

这是  阿曼的全部任务列表[1]

当DLC 变革之风 变革之风开启时,阿曼使用基础游戏版本任务[2]



任务 完成条件 效果 前置任务
Mission portuguese oman.png
Vanquish Hormuz
The people of Hormuz have oppressed us over the decades, combating us and reducing our influence to that of inland Omani land. We must not let them be our twilight. We shall march forward and crush them once and for all.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有下列省份:
    • 巴提奈Batinah [399]
    • 马斯喀特Muscat [400]
    • 东部区Ash Sharqiyah [4286]
    • 马西拉Masirah [2341]
  • 获得下列区域或省份的永久宣称:
    • 海盗海岸
    • 巴林
    • 亚玛玛
    • 内夫得
    • 卡西姆
    • 佐法尔
    • 迈赫拉
    • 省份霍尔木兹Hormuz [2999]

省份马斯喀特Muscat [400]

  • Province trade power value.png 贸易中心的级别提高了 1
  • 获得 造船厂 造船厂建筑升级。[3]
Mission spoils of war.png
Subduing the Mahra People
Southern Arabia is home to the Mahri people, a culture distinct from other Arabian tribes. They are also renowned seafarers like us, but that only makes them our competitors. Let us march into their land and make them submit to our rule.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 5 个省份:
    • 佐法尔
    • 迈赫拉
  • 失去 Local autonomy.png 25% 自治度
  • 减少 分裂主义年数 5 分离主义年数

省份索科特拉Socotra [1099]

  • 若属于  阿曼 或一个属国:
    • 建立一个 1级贸易中心 1 级贸易中心
    • 获得 造船厂 造船厂建筑升级[3]
    • 当地宗教转变为我国的正统信仰
Mission portuguese oman.png 摧毁霍尔木兹
Mission haasa.png
The Land of Bahrain
Bahrain is home to some of the most precious gems in Arabia. They are however controlled by foreigners, not making use of them to their full potential. Perhaps it is time we took over and traded these gems for our own benefit.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有巴林区域
  • 获得 Mercantilism.png 2.00 重商主义
  • 由巴林区域生产 宝石 宝石的省份及首都省份[4] 中获得 杜卡特 8年的生产收入

省份卡塔尔Qatar [395]巴林Bahrain [396]

  • 获得 开采阿拉伯宝石Exploiting the Gems of Arabia 持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,给予以下效果:
    • 本地商品产出 +1 本地商品产出
Mission portuguese oman.png 摧毁霍尔木兹
Mam arabia.png
Consolidating Central Arabia
Central Arabia is home to many hostile tribes, all much more accustomed to desert warfare than us. However, what they lack is the wealth to oppose us. Our gold will buy a thousand warriors, and with a thousand warriors we shall subdue them.
  • 拥有省份耶卜林Yabrin [2339]
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 6 个省份:
    • 亚玛玛
    • 卡西姆
    • 内夫得
  • 获得 Army tradition.png 10 可转换[5] 陆军传统
  • 耶卜林Yabrin [2339]开始免费建造 骑兵 5 骑兵部队,耗时50.0%。
  • 获得 部落效忠Tribal Allegiance 持续 Time Icon.png 20 年,给予如下效果:
    • 骑兵花费 −20% 骑兵花费
Mission portuguese oman.png 摧毁霍尔木兹
Kok mam holy cities.png
Custodian of the Cities
The Holy Cities of the Islamic world are controlled by weaklings. We, the merchants of [Root.GetName], backed up by gold and steel are a much better fit for the title of Custodian. Mecca and Medina will be in our hands soon.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 6 个省份:
    • 麦地那
    • 麦加
 阿曼 Mission spoils of war.png 征服迈赫拉人
Mam baghdad.png
Fall of Baghdad
The House of Wisdom is perhaps the most famous library in the Islamic world. Created in Baghdad, it strengthened the Islamic Golden Era. However, since the Mongol Invasion it has lost its once former glory. We will help rebuild it to even greater heights, and it will start by seizing Baghdad for ourselves.
  • 拥有省份耶卜林Yabrin [2339]
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有 6 个省份:
    • 巴士拉
    • 伊拉克
  • 获得 Innovativeness.png 5 创新度
  • 获得了马什里克地区的永久宣称

