The Idea Variation | |
类型 | 原版内容改动 |
作者 | flogi |
版本 | v1.28.x/1.29.x/1.30.x/1.31.x/1.32.x |
论坛/贴吧 | 官中QQ群 781979985 欢迎进群索取汉化版/帮助汉化 |
STEAM创意工坊 | 604203692 |
更多理念组wiki(idea variation wiki)
Administrative Idea groups
Economic Ideas
Economic Ideas are still what they used to be. Good to boost up your economy, interest, build and development bonuses.
Innovative Ideas
Innovative Ideas have gained some very strong abilities. Tech and Advisor costs were raised significantly and there's a fix global institution spread bonus in the first idea group making it an excellent first choice for nations that struggle to get the first institutions.
Expansion Ideas
Expansion Ideas are buffed as well. They are rather weak in vanilla, so they gain core creation, more states, manpower and a reduced cost for war taxes while keeping most of their useful vanilla perks. This group is a very nice choice for colonizers now without falling too far behind in military might, providing some military policies as well as a good combination of colonial ones.
Humanist Ideas
Humanist Ideas have gained nice perks from the vanilla idea group. They now offer a unique decision allowing the player (and the AI) to hire an advisor with reduced cost (level 2 or 3) with a trait of his choosing. This can be done every three years, but will raise advisor cost for this time globally. Additionally Humanism Idea gained a possible triggered modifier that adds 7.5 land morale when one has accepted 5 different cultures. Last but not least there's also a small decline in corruption. All around humanist ideas are an excellent choice for countries with many different cultures and a low income. The free choice of advisors depending on what you currently need is quite powerful.
Development Ideas
Development Ideas might appear, at first glance, like a weaker version of Economic Ideas, which is kind of true if it were not for the Improve Development decision enabled by this idea group. This decision will allow anyone that can pay the money scaling depending on your total development and your yearly income, to improve development essentially by paying money, in random stated provinces.
Administrative Ideas
Administrative Ideas gained a small buff from the vanilla idea group, now providing more manpower and reduced mercenary maintenance. They are an amazing choice still for people wanting to core much and wage war here and there.
Jurisprudence Ideas
This idea group is pretty amazing. It is pretty good in nearly every aspect of administrative bonuses. Reduced corruption, lower admin tech cost idea and core cost to just name a few. Some diplomatic bonuses are also in it and for republics there's republican tradition in it. I've seen many people in multiplayer taking this for very different reasons, making it one of the best allround idea groups in the mod.

- -5% Administrative technology cost
- +1 Republican tradition
- -0,1 Yearly corruption
- -7,5% Idea cost
- +10% Imperial authority growth modifier
- +10% Trade efficiency
- -1 Interest per annum
- -10% Core-creation cost
- -10% Diplomatic annexation cost
- +1 Tolerance of heathens
- +1 Tolerance of heretics
- +10% Hostile core-creation cost on us
- -20% Aggressive expansion impact
Health Ideas
Health Ideas are a bit of a military idea group in the admin section. There are manpower bonuses combined with siege ability and defensiveness. Some economic bonuses round this group up to be just good for nations that want a little extra power in their admin idea group.
Special Administrative Ideas: Centralisation & Decentralisation
Centralism Ideas
The special thing about centralism ideas is that it is the idea choice for playing tall. Reduced construction time is quite special, so you will get your manufactories even faster but the real deal in this group is the mins 20% development cost reduction for provinces over 25 development. You'll find it a lot easier to really build up your provinces and have them produce really well for you. The goods produced modifier should be mentioned there. The slightly reduced number of states is compensated with -50% of state maintenance. This idea group cannot be picked when you have decentralism Ideas picked.

- -50% Construction time
- +10% Goods produced modifier
- -2,5% Development cost
- yes development_cost_over_25
- -50% Autonomy change cooldown
- +2500 National manpower
- +1250 National sailors modifier
- +2,5 add_age_manpower
- +1250 add_age_sailors
- -50% State maintenance
- -5 Number of states
- +10% National tax modifier
- +10% Fort defense
Decentralism Ideas
A large empire needs maintenance. You need to build a lot; you need your institutions to spread fast. You need more states. All of this is provided by decentralism ideas, well designed for a big empire. You cannot pick this idea group when you already picked centralism ideas.

