migration cooldowns, and a new native tribes reform 2021-09-28
4 New Missions: Ajuuraan and Ethiopia Mission trees, mechanics and events for Ajuuraan and Ethiopia 2021-09-21
3.5 EU4, No Mapchanges and Whys Reasons for the freeze on map changes 2021-09-14
3 New Missions: Songhai Mission tree for Songhai 2021-09-14
2 New Missions: Mali Mission tree for Mali 2021-09-07
1 State of the game, metrics and future plans Metrics, state of the game and roadmap 2021-08-24



1.31 版本
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 South East Asia 【牧游社】大陆东南亚重做 即将到来的1.31版本中对东南亚地区的更新;中南半岛国家、省份的改动,文化组的调整;新的可成立国家:暹罗 2020-07-07
2 Maritime South East Asia 【牧游社】海岛东南亚重做 马来半岛以及马来群岛国家、省份的改动;新的商品:丁香;可成立国家马来亚的改动 2020-07-14
3 Ayutthaya 【牧游社】阿瑜陀耶重做 阿瑜陀耶的改动:国家理念、任务树、新的事件和灾难 2020-07-21
4 Java 【牧游社】满者伯夷重做 满者伯夷的改动:专有灾难、任务树、特殊宣战理由、国家理念;朝贡国机制将对所有中华科技组国家可用 2020-07-28
5 Khmer 【牧游社】高棉重做 高棉的改动:专有灾难、任务树;新的阶层特权 2020-08-04
6 Brunei, Malacca, and Aceh 【牧游社】文莱、马六甲和亚齐 马六甲、亚齐和文莱的改动:国家理念、任务树、特殊宣战理由;新的阶层特权 2020-08-11
7 Vietnam 【牧游社】越南重做 大越的改动:专有灾难、任务树;新的政府改革;东南亚各文化再次调整;占婆的任务树 2020-08-18
8 Pegu and More 【牧游社】大陆东南亚小国重做 勃固的任务树、趣味事件;新政府改革;东南亚贸易节点调整;其它东南亚国家任务树 2020-08-25
9 Lan Xang and Sunda 【牧游社】澜沧和巽他 澜沧、巽他等国的任务树;暹罗、马来亚的国家理念;兰芳公司(开发者评论) 2020-09-01
10 North American Natives 【牧游社】北美土著重做概览 北美原住民部落改动;迁徙机制重做;部落领土(Tribal lands);土著改革机制将整合至政府改革机制 2020-09-08
11 North American Goverment Reforms 【牧游社】北美土著的政府改革与建筑 北美原住民部落的政府改革;部落建筑改动;部落发展度 2020-09-15
12 Federations & North America Setup 【牧游社】部落联盟改动与新的北美设定 部落联盟机制改动;北美洲开局地图改动:省份改动、大量新的可游玩国家 2020-09-22
13 Paradox Tinto 【牧游社】新的工作室 介绍EU4开发组中的新团队“Paradox Tinto”,工作室位于巴塞罗那,由Johan领导;新的理念组:游牧理念、神权理念、原住民理念 2020-09-22
14 Naval Rebalance 【牧游社】海军再平衡 海军改动:水手、桨帆船、接战宽度相关数值调整;海军将领将有独立上限;海军陆战队平衡性改动;其它 2020-10-06
15 Favors 【牧游社】人情机制改动 1.31版本将有伴随发行的扩展包;人情机制改动:人情的获得方式及其用途将有改动 2020-10-13
16 Sikh & Zoroastrian 【牧游社】锡克教与琐罗亚斯德教 锡克教添加特有的上师Gurus事件,每个上师都会为锡克教添加自己独有的修正;为祆教新增机制:圣礼Rituals,该机制基于科普特教的牧首祝福机制,每恢复一个圣地就会获得相应的修正。 2020-10-20
17 Governing Capacity & UI 【牧游社】行政容量与界面改动 建筑界面可以看到建筑对行政容量的影响;新机制:扩大基础设施,在一个发展度不低于15的省份,你可以通过“扩大其基础设施”来在该省份多建造一个建筑和一个工厂,但是这会使该省份的行政花费增加200。 2020-10-27
18 Survey Results 【牧游社】秋季调查报告与小改动 2020-11-03
19 Totemism 【牧游社】图腾崇拜与锡克教 2020-11-10
20 First Nation Missions 【牧游社】美洲先民任务树 2020-11-17
21 More Missions 【牧游社】北美原住民更多改动 2020-11-24
22 Grandest LAN Post Mortem 【牧游社】联机大赛回顾 2020-12-01
23 The Philippines 【牧游社】菲律宾的新内容 2020-12-15
24 Polynesia 【牧游社】波利尼西亚 波利尼西亚的省份细化;新增新西兰原住民国家;萨摩耶和汤加群岛和国家;波利尼西亚文化通用任务树和独特任务树。 2021-01-12
25 Regencies 【牧游社】继承人、摄政和阶层 新版本中移除了摄政议会并用阶层摄政Estate Regencies替代了它,摄政期间里不再损失正统性; 2021-01-19
26 North American Tags 【牧游社】北美原住民更多改动(二) 2021-01-26
27 Draft Transports 【牧游社】财阀制政府和征用运输船 在1.31版本号中,财阀政府将获得商人共和国的贸易站和贸易联盟机制;新的征用运输船功能将可以以较为廉价的成本快速的获取运输船。 2021-02-02
28 Monuments 【牧游社】奇观 介绍了新的机制:奇观,为游戏中添加了已经存在的和可以新建的奇观;奇观特有的模型“国家奇观National Monuments”装饰DLC; 2021-02-09
29 Australia 【牧游社】澳洲重做 扩充了澳大利亚的省份,新增了澳洲原住民国家和相对应的国家理念,以及大利亚土著宗教阿尔彻灵迦Alcheringa。 2021-02-16
30 Concentrate Development 【牧游社】集中发展度 介绍了新机制:集中发展度;新的和平条约:掠夺首都 2021-02-23
31 Centralize States 2021-03-03
32 Colonial Nations 2021-03-09
33 Favors 2021-03-30
34 War Canoes & Unit Renders 2021-04-06
35 1.31 Changelog 2021-04-20


