1.10 版本

Winds of Change.png 变革之风
King of Kings.png 万王之王
Domination.png 霸业
Lions of the North.png 北方雄狮
Origins.png 起源
Leviathan.png 利维坦
Emperor.png 皇帝
Golden Century.png 黄金世纪
Dharma.png 达摩
Rule Britannia.png 统治吧,不列颠尼亚
Cradle of Civilization.png 文明的摇篮
Third Rome.png 第三罗马
Mandate of Heaven.png 天命
Rights of Man.png 人权
Mare Nostrum.png 我们的海
The Cossacks.png 哥萨克
Common Sense.png 常识
El Dorado.png 黄金国
Art of War.png 孙子兵法
Res Publica.png 公共事务
Wealth of Nations.png 国富论
Conquest of Paradise.png 天堂征服
EU4 icon.png 基础版本

1.10 版本是黄金国的补丁于2015-02-26发布.[1]


  • 为纳瓦特尔,因蒂和玛雅宗教增加了宗教改革系统。 这些宗教中的每一种都有5种改革,只要达到一定条件就可以通过。 通过所有5项改革并与西方国家接壤后,该国可以改革其宗教信仰,这使该国在技术上与该西方国家并驾齐驱,并禁用了诸如毁灭战士和权威之类的特殊宗教机制。 即使在改革后,改革奖励也将永久保留。
  • 增加玛雅轮回机制。玛雅宗教崇拜国家可以通过快速扩张来通过改革,但每通过一次改革国家领土就会缩小,而每次改革都会使领土在缩小时保留得更多。
  • 增加因蒂权威机制。因蒂教崇拜国家将拥有权威点数,该点数可随国家大小而呈正比变化,通过使用权威点数国家可以启动一系列宗教改革。每通过一次改革将导致一次内战,如果玩家在内战中失败,则两项改革将被取消。
  • 增加了纳瓦特尔末日机制。拥有纳瓦特尔宗教的非附庸国家的末日值将根据其体量大小而趋向于100,如果达到100,他们将失去所有君主点数,统治者和继承人去世,所有臣民都将自由挣扎,国家由0/0/0的新君接管。他们可以进行宗教改革,每一项改革都使末日增长变慢
  • 新增了玛雅人,因蒂崇拜和纳瓦特尔宗教的事件
  • 现在可以在游戏过程中单击“自定义国家”按钮来创建一个完全自定义的国家。 您可以设置自定义国家的起始位置,省份,文化,宗教,政府,统治王朝,国家理念等。 单人和多人游戏最多支持32个自定义国家。
  • 增加行省基础税收与基础人力的自定义设置选项。当游戏世界中只有自建国且未进行殖民或者只有随机生成的国家的条件下,玩家可以选择随机或者统一设置行省的基础税收与基础人力。
  • 殖民附属国将无法从金矿获得的黄金中获得效益加成,转而其将对黄金进行积累,每当积累到一定程度的时候,附庸国将把黄金以宝藏船的形式运输到宗主国。非友方私掠舰队可以从贸易路线中偷取部分黄金,其偷取的多少取决于私掠能力。
  • 大型殖民附庸国(10个行省及以上)可以提供一个商人。
  • 由重型和轻型船组成的舰队可以打击贸易节点中的海盗,最高可以降低99%的私掠效率,打击私掠效率的能力取决于贸易节点中双方的火炮比例。
  • 托德西利亚斯条约:在殖民地建立第一个殖民附庸国的天主教国家将获得在这个地区的殖民加成,相反其他在这个地区殖民的天主教国家将获得殖民惩罚。
  • 玩家可以选择把在殖民地的探险家(conquistador)设置成“寻找黄金七城”的选项,这个选项可以使探险家自动探索和开拓周边地图去寻找传说中的“黄金七城的宝藏”。
  • 在外交科技等级至少9的条件下,玩家可以选择一支拥有航海家的舰队去执行环球航行的选项,该航线将从麦哲伦海峡开始到好望角结束。如果航行成功,玩家国家将成为第一个完成环球航行的国家并获得100点威望。
  • 玩家可以将拥有航海家的舰队设置成自动探索选项,该选项将使舰队自动探索未知海域和海岸。
  • 在黄金国DLC开启的条件下,玩家仍可以选择舰队的私掠选项,即使国富论DLC没有开启。
  • 在黄金国DLC开启的条件下,玩家仍可以选择支持独立的外交选项,即使天堂征服DLC没有开启。


