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1.34.X 版本

Winds of Change.png 变革之风
King of Kings.png 万王之王
Domination.png 霸业
Lions of the North.png 北方雄狮
Origins.png 起源
Leviathan.png 利维坦
Emperor.png 皇帝
Golden Century.png 黄金世纪
Dharma.png 达摩
Rule Britannia.png 统治吧,不列颠尼亚
Cradle of Civilization.png 文明的摇篮
Third Rome.png 第三罗马
Mandate of Heaven.png 天命
Rights of Man.png 人权
Mare Nostrum.png 我们的海
The Cossacks.png 哥萨克
Common Sense.png 常识
El Dorado.png 黄金国
Art of War.png 孙子兵法
Res Publica.png 公共事务
Wealth of Nations.png 国富论
Conquest of Paradise.png 天堂征服
EU4 icon.png 基础版本



主条目:1.34 版本


主条目:1.34 版本






  • The Prussian Monarchy / Stratocratic Administration / Militaristic Divine State reforms are now available for Germany if it was formed by the Teutonic Order even if it never formed Prussia before.
  • The native reform "Land Tradition" now also grants +1 Monthly Administrative Power so players without Conquest of Paradise do not have a reform without modifiers.
  • Polish unique reforms "Legislative Sejm" and "Integrate the Sejmiks" are now available with the new Polish T1 Reforms.
  • Removed the reduced governing capacity from the Mandala System reform.


  • Carolean units now have 5% Morale Damage instead of 10%.


  • The Aristocratic idea "International Nobility" now gives -10% General Cost instead of -20%.
  • The Divine idea "Friends in High Places" now gives -33% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion and -10% Leader cost instead of 20% Leader cost.
  • Dynastic Administration now grants +0.2 Yearly Corruption instead of +0.15.
  • Fixed that you could prolong battle excessively by only reinforcing to backrow. Now artillery is forced to reinforce front row cells opposite enemy regiments as a last resort.



  • Made AI understand new morale damage modifiers.



  • Guns Drums and Steel Vol. 3 now has a proper localized description on the lobby interface.
  • Fredman's Epistles music pack does not reference Sweden when you play as Gotland in the Lobby.



  • Made the government traits and flags which enable and disable estates more uniform and consistent.



  • The decision "Adopt Hussitism" is no longer usable for junior partners.


  • The option "The infrastructure of the mine needs more attention." of the Swedish event "Investment of Falun" is no longer disabled if it already has a manufactory and a counting house. Reason for this change is because it is possible to get locked out of getting a Counting House in the province under certain circumstances.
  • The Swedish event "Rise of the Swedish Kingdom" now gives permanent claims on the areas required for the Swedish mission "The German Coastline".
  • The opinion bonus of the Swedish event "Sweden asks for Support for their Independence" is now applied on Denmark instead of vice versa if you refuse to help Sweden.
  • The event "The Pacta Conventa and the Henrykian Articles" can now only fire if the event "The Nieszawa Privileges" already occurred before.
  • The event "Sack of Capital" has its event option back.
  • Added a go to button for the Noble demands events for the Kalmar Union.
  • The event "Peasants' War" has now a go to button and the effects are now in the event option itself.
  • Livonian event "The Role of the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle]" for the creation of your government reform no longer requires you to have a 3/3/3 ruler to fire.
  • The event "Nobles Demand Recompensation" can now only fire if you have the Nobles estate in your country.
  • The Papal event "Sublimis Deus" will not trigger twice for the same country in Iberia.
  • The Machu Picchu events can now all trigger properly for the owner of Machu Picchu.


  • The event 'The Rule of God' no longer grants 25% Morale of Armies and 5% Discipline, it now grants 5% Morale of Armies and 5% Discipline to better match its negative equivalent event.
  • Persian Traditions no longer grant +1 Cavalry Shock, they now grant +15% Cavalry Power instead as in previous version.