所有和DLC 皇帝(英文:Emperor)、1.30版本(奥地利)相关的开发者日志。

编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 A look at this year and the future 【牧游社】年终总结与未来展望 对于2018年的总结,对论坛玩家反馈的回复,以及之后的开发计划:弥补技术债务、提升基础游戏质量、开发关于欧洲的大型扩展包 2018-12-18
2 Dev Diaries to resume soon! 【牧游社】西线无日志 开发组从假期返工;邀请论坛玩家向未来的开发者日志提出建议 2019-01-08
3 Jake is back and talking about the future 【牧游社】反馈与画饼 DDRJake谈及1.28版本补丁以及未来的新扩展包,并对一些玩家的提议作出反馈 2019-01-15
4 Thoughts on bugfix patch 1.28.3 【牧游社】反馈与画饼Ⅱ 1.28.3版本补丁将包括的修复内容;继续对一些玩家的提议作出反馈 2019-01-22
5 France & Italy 【牧游社】法国和意大利的地图细化设想 未来欧洲更新中对法兰西及意大利地区省份细化的初步想法 2019-02-26
6 The Balkan Map 【牧游社】巴尔干地区的地图细化设想 未来欧洲更新中对巴尔干地区省份细化的初步想法 2019-03-05
7 The German Map 【牧游社】德意志地图细化设想 未来欧洲更新中对德意志地区省份细化的初步想法 2019-03-12
8 Missions! 【牧游社】任务树系统回顾与前瞻 关于任务树系统的回顾;未来欧洲更新中可能新增的任务树 2019-03-19
9 Mercenaries 【牧游社】雇佣兵机制改动设想 目前雇佣兵系统的一些问题;未来对于雇佣兵系统进行改动的设想和目标 2019-03-26
10 Estates - Past, Present and Future 【牧游社】阶层系统改动设想 目前阶层系统的一些问题;未来对于阶层系统进行改动的设想和目标 2019-04-02
11 Tech Debt 【牧游社】游戏技术债清理 对于游戏中一些技术债的清理和改进 2019-04-09
12 Quality of Life 【牧游社】来自内部的基础游戏质量建议 一些可能的基础游戏质量改进,基于Paradox Interactive内部一些玩家和开发者的建议 2019-04-16
13 Custom Nations 【牧游社】自定义国家改动杂谈 对于自定义国家可能进行的改进的设想;继续对一些玩家的提议作出反馈 2019-04-23
14 The HRE, The Pope and the 4K 【牧游社】神罗系统与天主教改动的设想 继续对一些玩家的提议作出反馈;UI缩放与4K画质;对于神圣罗马帝国、天主教和教廷系统进行改动的初步想法 2019-04-30
15 Three Hurrahs for Germany 【牧游社】德意志地图改动 德意志地区(未包含奥地利)的大规模省份细化和新可用国家;关于巴伐利亚重归统一的历史事件;德意志文化改动 2019-05-07
16 German Missions 【牧游社】德意志国家的新任务树 一些德意志国家(未包含奥地利)的新任务树 2019-05-14
17 Italian Map Changes 【牧游社】意大利地图改动 意大利地区的省份细化;新的可成立国家:两西西里 2019-05-21
18 Italian Missions 【牧游社】意大利国家的新任务树 意大利国家的新任务树;与意大利国家有关的政府改革、动态事件等新内容 2019-05-28
19 France and the Low Countries 【牧游社】法兰西地图改动 法兰西地区省份细化;法兰西的附庸国使其开局时呈现去中央集权化;低地地区省份改动 2019-06-04
20 French Region Missions 【牧游社】法兰西和低地国家的新任务树 法兰西、普罗旺斯、低地国家的新任务树;三种独裁性质的新政府改革 2019-06-11
21 Austria & Balkans Map Updates! 【牧游社】巴尔干和奥地利地图改动 巴尔干地区及奥地利的省份细化和新可用国家 2019-06-18
22 Austria, Serbia and Crusader States Missions! 【牧游社】奥地利和巴尔干国家的新任务树 奥地利、塞尔维亚的新任务树;关于十字军孑余小国的新内容 2019-06-25
23 Patch Announcement and Content Teases! 【牧游社】开发计划变动 推迟发布关于欧洲的内容更新及DLC 2019-07-02
24 Naples 【牧游社】那不勒斯重做 关于那不勒斯的新内容 2019-07-09
25 HRE electors 【牧游社】神罗选帝侯的新内容 教权选帝侯的全新独立理念;教权选帝侯、帝国内的神权国以及普法尔茨的新任务树;其它新内容 2019-07-16
26 Hungary 【牧游社】匈牙利的改动与新任务树 新的佩斯贸易节点;匈牙利的新任务树以及关于黑军的新内容 2019-07-23
27 Savoy 【牧游社】萨伏依的内容改动 新的巴伦西亚贸易节点;关于萨伏依的新内容 2019-07-30
28 Mercenary Companies 【牧游社】雇佣兵系统重做 雇佣兵系统重做:雇佣兵团系统 2019-08-06
29 Estates Overhaul 【牧游社】阶层系统重做 阶层系统重做:阶层不再与单个省份挂钩;王室领地;阶层特权 2019-08-13
30 Strengthening The Pope In Rome 【牧游社】教廷机制改动 关于天主教和教廷的新内容:教廷金库;教宗诏书;其它相关内容 2019-08-20
31 HRE Reforms 【牧游社】神罗改革与帝国事件 神圣罗马帝国机制改动:新的帝国改革;帝国事件;帝国事件机制下关于勃艮第继承危机的改动 2019-10-01
32 Imperial Incidents 【牧游社】新的帝国事件 新的帝国事件:在普鲁士的国王和大农民战争 2019-10-08
33 Farewell From Jake 【牧游社】来自Jake的告别 前EU4游戏总监Jake "DDRJake" Leiper-Ritchie的道别 2019-10-11
34 More Imperial Incidents 【牧游社】新的帝国事件其二 新的帝国事件:尼德兰起义和影子王国 2019-10-15
35 Polish Days 【牧游社】捉虫子与AI改进 Bug修正和一些游戏内容改进 2019-10-29
36 Quality of Life 【牧游社】批量建造与和谈改进 一些基础游戏质量改进 2019-11-05
37 Vive La Révolution 【牧游社】革命万岁! 革命机制大规模重做;关于勃艮第继承危机的细节 2019-12-03
38 I'm back! Johan Andersson再次担任EU4游戏总监, 与Henrik "Groogy" Hansson等游戏内容设计师继续共事 2019-12-12
39 A Small Christmas Teaser 【牧游社】圣诞节预告小日志 关于海军陆战队和岸防的新内容 2019-12-19
40 Huge Balance Changes 【牧游社】大量平衡性改动 关于行政管理、贸易公司、海军的大规模重做;行政容量;新的神权政体政府改革;其它新政府改革;其它新内容 2020-01-14
41 More Quality of Life 【牧游社】基础游戏质量更新 更多的基础游戏质量改进 2020-01-28
42 Hegemonies 新的霸权机制 2020-02-04
Hegemonies - Version II 【牧游社】霸权 经过调整的霸权机制。经论坛玩家反馈后迅速进行了修改
43 Defender of the Faith Updates 【牧游社】信仰守护者重做 关于信仰守护者的新机制和内容;激发叛乱的新机制 2020-02-11
44 Even More Quality of Life 【牧游社】更多基础游戏质量改进 更多的基础游戏质量改进 2020-02-18
45 Mercenary Companies 【牧游社】雇佣兵团的新改动 关于雇佣兵团新机制的具体内容;雇佣兵人力;其它相关内容 2020-02-25
46 The Kingdom of God 【牧游社】天主之国 天主之国、哈里发国和其它改动 2020-03-03
47 Estates V2 【牧游社】阶层系统与阶层特权 新阶层系统的具体内容:王室领地和阶层领地占比;阶层议会;阶层特权;其它相关内容 2020-03-10
48 Italian & Papal Missions 【牧游社】教宗国与意大利任务树 教宗国和意大利的新任务树 2020-03-17
49 The Catholic Faith 【牧游社】天主教信仰改动 关于天主教的改动:教廷系统的新机制;反宗教改革与特利腾大公会议 2020-03-24
50 The Holy Roman Empire 【牧游社】神圣罗马帝国 神圣罗马帝国机制改动:新帝国改革的具体内容;帝国事件;其它关于神圣罗马帝国的重要平衡性改动 2020-03-31
51 Governing Capacity and Industrialization 【牧游社】行政容量、政府改革进度与工业化思潮 切换同级政府改革改为花费政府改革进度;扩大行政部门:花费改革进度以扩大行政容量;新的思潮:工业化 2020-04-07
52 Imperial Incidents 【牧游社】帝国事件及帝国界面 新的帝国事件:汉萨同盟的衰落和改革宗诸侯抗议;对大农民战争的修改;关于美工和用户界面设计的内容展示 2020-04-14
53 Nation Designer & Revolutionary Mehanics 【牧游社】国家设计器和革命卫队 在创建自定义国家时可以选择兵模;革命狂热的改动;革命卫队及其升级决议 2020-04-21
54 Bohemia & The Hussites 【牧游社】胡斯派与波西米亚任务树 胡斯派及相关新内容;波希米亚的新任务树 2020-04-28
55 Burgundy 【牧游社】勃艮第继承与任务树 勃艮第的新任务树;新的可成立国家:洛泰林吉亚(洛泰尔);勃艮第继承危机重做的细节 2020-05-05
56 Germany and Lübeck Missions 【牧游社】德意志和吕贝克任务树 德意志/神圣罗马帝国和吕贝克的新任务树;重建汉萨同盟 2020-05-12
57 Emperor Achievements 【牧游社】皇帝拓展包成就 1.30版本及皇帝扩展包的新成就 2020-05-19
58 Leftover Scraps 【牧游社】剩余杂项 部分此前尚未提及的新特性:与法兰西附庸国相关的阶层特权、对驱逐少数族群的改动等等 2020-05-26
59 1.30 Austria Update