  • 多人模式:更快的存档转换器。
  • 增加许多南美和中美国家的新的动态历史事件。
  • 增加因蒂,纳瓦特尔和玛雅宗教。
  • 多人模式的自动存档有个“mp”前缀所以多人模式的自动存档将不会覆盖玩家的单人模式的自动存档。
  • 现在瑞典的达克叛乱是一个灾难而不是事件链。
  • 增加新的灾难“禁卫军的堕落”到奥斯曼帝国,这个灾难将更替部分老的禁卫军事件链。享受一个没有叛乱的灾难吧。
  • 所有附属国对于宗主国都有独立倾向,独立倾向水平和一系列因素有关比如附属国和宗主国的相对实力,厌战度和关税等。独立倾向的水平决定了附属国对于宗主国的态度,当独立倾向>50,附属国将拒绝交税和出兵参加战争,而当独立倾向=100时,附属国很可能向宗主国发动独立战争。
  • 革命国家标志将呈现动态的三色图案。
  • 为了反应真实情况,地形进行了大修(比如伊利比亚半岛不再都是沙漠等)。现在一个行省的地形应该更加贴合现实地形。
  • 增加4个新地形:干旱地,大草原,高地和农田。
  • 增加10个新成就!



  • 玩家对于自己行省的宣称将不再过期直到该行省成为玩家的核心行省。
  • 各事件中的集权度和放权度修正项将影响自治度而非收入。
  • 原始国家行省被征服后将不会出现发达文明的民族主义的宣战理由。
  • 被殖民的行省(无论正在殖民还是殖民结束)将不再增加过度扩张值。
  • 非核心行省将不再增加军队上限。


  • 玩家将不再因为有一个固定的首都而无法改变首都。


  • 如果行省在两个殖民附庸国的行省之中的可以卖给该附庸国。


  • 主动断绝和仇敌的联姻将不再降低稳定度。


  • 降低发现新行省后的威望获取。


  • 玩家可以加入一个宗教联盟即使玩家和神罗皇帝有停战协议。


  • 知识转移将从革新理念组中移除。
  • 灵活宫廷将增加到革新理念组中。
  • 贵族理念:贵族官僚不再是+1冲击而是-1%陆军传统和-1%海军传统。
  • 经济理念:集权统治不再是顾问池+1而是-0.05自治度/月。
  • 一些理念可以减少雇佣兵花费。
  • 一些理念可以减少消除厌战度的花费。
  • 完全解锁进攻理念将给予+2.5%军队士气恢复的加成。
  • 如果玩家选择的某种理念组种类(行政/外交/军事)占目前选择的50%以上,玩家将不能继续选择该种类的理念组。


  • 探险家和航海家平均能力点将比将军和提督少。


  • 现在其中一种方式解决宗教争端需要完全解锁人文理念组,而不是选择这个理念组之后可以马上放弃这个理念组就可以解决的。
  • 天主教且非教皇国附属国的国家将受到“占领罗马”的惩罚在占领罗马之后。
  • 天主教且还没成立意大利的国家将受到外交声誉惩罚在附庸教皇国之后。
  • 意大利在占领罗马时候将不受到惩罚。


  • 篡位者不再增加占领行省的自治度。
  • 波兰大贵族叛军将作为新的叛军种类代替波兰普通的贵族叛军,他们将更强且执意于选皇制。
  • 排他主义叛军将在没有经济理念组开启的情况下出现。
  • 爱国主义叛军将会把占领行省变节为附属国的行省。
  • 附属国拥有变节的行省将极大增加其独立倾向。
  • 叛军将对行省实际拥有者呈敌对状态而非当前行省控制者(但仍然会对当前控制者控制之下的目标行省进行围城)。


  • 革命和“渴望自由”灾难将不会在附属国中发生。


  • 原始国家判定将不再基于宗教而是当国家某项科技组惩罚达到100%及以上时则判定为原始国家。
  • 原始国家科技组将不再允许其制造船只。
  • 强行军功能将不再从国家理念中获得而是从9级行政科技中解锁。


  • 内陆贸易机制进行了修改:增加了商队力量。这个贸易增益取决于两种贸易节点的基础税收:1.本国的内陆贸易节点 2.其他有本国商人在将贸易引导向内陆的贸易节点,并且这些节点同时也收到该增益的影响。这个增益取代了一系列之前内陆贸易节点和向内陆节点贸易转移的修正。
  • 贸易公司将给所在地区传教力量-2%的惩罚。这个设定是对他们可以无视在非接受文化地区传教力量惩罚的一种补充。


  • 军事通行权将不会对没有参加战争的盟友自动开放。
  • 他国的军事通行权也会对本国自动开放如果该国给予战争敌国军事通行权。
  • 在没有开启"探索新世界”理念的条件下无法进行航海探索。
  • 军队可以撤退到任何被战争盟友控制的行省中。


