- 同一国家在同一贸易节点执行相同任务的舰队现在可以自动合并,只要任一舰队被设置为避战,整合后的舰队也会被设置为避战
- 现在在铁人模式下也可以扮演附庸国了
- 补足了灾难机制,并将农民战争、内部冲突、宗教动乱、伯爵之乱、玫瑰战争、自由主义和革命事件链做入灾难系统
- 增加了 20 项新成就
- 为
- 为下列国家增加一系列历史王朝事件:
奥里萨 和
- 拓展了下列国家增加一系列历史王朝事件:
- 为 草原游牧增添了一系列趣味事件
- 将东亚文化组重命名为中华文化组,汉文化现在被拆分为多个小文化
- 根据新的文化,增加了中国叛乱国家
- 增加了创建
- 增加了富拉尼圣战事件
- 在相同大洲建立的殖民地不再自动拥有核心,但是将之转化为核心省份只需要花费一半点数
- 核心化海外省份花费减半
- 移除同大洲殖民地的最低自治度
- 降低自治度在战争分数花费上的影响
- 大使馆不再提供 +10% 敌方造核花费,而是 +1 外交关系
- 殖民国家现在只能在其所属的殖民区域内购买省份了
- 仅当行政科技达到 22 级以后,殖民地独立倾向才受厌战度影响
- 降低热带气候对殖民的影响,现在仅会造成 -10 殖民人口增长
- 现在殖民地国家在被创建时就会继承宗主国的单位模型
- 如果独立倾向高于行政科技乘以关税,将会逐月跌落。但厌战度会组织这个机制
- 殖民地国家不再受到教廷影响力处罚了
- 现在只能将非战争目标省份转移给控制了毗邻区域、拥有该省份核心或宣称的国家
- 部落联盟领袖现在只能获得10%士气奖励了,原来为30%
- 在包围网战争中,包围网一方不再将夺取附庸国和保护国视为条约的一部分
- 除非你的经济/军事力量两倍于该国,否则你不能对其发送独立保证
- 只要月度税收低于50,不论分数如何都不会被视为列强
- 只要某国在条约中被释放,停战时间会立刻更新
- 现在,成立国家会使得现有的固定首都更改为成立国家的历史固定首都,如果成立国家没有历史固定首都,则不会有任何变化(大多数可成立国家都没有)
- +1 外交声誉会在正统性高于75%时获得,而非仅在吞并国家时如果拥有 100% 正统性得到这一奖励。
- 天朝与游牧都不会爆发农民战争
- 天朝现在会获得 -10% 科技花费,用以弥补 1.8 版本的科技花费损失
- 支持选帝侯不再会获得帝国威望
- 皇帝在宗教战争时,将不会输掉选举
- 选帝侯更容易被选为宗教同盟领袖
- 威斯特伐利亚条约签署后,帝国内将禁止使用宗教战争借口“清除异端”
- 在签署威斯特伐利亚条约后,皇帝转教将不会使神罗获得或失去帝国权威
- 你不会再因为选帝侯被联统而损失帝国权威
- 大部分只给2.5%训练度的理念现在给予5%训练度。
- 稍微加强了波斯的理念
- 修改了大明的国家理念。
- 卢安果和恩东戈现在使用刚果理念组。
- 为增加劫掠效率理念与政策提供了替代,使得玩家在没有激活国富论的情况也可正常使用
- 富拉尼圣战事件理念现在对于所有弗拉尼国家可用
- 将英吉利传统中的 -20% 接纳文化花费替换为 +33% 禁运效率
- 改革中心现在再也不能改变宗教中心(如罗马)的宗教啦。
- 革命目标现在会获得 -100 教廷影响力
- 天主教传教省份获得的教廷影响力如今符合文本描述了,每点基础税收将+1,而非固定+5
- 第二和第三个改革中心也不会出现在罗马了
- 失去天命现在会使得分离主义叛军与爱国主义叛军出现更为频繁
- 天命会使得分离主义叛军和爱国主义叛军在你的文化组所在省份内出现的几率降低
- 在有叛乱度的省份的友好部队镇压效果会受陆军维护费修正影响
- 同意罗拉德派叛军的请求将会移除其占领省份上对其的支持
- 残酷镇压的花费变得不再线性,基础花费变得更高但是最高花费会降低
- 叛乱概率增长由每次 5% 提升至每次 10%,但是提升概率减半
- 叛乱概率增长变得不再线性,小规模叛乱增长得稍快一点,而大规模叛乱出现得稍慢一些
- 篡权叛军不会再因当前君主死亡而消失了
- 在战争中不再可以与分离主义叛军和爱国主义叛军和谈
