这是从游戏数据构造的脚本效果指令(Scripted effects)列表。脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/*.txt。
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/00_scripted_effects.txt。
#Unsorted Scripted effects:
add_or_extend_province_modifier_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_province_modifier = $MODIFIER$
- }
- extend_province_modifier = { name = $MODIFIER$ duration = $DURATION$ }
- }
- else = {
- add_province_modifier = { name = $MODIFIER$ duration = $DURATION$ }
- }
- #General effect for extending or adding province modifier
- #Province Scope
add_loot_from_province_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { development = 18 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 115
- add_mil_power = 15
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 18
- NOT = { development = 21 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 135
- add_mil_power = 15
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 21
- NOT = { development = 24 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 155
- add_mil_power = 25
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 24
- NOT = { development = 27 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 180
- add_mil_power = 30
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 27
- NOT = { development = 30 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 210
- add_mil_power = 40
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 30
- NOT = { development = 33 }
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 230
- add_mil_power = 50
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- development = 33
- }
- }
- add_treasury = 250
- add_mil_power = 55
- }
- #Used in army professionalism event:
- #used where FROM is a province and ROOT is a country, ie onaction for provinces fallen
add_loot_from_rich_province_general_effect |
- add_devastation = 80
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { development = 18 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 400
- add_mil_power = 15
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 18
- NOT = { development = 21 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 435
- add_mil_power = 15
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 21
- NOT = { development = 24 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 455
- add_mil_power = 25
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 24
- NOT = { development = 27 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 480
- add_mil_power = 30
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 27
- NOT = { development = 30 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 510
- add_mil_power = 40
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 30
- NOT = { development = 33 }
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 530
- add_mil_power = 50
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- development = 33
- }
- $LOOTER$ = {
- add_treasury = 550
- add_mil_power = 55
- }
- }
- #Generalized version of the same effect, for use in province scope.
- #used where ROOT is a province, ie onaction for provinces fallen
- #$LOOTER$ is the scope of the tag performing the Looting (so for instance owner)
clear_religious_scholar_modifiers_effect |
- remove_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier
- remove_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier
- #Religious Schools:
- #Country Scope
move_capital_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- is_part_of_hre = yes
- ROOT = {
- is_part_of_hre = no
- }
- }
- set_in_empire = no
- emperor = {
- add_opinion = {
- who = ROOT
- modifier = hre_province_left
- }
- }
- add_imperial_influence = -1
- }
- if = {
- limit = { has_estate = yes }
- remove_estate = yes
- }
- if = {
- limit = { is_capital = no }
- ROOT = {
- set_capital = PREV
- }
- }
- #Move capital along with all that also needs to be done. Used in capital decisions.
- #THIS = Province Scope, ROOT = Country Scope
prev_move_capital_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- is_part_of_hre = yes
- PREV = {
- is_part_of_hre = no
- }
- }
- set_in_empire = no
- PREV = {
- emperor = {
- add_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- modifier = hre_province_left
- }
- }
- }
- add_imperial_influence = -1
- }
- if = {
- limit = { has_estate = yes }
- remove_estate = yes
- }
- if = {
- limit = { is_capital = no }
- PREV = {
- set_capital = PREV
- }
- }
- #Same as move_capital_effect, but for when you want to move PREV's rather than ROOT's capital
- #THIS = Province Scope, PREV = Country Scope
remove_non_electors_emperors_from_empire_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- is_part_of_hre = yes
- is_elector = no
- is_emperor = no
- }
- custom_tooltip = remove_non_electors_emperors_from_empire_effect_tooltip
- hidden_effect = {
- every_owned_province = {
- limit = {
- is_part_of_hre = yes
- }
- set_in_empire = no
- }
- }
- }
abolish_slavery_effect |
- custom_tooltip = abolished_slavery_act_tooltip
- hidden_effect = {
- every_owned_province = {
- limit = {
- trade_goods = slaves
- }
- change_trade_goods = unknown
- remove_building = tradecompany
- }
- }
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_advisors.txt。
#All are Country Scope unless otherwise stated.