1.30版本“奥地利”及皇帝扩展包的更新日志;1.30版本可用的新兵模 2020-06-02
60 1.30.1 Changelog 【牧游社】1.30.1版本号奥地利更新 1.30.1版本的更新日志;9日9:00(欧洲中部时间)将直接发布1.30.1补丁 2020-06-09
61 1.30.2 Changelog 【牧游社】1.30.2版本号和1.30.3版本号更新 1.30.2版本的更新日志 2020-06-16
62 1.30.3 Changelog 【牧游社】1.30.2版本号和1.30.3版本号更新 1.30.3版本的更新日志 2020-06-23
63 1.30.4 Changelog 1.30.4版本的更新日志 2020-09-09



编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 西班牙与北非地图变化 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 西班牙与北非地图变化 neondt 介绍大家翘首以盼的伊比利亚和北非地区地图更新 2018-10-09
2 军队AI和脚本编辑 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 军队AI和脚本编辑 mikesc介绍新的AI军事战术机制和mod脚本编辑功能 2018-10-16
3 教团机制、驱逐少数族群与美洲殖民地区重做 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 教团机制、驱逐少数族群与美洲殖民地区重做 Establishing Holy Orders, Expulsion of Minorities, new provinces and colonial regions . 2018-10-23
4 理念组与传教费用平衡性变动 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 理念组与传教费用平衡性变动 Portuguese Marines and Flagships with some rebalancing of idea groups. 2018-10-30
5 伊比利亚国家新理念与任务树 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 伊比利亚国家新理念与任务树 为伊比利亚国家设置新的任务和理念组 2018-11-06
6 Maghreb nations New focus on content for the nations of the Maghreb and Catholic Iberia. 2018-11-13
7 海盗国家与海军改动 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志 海盗国家与海军改动 Pirate Republic government type and mechanics. 2018-11-20
8 Content pack Eye candy stuff by DDRJake. 2018-11-27
9 Achievements and the feedback process New achievements and addressing player feedback 2018-12-04
10 Golden Century Feedback & Changes Integration of older DLC mechanics into the base game 2018-12-06
11 Patchnotes for 1.28 Update A sneak peek at Golden Century's and update 1.28 patch notes 2018-12-10
12 A look at this year and the future A summary of the year, about forum suggestion, and the road ahead 2018-12-18
13 Thoughts on bugfix patch 1.28.3 Highlights from the bugfix patch and some more user suggestions 2019-01-22
14 Upcoming 1.28.3 patch changelog Changelog for the 1.28.3 bugfix patch and information on monthly free trials for DLC 2019-01-29
15 A short update Review of 1.28.3, end of Mandate of Heaven free trial and EU4 upgrading to 64-bit in next update 2019-02-05
16 Fantastic Bits and where to find them Promised dev diary explaining results of upgrading to 64-bit 2019-02-19

1.29 版本(满洲)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
17 The Manchu - 1.29 Free Update Changes to Manchuria, Ming, and much of East Asia 2019-08-27
18 Manchus, Mongols, Missions and Maps A closer look at the changes in Manchuria and Mongolia 2019-09-03
19 Final Manchu Update Japan, Korea, Central Asia and Everything Else 2019-09-10
20 The Manchu Update Release notes for the 1.29 Manchu update 2019-09-16
21 Launching the new launcher! The Paradox launcher to be added to EU4 2019-09-16
22 Post Manchu Update Feedback on the 1.29 Manchu update 2019-09-24



1.26 版本(莫卧儿)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 政府改革 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-新的政体机制与政府改革 DDRJake,EU4的游戏总监,谈论在下个版本中会加入的全新政府改革系统。 2018-04-03
2 共和国改革 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-政府改革之共和政体 DDRJake 延续上一篇日志的内容,展示共和国的政府改革。 2018-04-10
3 神权政体和部落政体 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-政府改革-神权政体和部落政体 展示在下个扩展中政府系统变化的第三篇日志。 2018-04-17
4 印度地区地图更新 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-南印度重做 展示印度地区中新加入的省份和可玩国家。 2018-04-24
5 北印度地区地图更新 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-北印度重做 第二篇开发日志讲述印度地图变化 - 这次是北半部分。 2018-05-01
6 缅甸、孟加拉和西藏 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-缅甸、孟加拉和西藏 东南亚地区的地图改变,包括缅甸、孟加拉和西藏。 2018-05-08
7 莫卧儿迪万和特许贸易公司 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-莫卧儿新政府机制与特许贸易公司 莫卧儿的文化同化机制,和特许贸易公司帮助殖民国家在世界各地取得立足点。 2018-05-15
8 阶级系统的改变和新增内容 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-印度阶级与哥萨克政府 现在免费的阶级系统的内容变化,达摩扩展包新增的阶级,以及哥萨克DLC拥有者可用的新政府机制。 2018-05-22
9 印度和俄罗斯任务树 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-印度和俄罗斯国家的任务树 为拥有达摩扩展包的玩家准备的印度国家任务树,以及为拥有第三罗马沉浸包的玩家准备的莫斯科、诺夫哥罗德和俄罗斯小国的任务树。 2018-05-29
10 特许贸易公司投资和政策系统重做 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-贸易公司投资和政策系统重做 使得特许贸易公司对所有利益相关方来说更有价值,同时重做了政策系统使其更加有用。 2018-06-05
11 停战地图模式和镇压叛军 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-停战地图模式和自动平叛机制变更 增加一种显示停战条约的地图模式,同时更新了自动平叛机制。 2018-06-12
12 1.26版本号莫卧儿更新的音频 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-达摩扩展包中的音频 Franco "Audiomancer" Freda,Paradox的音效设计师,将EU4的音频效果强化以符合时下的标准。 2018-06-19
13 省份定居增长与藐视性侮辱 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-增加省份定居与藐视性侮辱 利用殖民者增加省份定居,与新的藐视性侮辱机制。 2018-06-26
14 气候,天气与大象 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-气候,天气与大象 天气地图模式,对冬天和地形的改动,以及新的印度骑兵兵模。 2018-07-03
15 新的可成立国家! 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-印度诸国的新理念组 新的可成立国家与其国家理念。 2018-07-10
16 多人游戏和印度围城图像 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-多人游戏组队和印度围城界面 联机可组队和印度围城的新界面。 2018-07-17
17 平衡性改动与孟加拉国家理念 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-平衡性改动与孟加拉国家理念 目前在1.26版本号中对现存机制做出的一系列平衡性改变。 2018-07-24
18 贸易中心机制 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-贸易中心重做 更有深度的贸易中心管理。 2018-07-31
19 更多国家理念 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-新的任务树与国家理念 更多关注达摩和第三罗马中的新任务树和国家理念。 2018-08-07
20 达摩内容包 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-达摩内容包 在达摩内容包中为你带来大象兵模。 2018-08-14
21 新的成就 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-1.26版本号的新成就 2018-08-21
22 改动总览 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-新版本机制改动总结 2018-08-28
23 莫卧儿更新补丁日志 【牧游社】欧陆风云4开发日志-1.26版本号更新日志 1.26版本号莫卧儿补丁更新前瞻 2018-09-04
24 Final Post-Dharma Dev Diary Post-release support including a hotfix list 2018-09-11
1.27 版本(波兰)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
25 The 1.27 "Poland" update 1/2 More flavor in the Polish regions, new NIs, event chains and some more government reforms/types. 2018-09-18
26 The 1.27 "Poland" update 2/2 Final dev diary for the upcoming 1.27 Poland Update. 2018-09-25
27 Poland Update and Moving Forward DDRJake, EU4's game director, on the upcoming hotfix and teasing focus of the future Immersion Pack and patch 1.28. 2018-10-02