- -10% Build cost
- yes Reduced dev malus
- -0,1 Yearly corruption
- +10% Trade efficiency
- -7,5% Idea cost
- +0,15 Institution spread
- +7 Number of states
- +10% National manpower modifier
- +10% Sailors Modifier
- +20% Provincial trade power modifier
- -10% Development cost
Special Administrative Ideas: Government
In Idea Variation every government group has its own idea group. Those idea groups are changed by event if you happen to change your government type so points won't be wasted.
Monarchy Ideas
Monarchy ideas are pretty much the old aristocratic ideas improved with absolutism bonuses and cavalry to infantry ratio, also giving 20% manpower which is very good for an admin idea group. This group really does become powerful in the age of absolutism and might be a good choice for a midgame pick.
Republic Ideas
Republic ideas are the old plutocratic ideas. All that was changed there is the 10% morale that were nerfed down to 7, 5%. Still a great choice for republics. Especially providing some nice policy options. If you are a republic you'll consider this for sure.
Dictatorship Ideas
Dictatorship ideas and the policy options provided are quite extreme. The bonuses provided are again a combination of military and administrative ones.
Horde Ideas
Horde ideas are pretty much what every horde likes. More unity, more monarch power from razing and extra power for your beloved horses. Faster looting more states and reduced liberty desire make this an idea pick for every horde.
Aristocratic Ideas
No real changes here and only available for the government types that are not covered by the first 4.
Special Administrative Ideas: Religion
In idea variation nearly every religion at this point has its own idea group. The religions having their own group are catholic, protestant, reformed, orthodox, the Islamic religions, Tengri, Dharmic, Confucianism, Buddhism, Norse, Shinto, Cathar, Coptic, Romuva, Suomi, Jewish, Slav, Hellenism, Manichaeism, Animist, Fetishist and Zoroastrian. All religions not mentioned here still have the generic religious idea group. For the 3 idea groups involved in the reformation there are like the government events, events that change your idea group if you change your religion. However your idea group is only changed when you have reached 75% percent of religious unity.
Diplomatic Idea groups
Espionage Ideas
The espionage idea group has experienced some serious reworking. It is now compatible, offering some military and more useful diplomatic bonuses that before. Some fine policy option as well as the discipline has made this idea group one of the most picked diplomatic ideas in multiplayer from the one idea that is never picked.

- +50% Network construction
- +2,5% Discipline
- +33% Foreign spy detection
Additional Loyalist Recruitment
- +10 Liberty desire in subjects
- +1 Diplomats
- +10% Trade efficiency
- +25% Embargo efficiency
- +33% Privateer efficiency
- -0,1 Yearly corruption
- +0,5 Rebel support efficiency
- -10% Advisor costs
Influence Ideas
Influence ideas were and still are an option for nations in the HRE especially. Providing greatly reduced aggressive expansion they now bolster your country with a higher land forcelimit and absolutism gain which also makes it an idea to keep in the middle game. Reduced province warscore cost is also a thing that should not be underestimated. Especially in the early game it can make a great difference whether you can vassalize a country or not.
Dynastic (former: Diplomatic) Ideas
The old diplomatic ideas were renamed to dynastic ideas. The traits of this idea group are the reason for this, providing a decision and a new casus belli to really play the game of thrones. The decision enabled by this idea allows you to install an heir of your dynasty to countries you have a royal marriage with if they lack an heir and you meet some other conditions. The cb allows you to form a personal union with countries of your dynasty. Combining this you can really conquer your way to dynastic hegemony while still enjoying the other perks of the old diplomatic ideas. Not often seen in multiplayer but a very fun option in single player.

- +1 Diplomats
- +1 Legitimacy
- +50% Chance of new heir
- +0,5 Yearly prestige
- +2 Diplomatic relations
- -33% Cost of reducing war exhaustion
- +25% Improve relations
- +2 Diplomatic reputation
- -10% Diplomatic technology cost
- yes reduced_stab_impacts
Trade Ideas
The trade ideas are described pretty swiftly. Nothing has changed here. Still a very nice option if you really want to rely on trade income.
Maritime Ideas
Maritime ideas have gained a new role with the deleting of the vanilla naval idea group from military. Maritime ideas in Idea Variation are a combination of the old naval ideas and maritime ideas emphasizing maritime still. This idea group won't give you military land policies but give you vast pool of maritime policies. You can raid your enemies and rule the seas. It also enables the second stage of the special naval buildings regardless of what you picked as your special idea group (see below).