  • Getting Gold in your capital as Lubeck (instead of Fish) removes the "Lubeck Herring Market" modifier.
  • The event Pact of Cooperation that can happen between Poland/PLC and either Hungary or Bohemia no longer grants Poland the Union if Poland does not exist.
  • The Swedish mission "Integrate the Sami" no longer requires that the owner accepts the culture of the province if the owner is your subject.
  • The Swedish missions "The Crown of Norway" and "The German Coastline" now override claims with permanent claims in their rewards.
  • The Ethiopian mission "Surpass the Past" now requires you to be at peace to complete it.
  • Lithuania has its access to the default missions back if you do not own Lions of the North.
  • The Byzantine mission "The Eternal City" will no longer punish you with stability hits when you do not have the Purple Phoenix DLC. Instead, you will heal the schism and ask all Catholics to convert to Orthodoxy.
  • The reward of renaming your country to "Burma" has been moved from the mission "Chakravarti" to "First Burmese Empire.


  • The Noble privilege "Increased Levies" and the Maratha privilege "Increased Maratha Recruitment" are now mutually exclusive.
  • The Livonian Order is now called "Livländischer Orden" instead of "Livonischer Orden" in the German version of the game to keep it consistent with all the other references of the order.
  • The Black Army mercenary company no longer costs Army Professionalism when recruited.
  • The Angkor Wat monument is now available for Dharmic religions too.
  • Added a condition for government reforms which compete with an estates-enabling reforms. Through this condition, it is no longer possible to swap the estate reform with a non-estate one as long the unlocked estate has any privileges.
  • Removed the "take no Admin ideas" condition from Imperial Prussian Capital as it feels bad for being punished for taking an idea group.
  • The Estate Statutory Rights Privilege events will now fire even if you have more than four privileges active.


  • The Polish mission "Cultural Flowering" now correctly checks if your ruler has fourteen monarch stats in total.
  • Fixed Lübeck mission name in Spanish for “Double Entry Bookkeeping” being out of place.
  • The reward tooltip for the center of trade upgrade in the Swedish mission "Window to the East" is now always shown.
  • Poland / PLC Now properly gets permanent claims in the "Varna Aftermath" mission if Bohemia or Hungary are not eligible for a Union.
  • The Teutonic mission "Develop Prussia" gets its progress no longer reset if you form Prussia.
  • The Danish mission "Challenge the English Navy" will only request a flagship if you own Golden Century instead of Rule Britannia.
  • Shun will now always be at war with Ming with the "Claim the Mandate" CB if the player chooses to play as them.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos.
  • Forming another country while having the Norse ideas previously refused will no longer override your ideas with the already rejected Norse ideas.
  • Fixed a bug which made the conversion of Catholic provinces impossible for Riga through propagating religion.
  • The native government reforms "Trading with Foreigners" and "The Great Plains calls to us" are no longer blocked for no reason if you do not own Conquest of Paradise.
  • Fixed an issue which made the usage of the Karma decision from the government reform "Empower the Monasteries" impossible.
  • The Kalmar Union is no longer active when you do not own Lions of the North.
  • Fixed that new morale damage modifiers did not work when applied to a country.
  • Fixed issue that the winner of a battle could get stack wiped.
  • Fixed rare crash when country trade view was open.
  • Fixed mercenary-related crash when using incompatible version of Extended Timeline mod (and potentially others).
  • Fixed crash when using old mod in nation designer.
  • War taxes no longer increase monthly military power gain by 2 instead of decreasing it.
  • Trading Posts from Reform 'Union of States' no longer persist after Government Change.
  • Vassalization Acceptance is no longer called "Vassalizatation Acceptance”.




We would like to personally thank @Genomega and especially @LiaLunare for their amazing contributions in regards to the icons for the new custom nation modifiers introduced in this patch.

Thank you both, so so much!



  • Consolidated Power government reform cannot be chosen if the head of state rules for life.
  • Venetian Doges will now die less frequently.
  • Germany now has access to the Prussian Monarchy T1 Government Reform either by becoming the Military Hegemon or by having 25% Discipline or by having 500 Development in provinces with the Prussian culture (the reform stays after you pick it.
  • Grabbing the Prussian monarchy as a custom nation will no longer remove it immediately after the game starts.
  • The government reform "Empower the Monasteries" now strengthens the Monastic Temples estate privilege, increasing the Karma gain and loss from 3 to 5, removing the influence and absolutism penalties and increasing Yearly Karma Decay by +0.03.
  • The government reform "The Social Contract" now gives -1 Global Unrest instead of Religious Unity. Additionally, it now removes the Max Absolutism and the Clergy loyalty penalty from the "Enforced Interfaith Dialogue" privilege.
  • The reform "Machiavellianism Reign" now hits -1 Stability on Declare War (which means a no-CB with that would give you -1 Stab instead of -2).
  • The government reforms "Centralized Bureaucracy" and "Centralized Monarchical Bureaucracy" now refund 50% of the cost of centralizing a state instead of 100%.