以下是所有关于统治吧,不列颠尼亚(英文:Rule Britannia)与1.25版本(代号:英格兰)的日志。

编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 2018和欧陆风云4 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-产品经理与沉浸包 Firebolt,EU4的产品经理,沉浸包,和2018年EU4的计划 。 2018-01-09
2 英吉利海峡两岸 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-从爱尔兰到勃艮第
Trin Tragula,EU4的内容设计师,介绍英吉利海峡两岸的地图变化。 2018-01-16
3 重做任务系统 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-新任务树系统
DDRjake,EU4的游戏总监,和重做的任务系统。 2018-01-23
4 英国国教与工业化 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-安立甘宗和工业化
不列颠岛上出现一个专属的天主教派和后期资源的出现。 2018-01-30
5 革新度与知识分享 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-创新度和知识分享
“统治吧,不列颠尼亚”沉浸包中会为科技发展方面带来的新特色 2018-02-06
6 不列颠群岛国家的理念和独特任务树 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-英伦三岛的任务树
为不列颠群岛国家增加了大量独特的任务树和国家理念;以及Mikesc讲如何去修改或新增任务 2018-02-13
7 贸易转向、海军学说和低地国家 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-操控贸易、海军学说与低地国家
新的外交和议和选项, 新的海军职能和 Friesland, Gelre和Aachen的新国家理念 2018-02-20
8 海军AI改进和爱尔兰理念 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-海军AI改进与爱尔兰理念
处理问题并解决更多爱尔兰国家的海军ai和国家理念 2018-02-27
9 兵模 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-兵模预览
艺术家卡尔波德在扩展包内为爱尔兰附属国家,苏格兰,不列颠尼亚制作了3D兵模和反叛军旗帜 2018-03-06
10 新成就 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-脑洞时刻:新的成就 1.25版本中新加入的可解锁成就列表 2018-03-13
11 英格兰更新 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-1.25版本号更新日志 英格兰更新的更新日志 2018-03-19
12 计划中的热修复 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-抓虫子与下一个扩展包 将会在1.25.1版本中修复的bug列表 2018-03-27


所有关于文明的摇篮扩展包和1.23 版本(波斯)、1.24 版本(日本)的开发者日志。

1.23 版本(波斯)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 Near East Facelift Changes in the Arabia and Egypt regions for update 1.23 2017-08-01
2 Anatolia and the Caucasus Map and general setup changes coming for the Caucasus and Anatolia regions as part of the 1.23 patch 2017-08-08
3 The Greater Iranian Region Changes in the Persian super-region and new trade goods to be introduced in patch 1.23 2017-08-15
4 Army Drills A partial overview of the new setup of trade goods and a peek at the new Army drill mechanic 2017-08-22
5 Army Professionalism Armies get expanded upon with a new professionalism level while marching into more "modern" times 2017-08-29
6 Trade Policies 2017.9.5开发日志-贸易政策 Use trade policies to promote profiteering, espionage, diplomacy and religion propagation. 2017-09-05
7 Islam and Piety 【2017.9.12】开发日志 Islam changes move piety between the Mysticism/Legalism extremes and introduces the Muslim Schools of Law. 2017-09-12
8 Tribal Allegiance New government mechanics for Tribal Federations infuse changes to the Turkmen sheep nations in the Middle East. 2017-09-19
9 The Persia Update 【2018.9.26】波斯 A closer look on the changes at the Persian region and introduction of the new Feudal Theocracy government 2017-09-26
10 Ottomans Extended 【开发日志】10月3日--罗姆苏丹国 Restoring the Sultanate of Rûm gains access to the Ottoman Government, itself extended with Pashas and Jannisaries 2017-10-03
11 Mamluks and Iqta Government Description of the new Mamluk Government and changes to the Iqta government form 2017-10-10
12 开局界面,传教士和模组 10月17日开发日志 开局会显示国家的情况,传教士可以帮附庸传教,Groogy为制作模组更简单而做的事情 2017-10-17
13 Military tidbits and AI updates A military mixed-bag of features along with parting words from Gnivom, EU4's AI programmer, accompanied by an overview of future AI improvements and any AI cheats present in 1.23 2017-10-24
14 MP streamlined MP gets several issues sorted with 1.23 - expect a more smooth experience. 2017-10-31
15 Additions and achievements Achievements for patch 1.23 revealed along with the last features of the Cradle of Civilization expansion. 2017-11-07
16 Persia Update Patch Notes 1.23补丁日志 A sneak preview of the 1.23 Persia patch notes 2017-11-14
17 Post Release Patch Post release bug-support in the short term and and some planned enhancements in the mid-term 2017-11-21
1.24 版本(日本)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
18 日本和菲律宾 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-日本与菲律宾
重做菲律宾并且在日本新加部分省份和国家 2017-11-28
19 游戏优化和平衡 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-变法、捉虫与平衡性修正
后期游戏性能优化和平衡,陆军移动速度的改变和陆军职业化 2017-12-05
20 Japan Update Changelog 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-1.24版本号日本更新 Changelog for the 1.24 Japan update. 2017-12-12
21 2017圣诞总结 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-The 2017 Christmas Wrapper 2017回顾与总结 2017-12-19


所有关于第三罗马扩展包和1.22 版本(俄罗斯)的开发者日志。

编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 历史研究 Trin Tragula, EU4's content designer, on the process of historical research done with EU4 and its expansions 2017-05-02
2 Bonus Development Diary Sneak peek at features for 1.22, including Press Sailors subject interaction and changes for blockades, marches, Aristocracy ideas and Buddhism 2017-05-05
3 The Russian Principalities Trin Tragula, EU4's content designer, reveals setup changes in the Greater Russian region coming in 1.22 2017-05-09
4 俄罗斯与哥萨克的改变 给俄罗斯地区的新政体和能力,以及对老DLC的更新 2017-05-16
5 沙皇国 【开发日志】沙皇毛国的新功能(2017.5.23) 新政体与新能力 2017-05-23
6 Icons and Metropolitans Jake elaborates on the expanded mechanics for the followers of the Orthodox faith 2017-05-30
7 Custom Nation Designer and Achievements Jake explains the novelties in the nation designer and introduces new achivements (from his balcony) 2017-06-06
8 Third Rome Update The Third Rome (1.22) changelog 2017-06-13
9 Changing of the Guard Anna "Anona" Norrevik on changes within the team and introduction of the new project lead Linda "Fogbound" Tiger 2017-06-20
10 EU4的音效 David,声音设计师,the sound designer, on complementing the EU4 interface with the right sound effects 2017-06-27


所有关于天命扩展包、1.20 版本(大明)和1.21 版本(匈牙利)的开发者日志。

1.20 版本(大明)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 星星点点 仅仅发布一个补丁:减慢时间 2016-11-29
2 荒废和繁荣 省份新的特性 2016-12-06
3 欧陆风云时代系统 时代、黄金时代与地理大发现时代 下一个扩展包将会带来一个称为时代的系统 2016-12-13
4 2016总结 2016回顾和一个关于2017的小小片头 2016-12-20
5 改革时代 宗教改革时代 第二个时代改革时代的详细回顾 2017-01-10
6 专制主义时代 绝对专制主义时代以及专制机制 专制主义是一个新的机制,随着补丁免费增加 2017-01-17
7 革命时代 启蒙运动后的革命 2017-01-24
8 满洲旗兵 满洲八旗 2017-01-31
9 行省法令 新的行省界面和互动 2017-02-07
10 日本 2月14日开发日志 对日本的更改,一个重制的幕府政体和新的大名附庸互动 2017-02-14
11 朝贡国 东方文明新的附庸类型 2017-02-21
12 中华帝国 大明和天命 2017-02-28
13 儒家思想 天命将会重做儒教 2017-03-07
14 神道教 神道教新的机制和理念 2017-03-14
15 The Diplomatic Macro Builder 天命对外交行动做出了巨大提升 2017-03-21
16 Breaching that Wall New Breach mechanic, Bankruptcy changes and various UI improvements 2017-03-28
17 Big Bonus One! Details on the changes in the 1.20 (aka Ming) patch accompanying the Mandate of Heaven expansion 2017-03-31
18 Ming Update The Ming Update (1.20) changelog preview 2017-04-04
1.21 版本(匈牙利)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
19 Sailors and Yuan in 1.21 Let's sneak an early peak at 1.21 2017-04-11
20 Hungary and Bohemia The Hungary update will bring some new things to Hungary 2017-04-18
21 The 1.21 Hungary Update is coming The 1.21 Hungary Update Changelog 2017-04-25