Exploration Ideas
Exploration ideas have not been changed from the vanilla experience.
Assimilation Ideas
Assimilation ideas are ideal if you want to culture switch or if you just want to convert many provinces. Also maintaining and annexing vassals is strength of this group. Reduced nationalism and more manpower round this group up, completed with other nice bonuses.
Society Ideas
Society ideas have similar to Innovative Ideas a permanent growth of any institution which makes them a very good first pick for any nations not close to Europe. A good combination of slight administrative and diplomatic bonuses makes this one of the most popular idea groups in multiplayer especially outside of Europe.
Propaganda Ideas
Propaganda ideas are nice for quick expansion. An additional diplomat, cheaper claims, improved relation bonus, that diplomatic reputation and those reduced unjustified demands cost are nice for early blobbing. For the age of absolutism there is a very nice +1 absolutism growth per year in it as well. 5% morale for both land and navy and 10% manpower give nice military bonuses as well.
Colonial Empire Ideas
Got a vast colonial empire? Then this is the idea group for you. Its best taken when you already have quite a number of colonies so this is maybe a third pick in the diplomatic group after Exploration and something else. This ideagroup raises tariffs to unknown heights gives more states, more colonists and a huge naval forcelimit bonus. The policies of this group are also centred on colonial development, expansion and warfare.

- +1 Colonists
- +5 Number of states
- +25% Global tariffs
- 0.05/ColonialNation Global tariffs
- -0.025/ColonialNation Inflationreduction
- +10% National manpower modifier
- +10% Sailors Modifier
- 0.05/ColonialNation National manpower modifier
- 0.05/ColonialNation Sailors Modifier
- +25% Naval force limit modifier
- 0.05/ColonialNation Naval force limit modifier
Faster Infrastructure Development
- -10% Build cost
- -50% Liberty desire from subjects development
- +2 Diplomatic relations
Nationalism Ideas
On first glance the only really stunning thing about this ideagroup is the flat 10k manpower bonus. The other things are more or less nice to have but compared to other bonuses not that amazing. However what makes this idea group unique and strong at the same time is the nationalist estate enabled when you unlock the first idea of this group.(Verweis auf Hauptartikel)
Imperialism Ideas
Imperialism ideas are quite unique as well. You need to be emperor of the HRE or of emperor government rank if you want to unlock this ideagroup. Once unlocked it is undoubtedly one of the best diplomatic idea groups. Reduced core cost discipline, more forcelimit, more absolutism. You name it, it's all pretty fantastic.
Special Diplomatic Ideas
You can only pick one of the following 3 idea groups, so choose wisely.
Heavy Ship Focus Ideas
Heavy Ship Focus is the idea if you want or need a huge heavy fleet. Reduced cost, more combat ability and general ship bonuses make this a very good choice for colonists. You'll need this idea group to build the big wharves to the highest level.
Galley Focus Ideas
This group is very good to dominate the Mediterranean or any other sea that gives a bonus to galleys. A very high base forcelimit allows every country picking this ideagroup to build a huge fleet from the get-go.
Light Ship Focus Ideas
This group is very nice If your main interest lies in trade. If you just want a huge trade fleet and some of that heavy fire powers this is a nice idea to go to. This is also the best idea group of you want to privateer a lot and harass your enemies without declaring war.
Military Idea groups
Offensive Ideas
Offensive Ideas have lost their leader fire bonus which is the biggest change compared to the vanilla variation of this group. However they have gained 2 land maneuver making it a bit up for the loss. Apart from that this ideagroup is untouched.
Defensive Ideas
Defensive Ideas gained the leader fire from offensive ideas, but lost some of the morale provided in vanilla, fitting with the general balancing.
Quality Ideas
Quality Ideas are still a fantastic choice for powers that rely on navy and land. Combat Ability, naval morale, army tradition and discipline. All is still there and going strong.
Quantity Ideas
Quantity Ideas were buffed from the vanilla variation the reason being them offering no combat bonuses and their policies not having that many of those strong bonuses as well. Even without those the group still can be considered very good. Some consider it the best military idea in vanilla, although I would not necessarily agree on that it still is a nice choice.