  • 可以将占领的行省转移给其他国家如果该国家的附属国控制的行省与预转移的行省接壤。



  • 可以自主提升和降低自治度。


  • 将会有惩罚去结盟宿敌的盟友(更难结盟)。
  • 将不会有惩罚去结盟多个列强(更容易结盟)。
  • 将会加入包围网如果现存的包围网足够大或者有其他足够多的国家有意加入这个包围网对包围网目标有机会进行挑战。
  • 对于其附庸国与AI接壤的宗主国,AI将减少对其消极的态度。
  • 困难程度的AI现在将更加不愿意与态度中立的国家结盟。
  • AI将更加不愿意授予他国军事通行权如果该国与AI的盟友处于交战状态。
  • 如果AI有一个强大的宗主国,它将不再愿意授予其他强国军事通行权。
  • 将把相对实力作为首要标准去判定是否授予军事通行权。


  • 皇帝将更不愿意达成停战协议如果处于神圣罗马帝国的防御战争状态。
  • 在开始宗教战争之前,AI将会等待一段时间这样玩家将有机会加入。
  • 帝国选帝侯将更愿意投票给宗教派系的领导当宗教战争以对立宗教派系取胜的形式而结束。


  • 将根据AI行为进行更多样的理念组挑选如果AI_USES_HISTORICAL_IDEA_GROUPS该指令设置为0或者游戏是自定义/随机模式。
  • 将不再选择贸易理念组除非AI拥有至少6个行省或者是商业共和国。
  • 葡萄牙将先挑选扩张理念后选择宗教理念。
  • 中华文化组国家将不再选择扩张理念。


  • 将独自签署停战协议如果所在的一方处于优胜状态。
  • 修复以下bug:AI总是想把将转移贸易力量作为停战协议的一部分尽管玩家所看到协议条款中并没有显示该想法。



  • 点击叛乱预警将直接打开显示稳定度的界面而不是逐一跳转到有叛乱的行省。


  • 单人与多人模式主菜单界面显示的地图是以国家地图视角显示。


  • 自治度批量操作界面将显示真实的叛乱度而非将负值叛乱度显示为0。
  • 自治度管理界面将不再显示无叛乱且自治度降至最低限度的行省。
  • 自治度批量操作界面中海外行省的显示将默认设置为隐藏。
  • 批量操作界面中的军队单位模板建设将显示各种对于军事单位有关的修正,这些显示与单次建造军队单位相同。


  • 增加在点击宣战之后陆军和海军维护低于100%的警告。
  • 增加与本国有关的停战协议过期时的提示信息。
  • 战斗音效的音量将变小。
  • 在科技地图视角中,鼠标悬浮于行省将显示该国各科技组在该行省的等级。


  • 修复战争中占领不同行省的盟友选择弹出界面:更加容易关闭选择界面且不需要通过再次点击选择按钮来关闭,同时界面将不会出现空白页。
  • 国家标志性景观与建筑将出现在政治地图视角当中。


  • 联合统治请求的悬浮窗信息将显示正确。
  • 增加解释顾问月雇佣费用构成的悬浮窗。
  • 当鼠标悬浮于教宗界面中十字军圣战的目标国家时,增加悬浮窗显示参加圣战的加成。
  • 行省悬浮窗将把行省名称作为显示的信息的前缀。
  • 灾难悬浮窗将显示如何停止灾难和灾难为什么正在/不再酝酿的原因。
  • 增加悬浮窗解释本国无法向联合统治国宣战的原因是联合统治国正在与其他国家进行对于本国皇位的继承战争。
  • 增加悬浮窗当“允许盟友军队登船”的按键打开。
  • 吞并消耗的外交点数将显示在外交点数界面的悬浮窗上。
  • 合并军队按钮的悬浮窗将显示合并后的军队修正。
  • 显示在概况界面的叛军派系将会有悬浮窗。
  • 不管船只是否在海上将会有悬浮窗提示玩家船只事发后可以升级。
  • 当本国未被核心化的行省的宣称过期时,其将不再出现在宣称的悬浮窗中。
  • 私掠任务按钮的悬浮窗将显示现在的活动就像保卫贸易按钮的悬浮窗显示的一样。


  • 海军将领的能力值将于陆军将领的能力旗鼓相当。
  • 在合并部队的时候按住鼠标中键将创建一个无军事单位的部队。
  • 私掠按键将和DLC中的按键更好地排练在一起。
  • 在战斗中友方叛军部队在地图上将显示友方颜色而非敌方颜色。



  • Added epicfail cheat to provoke immediate spy discovery.
  • Support for revolutionary flag texture/colors in country files.