所有关于人权扩展包、1.18 版本(普鲁士)和1.19 版本(丹麦)的开发者日志。

1.18 版本(普鲁士)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 未来 EU4 开发日志 5月12日 - 12th of May 2016 我们对此游戏的未来有哪些期待? 2016-05-12
2 DLC制作 DLC作者关于DLC制作进程的解释 2016-05-19
3 科技组 EU4开发日志 5月26日- 26th of May 2016-科技系统重大革新! 科技组及科技发展的改动 2016-05-26
4 文化 【朋友船是膜法翻译组】EUIV6月2日开发日志 1.18版本中“接受文化”机制的改动 2016-06-02
5 列强 下个扩展包中将引入列强机制 2016-06-09
6 统治者个性 下个扩展包将为统治者增加其个性 2016-06-16
7 奥斯曼苏丹 奥斯曼获得了一些独特的增益 2016-06-23
8 将领个性 【朋友船是膜法翻译组】EUIV 7月1日开发日志 陆海军将领的将领个性介绍 2016-06-30
9 科普特圣地 【秒蛤种子翻译组】8月4日开发日志-科普特崛起 科普特正教新的圣地机制 2016-08-04
10 垂帘听政 【拍照要插袋翻译组】8月11日开发日志 摄政机制改变:摄政时期宣战以及太后摄政 2016-08-11
11 Cults 【拍照要插袋翻译组】8月18日开发日志 Cults are coming to the Fetishists in the next expansion 2016-08-18
12 附庸国互动 【生命的六十分之一翻译组】8月25日开发日志 附庸国增加新军事行动焦点以及新的互动项目 2016-08-25
13 普鲁士君主制 【民有民治民享翻译组】9月1日EU4开发日志 普鲁士君主制,取消继承人的继承权,放弃联合统治,贬值和加强政府 2016-09-01
14 革命共和国 【民有民治民享翻译组】9月8日开发日志-革命共和国机制 革命共和政体加入新派系] 2016-09-08
15 阵亡统计&小地图改进 9.15开发日志——与游戏机制无关的可视化小改动 战争结束时显示阵亡统计,小地图可显示敌我单位 2016-09-15
16 1.18 updates older expansions 【民有民治民享翻译组】9月22日开发日志 1.18 brings some overhauls to old expansion features 2016-09-22
17 1.18平衡性改进 A look at the most important balance changes with a quick explanation on why they were made 2016-09-27
18 总结和概要 【民有民治民享翻译组】10月4日开发日志,新成就 Last 1.18 teasers: an addition to El Dorado, launcher improvements, 20 new achievements and new national ideas 2016-10-04
1.19 版本(丹麦)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
19 Post Release Evaluation What the team like best with Rights of Man + 1.19 teaser 2016-10-18
20 Denmark 1.19, aka Denmark, brings enhancements to Scandinavian nations and more rules for AI/player replacement (in MP) 2016-10-25
21 要塞的控制区 要塞和其它 Changes to Fort ZoC in 1.19 and some other things 2016-11-01
22 界面改动 界面改动 “丹麦”(1.19)更新包附带的界面改动 2016-11-08
23 新增的兵膜 艺术家来了 Carlos与玩家分享为什么他想重做原版的兵膜 2016-11-15
24 1.19 Beta Feedback We've reverted the Fort Zone of Control changes planned for 1.19 2016-11-22


所有关于我们的海扩展包、1.16 版本1.17 版本的开发者日志。

1.16 版本
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 Map Changes Map changes in Ireland and Hungary, Culture changes in Europe and Middle East 2016-01-28
2 Naval Reforms Changes to naval aspects (introduction of sailors) 2016-02-04
3 Espionage Rework Spy networks 2016-02-11
4 Africa Rework New nations and ideas in Africa 2016-02-18
5 Territories, States and Corruption Overseas mechanic rework and introduction of Corruption 2016-02-25
6 Trade leagues Trade leagues and changes to mercantilism 2016-03-03
7 Naval missions Three new naval missions and changes in naval combat and naval leader pips 2016-03-10
8 Condottieri Condottieri - rent out armies to other nations 2016-03-17
9 Unconditional Surrender Unconditional surrender and map sharing 2016-03-24
10 Timeline and Achievements Achievements, timeline, Roman Empire formation, new country ideas 2016-03-31
11 Mare Nostrum The goal with Mare Nostrum 2016-04-14
1.17 版本
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
12 The Team Meet the team and get some preview information on bugfixing patch 1.17 2016-04-21
13 Espionage 1.17 and changes to espionage ideas and fabricating claims 2016-04-28


所有关于哥萨克扩展包、1.14 版本1.15 版本的开发者日志。

1.14 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 A Whole Random New World Announcement of Random New World remake that will be available for all CoP owners. 2015-07-09
2 Future Nation Designer Improvements Upcoming improvements for Nation Designer including option to save a nation template. 2015-08-14
3 Victory Cards Announcement of the new Victory Cards system, which will help to gain score in multiplayer. 2015-08-27
4 Areas and Regions New divisions of the map into areas, regions and super regions. Regional naming for enclaves and overseas areas. Coloring of the wasteland provinces for dominant nations. 2015-09-10
5 Ironman and Achievements Ironman and Achievements Rework, Capital Development Discount, Revanchism 2015-09-17
6 Steppe Hordes Horde Unity, Razing, Tengri, Horde Units, Returning and Selling Provinces 2015-09-24
7 Estates Estates system representing internal politics 2015-10-01
8 Advanced Culture Change, Mercenaries and Naming your Heir Cultures, naming Heirs, Mercenaries and Blocking Canals 2015-10-08
9 Native Policies and Colonial Wars Policies for colonies, colonial wars and the conceding of colonial areas in peace deals 2015-10-15
10 Diplomatic Feedback Provinces of interest, attitude, trust and favors, and calling allies 2015-10-22
11 Convenience and interface improvements Building directly to armies, constructing in subjects, country view improvements, and macrobuilder improvements 2015-10-29
12 Espionage, Spoils of War and Fort's Zone of Control New espionage actions, distribution of spoils of war, changes in fort's zone of control, and permanent claims 2015-11-05
13 Threaten war and grants cores, claims and provinces New diplomatic actions for threatening war and granting land to subjects 2015-11-12
14 New free features Colonial trade goods, Cultural unions, Multiplayer changes and Achievement browser 2015-11-19
15 Random New World II Random New World, Provinces and Scenarios, Dynamic Trade Nodes, Dynamic Naming 2015-11-26
1.15 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
16 Paradox Pricing Policy Information about the process used to determine price of expansion 2015-12-03
17 Bugfixing and balance Changes to Estates, Diplomatic feedback and Elective Monarchy 2016-01-07
18 Balance and UI Improvements Changes to Hordes, Spread of Discoveries and UI Improvements 2016-01-14