check_if_non_state_advisor_effect |
- hidden_effect = { * #Variety - Religious Minorities
- if = { * #Europe
- limit = {
- capital_scope = {
- continent = europe
- }
- }
- random_list = {
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = jewish_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = protestant_or_coptic_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = reformed_or_orthodox_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = heathen_advisor }
- }
- }
- else_if = { * #Near East
- limit = {
- capital_scope = {
- OR = {
- superregion = near_east_superregion
- region = horn_of_africa_region
- region = egypt_region
- region = maghreb_region
- region = sahel_region
- region = niger_region
- }
- }
- }
- random_list = {
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = jewish_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = sunni_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = shia_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = ibadi_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = coptic_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = heathen_advisor }
- }
- }
- else_if = { * #India and Persia + Fallback for Muslim and Dharmic Groups
- limit = {
- capital_scope = {
- OR = {
- superregion = persia_superregion
- superregion = india_superregion
- religion_group = muslim
- religion_group = dharmic
- }
- }
- }
- random_list = { * #India and Persia, Somewhat higher chance of non-state
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = jewish_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = zoroastrian_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = sikh_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = sunni_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = shia_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = ibadi_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = hinduism_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = heathen_advisor }
- }
- }
- else_if = { * #Sinosphere
- limit = {
- NOT = { religion_group = christian }
- NOT = { religion_group = muslim }
- capital_scope = {
- continent = asia * #Except the above parts of it
- }
- }
- random_list = { * #East Asia has highest chance of non state.
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = confucian_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = shinto_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = theravada_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = mahayana_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = vajrayana_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = catholic_advisor }
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- capital_scope = {
- continent = new_world * #RNW
- }
- }
- random_list = { * #East Asia has highest chance of non state.
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = norse_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = totemism_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = animism_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = mayan_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = inca_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = nahuatl_advisor }
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = christian * #This one is mostly the same as the Europe one.
- }
- random_list = {
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = jewish_advisor }
- $chance_of_primary$ = { set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = protestant_or_coptic_advisor }
- $chance_of_secondary$ = { set_country_flag = reformed_or_orthodox_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = heathen_advisor }
- $chance_of_tertiary$ = { set_country_flag = zoroastrian_advisor }
- }
- }
- else = {
- set_country_flag = state_religion_advisor
- }
- }
- #Sets flags to use when generating advisors, must be used in immediate = { } and be followed by erase_advisor_flags_effect in after = {}
- #Needs these arguments:
- #chance_of_primary = State religion
- #chance_of_secondary =
- #chance_of_tertiary = Remaining Heathen Religions
- #Note: These are not actual chances, they are just weights, the script then uses them differently depending on what region you are in. There is a higher or lower chance of variety depending on where minorities where big historically.