  • Fars is now slightly pinker.


  • Added proper tooltip for Guns Drums and Steel volume 3 on the lobby screen.
  • Fixed 2 tooltip errors in the "Loyalty of the Regent" event.
  • Renamed the modifier "+1 Tax, +1 Production and +1 Manpower when Colony Finished" to "+1 of §Yeach Development§! when Colony Finished.


  • Bahmani’s' mission "Southern Frontier" no longer shares the same icon name as a Norwegian mission, they are now titled southern_frontier_dharma and southern_frontier_lotn.



  • The scripted triggers which ask you to have a building of a certain type now have a custom tooltip.



  • AI will now look to actively form Prussia after the Reformation has begun, to a reasonable degree.


  • The Teutonic Order should no longer be able to cheese its entry into the HRE via the mission tree after deciding to follow the Crusader of the steppes path.
  • The "Times of Need" event does not refer to a dynasty if you don't have one.
  • The Burgher Estate agenda to expand your Trade Company does not fire for the Lapponian area since it does not have enough provinces that fulfill the criteria of the agenda.
  • The event "Bergen Riots" now correctly reduces Norway's opinion of Denmark, instead of reducing Denmark's opinion of Norway.
  • Picking the Holy Horde or the Crusading Kingdom as the Teutons no longer mistakenly replace a non-T1 reform for them.
  • The event "A Helping Hand" no longer mentions "nodynasty”.
  • The event “A Helping Hand” will not fire if all owned great projects are already fully upgraded.
  • Polish-Hungarian and Polish-Bohemian events now correctly reflect when the player is not playing as Poland and is instead playing as the Commonwealth.
  • Declaring war against the HRE will no longer cause the Illegal War event to fire if you are not the Teutonic Order anymore.
  • The Rigan event "Religion as a Business" adds instead of removing government reform progress and the estate loyalty if you refuse to take the government reform.
  • The Shadow Kingdom incident now informs you that you lose Imperial Authority per development which breaks away from the Empire.
  • The event "The Crown of Rome" will now only convert provinces in the Balkan region to your culture and religion.
  • The Spanish event "The Valladolid Debate" will no longer clutter your entire screen if you happen to have many colonial subjects.
  • The event "Repairing the Great Wall" now requires you to own and control Ningxia to fire.
  • Adjusted the localization of Incan events which revolve around Machu Picchu to reflect that the monument is actually in Abancay and not Cusco. Also, the event "Machu Picchu" will give Abancay 4 Base Tax and make it to your capital.
  • The event options of the Livonian event "Administrative Chaos in the Office" will no longer clutter the entire screen.
  • The Teutonic event "Fate of Moscow" and the Danish event "A new Capital for the North Sea Empire?" now give 100 diplomatic power if you cannot accept the culture.
  • The Spanish event "A Very Strategic Marriage" now grants all Austrian provinces in the Low Countries to Spain / Castile properly.
  • The event "Incompetent Cousin" now tells you which of your vassals has the incompetent ruler.


  • Norse national idea "Berserkir" now grants +20% Shock Damage, and "Norse Seamen" now grants +15% Morale of Navies and +1 Combat Roll off owned Coast.
  • The Norse National Idea "Norse Seamen" now grants +1 Combat Bonus Off Owned Coasts and +5% Ship Durability instead of +15% Morale of Navies.