所有关于常识扩展包、1.12 版本1.13 版本的开发者日志。

1.12 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Tall and Wide development Province development characteristic (base tax, base manpower, base production) and new building system. 2015-03-27
2 Parliament and English Monarchy New government form called English Monarchy. Parliament a new mechanic for constitutional monarchies and constitutional republics. 2015-04-02
3 Warfare New mechanics for war, including fort overhauls, new looting mechanics, forcelimit changes, and committed armies. 2015-04-09
4 Theocracies and Government Ranks New devotion system, unique mechanic for theocracies. New government ranks affecting government bonuses and national focus. 2015-04-16
5 Free Cities of the HRE Free Cities of the Holy Roman Empire, Remove Electorate, Pause Westernisation, Retire Advisor permanently. 2015-04-23
6 Religions New mechanism for Protestantism and Buddhism religions. 2015-04-30
7 Peace New diplomatic actions, new peace options. 2015-05-07
8 HRE and Achievements Revamped authority and reform mechanics for Holy Roman Empire, new achievements. 2015-05-15
9 Subject Interaction (part 1) New interaction with vassals, marches and personal unions. 2015-05-21
10 Subject Interaction (part 2) New interaction with colonial nations and protectorates. 2015-05-28
11 Technology, Gold, Maps... A bit of everything! Changes to technology, economy, forts and provinces in Europe. 2015-06-04
1.13 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
12 Unavoidable Technical Problems Patch notes for 1.12.1 hotfix. Developer explanation of unavoidable technical problems with release major patches. 2015-06-11
13 Mistakes of the Past Descriptions of problems with old features: random new world, hotjoin, high altitude lakes. 2015-06-18
14 National Ideas Addition of several missing national ideas planned for patch 1.13. 2015-06-25
15 Design process Information about how the new features for the game are designed. 2015-07-02
16 Loading Screens List of the existing loading screen, with the announcement of two new ones (Jan Sobieski and Maurice of Nassau). 2015-08-20


编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Square no more... Shows the region of Prussia with the not square Memel province. 2015-04-22
2 Local Patriotism New culture split for Italy region. 2015-04-29
3 Balkan Borders Changes in the province borders of the Balkan area. 2015-04-29
4 Frozen Rocks in the Atlantic Sea Tiles changes allowing claims on the Faroe Islands. 2015-05-04
5 Eastern Europe Eastern Europe and Poland. 2015-05-06
6 Germans Map showing all German cultures. 2015-05-13
7 New Revolter Tags Diplomacy Screens of four new revolter tag nations. 2015-05-13
8 Western Mediterranean Changes in the provinces in the Iberia, Italy and North Africa. 2015-05-20
9 Forts Preview Presentation of 3D models that will be used to represent fort buildings. 2015-05-25
10 Trade Routes of Europe Trade map of Europe with few changes to trade nodes. 2015-05-27
11 Mighty Sultanate of Hormuz View of Hormuz with province screen of Yazd. 2015-05-27
12 Something with more Meath on it The Earldom of Meath 2015-05-27
13 Religions of the East New religion setup for the East Asia. 2015-06-03


所有关于黄金国扩展包、1.10版本1.11 版本的开发者日志。

1.10 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Nahuatl, Exploration & Treaty of Tordesillas The mechanics of the new Nahuatl religion, changes to how naval exploration works, and the addition of a system to simulate how the New World was historically divided between Spain and Portugal 2015-01-22
2 The Nation Designer Introduction to the nation designer which enables customized nations. 2015-01-29
3 Inti, Maya and Liberty Desire Introduction to the Inti and Maya religions, and the changes made to liberty desire. 2015-02-05
4 Seven Cities of Gold and Colonial Merchants Changes to land exploration, caravan power - a new mechanic for inland trade and dynamic historical events for South- and Mesoamericans. 2015-02-12
5 Treasure fleets and pirate hunting New treasure fleet mechanic and its associated pirate hunting mechanic, and changes to terrain 2015-02-19
1.11 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
6 Dynamic Random Nations teaser Dynamic random nations mode, that creates custom countries instead of using historical ones. 2015-03-04


所有关于孙子兵法扩展包、1.8 版本1.9 版本的开发者日志。

1.8 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Fleets, Autonomy & India A detailed dev diary of the third major expansion 2014-08-22
2 Marches, Unrest & Persia Second dev diary about vassals, revolts, and Persian map 2014-08-29
3 Military Cooperation, Tradegoods & West Africa Third dev diary about directing allies in war, new trade goods, and West African map changes 2014-09-05
4 Army Builder, Rebel Relocation and China Fourth dev diary about army management, rebels on islands, and East Asian map changes 2014-09-12
5 Diplomacy, Catholics and Southeast Asia & Indonesia Fifth dev diary about diplomacy, revamping the Curia, and map changes to Indochina and Indonesia 2014-09-19
6 Client States, Allied Transports and Central Asia Sixth dev diary about custom client states, allied transports, improved battle displays, and the remapping of Central Asia & Siberia. 2014-09-26
7 Religious Leagues, The Reformation and the Near East Seventh dev diary about the new HRE and reformation mechanics, and map changes in the Near East 2014-10-03
8 Sorties, Terrain and the Maghreb Eighth dev diary about the new sortie and terrain mechanics, abandoning idea groups and cores, the change from a supply-and-demand trade system, and map changes in the Maghreb 2014-10-10
9 Revolutions, 1618 Bookmark and North America Ninth dev diary about the French Revolution and revolutions in other countries, the 30 Years War bookmark, new historical events and the map changes in North America 2014-10-17
10 Achievements, Auto Transport and South America Tenth dev diary about automated fleet transport, miscellaneous mechanics changes, new achievements and the map changes in South America, East Africa and south Russia 2014-10-24
1.9 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
11 New Achievements Information about 20 new achievements that will be added in the patch, mostly focusing on countries that currently lack of unique achievements. 2014-11-28
12 Disasters, New Ideas and Other Free Features New disasters system and the idea groups added in the patch. 2014-12-05

1.8 版本里发布的国家理念列表。

编号 Nations and Links 日期
1 Provence 2014-10-09
2 Mogadishu 2014-10-10
3 Trebizond 2014-10-11
4 Georgia 2014-10-12
5 Majapahit & Sunda, Afghanistan, Wallachia 2014-10-13
6 Croatia, Cyprus, Navarra 2014-10-14
7 Aztecs, Dahomey, Kanem Bornu 2014-10-15
8 Theodoro, Silesia, Danzig 2014-10-16
9 Krakow, Ajuuraan, Ryazan, Tver 2014-10-17
10 Yaroslavl, Pskov, Tarasca 2014-10-18
11 Smolensk, Bosnia, Moldavia, Air 2014-10-19
12 Mossi & Yatenga, Sokoto, Moldavia 2014-10-20
13 Montenegro, Romania, Athens, Gotland 2014-10-21
14 Finland, Albania, Polotsk, Perm 2014-10-22
15 Mughals & Timurids, Ashanti, Mapuche, Inca 2014-10-23
N/A England, Castile, Portugal, Austria (changes) 2014-10-23
16 Chimu, Muisca, Chachapoya, Teutonic Order, Bulgaria 2014-10-24
17 Kiev, Naxos, Tapuia, Pomerania, Kazan 2014-10-25
18 Armenia, Wales, Hausan, Guarani, Charrua 2014-10-26
19 Circassia, Lan Xang, Khiva, Bahmanis, Habsan, Jaunpur, Hamburg 2014-10-27
20 Client State, West African, Andean, Aymaran, Tupi 2014-10-28
21 Ruthenian, Caucasian, Central Indic, Pacific Northwestern, Sumatran, Swahili, Guajiro, Siberian, Mesoamerican 2014-10-29


所有关于公共事务迷你扩展包、1.7 版本的开发者日志。

编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Merchant Republics / National Focus New governmental mechanics 2014-06-26
2 Dutch Republic & Ideas Dutch factions added & 3 new ideagroups 2014-07-03
3 Elective Monarchy & Rivals Elective Monarchy explained & changes to rival mechanics 2014-07-10