  • Added effects add_doom and release_all_subjects.
  • Added claim (legitimacy) to define_ruler effect, similar to claim for define_heir.
  • Added a "add_disaster_modifier = { name = key disaster = disaster_key duration = x }" effect.
  • Now possible to save event targets inside hidden_effect blocks
  • Effect add_prestige now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect add_legitimacy now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect add_core now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect remove_core now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect add_claim now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect remove_claim now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect discover_country now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect discover_province now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect undiscover_country now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect undiscover_province now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect to add unit now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect define_ruler now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect define heir now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect form_coalition_against now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect change_primary_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect add_accepted_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect remove_accepted_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
  • Effect change_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target


  • Can now set religions to allow declaring war through regency.
  • Added modifier global_tax_income that grants tax income on a national level


  • Added country-scope triggers has_hostile_reformation_center & has_friendly_reformation_center.
  • Added trigger has_doom.
  • Added trigger is_variable_equal
  • Added trigger has_reformed_religion = yes
  • Added trigger num_of_ports_blockading = <int>
  • Added is_playing_historical_setup = <yes/no> as a condition that can be entered at root level, to add the same trigger to all following events in the file.



  • Royal Palace is now +0.5 legitimacy (up from 0.1)


  • 添加了成立波兰的决议。
  • 即使俄罗斯存在,也能够成立鲁塞尼亚。
  • 成立满洲时不再自动丢失游牧政体、离开游牧科技组。
  • 成立大清时会自动丢失游牧政体、离开游牧科技组。
  • 重建拜占庭帝国时会给予你省份的宣称而不是核心,这和其他成立国家的决议相似。
  • “重建军区制”和“定都君士坦丁堡”只会增加君士坦丁堡的税基和人力,并且如果先后执行,只有第一个决议能够增加发展度。
  • 建造基尔运河比其他运河更加便宜,并且会出发较少的负面事件。
  • 如果你的属国拥有对应省份,你也能够建造运河。
  • 添加了重建玛雅潘联盟(即成立玛雅tag)的决议。
  • 添加了成立澳大利亚的决议。
  • 重建拜占庭帝国额外需要比加和伊庇鲁斯两个省份。


  • Fixed EUIV - AoW - Database - Reservatum Ecclesiasticum (tyw_event.1) does not check for Westphalia Peace to see if it should trigger. Added trigger "hre_religion_treaty = no".
  • Changed event war_of_the_roses.10 from country_event to province_event as triggers and effects indicated that this is a province event.
  • Nobles Demand Recompensation is less lethal now, and is less likely to happen if the noble loyalty act is active.
  • Rise of the Tiger (Flavor Event 6 for Bengal) no longer reduces legitimacy and will now notify the player that changing dynasty using the event will result in low legitimacy.
  • Persian Shiism Event now won't trigger if Persia is a subject.
  • Manchu events The Appointment of Heshen and The Expulsion of the Jesuits now no longer requires you to own the island of Ternate.
  • Chinese flavor events now updated to take Qing into account.
  • Flavor Event 6, Sindicat Remenca, for Aragon is now more lenient.
  • Counter Reformation now triggers a bit later.
  • All catholics can now get the events for ceding Malta to the Knights, and not just Spain.
  • Rebalanced the Turkish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should be viable to pick.
  • Rebalanced the Portugese DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should be viable to pick.
  • Rebalanced the Spanish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should be viable to pick.
  • Rebalanced the Swedish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should be viable to pick.


  • Malayan Ideas renamed to Malayan Sultanate Ideas to avoid ambiguity about who gets them.
  • Added National Ideas for Candar.
  • Added Vindhyan Ideas (Bundelkhand, Bagelkhand, Gwalior)
  • Added Brazilian Ideas, forming Brazil will now give Brazilian Ideas.
  • Added Kurdish Ideas
  • Added Carib Ideas.
  • Added Ideas for Benin.
  • Added ideas for Bremen.
  • Added ideas for Holstein.
  • Added national ideas for Wurzburg.
  • Added national ideas for Ceylon.
  • Changed order of Norwegian national ideas.


  • Rulers of Pagan Theocracies are now High Priests, not Arch-Bishops.
  • New flags added for Utrecht and Friesland.
  • Fixed one of the fields of the Spanish flag being inverted.
  • The province modifier for the Schwaz Silver Mine is now permanent.


  • Fixed EUIV - AoW - Database - "Securing the Imperial Border" mission for Austria should only show up if Burgundy is not a Rival.
  • Province 1898 (Tonie Sap Lake) now properly named Tonlé Sap Lake.
  • claim_on_rival mission will now no longer abort due to a regency.
  • Mughal/Timurid Conquest missions will now no longer be available against allies.
  • Mughal mission "Defend the Frontier" now adapted to the new map.