省份巴格达Baghdad [410]

  • 获得 大学 大学建筑[6]

Mission haasa.png 巴林之地
Mam arabia.png 巩固阿拉伯中部
Mission spoils of war.png 征服迈赫拉人

Yem unite yemen.png
Conquest of Yemen
Yemen stands as the crossroad between Arabia and Africa. They are also producers of some of the most famous coffee in the world. They are but enemies to us, however, and they need to be dealt with. We will conquer them like we've conquered the rest of Arabia.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有 8 个省份:
  • 阿西尔
  • 上也门
  • 帖哈麦也门
  • 下也门
  • 由所需区域生产 咖啡 咖啡的省份及首都省份[4]获得 杜卡特 8 年的生产收入
  • 统治者获得 储君军事技能 1 军事
  • 获得 征服也门Conquest of Yemen 持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,给予如下效果:
    • Land morale.png +10% 陆军士气
    • 国家叛乱度 −2 全国叛乱度
Mam arabia.png 巩固阿拉伯中部
Yem coffee.png
Exploiting the Coffee's Secret
The coffee of Yemen is one of the most profitable goods of Arabia. As traders, it would only be fair if we were to exploit this, and tried to increase the production of this good.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]穆哈Mokha [387]且上述省份:
    • Production.png 基础生产至少为 6
    • 有至少 2 幢建筑
  • 统治者获得特质 勤政 勤政

省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]穆哈Mokha [387]

  • 获得当地对应产品的工场

省份塔伊兹Taiz [4280]扎比德Zabid [4279]

  • 获得 阿拉比卡咖啡Coffea Arabica 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
    • 本地商品产出 +3 本地商品产出
Yem unite yemen.png 征服也门
Arb unite arabia.png
Our Peninsula
At last the lands of Arabia have been united. Ever since the fall of the Caliphate, and the Caliph becoming but a mere puppet, the Islamic world had been divided. Now that we have united the land of the prophet, we may now declare ourselves the new Caliph.
  • 拥有下列核心省份:
    • 亚历山大Alexandria [358]
    • 开罗Cairo [361]
    • 阿勒颇Aleppo [377]
    • 耶路撒冷Jerusalem [379]
    • 大马士革Damascus [382]
    • 麦地那Medina [384]
    • 麦加Mecca [385]
    • 亚丁Aden [388]
    • 萨那Sana'a [390]
    • 阿里德Al-Arid [392]
    • 盖提夫Al-Qatif [394]
    • 马斯喀特Muscat [400]
    • 尼兹瓦Nizwa [403]
    • 巴格达Baghdad [410]
  • Decision.png 成立阿拉伯决议不再要求 Administrative tech.png 行政科技等级
  • 在拥有的省份随机分配 Manpower Icon.png 10 人力发展度
  • 获得 Power Projection.png +5 力量投射。此力量投射是永久

