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这是  霍尔木兹的全部任务列表。[1]



任务 完成条件 效果 前置任务
Mission portuguese oman.png
Twilight of Oman
We have been in conflict with the Sultanate of Oman for many years. Their influence is now reduced to the fort of Nizwa, and their defeat is imminent. Let us strike at them one last time, and wipe out their influence from our lands.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有以下区域和省份:
    • 阿曼
    • 省份尼兹瓦Nizwa [403]
  • 获得下列区域的永久宣称
    • 巴林
    • 亚玛玛
    • 内夫得
    • 卡西姆
    • 佐法尔
    • 迈赫拉
  • 伟大工程 「尼兹瓦城堡」级别提升 1
  • 所有阿曼文化的省份将会获得阿曼影响萎缩Omani Influence Curtailed持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,并给予如下效果:
    • 本地传教力量 +3% 本地传教强度
    • 本地传教维护费 −25% 本地传教维护费
    • 本地叛乱度 −2 本地叛乱度
Mission spoils of war.png
Subduing the Mahra People
Southern Arabia is home to the Mahri people, a culture distinct from other Arabian tribes. They are also renowned seafarers like us, but that only makes them our competitors. Let us march into their land and make them submit to our rule.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 5 个省份:
    • 佐法尔
    • 迈赫拉
  • 失去 Local autonomy.png 25% 自治度
  • 减少 分裂主义年数 5 分离主义年数

省份索科特拉Socotra [1099]

  • 若属于  霍尔木兹 或一个属国:
    • 建立一个 1级贸易中心 1 级贸易中心
    • 获得 造船厂 造船厂建筑升级[2]
    • 当地宗教转变为国家宗教
Mission portuguese oman.png 阿曼的迟暮
Mission haasa.png
The Land of Bahrain
Bahrain is home to some of the most precious gems in Arabia. They are however controlled by foreigners, not making use of them to their full potential. Perhaps it is time we took over and traded these gems for our own benefit.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有巴林区域
  • 获得 Mercantilism.png 2.00 重商主义
  • 由巴林区域生产 宝石 宝石的省份及首都省份[3] 中获得 杜卡特 8年的生产收入

省份卡塔尔Qatar [395]巴林Bahrain [396]

  • 获得开采阿拉伯宝石Exploiting the Gems of Arabia持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,给予以下效果:
    • 本地商品产出 +1 本地商品产出
Mission portuguese oman.png 阿曼的迟暮
Mam arabia.png
Consolidating Central Arabia
Central Arabia is home to many hostile tribes, all much more accustomed to desert warfare than us. However, what they lack is the wealth to oppose us. Our gold will buy a thousand warriors, and with a thousand warriors we shall subdue them.
  • 拥有省份耶卜林Yabrin [2339]
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 6 个省份:
    • 亚玛玛
    • 卡西姆
    • 内夫得
  • 获得 Army tradition.png 10 可转换[4] 陆军传统
  • 耶卜林Yabrin [2339]开始免费建造 骑兵 5 骑兵部队,耗时50.0%。
  • 获得部落效忠Tribal Allegiance持续 Time Icon.png 20 年,给予如下效果:
    • 骑兵花费 −20% 骑兵花费
Mission portuguese oman.png 阿曼的迟暮
Kok mam holy cities.png
Custodian of the Cities
The Holy Cities of the Islamic world are controlled by weaklings. We, the merchants of [Root.GetName], backed up by gold and steel are a much better fit for the title of Custodian. Mecca and Medina will be in our hands soon.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 6 个省份:
    • 麦地那
    • 麦加
 霍尔木兹 Mission spoils of war.png 征服迈赫拉人
Mam baghdad.png
Fall of Baghdad
The House of Wisdom is perhaps the most famous library in the Islamic world. Created in Baghdad, it strengthened the Islamic Golden Era. However, since the Mongol Invasion it has lost its once former glory. We will help rebuild it to even greater heights, and it will start by seizing Baghdad for ourselves.
  • 拥有省份巴格达Baghdad [410]
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有 6 个省份:
    • 巴士拉
    • 伊拉克
  • 获得 Innovativeness.png 5 创新度
  • 获得了马什里克地区的永久宣称

省份巴格达Baghdad [410]

  • 获得 大学 大学建筑[5]

Mission haasa.png 巴林之地
Mam arabia.png 巩固阿拉伯中部
Mission spoils of war.png 征服迈赫拉人

Yem unite yemen.png
Conquest of Yemen
Yemen stands as the crossroad between Arabia and Africa. They are also producers of some of the most famous coffee in the world. They are but enemies to us, however, and they need to be dealt with. We will conquer them like we've conquered the rest of Arabia.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有 8 个省份:
  • 阿西尔
  • 上也门
  • 帖哈麦也门
  • 下也门
  • 由所需区域生产 咖啡 咖啡的省份及首都省份[3]获得 杜卡特 8 年的生产收入
  • 统治者获得 储君军事技能 1 军事
  • 获得征服也门Conquest of Yemen持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,给予如下效果:
    • Land morale.png +10% 陆军士气
    • 国家叛乱度 −2 全国叛乱度
Mam arabia.png 巩固阿拉伯中部
Yem coffee.png
Exploiting the Coffee's Secret
The coffee of Yemen is one of the most profitable goods of Arabia. As traders, it would only be fair if we were to exploit this, and tried to increase the production of this good.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]穆哈Mokha [387]且上述省份:
    • Production.png 基础生产至少为 6
    • 有至少 2 幢建筑
  • 统治者获得特质 勤政 勤政

省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]穆哈Mokha [387]

  • 获得当地对应产品的工场

省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]

  • 获得阿拉比卡咖啡Coffea Arabica持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
    • 本地商品产出 +3 本地商品产出
Yem unite yemen.png 征服也门
Arb unite arabia.png
Our Peninsula
At last the lands of Arabia have been united. Ever since the fall of the Caliphate, and the Caliph becoming but a mere puppet, the Islamic world had been divided. Now that we have united the land of the prophet, we may now declare ourselves the new Caliph.
  • 拥有下列核心省份:
    • 亚历山大Alexandria [358]
    • 开罗Cairo [361]
    • 阿勒颇Aleppo [377]
    • 耶路撒冷Jerusalem [379]
    • 大马士革Damascus [382]
    • 麦地那Medina [384]
    • 麦加Mecca [385]
    • 亚丁Aden [388]
    • 萨那Sana'a [390]
    • 阿里德Al-Arid [392]
    • 盖提夫Al-Qatif [394]
    • 马斯喀特Muscat [400]
    • 尼兹瓦Nizwa [403]
    • 巴格达Baghdad [410]
  • Decision.png 成立阿拉伯决议不再要求 Administrative tech.png 行政科技等级
  • 在拥有的省份随机分配 Manpower Icon.png 10 人力发展度
  • 获得 Power Projection.png +5 力量投射。此力量投射是永久

Yem unite yemen.png 征服也门
Mam baghdad.png 巴格达的陷落
Kok mam holy cities.png 圣城监护人





  1. 脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/missions/WOC_Hormuz_Missions.txt
  2. 如果当前没有相关建筑,则添加 造船厂 造船厂,如果有 大船厂大造船厂,则获得 Sailors.png 500 水手。
  3. 跳转至: 3.0 3.1 不论省份产出如何。若首都符合前一条件,不重复计算。
  4. 超出上限部分的陆军传统每有 1 点将转换为 Military power.png 3 军事点数。
  5. 如果当前没有大学,则添加 大学 大学,如果有,则获得 Tax Base Icon.png 1 基础税收、Production.png 1 基础生产以及 Manpower Icon.png 1 基础人力