所有关于国富论扩展包、1.6 版本的开发者日志。

编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 General Information Introduction & design goals 2014-03-20
2 Trade Improvements New trade mechanics 2014-03-27
3 Naval Improvement New naval mechanics 2014-04-03
4 Companies and Canals Trade company mechanics & buildable canals 2014-04-10
5 Religion New religion mechanics 2014-04-17
6 Improved Diplomacy New rival system & trade related CBs 2014-04-24
7 Free Features #1 Lots of features expanded in the 1.6 patch 2014-05-06
8 Free Features #2 Interface improvements (esp. Macro Build Interface) 2014-05-08
9 Policies & Ideas & More Policies added & expanded climate mechanics 2014-05-15
10 Balance Changes Changes and improvements to mechanics and balance in 1.6 patch 2014-05-22


所有关于征服天堂扩展包、1.4 版本1.5 版本的开发者日志。

1.4 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Finding Paradise Introduction & design goals 2013-11-04
2 Exploring a new world American continent randomization 2013-11-08
3 The Tribes New North American native countries 2013-11-15
4 American Progression New tech system for Native Americans 2013-11-22
5 A new way of playing Migrations & federations 2013-11-29
6 Colonial nations Semi-independent colonies 2013-12-06
7 Colonial Diplomacy Colonial diplomatic rules 2013-12-13
8 Liberty! Colonial independence mechanics 2013-12-20
9 Random free stuff! Features included with patch 1.4 2014-01-10
1.5 版本
编号 原文链接 描述 日期
10 Post Mortem diary Post-release thoughts on CoP 2014-03-03



编号 原文链接 描述 日期
0 Our Vision Design goals 2012-08-31
1 The world is at your feet Map of the world: interface consideration for province shapes, projection, colors, terrain, seasons, etc. 2012-09-07
2 The purge & all cards on the table Purging outdated systems and new design ideas 2012-09-14
3 Your envoys are awaiting your orders! Envoys: diplomats, missionaries, merchants and colonists 2012-09-21
4 Your Economy is about to change Income, expenses, stability, no "minting" (as in EUIII), Loans 2012-09-28
N/A The 3 tiers... Discussion of the different tiers of countries, and a listing of which countries fall into each tier; the tier of the country determines the amount of developer focus on national events, features and mechanics. 2012-10-03
5 The Return of the Kings Rulers, monarchs and power, heirs, advisors 2012-10-04
6 Do you have any idea about it? Idea groups, national ideas, and ideas interface 2012-10-12
7 And did those feet in ancient time.... England and dynamic historical events: War of the Roses and English Civil War, War of Captain Jenkin's Ear and The Muscovy Trade Company; plus national ideas, missions and decisions 2012-10-19
8 With God on Your Side? Religion: unique abilities for Catholic, Orthodox, Sunni & Shia, religious unity now visible, and new religion interface 2012-10-26
9 It's a rich man's world... Trade system: trade nodes, merchants, trade power, trade mission, supply and demand, trade efficiency, trade range, trade steering, trade income, and mercantilism 2012-11-02
10 It all belongs to Mother Russia... Russia: strategic possibilities, dynamic historical events (Time of Troubles, Grand Embassy for westernization), missions and decisions, national ideas; army tradition and navy tradition changes 2012-11-09
11 The Cost & Reward for Technology Technology investment and cost, administrative, diplomatic and military technologies defined. Plus a related video developer diary. 2012-11-16
12 Dominium Maris Baltici Sweden: strategic possibilities, dynamic historical events (The Dacke Feud and French Wars of Religion), missions, decisions, national ideas; plus stability changes from EUIII 2012-11-23
13 FREEEDOM! Rebels, their causes and mitigation: stability, government types, war exhaustion, and overextension 2012-11-30
14 Nobody expects the... Spain: strategic possibilities, events, missions, decisions, and national ideas; plus details on cultural conversion. 2012-12-07
15 Et tu Brute? Milan: strategic possibilities, dynamic historical events (Ambrosian Republic, national ideas, and republican tradition as an analogous mechanism for legitimacy for monarchies 2012-12-14
16 Vive la France! France: strategic possibilities, national missions, decisions and ideas; also brief notes on harsh treatment to curtail revolts and army morale recovery. 2013-01-11
17 Honey, don't you want to talk about it? Diplomacy: new diplomatic interface, opinions and rivals 2013-01-18
18 Sail away with me! Portugal: events, missions, decisions, ideas, and a detail on colonization 2013-01-25
18 Part II - Colonisation Clarification Colonization 2013-01-26
19 War has never been so much fun... Shattering armies, disorganization, combat interface, combat width, flanking, supply limits, attrition, manpower, reinforcement changes, maintenance cost increases. Plus a video: the World Map Trailer. 2013-02-08
20 A Tale of Two Cities The republics of Venice, Genoa, and a link to a video interview of Thomas "Besuchov" Johansson, project lead at Europa Universalis IV. 2013-02-15
21 Leaders & Mercenaries Land units, naval units, leaders, mercenaries; plus a link to an article at Strategy Informer: Paradox Hands-On Special: Master Class 2013-03-01
22 A.E.I.O.U Austria: strategic possibilities, dynamic historical events (The Italian Wars, Privilegium Maius), missions, decisions and national ideas; plus Holy Roman Empire improvements (diplomacy, reforms, elections and wars within the empire) 2013-03-08
23 Tell me sweet little lies... Coalitions, relations (improve relations and insults, overextension and coring provinces. 2013-03-15
24 Heir of Rome Ottoman Empire: strategic possibilities, events (including a series of events for the provincial system and the Janissaries), national ideas; plus a feature on Westernization 2013-03-22
25 Anna Karenina Wargoals, peace options, peace interface; plus April Fool's: "EUIV, The Musical!" (songs to download and a video) 2013-04-05
26 A smoke and a pancake? A look at Burgundy and the Low Countries 2013-04-11
27 An offer you can't refuse Spy ideas and diplomatic covert actions: fabricate claim, infiltrate administration, sow discontent, sabotage reputation, support rebels, and changes to rebels. 2013-04-18
28 A Kinderegg! Three in one! Scotland, The Hansa, and the Reformation 2013-04-26
29 For the Horde! Province interface and the Hordes of Central Asia: Steppe Nomad government type, separate technology group, automatic casus belli against neighbors, 50% damage modifier for fighting on plains and grasslands terrain and, aside from the Timurids, a set of national ideas; video link to the call to arms 2013-05-03
30 Four more countries and even more... The Mamelukes, Persia, Timurids, Oman; video link to the call to arms. 2013-05-10
31 A Point of Honor Japan: Daimyos and the Shogunate, unification, events, ideas; plus a discussion of the new scoring system. Plus links to the call to arms and to download the songs of the EUIV musical. 2013-05-17
32 The more the merrier! Multiplayer changes, including new networking code, hotjoining, matchmaking, standalone servers, improved chat, and AI takeover (of players who drop out). There is also a video link to the "EUIV musical" "Casus Belli". 2013-05-24
33 Go East! Ming China: The Mandate of Heaven, faction system, national events and ideas; plus debts and loans. Link to the Casus Belli music video. 2013-05-31
34 Unit interfaces and more Changes to unitview, and the need for military power (MP) for special actions. Also a note on forced march and Berber culture national ideas. 2013-06-07
35 Alt for Norge! Denmark, Norway, and a brief look at sieges 2013-06-14
36 Hot States in the Holy Roman Empire Quick look at the start positions and national ideas of Brandenburg, Bavaria, and Bohemia. 2013-06-20
37 Aragon, Naples and Korea National ideas for Aragon, Naples and Korea 2013-06-28
38 Ayutthaya, Viyanagar & Muslim Sultanates A look at the national ideas major powers in the Indian subcontinent: Ayutthaya, Viyanagar and the Indian Sultanates. 2013-07-05
39 Divine Tactics Fleet basing rights, enforce peace, and Christian Theocracies 2013-07-12
40 What is our mission? Missions, decisions, achievements and Ironman mode. Plus links to the initial videos of an England game play-through by Quill18. 2013-07-19
41 What we all waited for! National ideas of central Europe: Poland, Lithuania, Hungary 2013-07-26
42 The Crusader Kings II Converter Article and video developer diary of how the Europa Universalis 4 Save Converter DLC will work. Saved games will be brought in as a mod. 2013-07-31
43 Artificially Improved Changes to the Artificial Intelligence (AI), detailing how it makes decisions based on its attitudes for alliances and coalitions, and how it handles its armies in wartime. There is also a brief look at how AI difficulty and handicapping can be set. 2013-08-01
44 Newbie Friendly Describes changes to the ledger, hints system, production interface, tutorial 2013-08-01
45 A very small development diary Demo will be released by the end of the week (10 August 2013); the game will be released on 13 August 2013 at 9 AM Eastern Standard Time (3 PM Swedish time). 2013-08-05