erase_advisor_flags_effect |
- trigger_switch = {
- on_trigger = has_country_flag
- state_religion_advisor = { clr_country_flag = state_religion_advisor }
- jewish_advisor = { clr_country_flag = jewish_advisor }
- protestant_or_coptic_advisor = { clr_country_flag = protestant_or_coptic_advisor }
- reformed_or_orthodox_advisor = { clr_country_flag = reformed_or_orthodox_advisor }
- heathen_advisor = { clr_country_flag = heathen_advisor }
- zoroastrian_advisor = { clr_country_flag = zoroastrian_advisor }
- sikh_advisor = { clr_country_flag = sikh_advisor }
- confucian_advisor = { clr_country_flag = confucian_advisor }
- shinto_advisor = { clr_country_flag = shinto_advisor }
- theravada_advisor = { clr_country_flag = theravada_advisor }
- mahayana_advisor = { clr_country_flag = mahayana_advisor }
- vajrayana_advisor = { clr_country_flag = vajrayana_advisor }
- catholic_advisor = { clr_country_flag = catholic_advisor }
- hinduism_advisor = { clr_country_flag = hinduism_advisor }
- ibadi_advisor = { clr_country_flag = ibadi_advisor }
- shia_advisor = { clr_country_flag = shia_advisor }
- sunni_advisor = { clr_country_flag = sunni_advisor }
- coptic_advisor = { clr_country_flag = coptic_advisor }
- norse_advisor = { clr_country_flag = norse_advisor }
- animism_advisor = { clr_country_flag = animism_advisor }
- totemism_advisor = { clr_country_flag = totemism_advisor }
- inca_advisor = { clr_country_flag = inca_advisor }
- nahuatl_advisor = { clr_country_flag = nahuatl_advisor }
- mayan_advisor = { clr_country_flag = mayan_advisor }
- }
- #Goes into the after = {} effect after check_if_non_state_advisor_effect
internal_advisor_generation_effect |
- trigger_switch = {
- on_trigger = has_country_flag * #Flags set by check_if_non_state_advisor_effect
- state_religion_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- jewish_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = jewish
- }
- }
- protestant_or_coptic_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- religion = catholic
- religion = reformed
- }
- is_religion_enabled = protestant
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = protestant
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = catholic
- NOT = { is_religion_enabled = protestant }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = orthodox
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = protestant
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = catholic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = orthodox
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = coptic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = coptic
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = jewish
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- reformed_or_orthodox_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- religion = catholic
- religion = protestant
- }
- is_religion_enabled = reformed
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = reformed
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = catholic
- NOT = { is_religion_enabled = reformed }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = orthodox
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = reformed
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = catholic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = orthodox
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = coptic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion = coptic
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = orthodox
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- heathen_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = christian
- capital_scope = { continent = europe }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = jewish
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = christian
- capital_scope = { continent = asia }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = sunni
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = christian
- capital_scope = { continent = africa }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = sunni
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = muslim
- continent = europe
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = catholic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = muslim
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = coptic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = eastern * #Most likely won't come here but could.
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = animism
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = dharmic * #Most likely won't come here but could.
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = animism
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = dharmic * #Most likely won't come here but could.
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = animism
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- heathen_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { religion_group = christian }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = sunni
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- religion_group = muslim
- capital_scope = {
- OR = {
- superregion = near_east_superregion
- continent = europe
- region = horn_of_africa_region
- }
- }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = catholic
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { religion_group = muslim }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = zoroastrian
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { religion_group = dharmic }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- religion = shiite
- culture = persian
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- zoroastrian_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = zoroastrian } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = zoroastrian
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = hinduism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- sikh_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { religion = sikhism }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = hinduism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { is_religion_enabled = sikhism }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = sikhism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { religion = hinduism }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = zoroastrian
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { religion_group = muslim }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = hinduism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- confucian_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = confucianism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- shinto_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = shinto
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- theravada_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = buddhism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- mahayana_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = mahayana
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- vajrayana_advisor = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = vajrayana
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- catholic_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = {
- any_province = {
- religion = catholic
- has_discovered = ROOT
- }
- }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = catholic
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- hinduism_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = hinduism } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = hinduism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = sunni
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- ibadi_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = ibadi } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = ibadi
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = shiite
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- shia_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = shiite } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = shiite
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = ibadi
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- sunni_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = sunni } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = sunni
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = shiite
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- coptic_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = coptic } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = coptic
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = jewish
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- norse_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = norse_pagan_reformed
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = totemism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- animism_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = animism } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = animism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = totemism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- totemism_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = totemism } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = totemism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = animism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- mayan_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = mesoamerican_religion
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = nahuatl
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- nahuatl_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = nahuatl } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = nahuatl
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = mesoamerican_religion
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- inca_advisor = {
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion = inti } }
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = inti
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- define_advisor = {
- type = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- religion = animism
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #Only used within generate_advisor_of_type_and_semi_random_religion_effect
- #Requires check_if_non_state_advisor_effect in immediate as that gives the arguments to generate_advisor_of_type_and_semi_random_religion_effect that then passes it on to this.