General Staff Ideas
General Staff Ideas really give your generals the right idea. The increase every pip possible for both admirals and generals, give additional leaders and more army and navy tradition. Some policies offering even more bonuses in that direction you can find yourself with 100 army tradition and very very fine leaders on the battlefield if you take this ideagroup.
Fortress Ideas
Fortress Ideas are very nice for defending your country. They not only reduce fort maintenance drastically but also give 15% of artillery combat ability which is quite nice for a defensive ideagroup. To complete this Fortress Ideas unlock special fort buildings that can be built to really make it hard for your enemies to siege you down. The enemy will not only drown in attrition but might find it difficult to take your forts at all without bringing everything to the table.

- -0,25 Reinforce cost
- +25% Fort defense
- -50% Fort maintenance
Fortified Keep
Fortress Barracks
Additional Towers
Defensive Artillery
Second Contravallation
Underground Supply Depot
- -5% Shock damage received
- +50% Garrison Size
- +25% National garrison growth
- +2 Attrition for enemies
- +15% Artillery combat ability
- -10% Artillery cost
- +25% Reinforce speed
Weapon Quality Ideas
This idea group is a fine combination of trade and quality ideas. Giving money, a merchant and strong military bonuses makes this a fine addition to many idea sets.
Warproduction Ideas
This idea group is really good for fielding a huge army, reducing cost of all troops and reducing maintenance. Its also boosting your economy and allowing you to take less expensive loans. Only a small morale bonus on the real military side is a small downside, but if you really want to bring the masses to your enemy this is a very good choice.

- -15% Infantry cost
- -15% Cavalry cost
- -1 Interest per annum
- +15 Naval force limit
- +10 Land Force limit
- +15 add_age_forcelimit_naval
- +10 add_age_forcelimit_land
- +7,5% Land fire damage
Artillery Manufactory Production
- -15% Artillery cost
- +15% Naval force limit modifier
- +15% Land force limit modifier
- +7,5% Morale of armies
Militarism Ideas
Militarism Ideas are good combination of combat bonuses and other useful military bonuses like manpower. Taking this will improve the capability of your country to wage war in nearly every aspect.
Tactical Ideas
Tactical Ideas are ideal if you want to field a special army concentrating on shock, fire or both. The increased movement speed is fantastic for quick reinforcements or catching an enemy. Increased cavalry to infantry ratio will allow you to play 100% cavalry which is a fun experience together with some policies and other bonuses. Tactical Ideas also give a vast variety of good military bonuses which makes them a very popular pick in multiplayer.
Special Military Idea Groups
You can only pick one of the following three idea groups!
Standing Army Ideas
Standing Army ideas are huge when it comes to combat bonuses. If you just want a very strong army this is an excellent choice. Increased maintenance for your army is a downside though.
Mercenary Army Ideas
Just want to field a mercenary army and not much else? Then this idea group is your weapon of choice. Making mercs better by improving mercenary discipline and reducing cost of mercs all over the place makes this a good option for really rich people.
Conscription Ideas
This idea group allows you to conscript a big army out of your main land. It raises your manpower nicely and gives a big bonus to your morale. You can also quickly reinforce your armies with fresh men and you can stay on top of military advancement at all times with this idea giving a big discount to military technology cost.
Special Ideas: Shock and Fire
You can only pick one of the following two idea groups!
Fire Ideas
If you want to field an army that mainly relies on firepower fire ideas will do the job for you. Increased fire damage and reduced shock damage as well as artillery combat ability and a leader fire bonus make this a strong late game idea.
Shock Ideas
The counterpart to the fire idea group is the shock idea group. Some might consider it an early game choice to be replaced by fire at some point but those underestimate the power of a shock army mainly consisting of cavalry.
Idea Variation adds 23 new advisor types in total.
Idea Variation adds a number of new buildings (currently 28). Especially mentioned are Idea Group specific buildings for Fleet Base and Fortress Ideas. Apart from that all of the vanilla chains have gained an additional building. There’s also a building that reduces development cost depending on the terrain you have in a provinces allowing you to develop in normally unfavourable climate and terrain easier than before. Bonuses and use of buildings have been rebalanced as well to give more variety on what you can do with buildings.