- 如果在完成外交理念后,可以通过“降低外交活动对稳定的影响”,免除取消卫戍国身份的稳定度影响
- 正在被吞并的附庸国,不能转变为卫戍国
- 附庸国不再可以使用自己的战争目标进行宣战
- 幕府不再能使用强迫附庸的宣战借口了
- 返还上游的贸易力量仅限于下游的省份贸易力量,并且数值有所下降
- 增强了封锁对贸易力量的影响
- 贸易品价值总体降低33%
- 溃败的单位现在“瞎了眼”,将不会再揭示相邻省份的战争迷雾。
- AI将总是会拒绝归还非法省份
- AI作为附庸国被请求船只停泊权时,会像陆军通行权一样,以宗主国的态度计算可能性
- 附庸国现在更容易听从围攻某个具体省份的命令
- AI 更容易加入掌握了改革中心的同盟
- AI 更倾向于去围攻敌方战争领袖的省份
- 修复了一个bug,AI总是会计算购买舰队时是否某一种类的舰船过多,现在如果对应种类的舰船不在购买舰队中,那么也可以正常购买了
- 修复了一个bug,AI不再有会对一个最近被附庸的国家宣战这种自杀行为了
- 修复了一项导致溃败的AI军队不能在战后回国的问题
- 修复了一个bug,弱小的AI不会因为错误的高估自己的军队力量相当强悍,而停止建造部队了
- 修复了一个bug,AI现在能在战争开始5年内主动寻求和平了,只要已经达到了100%战争分数
- 修复了一个bug,AI之前在某些情况下会等待很久才核心化省份
- 修复了一个bug,AI在和平条约中,不会接受给他们带来零收益的转移贸易请求
- 修复了一个会使AI崩溃的bug
- 修复了一个bug,AI会不停地开始再取消军队的移动
- 修复了一个bug,AI会不停地开始再取消舰队的移动
- 修复了几种会使部队停止行动的情况
- 对于叛乱风险的警告会从50%开始显示,之前为80%
- 不能使用联合统治机制的国家不会收到“继承纷争”的警告
- 为皇帝添加了某国持有非法省份的警告
- 所有转教获得的修正会正确地显示了
- 空位期会如实的显示了
加载器 / 前端
- 教程和退出按钮和其他的按钮现在排列在同一排了
- 游戏版本现在会在加载器中显示
- 浏览DLC的按钮会导向EU4的steam界面
- 在保存游戏中添加了“压缩游戏数据”的可选框
- 如果玩家已经暂停了游戏,点击事件选项不再会解除暂停了
- 在外层选项框中加入了封存舰队的图标
- 歌曲播放会更随机,单曲重复播放的情况会变少
- 移交占领省份现在有了独立的按钮,不再需要点击占领者的盾徽进行操作了
- 为殖民地形式省份增加贸易公司按钮
- 为非海外领地省份的栏位添加了商品的基础价格
- 在舰队单位栏中加入了将领状态和单位种类图标
- 战争分数明细现在会提供战斗分数汇总
- 现在即使叛乱已经不可能继续获得进度,但仍然可以得到叛乱的进程信息
- 修复了多人游戏聊天有时候会接连发出两次的bug
- 当拥有很大的舰队规模时,如果名称已经用尽,新船只将会使用数字加旧名称的组合
- 在叛乱栏可以得到叛军要求的全部信息
- 即使是叛军要求的文字描述很长,弹出窗口中也能完整显示了
- 修复了多人游戏聊天中浏览变量导致崩溃的bug
- 优化了贸易节点地图
- 修复了在被围攻的省份招募雇佣军的错误显示
- 重新建立模板时,各项数值为0
- 结束于月末的停战、警告、保证独立和其他外交状态可以正常显示了
- 为自动运输任务增加了一个信息框,显示该舰队是否处于运输或其他任务中
- 如果舰队中没有运输船,则自动运输和运输友军部队的按钮将不可用
- 正在被附近的改革中心转化的省份将不能派遣传教士
- 添加控制台指令 ai_minister,这一指令可以禁用和开启特定类型的AI顾问
- 添加控制台指令 'disaster <key>',这一指令会为指定灾难增加 100 进度,如果符合触发条件就会直接触发灾难
- 增加叛军现在也需要“win = yes”来获得该省的控制权,“unrest=x”来增加该派系的x进度
- 添加了一个 'end_disaster = key' 效果来结束灾难(不使用结束事件本身)
- Onaction事件现在也可以设置为"fire_only_once".