  • Being a pirate no longer blocks progress in your East African-based mission tree.
  • Aragonese Mission "Integrate Naples" can no longer be autocompleted if you do not own Golden Century.
  • Fixed a typo in the Lithuanian mission "Enforce the Tribunal" so now it properly counts Noble Estate privileges.
  • Rearranged the Third Rome mission tree for minor Russian nations to fit more missions and enable a little more flavor.
  • The Polish mission "The Commonwealth" now correctly highlights provinces needed even if they are owned by a non-tributary subject.
  • Lithuania now has access to the entire Commonwealth tree's branching path about developing Ruthenian lands.
  • The mission “Store Kopparberget” can now be completed without requiring prosperity if you do not own the Mandate of Heaven.
  • The Polish mission 'Break Livonia' now grants claims to conquer Pomerania.
  • The PLC mission Path of entering and interacting in the HRE now has alternatives in case the HRE is dissolved after picking your missions.
  • The Majapahit mission "The Porch of Mecca" allows you now to convert Muslim and Christian provinces through Propagating Religion.
  • The Danish mission "Eliminate Novgorod" can now be completed if subjects own the provinces instead.
  • The Danish missions "Integrate Norway" and "Integrate Sweden" now remove the diplomatic reputation hit from annexing subjects when completed.
  • The Livonian mission "Secularize the Order" no longer requires you to wait for Protestantism to spawn.
  • The Livonian Crusader mission "Heal the Schism" no longer requires you to own the Russian provinces yourself.
  • Fixed the encoding of the Swedish mission file. By Odin, Novgorod shall now be renamed Hólmgarðr.
  • Adjusted the tooltips of a few Danish, Gotlandic and Swedish mission requirements so they are easier to understand.
  • Made the first missions of Livonia available for Kurland too.


  • The game no longer steals your custom nation points by taking away the Great Veche Republic reform once you start the game as a custom nation.


  • The emperor will now always reject the Teutonic wish to join the HRE if they take the Crusader Path during the incident.
  • Republic AIs in the HRE no longer pick "Union of States" if they are an OPM so they do not refuse to become a Free City.
  • The scripted trigger "province_has_current_tech_fort_trigger" is now true if you have a fort that is ahead of its time in a province. This fixes an issue where missions like "Fortify the Caucasus" could not be completed.
  • The tooltip of the government reform "Regional Councils" now tells you what these state edicts for the ages are.
  • The Norse culture is now a valid culture for recruiting Carolean units.
  • The estate privilege "Grant Orthodox Autonomy" is now available to all non-Orthodox/Coptic Christian nations and is no longer locked behind mission tree rewards.
  • Adjusted the localization of the government reforms "Open Public Elections", "A Dynastic Order" and "Lords of the Sea" to make them more fitting with non-monastic orders.
  • Government reforms which previously needed an idea group to be visible are now always visible. They, however, still require you to take the necessary idea group to be picked.
  • Poland and the Commonwealth's modifiers now have descriptions.
  • The Monument "Dujiangyan" now gives only local dev cost in the area instead of global dev cost.
  • The progress list for the Dutch Revolt has been simplified so it does not bloat your screen anymore.
  • The Custom Nation idea for Expand Administration Cost modifier has been buffed now, decreasing the cost by 100% for each level.
  • Added new ideas available for Custom Nations.
  • The objective "Asian Trade" of the Age of Reformation can now be completed if you trade in Cloves too.
  • State Centralization now grants -20% Local Governing Cost and +0.25 Prosperity Growth instead of -25% Local Governing cost and +0.1 Prosperity Growth.
  • The Teutonic mission "Secularize Prussia" no longer requires you to wait until Protestantism spawns to be completed.
  • Lübeck will no longer get two events related to "Georg Giese". The event which gives you him as your advisor as its only option will no longer fire.
  • Lubeck's modifiers now have descriptions.
  • The Teutonic/Prussian mission "The Silesian and the Sorbian" can now be completed if there are no Silesian or Sorbian in North Germany and Poland present.
  • Finland's modifiers now have descriptions.
  • Lithuania's modifiers now have descriptions.


  • The triggered province modifier "Imperial Prussian Capital" is now working properly for the Stratocratic Administration reform.
  • Fixed an issue that made you lose the Prussian government if you form Germany.
  • Conquering a province with a temple or a cathedral while having the "Expand Temple Rights" government reform will now apply the modifier to the province.
  • Fixed missing strings for the unlockable Livonian governments. Also, fixed a bug for the Livonian Plutocracy where the Global Trade Goods Modifier was not applied correctly.
  • The events "The Situation of the Teutonic Order" and "The Situation of the Livonian Order" now triggers if you have Lions of the North instead of Emperor active.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Riga from maintaining the Propagate Religion trade policy.




  • Added integration for GOG.COM store.