Yem unite yemen.png 征服也门
Mam baghdad.png 巴格达的陷落
Kok mam holy cities.png 圣城监护人


任务 完成条件 效果 前置任务
Mission arabian ports.png
Ports of Arabia
We may call ourselves the masters of shipbuilding, but what is shipbuilding without any port for us to use those ships for? Let us reclaim some of our lost ports in Arabia, or perhaps conquer new ones in order to once again start ruling the waves.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在阿拉伯地区拥有至少 3 个省份且上述省份:
    • 拥有 造船厂 造船厂 大船厂 大船厂建筑
  • 为拥有的满足要求的省份随机分配 Production.png 5 生产发展度
  • 获得 打造阿曼舰队Constructing the Omani Fleet 持续 Time Icon.png 15 年,给予如下效果:
    • 船只花费 −15% 船只花费
    • 国家水手修正 +20% 国家水手修正
Mission galleys in port.png
Shipbuilding Masters
Our people are renowned shipbuilders and seafarers. There is no sea we will not go to in order to conquer or trade. By constructing a new fleet, we will be able to fulfill such ambitions.
  • 海军规模不小于 40
  • 若存在商人公会,Burghers loyalty modifier.png 商人公会忠诚度达到 65
  • Sailors.png 水手数量达到数量上限的 75%
  • 市民阶层特权 私人贸易舰队 现在将额外给予 海军上限修正 +15% 的海军规模上限修正。
  • 发现东非地区的所有省份
  • 获得下列区域的永久宣称
    • 斯瓦希里北部海岸
    • 蒙巴萨
    • 斯瓦希里中部海岸
    • 莫桑比克
    • 萨卡拉瓦
    • 南马达加斯加
    • 马达加斯加高地
    • 贝茨米萨拉卡
Mission arabian ports.png 阿拉伯的港口
Mission omani marines.png
Omani Marines
We have many sailors in our realm. Many of them always sailing from one port to another conducting trade, or spreading the culture of our nation. However, that also means we should prepare forces specifically trained in amphibious warfare for any military operations that take place overseas.
  • Navy tradition.png 海军传统至少为 35
  • 15 个属于我国或非朝贡属国的省份:
    • 拥有 码头 船坞 干船坞 干船坞建筑
    • Development.png 发展度至少为 10
  • 解锁市民阶层特权 强化阿曼海军陆战队
  • 获得 阿曼海军陆战队Omani Marines 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
    • Marines force limit.png +15% 海军陆战队规模上限
Mission arabian ports.png 阿拉伯的港口
Mission invade island.png
Island of Madagascar
Madagascar may not have many natural riches, but it serves as a great trade center, and its people are divided, fighting each other. Perhaps if we can secure the isle, we can further increase our power in Zanzibar.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有至少 7 个省份:
    • 马达加斯加高地
    • 萨卡拉瓦
    • 南马达加斯加
    • 贝茨米萨拉卡
  • 马达加斯加每有一个生产 奴隶 奴隶的省份,我们就将获得 Mercantilism.png 1.00 重商主义
  • 若下列省份可被殖民,则各获得 10 定居者进入拓荒区:
    • 波旁岛Île Bourbon [1103]
    • 毛里求斯Mauritius [1102]
    • 科摩罗Comoros [4020]
    • 马埃Mahe [1100]
Mission galleys in port.png 造船大师
Mission african trade post.png
Sultans of Zanzibar
The sultanates in Zanzibar have seen a decline as of recent. Their overseas power dwindling, and stuck in a state of constant unrest. Perhaps if we decide to style ourselves as Sultans of the land, we can further press our claims.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国在下列区域拥有 10 个省份:
    • 斯瓦西里北部海岸
    • 蒙巴萨
    • 斯瓦希里中部海岸,其中省份基尔瓦Kilwa [1196]为必需
    • 莫桑比克


  • 国名将变为桑给巴尔
  • 获得 20 可转换[7]威望
Mission galleys in port.png 造船大师
Mission zanzibari trade.png
Swahili Coast Expansion
The majority of Zanzibar may have fallen to us, but the rest of the Swahili people still resist us, both militarily, and financially. If we subdue them all, we can be the sole hegemon of the Zanzibar trade.
  • 在桑给巴尔贸易节点贸易力量 贸易竞争力达到 75%
  • 生产至少 象牙 30 单位象牙
  • 商人 商人顾问现在每一级将给予 +0.02 的阿拉伯重商主义
  • 东非地区所有生产 象牙 象牙的省份:
    • 获得 Production.png 1 基础生产
    • 获得 桑给巴尔象牙贸易Zanzibar Ivory Trade 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,给予如下效果:
      • 本地商品产出修正 +25% 本地商品产出修正
Mission invade island.png 马达加斯加岛