- 添加了 average_autonomy & average_home_autonomy 指令
- 添加了 'num_ships_privateering' 指令
- 添加了新指令 'has_changed_nation = yes/no'用于检查您是否已改变已发布主题的播放
- 优化了继承人年龄指令.
- Advisor_exists 指令现在对尚未出生的历史顾问会返回错误
- Infantry_in_province, cavalry_in_province & artillery_in_province现在可以检查国家代码
- 叛乱指令现在可以适用于国家的范围
- num_of_religion 指令现在可以适用于异端而不是异教
- 直到1650年,耶路撒冷才有可能恢复或解放,而不是因为宗教改革而无法使用
- 锁国法现在不仅适用于日本,也适用于日本文化组
- 改革部落/部落政府的正统性要求现在是60(原为90)
- 现在建立神圣罗马帝国给你的政府等级为帝国
- 掸邦文化组现在可以组成掸邦
- 成立加拿大、墨西哥或魁北克现在有了新事件
- 添加了成立克罗地亚事件。
- 成立耶路撒冷现在有了耶路撒冷事件
- 政府等级不再改变你的理念组
- 形式拜占庭帝国事件更新,以适应新的地图
- “确认萨拉斯政权”现在需要控制新的果阿节点,而不是桑给巴尔
- 耶路撒冷的形成使政府变成了封建君主制
- 马来亚文化组现在不再被认为是被AIs仇恨所有相邻国家的理由,除非他们达到一定的规模
- 阿拉伯不能再使用成立埃及事件
- 检查接受反宗教改革事件,以便您不满足移除修饰符的任何事件的标准
- 成立巴拉圭不再需要南美洲以外的省份
- 添加十三个殖民地区域到 trade_goods.txt 以修复非常旧的随机新世界错误
- 相对于你拥有更多省份奥罗莫迁徙的结束时间要更短
- 修改错误 two missing = in ai modifiers 在 RandomProvinceEvents.txt
- Fulo, Funj, Ashanti, Sulu 和 Janjira 现在释放后会产生单位
- 根据新的设计理念重新平衡法国和威尼斯的DHE,如果在游戏中触发,那么每个DHE都应该发生,并且所有选项都应该是可行的。
- 美国梦事件调整,以更好地适应新的地图
- 如果一个联盟战争正在进行,“帝国饮食”事件不能再发生
- “廷巴克图黄金时代”事件不能再因为西化的松海触发
- 如果教皇被禁用,添加枢机主教的事件将不再触发
- 公约不再减少波兰1名外交官
- 价格事件将不再在以后的日期触发,而是针对这些日期预先调整价格
- tyw_events.30 现在触发 tyw_events.31 而不是本身
- 使用MTTH超过5000的事件现在已经降低到这个限制,将MTTH扩展到省份事件的大小
- 现在“宗教迫害”指令不再提供当地的30%传教力量,而是3%
- Pre-AoW Persian 事件现在正确地控制伊斯法罕,而不是洛雷斯坦
- 许多可以改变宗教信仰的事件现在不会在有宗教改革中心的省份发生
- 贵族要求旧权利将不再改变首都的自治权
- 伊比利亚大婚现在可以在1450年到1530年间的任何时候触发
- 牧长权威事件的频率增加
- Fulo Spawning事件现在也传播 Fulani 文化
- 培育继承人事件将不再提高君主累计超过6(累计上已有6在现在得到一次点数代替)
- 许多对正统性有影响的事件现在检查你是否在一个联盟中
- 事件 options in aow_events.32 现在正确地针对一个拥有改革中心的邻国
- 人民要求民主事件现在有了更平衡的选项
- 事件本地规则现在有更多的平衡选项
- Portuguese Flavor Event "The Duke of Coimbra" now have triggers clsoer to the actual situation it covers.
- 现在有了更多那些自治度很低的地方事件。
- 如果教皇被拒绝,Event 1082 现在每个统治者只触发一次
- Reordered tooltip for the Cardinal Across the Border event.
- 培育统治者现在不能在没有继承人的情况下触发,也不能在选举君主制中触发
- 满州现在改变单位和科技组为中国
- 成立大清现在不再能改变单位和科技组为中国
- Updated purple phoenix missions for 1.8 map.
- Unite Manchu mission now follows the same logic as the corresponding decision.
- Added mission for MUG or TIM to conquer the Punjab to make the Conquer Delhi mission work better.
- Purple phoenix Missions updated for new map.
- Added mission for Cusco to conquer Wanka.