  • Black Chamber Act now gives -0.05 global autonomy reduction instead of -10% AE Impact.
  • Dissolution Act now gives -0.05 global autonomy reduction and +10% tax instead of -20% AE Impact.


  • Provinces 111 - Friuli, 1769 - Görz and 1774 - Treviso are now AQU cores from 1444 start.
  • Kurland is no longer the primary tag for Old Prussian culture.
  • Added Important Natural Harbor modifier that replaces Coastal CoTs in provinces that start uncolonized in 1444.
  • Added Important Natural Harbors in Manila, Eora, Picunmapu, Cartagena, Panama, Tlapanec, Havana, Barahonas and Massachusetts.
  • Added Inland Centre of trades in Hochelaga, Pueblo, Potawatomi, Honniasont, Tamaroa, Winnipeg, Asuncion, Manaus, Bohemia, Borno, Gao, Chengdu, Girin, Nihny Novgorod and Köln.
  • Added Estuaries in Chinook, Lenape, Chesapeake, Santee, Guayaquil, Cayor, Quelimane, Pegu/Pathein, Alagoas and Hai Phong.
  • Mangaeza now gets an estuary instead of a Centre of Trade.
  • Ganges Estuary now broken into 2 less powerful modifiers (one in Dhaka and one in Bengal Delta).
  • Irrawady Estuary broken into 2 less powerful modifiers (one in Pegu and one in Pathein).
  • Kanem Bornu now starts with Kanuri primary culture.
  • Provinces in Central America up to southern Yucatan are now considered Tropical.
  • Provinces Banten and Buton now produce Spices.
  • Split Catalan into Catalan and Aragonese Culture.
  • Added new names for monarchs and advisors for Alodia.
  • Muisca now have starting maps of a slightly larger area.
  • Added a few more leader names for Muisca, removed Zipa and Zaque as potential leader names.
  • Added Carib Tag.
  • Province 874 - Salish now has Salish culture.
  • Provinces Pampas, Wukari, Xhosa, Natal, Matsolo, Inhambane, Boina and Yola, now all start with 1 manpower instead of 0.
  • Added Modifier for the Great Silver Mine of Potosí
  • Changed the trade goods for some central central american provinces (mainly added more gold)
  • France, Portugal and England no longer start with far more leaders than their cap in 1444.
  • Added Jewish Religion.
  • Added Norse Religion.
  • Johor and Perak now have starting cores in 1444.
  • Added Nuremberg Tag.
  • Added Ichma Tag.
  • Added León Tag.
  • Added Leonese Culture.
  • Ingil and Yedisan are now part of the Crimea Trade node, making the Kiev node truly inland.
  • Added female, male and dynasty names for each culture.
  • Removed the Guyana colonial region, as it was much smaller than all other regions, and moved their provinces to Colombia and Brazil.
  • There are now fewer Green countries in the Middle East.
  • Updated the flag and ruler lists for Canada.
  • Yao now produces Grain.
  • Moved Cyprus to the Aleppo tradenode.
  • Removed Byzantine Cores on Chios, Naxos, Trebizond and Corfu to try and keep it from constantly popping up again after annexation.
  • Added Province Modifier for the Oracle of Pachacamac.


