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max promoted cultures
adm tech cost
advisor cost
possible advisors, advisor pool
aggressive expansion impact, ae impact
yearly army tradition
army tradition decay
artillery cost, art cost
artillery combat ability, art power
blockade efficiency
construction cost
development cost
cavalry cost, cav cost
cavalry combat ability, cav power
settler chance, colonist chance
core-creation cost
culture conversion cost
fort defense
dip tech cost
diplomatic annexation cost
diplomatic reputation
diplomatic relations, diplomatic upkeep
embargo efficiency
hostile core-creation cost on us, enemy core creation
envoy travel time
cost to fabricate claims
leader(s) without upkeep, free leader pool
galley cost
galley combat ability, galley power
global settler increase
trade power abroad
national garrison growth
missionary strength vs heretics
national manpower modifier
missionary strength
domestic trade power
provincial trade power modifier
regiment cost
recruitment time
national unrest
ship cost
shipbuilding time
global ship repair
foreign spy detection
global tariffs
national tax modifier
goods produced modifier
global trade power
heavy ship cost
heavy ship combat ability, heavy ship power
chance of new heir, heir chance
attrition for enemies, hostile attrition
idea cost
imperial authority growth modifier
imperial authority modifier
improve relations, improve relation modifier
infantry cost, inf cost
infantry combat ability, inf power, infantry power
inflation reduction
interest per annum, interest
cost to justify trade conflict
land attrition
land force limit modifier
land maintenance modifier
morale of armies, land morale
land leader fire
land leader maneuver
land leader shock
naval leader fire
naval leader maneuver
naval leader shock
leader siege
yearly legitimacy
light ship cost
light ship combat ability, light ship power
manpower recovery speed
may explore
may raid coasts
mercenary maintenance
mercenary cost
caravan power
mil tech cost
migration cooldown
monthly fervor
naval attrition
naval force limit modifier
naval maintenance modifier
morale of navies, naval morale
yearly navy tradition
navy tradition decay
no religion penalty
papal influence
mercenary manpower
prestige decay
prestige from land
privateer efficiency
production efficiency
colonial range
rebel support efficiency
recover army morale speed, land morale recovery
recover navy morale speed, naval morale recovery
native assimilation
native uprising chance
reinforce speed
religious unity
yearly republican tradition
ship durability
siege ability
spy network construction
stability cost modifier
technology cost
tolerance of heathens, tolerance heathen
tolerance of heretics, tolerance heretic
tolerance of the true faith, tolerance own
trade efficiency
trade range
trade steering
unjustified demands
vassal force limit contribution, vassal forcelimit bonus
income from vassals, vassal income
monthly war exhaustion, war exhaustion decrease
war exhaustion cost
years of separatism
autonomy, national autonomy
province war score cost
yearly devotion
church power modifier, church power
garrison size
fort maintenance
looting speed
yearly horde unity
national sailors modifier
sailor recovery speed
state maintenance
liberty desire in subjects
institution spread
institution embracement cost
movement speed
shock damage received
army tradition from battles
naval tradition from battles
cavalry flanking ability
land fire damage
chance to capture enemy ships, capture ship chance
morale hit when losing a ship
transport cost
yearly harmony increase, harmony increase
yearly absolutism, absolutism
cavalry to infantry ratio
possible manchu banners
reinforce cost
shock damage
sailor maintenance
administrative efficiency
global naval engagement
mercenary discipline
fire damage received
monthly piety
yearly tribal allegiance
cost of adv wrc
harsh treatment cost
ship trade power
construction time
possible policies
reform progress growth
administrative free policies
diplomatic free policies
military free policies
diplomatic possible policies
military possible policies
power projection from insults
innovativeness gain
missionary maintenance cost
expel minorities cost
naval tradition from protecting trade
admiral cost
center of trade upgrade cost
fort maintenance on border with rival
naval combat bonus off owned coast
artillery fire
autonomy change cooldown
artillery damage from back row
merchant trade power
liberty desire from subjects development
reelection cost
female advisor chance
blockade impact on siege
mandate growth modifier
nobility loyalty
burghers influence
burghers loyalty
vaishyas loyalty
brahmins loyalty
clergy loyalty
dhimmi loyalty
minimum autonomy in territories
governing capacity modifier
marines force limit
ship disengagement chance
flagship cost
monarch diplomatic skill
monarch military skill
maximum revolutionary zeal
general cost
may recruit female generals
trade company investment cost
army drill gain modifier
cost of enforcing religion through war
monthly splendor