- #$advisor_type$ = Advisor type if state religion.
- #$advisor_type_if_not_state$ = Advisor type if non-state religion.
- #$skill$ = Skill Level
- #$discount$ = yes/no for discount
generate_advisor_of_type_and_semi_random_religion_effect |
- [[scaled_skill]
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { monthly_income = 15 }
- }
- internal_advisor_generation_effect = {
- advisor_type = $advisor_type$
- advisor_type_if_not_state = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = 1
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { monthly_income = 25 }
- }
- internal_advisor_generation_effect = {
- advisor_type = $advisor_type$
- advisor_type_if_not_state = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = 2
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- else = {
- internal_advisor_generation_effect = {
- advisor_type = $advisor_type$
- advisor_type_if_not_state = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = 3
- discount = $discount$
- }
- }
- ]
- [[skill]
- internal_advisor_generation_effect = {
- advisor_type = $advisor_type$
- advisor_type_if_not_state = $advisor_type_if_not_state$
- skill = $skill$
- discount = $discount$
- }
- ]
- #Actual work is done by internal_advisor_generation_effect above but it goes through this first.
- #Requires check_if_non_state_advisor_effect in immediate.
- #$advisor_type$ = Advisor type if state religion.
- #$advisor_type_if_not_state$ = Advisor type if non-state religion.
- #$scaled_skill$ = yes/no
- #$skill$ = Skill Level
- #$discount$ = yes/no for discount
remove_advisor_adm_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = inquisitor
- }
- remove_advisor = inquisitor
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = natural_scientist
- }
- remove_advisor = natural_scientist
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = master_of_mint
- }
- remove_advisor = master_of_mint
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = theologian
- }
- remove_advisor = theologian
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = artist
- }
- remove_advisor = artist
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = philosopher
- }
- remove_advisor = philosopher
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- advisor = treasurer
- }
- remove_advisor = treasurer
- }
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_diplomacy.txt。
#Country scopes unless otherwise stated
add_mutual_opinion_modifier_effect |
- add_opinion = {
- who = $scope_country$
- modifier = $opinion_modifier$
- }
- reverse_add_opinion = {
- who = $scope_country$
- modifier = $opinion_modifier$
- }
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_empire_of_china.txt。
#Scripted effects relating to China, with or without DLC.
boost_eunuchs_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = enuchs
- influence = 10
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 市舶司派系获得 10 影响力
boost_eunuchs_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = enuchs
- influence = 15
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 市舶司派系获得 15 影响力
reduce_eunuchs_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = enuchs
- influence = -10
- }
- }
reduce_eunuchs_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = enuchs
- influence = -15
- }
- }
boost_bureaucrats_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = bureaucrats
- influence = 10
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 内阁大学士派系获得 10 影响力
boost_bureaucrats_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = bureaucrats
- influence = 15
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 内阁大学士派系获得 15 影响力
reduce_bureaucrats_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = bureaucrats
- influence = -10
- }
- }
boost_temples_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = temples
- influence = 10
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 五军都督府派系获得 10 影响力
boost_temples_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = temples
- influence = 15
- }
- }
若DLC 天命未激活,则 五军都督府派系获得 15 影响力
reduce_temples_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = temples
- influence = -10
- }
- }
reduce_temples_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" }
- }
- add_faction_influence = {
- faction = temples
- influence = -15
- }
- }
add_mandate_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_mandate = 5
- }
- 则获得
5 天命值
add_mandate_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_mandate = 10
- }
- 则获得
10 天命值
reduce_mandate_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_mandate = -5
- }
- 则失去
5 天命值
reduce_mandate_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_mandate = -10
- }
- 则失去
10 天命值
add_meritocracy_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_meritocracy = 5
- }
- 则获得
5 贤能值
reduce_meritocracy_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_meritocracy = -5
- }
- 则失去
5 贤能值
reduce_meritocracy_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_meritocracy = -15
- }
- 则失去
10 贤能值
add_meritocracy_large_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
- is_emperor_of_china = yes
- }
- add_meritocracy = 15
- }
- 则获得
15 贤能值
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_estates.txt。
#Scripted effects for estates
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_history.txt。
#All are Country Scope unless otherwise stated.