- Added one mission for Vijayanagar to reclaim territory held by Orissa.
- claim_on_rival mission will now abort when it makes sense that it does.
- Abort clause for Ottoman missions to conquering the Levant and Egypt now conforms with other nation specific conquest missions.
- The Generic Make a base in the spice islands mission will no longer trigger for the Portuguese.
- Many conquest missions will no longer fire if you are allied to the current owner.
- Gangneung no longer tropical.
- Centers of Trade in inland provinces now have their own type of the modifier, which does not increase naval forcelimits.
- Added dynamic province names for Latin, Greek, Turkish, Berber and Andalusian cultures as well as the Arab culture group.
- Added Ottoman starting general Hadim Sehabeddin.
- Added Maakhir, Kaffa and Amhara regions to trade goods.txt to ensure provinces can get new trade goods after abolishing slavery.
- There is now only one Leon Battista Alberti (in Rome).
- Yeren now knows of the ocean outside its ports.
- Some Indian vassals are now treated as marches.
- Some Orissan Provinces now have slightly more starting autonomy.
- Minor adjustments to Orissan Monarch stats and dynasty names.
- Timurid heir Ulugh begh now has much less legitimacy.
- Timurids no longer accept Afghan culture.
- Varanasi now starts with the religious_center modifier.
- The wasteland province of Nenets removed from Russian region.
- The wasteland province of Yamal removed from Western Siberia region.
- Fulo region adjusted slightly.
- Fixed various issues in the history files for later start dates relating to occupation of provinces without the owners being at war.
- Bukhara now exist at the appropriate dates for historical starts.
- Infante Pedro is now a regent.
- Fixed location of the port of Rabaul.
- Added new flag for the Doughlat tag.
- Kodiak, Eyak and Sitka are now arctic.
- Removed double dynasty for the Tarascans.
- Vassalisation of Perm in history files now ends when Russia forms (and not 2 years later on the same day).
- Diplomacy history no longer refers to Tibet where U-tsang or Kham would be more appropriate.
- Added starting forts in some odd provinces that lacked them in the old world.
- Added fixed capitals for a large number of tags.
- Relocated one base tax to Bursa.
- Smyrna is now Turkish and Sunni in 1444.
- Kastamanu now produces copper and Adana cotton.
- Edinburg now starts with a Centre of Trade.
- Capital of Paraiba is now Filipeia in 1444.
- Yao and Kanem Borno are now historical rivals.
- Added two Ottoman royal marriages for later start dates.
- Arakan is now Buddhist.
- Arabian region now no longer extends into Kurdistan and Turkey.
- Kongo, Loango and Ndongo now know of more of the West African coast (including the Ivory Coast trade node).
- New provinces in Africa and Indonesia now included in 00_natives.txt.
- Pacachuti is now a leader as well as a monarch.
- Khorasan no longer loses cores in its home region in later historical starts.
- PROV2490 now no longer without a region.
- Swahili states now have slightly better maps of African Wasteland.
- Tabriz Base Tax increased slightly and a marketplace added to reflect the importance of the city better.
- Yarkand now has maps of more land to its west.
- Province capital name of the province Al-Qatif now matches the province name.
- Centre of Trade in Mazandaran is now considered an inland Centre of Trade.
- Added Inland Centre of Trade in Tabriz province.
- Pate now starts the game as Ibadi in some start dates.
- French revolutionary leaders now available again in the relevant start dates.
- French leader list around 1792 pruned a bit to preserve French MIL income.
- Swahili trader states government changed to Tribal Kingdom rather than Tribal Despotism.
- Bahia Blanca now named San Antonio.
- Qing now uses the Unit GFX of Manchu.
- Added a small local autonomy reduction on theocracy government form.
- desc_jnp_pilgrim_tax now no longer refers directly to Varanasi.
- Tibetan ruler names now use a transliteration that's easier to read.
- Pentarchy modifier now looks for Antioch rather than Aleppo.
- Muslim republics are now ruled by Sheiks and Emirs rather than Doges, etc.
- Added new_foundland_region, haud_region and hudson_bay_region to trade_goods.txt.
- Guge now uses Asian gfx.
- New trade goods added in 1.8 now have manufacturies associated with them.
- Descriptions for African Cuirassier and African Swarm units will now be displayed.
- rus_invited_to_study_institutions is now a positive relations modifier.
- Penutian culture group now use North American graphics.
- Changed color of Lanao.
- Turkish dynamic province name for Yedisan is no longer Bender.
- Tapuia now uses North American graphics like the other South American natives outside of the Andes.