Mission african trade post.png 桑给巴尔苏丹


任务 完成条件 效果 前置任务
Mission south indian trade.png
Extending Our Reach
If we are to ever establish a trade network outside of Arabia, we must prepare to seize and fortify overseas outposts. In order to even establish them, we must prepare a fleet that will support our merchants in any mercantile activities outside of our homeland.
  • 拥有至少 Light ship.png 10艘轻型战舰
  • 以下条件至少满足一个:
    • 海军规模不小于 20
    • 海军数量至少为 Naval forcelimit.png 上限的 100%
  • 获得 阿拉伯之外Beyond Arabia 持续 Time Icon.png 20 年,并给予如下效果:
    • 贸易距离修正 +50% 贸易范围
    • (未识别的字符串“ship trade power modifier”用于 {{Icon}} +35% 舰船贸易竞争力修正
  • 获得对印度沿海省份所有 2级贸易中心 2 级或以上贸易中心的永久宣称,其地区包括:
    • 德干
    • 科罗曼德
    • 西印度
    • 孟加拉
Mission indian trade company.png
Connections in India
Our merchants have outposts as far as in the lands of India. Many of them however are currently oppressed by the rulers of the many Indian kingdoms. Let us set sail and help them gain their rightful influence in India.
  • 4 个属于我国或非朝贡属国的省份:
    • 是沿海省份
    • 拥有 Province trade power value.png 贸易中心
    • 所在地区至少满足一个:
      • 德干
      • 科罗曼德
      • 印度西部
      • 孟加拉
  • 获得 25 「阿拉伯重商主义」
  • 获得下列省份的永久宣称
    • 马来地区所有 香料 香料出产省份
    • 广州Canton [667]
    • 澳门Macau [668]
Mission south indian trade.png 扩大影响范围
Mission malayan viceroyalty.png
Shores of Malay
Although our merchants influence ends at the ports of India, the lands of South East Asia have always been influenced by Islamic traders. Should we sail there and seize their trade routes, we can extend our reach even further into Asia.
 阿曼 在马六甲拥有最强 贸易力量 贸易竞争力  阿曼
  • 获得 Mercantilism.png 2.00 重商主义
  • 获得对印度尼西亚和摩鹿加地区所有 香料 香料出产省份的永久宣称
  • 文明的摇篮 《文明的摇篮》DLC启用时:
    • 当我们在马六甲、菲律宾和摩鹿加贸易节点的省份传播宗教,我们将获得 +0.5 虔诚。
  • 否则:
    • 获得 传播伊斯兰信仰Propagation of the Islamic Faith 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
      • Global missionary strength.png +3% 传教强度
      • Missionary maintenance cost.png −50% 传教维护费
Mission indian trade company.png 与印度的联系
Mission open up china.png
Chinese Riches
China is perhaps the most wealthy region our merchants have encountered. From tea, to chinaware, to any goods the Islamic world has a shortage of. By establishing an influence on their ports, we may be able to create a new company that will bring us profit beyond imagining.
  • 以下条件至少满足一个:
    • 在广州贸易节点贸易力量 贸易竞争力达到 55%
    • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有下列省份:
      • 广州Canton [667]
      • 澳门Macau [668]
 阿曼 触发 Msg event.png 远东公司 事件


  • 阿曼获得 远东公司The Far East Company 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
    • Merchants.png +1 商人团
    • 贸易引导修正 +5% 贸易引导
  • 获得 15 「阿拉伯重商主义」
Mission indian trade company.png 与印度的联系
Mission rb colonise spice islands.png
The Spice Must Flow
Spices may not have a direct benefit to our nation, but the Spice Trade itself has proven to be profitable for us. We must make sure to secure the spices, whilst keeping away any competitors, if we are to monopolize on this valuable good.
  • 以下条件至少满足一个:
    • 生产至少 香料 65 单位的香料
    • 拥有全球 30%香料 香料市场
  • 获得 杜卡特 相当于本埠贸易节点 15 个月的贸易收入
  • 如果香料贸易事件尚未发生:
  • 否则:
    • 获得 Mercantilism.png 5.00 重商主义
    • 获得 20 「阿拉伯重商主义」
Mission malayan viceroyalty.png 马来海岸