  • 修复中途加入多人模式的时候失去同步的bug
  • 侵略性扩张(Aggressive Expansion, AE)将不再因为签订和平协议完全消除而只会消除非常小的一部分。
  • 在赢得宗教战争之后,存档和读档将不再导致出现两支新教派系的情况。
  • 附庸一个国家而增加的AE将不再高于不带行省距离修正的AE增加基础值,并且放弃占领附庸的首都将极大地减小AE增加。
  • 你将无法撤销一个国家的卫戍国身份如果该国处于战争状态。
  • 当殖民地附属国被另一个国家吞并时显示颜色将变为新宗主国的颜色而非保留原来宗主国的颜色。
  • New command line option -localoos that enables OOS checks every game frame (comparing previous and after frame checksums), indicating if gamestate has been modified when it shouldn't.
  • commandoos 指令运行之后没有对executedcommands.log中运行过的指令进行检查以检测出导致失去同步的指令。
  • 减少cultural_event.3 和 flavor_gra.1平均发生时间(Mean Time To Happen,MTTH)。
  • 如果一场灾难是以叛乱结束时,叛乱发生时与这场灾难相关的修正和警告都将被清空。
  • 在行省奇基托斯发生的交战在大地图上将会显示在行省里而非在行省外。
  • 修复国家加瓦尔的文档中漏掉的空白键,这样该国某些君主的名字后面将不再显示#0。
  • 图皮南巴文化组国家的领导人的名字中将不再出现Cacique。
  • 成立布哈拉决议执行之前将先检查布哈拉是否已经存在。
  • 游戏将不再允许增加行省自治度如果该行省自治度无法增长到0以上
  • 在开启探索新世界理念开启之前,航海探索的补给距离已经被正确修正。
  • 船只修复速度现在将不再只显示0而是显示正确数值。
  • 受保护国可以增加航海距离通过请求舰船停泊权。
  • 修复每月实际人力恢复值和显示的不一致的bug。
  • ”革命中心”修正将消失如果革命国家被吞并,同时革命国家的旗帜也将恢复。
  • 新教起源地将随机出现但也是符合逻辑的(比如伊斯兰国家不会出现新教起源地)。
  • 即使灾难进程不再上升,这个进程将保持现有状态除非停止灾难的条件达成。
  • 革命中心有关的命令将正确允许在代码改变的情况下如在成立新国家之后,国家代码发生变化的情况下。
  • 仆从国允许的数量现在可以超过上限。
  • 当把创建新军事单位的窗口开着,然后命令军队登船的时候,被运输船运输的军事单位将不会消失。
  • 仆从国的君主名字将贴近所属的文化而非所属的王朝,这样使同名君主的概率小一些。
  • 如果国家(拥有0个行省)因为通过事件得到他国家退还的行省而成立新的国家,则新成立国家的科技水平和退还该行省国家的科技水平一致。
  • 将不可以把不同国家的军事单位进行合并(防止玩家把其他国家的船通过合并给卖了)。
  • 当读取不同的存档时,不同存档显示的已探索地图区域也将正确显示。
  • Trigger sieged_by now works when using rebel_type as argument.
  • 存档中的指挥官将不会被随机更换,因为历史数据库中的指挥官已经被正确地整理,他们将不会覆盖存档中指挥官。
  • 修复事件Event 885(殖民地新发现!)可以在拥有任何殖民地的情况下触发的情况,而非单独属于美洲殖民地事件。
  • 修复在后期开局的时候,卡斯提尔总是处于过度扩张的状态。
  • 修复触发异教王事件的错误。
  • 缩短私掠事件的标题长度。
  • 军队将被流放如果在当前位置没有军事通行权(这样就可以解决一些军队被卡住的情况)。
  • 选举失败的意见修正效果将逐渐减轻(之前该修正效果最大和最小值是颠倒的)。
  • 修复叛军事件中历史叛军首领的名字被忽略的情况。
  • 修复改变科技组时候出现游戏程序崩溃的情况。
  • Effect change_technology_group now takes all scopes as right-side arguments
  • Effect change_primary_culture now takes all scopes as right-side arguments
  • 改变尼德兰政体的事件中应该有一个可以让玩家保留当前政体的选项。
  • DLC当中的美国相关事件event usa_dlc.EVTOPTA46将触发包围网来针对美国。
  • 流感将可以于欧洲人到来之前出现在新大陆中。
  • 增加建造所有种类雇佣兵的悬浮窗。
  • 流感事件(random_event.23)将不再对原始国家(无法建造船只)触发。
  • 布尔戈斯法(flavor_spa.1001)和新法(flavor_spa.1002)不再给予每个所属行省关税效率修正,因为这样可能会导致西班牙非常大的关税效率损失。
  • 罗坎蒂不再是印度和东亚地区的贸易节点。
  • 修复针对波兰和立陶宛的“可怕的立陶宛鼠疫”事件的不一致性。
  • 原始国家因为没法造船,现在无法获得“组建一支舰队”的任务。
  • 修复印度文化组(Hindustani culture group)中“Hindusthani”这个错别字。
  • 修复犹太大主教的定位。
  • 贸易公司和商人现在能够正确转换到拥有新代码的国家中(如成立的新国家)。
  • 只有在合并军事单位可以产生效果的情况下“合并”这个按钮才可以使用。
  • colony_claim trigger should now consider papal grants, e.g. causing colonial war CBs for the same.
  • Freethinking Leads Away From God (ideagroups.1908) now won't change European Christian provinces to Coptic religion.
  • Colonize X missions will now no longer trigger for primitives.
  • Options for flavor_rus.1011, Grand Embassy Arrives in CAPITAL, are now less alike.
  • Colonial nations will be renamed if they carry a default name when their overlord changes tag (forms new nation).
  • Fixed an exploit where you could move units quickly by reorganizing them into a farther moved army.
  • French missions to retake their lands from England will now also work if England has turned into Great Britain.
  • English missions to conquer Aquitaine and Normandy now won't be available as long as you have a truce or alliance with France.
  • Fixed part of collected typos in event files (.txt), from Plaza and 'la Pléiade'
  • Modifiers related to the sickness (event 722) of your monarch are now not only positive.
  • Fixed Spelling Error Circassia (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?832564-Spelling-Error-Circassia)
  • Fixed [1.9.2] Chahar and Khorchin, two tags, one primary culture, ONE COLOR. (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?830165-1.9.2-Chahar-and-Khorchin-two-tags-one-primary-culture-ONE-COLOR)
  • Tabarestan will no longer use the name lists of Circassia.
  • Gazikumukh will no longer use the same names for leader last names and first names.
  • Fixed some National Idea sets using province_trade_power_modifier instead of global_prov_trade_power_modifier
  • Fixed Education of Heir event shouldn't fire for Hordes.
  • Ottoman flavor event flavor_tur.3750, Fate of the patriarchate, will now only happen if the Ottomans are Muslim.
  • The map color of Zhungar is now less similar to Russia.
  • Fixed missing capitalization in the "Protestantism Entrenched" event.
  • Fixed "Naval Research Wrong!" event can be triggered in nations without ports
  • Fixed Hjälmaren is covered by Mälaren
  • Fixed Eu4 - AoW - Text - "Faction TakeOver" doesn't take plurals into account