- Tooltip for South American technology group now correctly describes it as being 250% more expensive.
- 修复了一个bug,where Marches would not get a stability hit when declaring an independence war.
- 修复了一个bug,where Marches would not obe able to call in independence supporters when declaring an independence war.
- Fixed OOS related to signing peace with countries that had subjects in the war.
- Fixed a CTD when a rebel faction was defeated and the screen for handling that specific faction was open.
- Winged Hussars DLC models will now properly take precedence over Catholic League DLC models.
- Tooltip for Mewar's flavor event "The return of Rana Jodha Rathore" is now more readable.
- Modifiers related to the American dream DLC now have descriptions.
- Localisation for aow_events.1 now correctly refers to the capital of the province.
- Localisation for tyw_events.5 now correctly refers to the capital of the province.
- Fixed a fair amount of typos.
- Restored tooltips on the diplomatic action for when you can annex/integrate subjects.
- Subject military focus is now saved & loaded correctly in save game.
- 修复了一个bug,where allies on the side of the attacker in a rebel support war would be hostile to the supported rebel faction.
- Can longer stay a Protectorate while Western if you ask for the Protectorate on the same day that you Westernize.
- Patriot rebels are now only friendly to the country they want to defect to.
- Taking the Kingdom of God decision now correctly disables the Papacy.
- Can no longer ask your own march for military access.
- 修复了一个bug,where colonial nations would not pick expansion ideas as a historical idea group because they would not have ports at the time their ideas got assigned.
- change_tag script effect will no longer accept a tag change to a country that already exists, as that would cause a CTD.
- Units in nations whose independence you are supporting will no longer become exiled on DOW.
- MP: Clients can no longer change game speed (except standalone admins).
- MP: Changed "Progress 100%" to "Save Loaded" when save transfer done.
- 修复了一个bug,where the 'call all allies' checkbox in declare war screen would not be properly updated.
- 修复了一个bug,where the call ally checkboxes in declare war screen would not register properly the first time you clicked them.
- Provincial trade modifier icons in trade map mode are now visible again.
- Fixed bug with loading large compressed save games.
- It's no longer possible to merge/reorganize ships if any of them are on autotransport-mission.
- It's no longer possible to increase local autonomy in your capital.
- Daimyos can now properly select and keep rivals, even when saving and loading.
- 修复了一个bug,where cost of reinforcement would not scale down to actual number of men being reinforced if manpower was lower than the monthly reinforcement rate.
- Fixed bug where trade node modifier durations weren't updated properly.
- Player Mapmode now shows correct colors when players select countries.
- Fixed crash sometimes occurring when loading random new world saves.
- Fixed a problem where the embargo impact was applied in the wrong order for trade calculations.
- Newly formed colonial nations now get correct supply range.
- Fixed crash sometimes occurring at start of independence wars.
- Autosave options now fit in the box in French, German and Spanish.
- Vassal income bonus is now working correctly.
- Fixed CTD related to saved event targets.
- Rewrote and fixed oos in CToggleAutoTransferCommand.
- Fixed bug where Truces disable protecting trade instead of just privateering.
- Made savegames about 10% smaller.
- Fixed a lot of bugs with Automatic Fleet Transport and made a new more reliable queue system.
- Armies will now choose AFT if possible and better even when they are exiled.
- Ctrl-clicking when ordering a move order will now force AFT if possible.
- Fixed: Error dialog not always shown if saving game fails.
- Fixed bugs related to units built with template never end trying to move to the build-province.
- Income from war reparations is now calculated correctly.
- Fixed: Clicking save game folders in start screen can cause whole map to become Terra Incognita.
- Added checks for forbidden characters in save game names.
- Starting a local Ironman game now works when Steam cloud synchronization is turned off. (You must still be logged on to Steam.)
- Fixed bad filename resulting in arabic dynamic province names not displaying.
- Fixed disabled arrows for choosing starting date not re-enabled when selecting different bookmark.
- Subjects' claims on provinces can now be given up as part of peace offer.
- Standalone server: Fixed wrong configuration path for Linux.
- Fixed bug where fleets mothballed in enemy ports would stay after war ended.
- Center of Reformation info in religion view is now correct when no center will appear after conversion.
- Fixed wrong order of ruler stats in event option tooltips.
- Fixed bug where you under certain conditions could sell ships to landlocked countries.
- Fixed: Game enters an infinite loop if no male monarch names are provided for a country.
- It is no longer possible to embargo subject nations, nor can subjects embargo their overlord.
- Fixed port location for Jeju.
- Option C in tyw_events.7 now uses the correct localisation.