Mission open up china.png 中国的财富


任务 完成条件 效果 前置任务
Mam hormuz straits.png
Ending the Toll of Hormuz
Hormuz and their city have always blocked commerce for any foreign vessels, which allows them to control who wins and who loses in maritime trade. Let's make sure their island is reduced to nothing but wasteland so that we may once again be free traders.
  • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有以下省份:
  • 省份霍尔木兹Hormuz [2999]且拥有 集市集市、 贸易仓库贸易仓库或 证券交易所证券交易所建筑
  • 省份马斯喀特Muscat [400]
 阿曼 触发 Msg event.png马斯喀特城 事件
File:Invest in the rich trades.png
The Overseas Outposts
If our merchants are to stand a chance whilst they're far away from Arabia, we need to aid them as well. By establishing new outposts and building them up in order to secure new trade routes, they will be able to further strengthen their influence on foreign territory.
  • 在首都贸易节点的 贸易值 贸易价值不少于 杜卡特 35.0
  • 5 个属于我国或非朝贡属国的省份:
    • 拥有 2级贸易中心 2 级贸易中心
    • Development.png 发展度至少为 20
    • 属于贸易公司
  • 「强化海外前哨」政府互动将额外给予 本地贸易力量 10.0% 本地贸易竞争力 (未识别的字符串“local center of trade upgrade cost”用于 {{Icon}} −5% 本地贸易中心升级花费
  • 治下每有一个满足需求的省份,将使我们获得 Diplomatic power.png 25 外交点数,至多 10个省份
Mission south indian trade.png 扩大影响范围

Mam hormuz straits.png 终结霍尔木兹海峡通行税

Mission fortifying the plain.png
Forts of Oman
Our people have always lived on the defensive, combating external threats with defensive structures, so that in case of a bigger enemy, we have the upper hand. Let us build up more of these fortifications, as well as properly maintain them.
  • 伟大工程 尼兹瓦城堡 等级至少为 Great project level icon tier 2.png 远近闻名
  • 3 个属于你或者你的非朝贡属国的省份:
Leviathan.png 《利维坦》DLC启用时:
  • 伟大工程 尼兹瓦城堡
    • 级别提升至 Great project level icon tier 3.png 雄伟壮丽
    • 在达到 Great project level icon tier 3.png 雄伟壮丽等级时给予 要塞维护费修正 −15% 要塞维护费


  • 省份尼兹瓦Nizwa [403]
    • 升级要塞建筑[8]
    • 获得 尼兹瓦要塞Nizwa Fort 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
      • Local fort maintenance.png −75% 要塞维护费修正
      • 本地发展度提升花费 −15% 本地发展成本修正
Mam hormuz straits.png 终结霍尔木兹海峡通行税
Mission explore the world.png
Arabia's Finest Seafarers
The people of [Root.GetName] are the most renowned merchants of Arabia. Their influence extends to many ports of the Indian Ocean, and we have reaped the benefits of that influence. Perhaps if we give some of these merchants more power in our country they will be willing to help us even more.
  • 「阿拉伯重商主义」 至少为 50
  • 商人 商人顾问技能至少为 3
  • 海军规模不小于 125
 阿曼 File:Invest in the rich trades.png 海外前哨

Mission fortifying the plain.png 阿曼堡垒

Per muslim integration.png
Spreading the Ibadi Faith
Our people are some of the most loyal followers of the Ibadi sect. However, we have always been in conflict with the Sunnis and Shias, something that has made us struggle to spread our faith to foreign lands. Let us be done with anyone wishing to crush us, so that we may spread our ways to other nations.
  • 政府改革已经达到了第 4
  • 20 个属于我国或非朝贡属国的省份皈依了我国的正统信仰
  • 教士阶层 教士阶层忠诚度达到 70
  • 乌理玛阶层特权 教士治内之道 将额外给予 行政容量 +10% 行政容量和 (未识别的字符串“monthly piety accelerator”用于 {{Icon}} +0.1 每月虔诚加速
  • 获得一个 3 级技能的 神学家 神学家(雇佣该顾问的价格比正常价格低 25%
  • 获得 Administrative power.png 100 行政点数
Mission indian ocean supremacy.png
Indian Ocean Supremacy
The Indian Ocean is vast, but that will not stop us from becoming its master. The trade routes will be secured, and our ships will master its waves, all in the name of profit.
  • 在首都贸易节点的 贸易值 贸易价值不少于 杜卡特 90.0
  • 以下条件至少满足一个:
    • 完成了 贸易理念组 贸易理念理念组
    • 统治者的 Diplomatic power.png 外交能力至少为 5
  • 达摩《达摩》或 国富论《国富论》DLC已启用:
    • 拥有至少 6 强力贸易公司[9]
  • 否则
    • 拥有一个 3 级技能的 商人 商人顾问
    • 每月收入至少为 杜卡特 200
  • 市民阶层特权 教士治内之道 将额外给予 +15% 阿拉伯重商主义获取修正
  • 远东公司Far East Company将追加效果 持续至 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,额外获得:
    • 贸易公司设施花费 −25% 贸易公司投资成本
    • 贸易引导修正 +15% 贸易引导
Mission open up china.png 中国的财富