add_rajputs_or_marathas_or_nobles_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- owner = { has_estate = estate_rajput }
- }
- set_estate = estate_rajput
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = {
- owner = { has_estate = estate_maratha }
- }
- set_estate = estate_maratha
- }
- else_if = {
- limit = { owner = { has_estate = estate_dhimmi } }
- set_estate = estate_dhimmi
- }
- else = {
- set_estate = estate_nobles
- }
- #Add Nobility or Rajputs or Marathas
- #Province Scope
add_vaisyas_or_burghers_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- owner = { has_estate = estate_vaisyas }
- }
- set_estate = estate_vaisyas
- }
- else = {
- set_estate = estate_burghers
- }
- #Add Burghers or Vaisyas
- #Province Scope
add_jains_or_burghers_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- owner = { has_estate = estate_jains }
- }
- set_estate = estate_jains
- }
- else = {
- set_estate = estate_burghers
- }
- #Add Burghers or Jains
- #Province Scope
add_brahmins_or_church_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- owner = { has_estate = estate_brahmins }
- }
- set_estate = estate_brahmins
- }
- else = {
- set_estate = estate_church
- }
- #Add Clergy or Brahmins
- #Province Scope
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_on_actions.txt。
initialize_schools_effect |
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { has_global_flag = schools_initiated } }
- set_global_flag = schools_initiated
- random_country = { * #Ismailis are disliked by all Sunnis at start.
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = ismaili_school
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanafi_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanbali_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = shafii_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = maliki_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- }
- random_country = { * #Jafaris are disliked by all Sunnis at start.
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = jafari_school
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanafi_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanbali_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = shafii_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = maliki_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- }
- random_country = { * #Zaidis are disliked by all Sunnis at start.
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = zaidi_school
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanafi_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = hanbali_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = shafii_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = {
- religious_school = {
- group = muslim
- school = maliki_school
- }
- }
- set_school_opinion = {
- who = PREV
- opinion = -1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #Used in on_startup on_action
battle_cult_spreading_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = yemoja_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = yemoja_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.1 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = yemoja_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = yemoja_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.1 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = roog_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = roog_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.2 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = roog_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = roog_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.2 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = nyame_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = nyame_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.3 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = nyame_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = nyame_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.3 } }
- }
- #Cwezi / Swezi / Kubandwa
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = cwezi_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = cwezi_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.101 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = cwezi_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = cwezi_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.101 } }
- }
- #Mlira and other Nature Spirits and/or ancestral cults of Central Africa
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = central_african_ancestor_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = central_african_ancestor_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.102 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = central_african_ancestor_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = central_african_ancestor_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.102 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = mwari_cult }
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = mwari_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.103 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = mwari_cult }
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = mwari_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.103 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = enkai_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = enkai_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.201 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = enkai_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = enkai_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.201 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = waaq_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = waaq_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.202 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = waaq_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = waaq_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.202 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = zanahary_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = zanahary_cult
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.203 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = zanahary_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- religion = shamanism
- has_unlocked_cult = zanahary_cult