编号 原文链接 描述 日期
1 Developer Walkthrough Thomas Johansson, project lead for Europa Universalis IV shows off this new game from Paradox Interactive. 2012-11-09
2 Technology changes shown off. 2013-02-13
3 Religion delved into in detail 2013-07-01
4 Exploration developer diary from Thomas Johansson about how to colonize as an option for more nimble powers. 2013-07-15
5 Warfare Project Lead Thomas Johansson describes the nuances of war strategy. A Guide to Conquering Nations the Old-fashioned Way. 2013-07-25
6 Converter Tool Highlights How the Crusader Kings II-to-EUIV converter DLC will work. Saved games will be brought in as a mod. 2013-07-31
7 Conquest of Paradise Livestream Highlights Project Lead Thomas sits down with Matt to discus the first expansion for Europa Universalis IV. 2013-11-08
8 Conquest of Paradise - Native Americans Studio Manager Johan Andersson speaks about the new features in the upcoming expansion, Conquest of Paradise. This DD focuses on the expanded gameplay and mechanics for the Native American tribes, including new nations, unique buildings, and nomadic peoples 2013-12-12
9 The History of Historical Strategy Highlighting the studio's humble beginnings with its adaptation of Europa Universalis from the tabletop to the desktop, this short film goes on to examine the team responsible for such titles as the Hearts of Iron and Crusader Kings series. Games both old and new are shared from the designers' perspective, including a look at what's next for Paradox Development Studio -- their first RPG, Runemaster. 2014-04-30
10 Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations Video Developer Diary #1 Project Lead Thomas Johansson talk about the features of the upcoming Europa Universalis IV-expansion "Wealth of Nations", which focuses on trade and how to make the wealth of the world flow into your coffers. 2014-05-16
11 Paradox Live 0010 - The Art of War Europa Universalis IV, The Art of War is coming, lets sit down with Martin and talk about it. 2014-09-13
12 The Art of War - Feature Highlights We sat down with Wiz to talk about the upcoming expansion for Europa Universalis IV, The Art of War. 2014-09-23
13 Europa Universalis IV: Art of War Video Developer Diary Martin "Wiz" Anward, Project Lead for Europa Universalis IV, explains some of the new tools available to players as they march to war. Learn about new diplomatic options, the new powers of rebels and other notable changes. 2014-10-10
14 The Art of War - Features 2 Highlights There's smoke on the horizon, war is brewing. So here's the highlights for the Art of War to get you up to speed on the mechanics in this expansion. 2014-10-20
15 The Art of War - Feature 3 Highlights We needed to do a third feature presentation for the Art of War to cover the final bits that we needed to cover. 2014-10-29
16 Paradox Live 0017 - A reply to Arumba Earlier this week, Arumba posted a video about how to improve Europa Universalis IV in twelve minor ways. The video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAHCRTSGdLw 2014-11-27
17 Paradox Live 0018 - EUIV Patch 1.9 and free features We're working on the 1.9 patch for EUIV, this patch includes both bug fixes and a content update. 2014-12-04
18 El Dorado - Feature Spotlight Project Lead Martin Anward describes the new mechanics for Central and South American native states, including three new religions that promise to challenge even the most experienced desktop monarchs. Anward also goes into great detail on the Nation Designer and alternate starting maps that will be available for the first time in Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado. 2015-02-24
19 Common Sense - Feature Spotlight In this video, Project Lead Martin Anward gives us his insights of the expansion. 2015-06-04
20 Cossacks - Feature Spotlight Paradox Walks You Through Major Improvements 2015-11-24
21 Mare Nostrum #1 - Map Changes & Trade Leagues DDRJake and BjörnB cover some of the new content in Mare Nostrum 2016-03-08
22 Mare Nostrum #2 - New Ideas & Timeline DDRJake and BjörnB cover some of the new content in Mare Nostrum 2016-03-15
23 Mare Nostrum #3 - Condottieri DDRJake covers some of the new content in Mare Nostrum 2016-03-22
24 Mare Nostrum - Feature Spotlight Johan Andersson goes over the features in the coming EU4 expansion, Mare Nostrum 2016-03-23
25 Mare Nostrum #4 - Kuba Luba DDRJake and BjörnB play-test Mare Nostrum as Luba in the new regions added to Africa 2016-03-29
26 Mare Nostrum #5 - Countdown to Launch DDRJake play-tests some of the new content in Mare Nostrum just before release 2016-04-05
27 Rights of Man #1 - Reveal Stream Johan Andersson and cKnoor reveal the next expansion for EU4 at GamesCom 2016-08-19
28 Rights of Man #2 - Institutions, Tech & more Johan Andersson and DDRJake on the overhauled technology system in EU4 2016-08-31
29 Rights of Man #3 - Queens, Regencies & more DDRJake expands on queens and reworked regency system 2016-09-07
30 Rights of Man #4 - Great Powers, Subjects & more DDRJake explains advantages of being a great power and improvements to subjects 2016-09-14
31 Rights of Man #5 - Leader traits, Copts & more Johan Andersson and DDRJake on military traits and unique co-op like mechanics for Coptic religion 2016-09-21
32 Rights of Man - Feature Spotlight Johan Andersson goes over the features in the coming EU4 expansion, Rights of Man 2016-10-07
33 Mandate of Heaven #1 - Empire of China, Tributaries & Manchu Banners DDRJake goes over the China region and the new mechanics added there 2017-03-14
34 Mandate of Heaven #2 - Ages DDRJake and Johan Andersson and the separation of time in EU4 1.20 2017-03-21
35 Mandate of Heaven #3 - Diplomatic Macro-Builder DDRJake on the Quality of life improvement that is the Diplomatic Macro-Builder 2017-03-24
36 Mandate of Heaven #4 - Japan DDRJake goes over the mechanic changes done in the Japanese region 2017-03-28
37 Mandate of Heaven - Feature Spotlight Jake Leiper goes over the features in the coming EU4 expansion, Mandate of Heaven 2017-03-30
38 Third Rome - Feature Stream Jake demonstrates the features in the upcoming EU4 immersion pack, Third Rome 2017-05-30
39 Cradle of Civilization - Feature Spotlight Jake Leiper details the features in the upcoming Cradle of Civilization expansion and the 1.23 Persia update 2017-10-24
40 Rule Britannia - First Look Jake Leiper with a first look at EU4's Rule Britannia immersion pack and the 1.25 England update 2018-02-06
41 Rule Britannia - What's New? Jake Leiper with more details on the upcoming features of Rule Britannia and the 1.25 England patch 2018-02-27
42 PDXCon 2018 - Past, Present, and Future of EU4 Jake Leiper-Ritchie, Game Director of EU4, talks about the Past, the Present, and the Future of EU4. 2018-05-20
43 Dharma - Feature Spotlight Jake Leiper goes over the new features and changes coming in the Dharma expansion and the 1.26 Mughals update 2018-09-04
44 Golden Century - First Look Jake and Rodrigue with a short look at the new Golden Century immersion pack 2018-11-21
45 Manchu 1.29 - What's New? DDRJake and neondt go over all the details in the free 1.29 Manchu update 2019-09-17