Mission explore the world.png 阿拉伯最优秀的水手

Mission dhimmi.png
The Ways of the Prophet
If there's anything merchants of the Islamic world have accomplished, it's spreading their faith across Asia through trade. They are able to show our teachings by firstly introducing them to the new shores they land on, and then allowing the population to convert over time. We shall follow this tradition, so we can spread our faith to every corner of the world.
  • 文明的摇篮《文明的摇篮》DLC已启用:
    • 通过 传播宗教贸易政策转化至少 30 个省份的信仰
  • 否则:
    • 我国或非朝贡属国拥有至少 50 个正统信仰省份
  • 文明的摇篮《文明的摇篮》DLC已启用:
    • 乌理玛阶层特权 教士治内之道 将额外给予 本地贸易力量 10% 本地贸易竞争力和 Province governing cost.png −10% 省份治理成本
    • 当传播宗教时,省份将获得如下修正:
      • 获得 阿拉伯商人影响力Arabian Merchant Influence 持续 Time Icon.png 20 年,给予如下效果:
        • 本地商品产出修正 +25% 本地商品产出修正
  • 否则
    • 获得一个 3 级技能的 审讯官 审讯官(雇佣该顾问的价格比正常价格低 75%
    • 获得 Mercantilism.png 3.00 重商主义[10]
Mission explore the world.png 阿拉伯最优秀的水手

Per muslim integration.png 传播伊巴德派信仰

Mission arabian thalassocracy.png
Arabian Thalassocracy
Our dreams of mercantile and seafaring dominance over the Indian Ocean and the rest of Asia has been achieved. Our merchants are free to buy and sell their riches from every corner of our overseas empire. Let this be a new age for any opportunistic merchant of Islam.
  • 月收入不低于 杜卡特 250
  • 在首都贸易节点拥有 贸易力量 最强贸易竞争力,且该节点时世界上价值最高贸易节点
  • 在下列贸易节点拥有至少 贸易力量 50% 贸易竞争力:
    • 科罗曼德
    • 马六甲
    • 孟加拉
  • 「阿拉伯重商主义」将额外给予(至多) Trade efficiency.png 10%贸易效率
  • 解锁第 8 级政府改革 海权主义
  • 获得 '海权主义Thalassocracy 持续到 Time Icon.png 游戏结束,并给予如下效果:
    • Yearly navy tradition.png +0.25 每年海军传统
    • 轻型船只花费 −10% 轻型战舰花费
    • Merchants.png +1 商人团
    • 外交科技花费 −5% 外交科技花费
Mission indian ocean supremacy.png 印度洋霸权

Mission rb colonise spice islands.png 香料必须流动


  1. 脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/missions/WOC_Omani_Missions.txt
  2. 脚本代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/missions/Omani_Missions.txt
  3. 3.0 3.1 如果当前没有相关建筑,则添加 造船厂 造船厂,如果有 大船厂大造船厂,则获得 Sailors.png 500 水手。
  4. 4.0 4.1 不论省份产出如何。若首都符合前一条件,不重复计算。
  5. 超出上限部分的陆军传统每有 1 点将转换为 Military power.png 3 军事点数。
  6. 如果当前没有大学,则添加 大学 大学,如果有,则获得 Tax Base Icon.png 1 基础税收、Production.png 1 基础生产以及 Manpower Icon.png 1 基础人力
  7. 溢出的威望将会转化为每种类型的君主点数中的一种。
  8. 若没有建筑,则添加城堡;若存在要塞,则获得 Manpower Icon.png 3 基础人力
  9. 当一个贸易公司拥有该节点至少51%的贸易竞争力份额(此时贸易公司宗主国将获得商人)时,即成为强力贸易公司。
  10. 超出上限的每点重商主义将转化为 50 点各类君主点数