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.203 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = christianity_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion_group = christian
- has_unlocked_cult = christianity_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.400 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = christianity_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = christianity_cult
- religion_group = christian
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.400 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = islam_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion_group = muslim
- has_unlocked_cult = islam_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.401 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = islam_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = islam_cult
- religion_group = muslim
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.401 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = buddhism_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion_group = eastern
- has_unlocked_cult = buddhism_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.402 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = buddhism_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = buddhism_cult
- religion_group = eastern
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.402 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = dharmic_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion_group = dharmic
- has_unlocked_cult = dharmic_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.403 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = dharmic_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = dharmic_cult
- religion_group = dharmic
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.403 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = south_central_american_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion = nahuatl
- religion = inti
- religion = mesoamerican_religion
- has_unlocked_cult = south_central_american_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.404 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = south_central_american_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = south_central_american_cult
- religion = nahuatl
- religion = mesoamerican_religion
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.404 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = norse_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion = norse_pagan_reformed
- has_unlocked_cult = norse_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.405 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = norse_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = norse_cult
- religion = norse_pagan_reformed
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.405 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = jewish_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion = jewish
- has_unlocked_cult = jewish_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.406 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = jewish_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = jewish_cult
- religion = jewish
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.406 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- ROOT = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = zoroastrian_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- FROM = {
- OR = {
- religion = zoroastrian
- has_unlocked_cult = zoroastrian_cult
- }
- }
- }
- ROOT = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.407 } }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- FROM = {
- NOT = { has_unlocked_cult = zoroastrian_cult }
- religion = shamanism * #Fetishism
- }
- ROOT = {
- OR = {
- has_unlocked_cult = zoroastrian_cult
- religion = zoroastrian
- }
- }
- }
- FROM = { country_event = { id = fetishist_flavor.407 } }
- }
crimean_succession_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- tag = CRI
- NOT = { has_global_flag = death_of_haji_giray } * #Also set in history.
- exists = TUR
- is_subject = no
- TUR = {
- num_of_cities = ROOT
- is_subject = no
- num_of_ports = 1
- }
- }
- country_event = { id = flavor_cri.1 } * #Death of Haji Giray
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- tag = CRI
- NOT = { has_global_flag = death_of_haji_giray } * #Also set in history.
- OR = {
- NOT = { exists = TUR }
- is_subject = yes
- TUR = { NOT = { num_of_cities = ROOT } }
- TUR = { is_subject = yes }
- TUR = { NOT = { num_of_ports = 1 } }
- }
- }
- set_global_flag = death_of_haji_giray
- }
slesvig_question_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- tag = SHL
- NOT = { has_global_flag = death_of_adolf_of_slesvig } * #
- is_subject_of = DAN
- ai = yes
- }
- DAN = { country_event = { id = flavor_dan.4 } } * # Death of Adolf VIII
- set_global_flag = death_of_adolf_of_slesvig
- }
succession_culture_religion_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_reform = elective_monarchy }
- has_regency = no
- NOT = { has_ruler_flag = had_culture_religion_reaction_event_flag }
- NOT = { has_reform = mamluk_government }
- OR = {
- NOT = { ruler_culture = ROOT }
- NOT = { ruler_religion = ROOT }
- }
- }
- set_country_flag = had_culture_religion_reaction_event_flag
- country_event = { id = culture_religion_events.2 days = 75 random = 7 }
- }
- #Note: Cleared in the event below, all future effects from ruler culture/religion are gated behind this flag being cleared.
sheik_ul_islam_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
- NOT = { has_country_flag = had_sheikh_ul_islam_event }
- uses_piety = yes
- num_of_cities = 20
- government_rank = 2
- has_religious_school = yes
- government = monarchy
- NOT = { has_reform = steppe_horde }
- }
- set_country_flag = had_sheikh_ul_islam_event
- country_event = { id = muslim_school_events.2 days = 45 random = 7 }
- }
- #Cleared by the event itself. Avoids event spam if multiple quick successions
- #New Grand Mufti/Sheik-ul-Islam
ambrosian_republic_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- tag = MLO
- }
- country_event = { id = flavor_mlo.1 days = 3 } * # The Ambrosian Republic
- }
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_rulers_heirs_consorts.txt。
#All are Country Scope unless otherwise stated.
create_new_internal_consort_effect |
- if = {
- limit = {
- has_dlc = "Rights of Man"
- has_consort = no
- }
- define_consort = {
- country_of_origin = ROOT
- }
- }
- #Don't use if you want more options with different random consorts.