  • Fixed EUIV - database - Khorchin and Chahar have the same primary_culture and colour
  • Fixed CTD if auto-transporting no longer existing army.
  • Fixed EUIV - database - Portuguese missions give claims on allies, which is likely to turn relations sour
  • Fixed EUIV - ED - Event - "Educate heir" event has continuous "if" codes, resulting in all three cases coming true.
  • Retreating armies don't use auto-transport anymore.
  • Fixed EUIV - Event - Genroku-era culture (Japan) only requires 100 ducats
  • Land and Naval attrition modifiers are now sanity checked so you can't have -100% attrition.
  • Country ruler_flags now loaded properly (it was loading flags instead).
  • War reparations properly included in monthly change calculated in top bar gold tooltip.
  • Fixed infinite war reparations after annexation.
  • Correct icon shown on peace offer alert for warleader offers and separate demands.
  • Fixed ironman crash related to FoW calculations.
  • War reparations properly transferred on tag change (form nation).
  • Your tradepower transfers from a nation is no longer cancelled because a 3rd party forces them to cancel beneficial treaties.
  • Observer will no longer enter coop mode if he was viewing a tag change (formed nation).
  • Fixed an odd bug where whole map would be TI for observer at start.
  • Description for the Kilwa Chronicle Modifier will now show up in the game.
  • Corrected missing " in several Chinese country files.
  • Province 543 is now named Velanadu in all four game languages (instead of Kosta which is also the name of province 2083).
  • flavor_vij.15, Revolt of Chellappa will now remove the Tamil Grandee modifier when it triggers.
  • Siberian Clans now use Asian unit gfx.
  • 'Die Please Die' can no longer trigger while in a regency.
  • Removed duplicated part of colonial mapmode province tooltip.
  • Workaround for font height calculation bug in engine that made peace offer description sometimes get truncated.
  • Claims are cleaned up from old tag when changing tags (e.g. when forming a nation).
  • Clicking rebel shield in province view now opens correct rebel faction in stability view.
  • Minor fix to economic mapmode icon tooltip.
  • Fixed infinite loop in auto transport.
  • Refactored unit splitting logic to make it more maintainable and solve issues such as a 1/1/1 army not wanting to split into two.
  • Pasted multiline text in chat box will not freeze game.
  • Troops on the emperor's land not having access after the emperor leaves war will now be exiled rather than get stuck.
  • Added anti-save corruption check against regiments being in navies and ships being in armies.
  • You can no longer give away provinces of an already peaced ally just because you had negotiation window open.
  • Cancelling constructions in released nations to prevent resource-transferring exploits.
  • Opening and then closing macro builder fast does no longer leave map in macro mode.
  • Fixed white peace truces taking far longer than 5 years.
  • Fixed OOS resulting from use of deleted power projection modifier.
  • Countries with zero provinces can no longer be part of war declarations (for whatever reason it happened and caused CTD).
  • Randomlog is synchronized at game start with host.
  • Fixed EUIV - AoW - Localisation - Event "counts_feud.100" has bad localisation linking for button
  • Fixed EUIV - AoW - Localisation - Event "civil_war.4" doesn't write out province names - changed it to a province event and changed triggers and effects to work in province scope.
  • Fixed Database - 2 provinces have same capital. Changed the capital of province 462 - Mingrelia to "Zugdidi" and the capital of province 422 -Imereti to "Kutaisi".
  • Fixed aow_events.32 (Neither [Religion] nor Catholic) doesn't check if country is not Catholic. Added trigger OR = { religion = protestant religion = reformed }.
  • Fixed Events about heirs that don't check for heir's age. Added "heir_age = 4" to event 9453 and removed "son" from option EVTOPTB9453: "They are merely crying, son."
  • Fixed a bug where potential disasters would linger in the interface even after they stopped being able to happen.
  • Fixed Database - Error in trigger of mission Mocha (removed owns = 386 as it also contained NOT = { owns = 386 }.
  • Fixed WotR changes unrest in non English provinces (added "owned_by = ENG" to every_neighbor_province in events war_of_the_roses.3 and war_of_the_roses.4).
