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Cradle of Civilization.png 文明的摇篮
Cradle of Civilization banner.jpg
类型 扩展包
发行日期 / 补丁 2017-11-16 / 1.23
商店:扩展包 Paradox /Steam
商店:兵模包 Paradox / Steam



  • 新的政体:中东新增多种特殊政体,包括:马穆鲁克政体、波斯封建神权国、部落联邦以及帖木儿的继承人机制。
  • 贸易政策:在贸易节点上激活商人从事特殊任务--促进牟利、间谍、军事、外交和宗教传播。
  • 伊斯兰学派:许多逊尼和什叶学派不仅会增强各自国家的力量,还对中东地区的关系起到重要作用。
  • 陆军职业度:依靠附庸新的将军和长期的军事训练,雇佣军的时代会慢慢褪去,转变为常备军的时代。
  • 剥削发展:通过减少省份的发展度,迅速得到现金或人力,用国家的未来换取立竿见影的收益。
  • 伊克塔税制:伊斯兰国家可每20年发布新税以获得特殊的加成。
  • 更多:改变国家理念、传教行动、土耳其逊尼派和许多其他游戏内容。


  • 5种新的贸易货物:牲畜、香、玻璃、纸张和宝石。
  • 重新设计了中东的地图
  • 宫廷增加宗教和文化(对于统治者,继承人,配偶和顾问)
  • 新的理念
  • 2种新建筑



所有关于文明的摇篮扩展包和1.23 版本(波斯)、1.24 版本(日本)的开发者日志。

1.23 版本(波斯)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
1 Near East Facelift Changes in the Arabia and Egypt regions for update 1.23 2017-08-01
2 Anatolia and the Caucasus Map and general setup changes coming for the Caucasus and Anatolia regions as part of the 1.23 patch 2017-08-08
3 The Greater Iranian Region Changes in the Persian super-region and new trade goods to be introduced in patch 1.23 2017-08-15
4 Army Drills A partial overview of the new setup of trade goods and a peek at the new Army drill mechanic 2017-08-22
5 Army Professionalism Armies get expanded upon with a new professionalism level while marching into more "modern" times 2017-08-29
6 Trade Policies 2017.9.5开发日志-贸易政策 Use trade policies to promote profiteering, espionage, diplomacy and religion propagation. 2017-09-05
7 Islam and Piety 【2017.9.12】开发日志 Islam changes move piety between the Mysticism/Legalism extremes and introduces the Muslim Schools of Law. 2017-09-12
8 Tribal Allegiance New government mechanics for Tribal Federations infuse changes to the Turkmen sheep nations in the Middle East. 2017-09-19
9 The Persia Update 【2018.9.26】波斯 A closer look on the changes at the Persian region and introduction of the new Feudal Theocracy government 2017-09-26
10 Ottomans Extended 【开发日志】10月3日--罗姆苏丹国 Restoring the Sultanate of Rûm gains access to the Ottoman Government, itself extended with Pashas and Jannisaries 2017-10-03
11 Mamluks and Iqta Government Description of the new Mamluk Government and changes to the Iqta government form 2017-10-10
12 开局界面,传教士和模组 10月17日开发日志 开局会显示国家的情况,传教士可以帮附庸传教,Groogy为制作模组更简单而做的事情 2017-10-17
13 Military tidbits and AI updates A military mixed-bag of features along with parting words from Gnivom, EU4's AI programmer, accompanied by an overview of future AI improvements and any AI cheats present in 1.23 2017-10-24
14 MP streamlined MP gets several issues sorted with 1.23 - expect a more smooth experience. 2017-10-31
15 Additions and achievements Achievements for patch 1.23 revealed along with the last features of the Cradle of Civilization expansion. 2017-11-07
16 Persia Update Patch Notes 1.23补丁日志 A sneak preview of the 1.23 Persia patch notes 2017-11-14
17 Post Release Patch Post release bug-support in the short term and and some planned enhancements in the mid-term 2017-11-21
1.24 版本(日本)
编号 原文链接 译文链接 描述 日期
18 日本和菲律宾 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-日本与菲律宾
重做菲律宾并且在日本新加部分省份和国家 2017-11-28
19 游戏优化和平衡 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-变法、捉虫与平衡性修正
后期游戏性能优化和平衡,陆军移动速度的改变和陆军职业化 2017-12-05
20 Japan Update Changelog 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-1.24版本号日本更新 Changelog for the 1.24 Japan update. 2017-12-12
21 2017圣诞总结 【牧游社-牧有汉化】欧陆风云4开发日志-The 2017 Christmas Wrapper 2017回顾与总结 2017-12-19
