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Icon protectorate.png保护国是一种在外交、军事上受到技术优势国家的保护,免受第三国攻击,以外交独立和贸易权利交换军事同盟的附属国。建立保护国是一种控制该地而不直接吞并之的有效做法。




  1. 目标国的Capital.png首都必须在贸易范围内。
  2. 目标国家必须处于和平。
  3. 宗主和目标国的Technology cost.png科技花费差异必须大于或等于50% (否则只能成为Icon vassal.png附属国)。
  4. 目标国不是 Government steppe horde.png部落政府
  5. 目标国与宗主国不在同一大洲。



因素 效果
与提议国的态度 友好态度 友好: +10
 受到威胁态度受威胁: +10
 中立态度 中立: -20
 敌意态度 敌意: -1000
 愤怒态度 愤怒: -1000
与提议国的关系 遵循如下的表格:
 +25 ,当关系为 +200
 0 ,当关系为 100
 -25 ,当关系为 0
 -1000 ,当关系 <0
提议国的 Diplomatic reputation.png外交声誉 每正外交声誉+3
目标国与提议国的经济基础 +30-90
目标国与提议国的军事差异 +30-40
存在保护国的数量 每个-10
提议国是 Government republic.png共和制 -10
目标国有自己的附庸 -1000
目标国有 200 Development.png发展度 -1000
Distance between borders -0.5 per distance between borders

†:边界距离只能在 debug mode 中看到。

事实上,保护国可以在军事征服中强制建立。这种合约可以对任何有效目标国实施,不过需要 100 War score.png战争分数



The requirements for requesting a protectorate follow similar rules to establishing a protectorate and are as follows:

  1. Proposing country's Capital.pngcapital must be within target country's trade range.
  2. Target country must be at peace.
  3. The difference in Technology cost.pngtechnology cost between the target country and the future protectorate must be greater than or equal to 50% (otherwise the controlled nation can only become a Icon vassal.pngvassal).
  4. Proposing country does not have the Government steppe horde.pngsteppe nomad government type.

Willingness to accept a nation as a protectorate is shown in the tooltip for the check-mark in the Request protectorate button.

The factors that influence an AI nation's desire to accept a nation as a protectorate are:

Factor Effect
Strategic interests:
*渴望支配态度 domineering attitude
*保护性态度 protective attitude
Always accepts
Attitude towards proposer 友好态度 Friendly: +50
 中立态度 Neutral: -20
 敌意态度 Hostile: -1000
 愤怒态度 Outraged: -1000
Opinion towards proposer Scales linearly between the following points:
 +25 at +200 opinion
 0 at 100 opinion
 -25 at 0 opinion
 -1000 at <0 opinion
Proposer's Diplomatic reputation.pngdiplomatic reputation +3 per positive point
 -3 per negative point
Proposer economic base compared to target nation +60 to -350
Proposer military power compared to target nation +60 to -350
Distance between borders -0.5 per distance between borders

†: Distance between borders can only be seen in debug mode.


When a protectorate is established, the following effects occur:

  • Cannot be diplomatically annexed.
  • Does not take up a 外交关系限额diplomatic relations slot.
  • Transfers 50% of its 贸易力量trade power to its overlord.
  • Gives military access and fleet basing rights to its overlord.
  • Receives a -20%Technology cost.png technology cost discount [1]
  • Will not westernize if controlled by the AI, but finishes if it becomes a protectorate while doing so (players nations are not restricted by this).
  • Breaks all previous Alliance.pngalliances, Personal union.pngpersonal unions, and frees all Icon vassal.pngvassals. The protectorate retains control of Subject colony icon.pngcolonial nations and may form new ones.
  • Can declare war against other nations (except other subjects of the same overlord) without the overlord being called in.
  • Can not be called into its overlord's regular wars, but automatically calls its overlord into a defensive war if attacked. With the 哥萨克阶层 Cossacks DLC, overlords can designate wars as Colonial Wars, which call in protectorates and other subjects but do not call in allies.
  • May request independence if its 自由渴望liberty desire is greater than 50%.
  • Can only renounce its protectorate status through an independence war or becoming a Great Power.
  • Cannot be the target of Coalition.pngcoalitions.

Subject interaction

Interactions with colonial nations are performed through the Subject Interaction section of the Subject Menu.

An overlord may cancel a protectorate for a -1 Icon stability.pngstability loss. This cost is reduced to 0 by completing 外交理念组Diplomatic ideas. Unlike with vassals or guaranteed states, releasing a protectorate does not introduce a truce. With a proper CB, it is possible to attack a former protectorate or overlord immediately after the relationship is cancelled.


When playing as a technologically superior nation, the following points should be noted:

  • Protectorates can be used to control territory in Africa and Asia. Militarily enforcing a protectorate makes the nation a subject, avoiding the expenditure of Administrative power.png administrative power.
  • If territory of potential protectorate is desired, e.g. for a Tradecompany icon.pngtrade company, military conquest of the province is generally more desirable than enforcing a protectorate. This is due to the fact that Seize territory increases liberty desire significantly per development of the province seized.
  • Protectorates can also control trade in Africa/Asia, as enabling divert trade results in the subject transferring 100% of its 本地贸易力量trade power to the overlord.
  • The military of a protectorate is called to arms in colonial wars. This provides supplementary troops for expansion in Africa and Asia against other potential protectorates. However, it is less useful against European nations, as protectorate forces are rarely comparable against a colonial power.
  • Protectorates count as subject nations for the purposes of certain achievements.

When playing as a technologically inferior nation, the following should be noted:

  • The player nation receives a 20% discount to Technology cost.pngtechnology cost. This usually runs counter to the general strategy of westernizing as soon as possible, as monarch points spent of teching up could be used for westernization. However, the bonus is useful for keeping up in technology if westernization is unfeasible.
  • Additionally, the nation receives a powerful defensive ally in wars against other powers. Therefore, the protectorate can overextend in wars so long as its overlord is strong enough to protect it from potential attackers. This does not, however, prevent the protectorate from losing a war and associated territory.
  • Protectorates are immune to Coalition.pngcoalitions. Therefore, rapid military expansion is possible with appropriate targets and military strength, and is not subject to Ae impact.pngaggressive expansion.


  1. See in /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt (Static modifiers#Protectorate).