divorce_consort_effect |
- #Foreign consort family expresses anger
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- NOT = { religion = catholic }
- AND = {
- religion = catholic
- NOT = { exists = PAP }
- }
- }
- has_foreign_consort = yes
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = { is_origin_of_consort = ROOT }
- hidden_effect = { country_event = { id = consort_events.205 days = 1 } }
- tooltip = {
- add_opinion = {
- who = ROOT
- modifier = offended_by_divorce:
- }
- add_casus_belli = {
- target = ROOT
- type = cb_insult
- months = 60
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #Local consort family expresses anger
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- NOT = { religion = catholic }
- AND = {
- religion = catholic
- NOT = { exists = PAP }
- }
- }
- has_foreign_consort = no
- any_owned_province = {
- has_province_modifier = domain_of_spouses_family
- }
- }
- every_owned_province = {
- limit = { has_province_modifier = domain_of_spouses_family }
- add_or_extend_province_modifier_effect = {
- MODIFIER = angered_nobles
- DURATION = 7300
- }
- }
- }
- #Set aside first wife and select another
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { religion_group = christian } }
- custom_tooltip = divorce.a.tt
- hidden_effect = {:
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { any_country = { is_origin_of_consort = ROOT } } }
- remove_consort = yes
- country_event = { id = consort_events.206 }
- }
- }
- define_consort = { }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- AND = {
- religion_group = christian
- NOT = { religion = catholic }
- }
- AND = {
- religion = catholic
- NOT = { exists = PAP }
- }
- }
- }
- custom_tooltip = divorce.b.tt
- hidden_effect = {:
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { any_country = { is_origin_of_consort = ROOT } } }
- remove_consort = yes
- country_event = { id = consort_events.206 }
- }
- }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- religion = catholic
- exists = PAP
- }
- #How much influence will you spend?
- country_event = { id = consort_events.201 }
- }
- if = {
- limit = {
- OR = {
- NOT = { religion = catholic }
- AND = {
- NOT = { exists = PAP }
- religion = catholic
- }
- }
- }
- add_prestige = -15
- }
save_origin_of_consort_effect |
- if = { * # finds and saves foreign country as origin
- limit = {
- has_foreign_consort = yes
- any_country = { has_given_consort_to = ROOT }
- }
- random_country = {
- limit = { has_given_consort_to = ROOT }
- save_event_target_as = origin_of_consort
- }
- }
- if = { * # finds and saves local province as origin
- limit = {
- has_foreign_consort = no
- any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = domain_of_spouses_family }
- }
- random_owned_province = {
- limit = { has_province_modifier = domain_of_spouses_family }
- save_event_target_as = origin_of_consort
- }
- }
- if = { * # finds and saves local province as origin
- limit = {
- has_foreign_consort = no
- has_ruler_flag = has_lowborn_consort
- any_owned_province = { has_province_modifier = home_of_consort }
- }
- random_owned_province = {
- limit = { has_province_modifier = home_of_consort }
- save_event_target_as = origin_of_consort
- }
- }
- if = { * # if all else fails: use this consort_flag to set a triggered desc
- limit = {
- NOT = { has_saved_event_target = origin_of_consort }
- }
- set_consort_flag = home_province_lost
- }
- #Used for all internal consorts.
increase_heir_dip_effect |
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { heir_dip = 6 } }
- change_heir_dip = 1
- ELSE = {
- add_dip_power = 50
- }
- }
increase_heir_adm_effect |
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { heir_adm = 6 } }
- change_heir_adm = 1
- ELSE = {
- add_adm_power = 50
- }
- }
increase_heir_mil_effect |
- if = {
- limit = { NOT = { heir_mil = 6 } }
- change_heir_mil = 1
- ELSE = {
- add_mil_power = 50
- }
- }
脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_simple_bonuses_penalties.txt。
#All are Country Scope unless otherwise stated.