  • Fixed Dynastic events 9457 and 9490 don't check for regency when they should (Added "has_regency = no" to the two events' triggers.).
  • Fixed Events that address ruler as "father" when heir can also be a brother or ruler a mother (9488: Removed "father" from localisation. 9452: Changed "Father" to "$MONARCH$" in localisation.).
  • Fixed Database - Wrong adjective for rebels from Tyrol [AoW] (Changed from "Tyrolian" to "Tyrolean".).
  • Fixed Hindu decisions haridasa_movement and advaita_movement don't show that only one can be taken (advaita_movement allow now contains: NOT = { has_country_modifier = the_haridasa_movement } and haridasa_movement allow now contains: NOT = { has_country_modifier = the_advaita_movement })
  • Fixed Soirée (9455) has options written for male ruler, but doesn't include a trigger to be limited to males (Added a trigger - is_female = no - to EVTOPTA9455 and a new option with the same effects as EVTOPTA9455 but with "Good evening, My Lord!" instead of "Good evening, My Lady!")
  • Fixed Turkish Ruler Names.
  • Fixed Database - Inconsistency in lake names.
  • Fixed Database - Missing estuaries.
  • Fixed Database - Missing annex mission for DUL and RAM.
  • Fixed EUIV - AoW - Gameplay - "Revolt!" event (5005) option 2 does not reduce the amount of unrest unless "Base Unrest" is higher than 0.
  • Fixed flavor_bur.3 not giving the Burgundian capital to France.
  • A military alliance is cancelled immediately on an accepted vassalization offer, not giving a negative opinion modifier.
  • Culture conversion will no longer be blocked due to the primary nation of that culture existing if said primary nation has a different culture.
  • Fixed bug with unit stack sizes set to 1 instead of 1000 in Ironman saves.
  • Save name box now gets focus when opening Ironman save select window.
  • Fixed flawed tooltip on merge unit button when merging is unavailable due to Automatic Transport Mission.
  • Diplomats will no longer get stuck if you migrate while they are travelling home.
  • Annexation: Ships owned by the target country are now removed if the annexing country don't have the technology to build them.
  • Fixed crash in main menu upon unlocking computer. (This happened if you had resigned to menu after viewing a combat result window.)
  • Subsiding a rival's enemy no longer adds to power projection if the rival's enemy is your subject.
  • Ships will get names suffixed by Roman numerals rather than broken (and possibly erroneously localized) prefixed ordinals.
  • Construction bar for units no longer turns invisible after a finished construction with more in queue, and cancel button now disappears after finishing queue.
  • Quickfixed outside revolt button "Handle them!" text in French by removing exclamation mark.
  • Added tooltip explanations for blockade reasons and changed so that you can't detach blockades when there's no ongoing blockade.
  • Fixed bug where automatic transportation using one ship could cause game to freeze.
  • Fixed bug where army on auto transport mission would board the wrong ship.
  • Liberated territories no longer shown in demand window (since selecting demand option had no effect), clarified tooltip.
  • Selling fleet that disappeared while diplomat was traveling no longer crashes.
  • Religious rebels actually spawning because they locate correct unit type (code was using outdated function).
  • MP: Client states now have the same country and flag colors on different clients.
  • Flags on map in client state provinces now how the correct color.
  • Fixed missing local autonomy mapmode icon (and made code/file naming consistent).
  • Fixed non-republics using the opinion modifier for republics.
  • Privateers with "Go home at war" enabled will no longer give PP for pirated rivals at war w/ privateers' country.
  • Explorers/admirals now can't be reassigned while at sea.
  • Subscribing and unsubscribing mods (or viewing an unsubscribed mod) in Steam workshop will not cause a crash.
  • Game will not notify you about already owned DLCs that happen to be disabled.
  • Spanish Inquisition tutorial chapter had arrow pointing at wrong location for boost stability; corrected.
  • Send gift opinion calculation has been simplified to solve problem with negative diplomatic reputation.
  • Fixed EU4 - ED - Gameplay - Aztecs start with 76% overextension in 1508 and 1492
  • Fixed a bug where naval attrition would be twice the amount of displayed on the fleet
  • Coalition wars no longer give 100% warscore just from occupying warleader
  • Disabled autotransport in tutorial