Coast Invasion
The Coast Invasion cb allows you to attack every provinces connected to water in colonial range. This will give you an opportunity to conquer lands normally outside of your reach. The wargoal is the control of the provinces you want to conquer.
Dynastic Unification War
The Dynastic Unification war can be used to force a personal union over a country with your dynasty. It is enabled if you complete the Dynastic Idea group. The wargoal is to control the capital of the country you want to force a union on.
Maritime War
This CB is not idea group specific. It allows you to attack a foe that has at least 4 ports while you also have at least 4 and fight for naval supremacy. Provinces cannot be taken in such a peace deal, but it is ideal for forcing money out of your opponent or for demanding their tradepower. The wargoal is to blockade the enemy.
In Idea Variation there are a number of Idea Group Specific Decisions.
Development Decision
Enabled by the Development Idea Group you can improve the development of your country by spending some of your income. The more development you have, the more money you have to spend – but the more development you also get in return. The cooldown for this decision is depended on the age you are in and scales down from 15 years to finally 7. (12 and 10 being the other two steps).
Decision to Spread your Dynasty
Enabled by Dynastic Ideas this Decision allows you to spread your dynasty to a country without an heir or a weak heir you have a marriage with. You also need a spynetwork in that country and to spend some money but in the end you might receive the same dynasty on the throne of the other country if your heir survives.
Hiring Advisor Decision
Enabled by Humanist ideas this group allows you to hire an advisor at level 2 or 3 of your choosing every three years. However for those three years advisor cost is globally raised for your depending on the skill of your advisor.
Reform in Dictatorship Decision
When fallen in a republic dictatorship you can now stay a Dictatorship by keeping your republican tradition between 20 and 60. The dictatorship Idea group will help you to do that by enabling a decision that allows you to choose if you want to direct your country towards a republic or a monarchy.
Idea Variation adds two new estates. However also the old estates were changed here and there. The changes are not big and normally its just adjustments to add an idea bonus here and there.
The Janissary estate replaces the modifier for people with the Cossacks DLC. With the death of a ruler the Janissaries now lose loyalty. This loyalty can be bought back with Estate interactions. There are also other interactions which are more or less self-explanatory. You can hire a minister and give the Janissaries more influence also boosting their loyalty. Janissaries will gain more influence over time (1500 and 1600) additional 10%. The magic boundary for the Janissary Decadence Disaster is also 80 influence, however 100 years have to pass until the disaster can start. So one could really abuse Janissary influence in the first 100 years. But you’ll have to really fight it down again before the disaster happens.
Nationalists are enabled by the first idea of the nationalist idea group. They work quite differently than the other estates. First of all you could freely give them any province you have in your country and no disaster will happen. However, you can only use estate interactions when the Nationalists are under 60 influence with nearly every action increasing their influence.
Government Reforms
Idea Variation overhauls the government reform system, with reforms that add a factional council system that gives your country bonuses and maluses depending on which faction is in charge.
Similar to vanilla in Idea Variation every idea group enables a policy with every idea group from the other two categories. Vanilla policies also have been rebalanced. The idea of this policy system is to make policies worth the one monarch point that is used to enable them. Different from vanilla you can have 7 policies active at the same time and switch them every 3 years.
Special Mod Features
The special mod features can be enabled or disabled by event at the beginning of a campaign.
Development Features
Idea Variation fields a special development system that increases development cost by 1% for every two state provinces over 50. This effect can be halved by horde or decentralisation ideas by 50%. This feature will allow countries to play very tall but give also a slight hindrance for countries owning many provinces.
更多理念组阉割版(the idea variation lite version)
目前该阉割版反响良好,和未改动理念组的mod也几乎不会冲突,极大地提高了该mod的可玩性。官方英文版可以在创意工坊搜索“idea variation lite version”直接下载,中文汉化版则可以加入相关信息中的QQ群来索取。
Idea Variation Hard Mode
Idea Variation Hard Mode is a mode designed for players that seek a challenge against the AI. It will give the AI increasing bonuses with each age posing a bigger economic and military threat to the player.
Idea Variation is also a mod that wants to balance multiplayer games as best as possible. That is why almost every military idea group gives the same amount of military policies with other idea groups. That is why many different idea group combinations can be chosen in MP as well thus resulting in different army focuses and play styles. However one will not find himself too far behind if he choose a creative playstyle unlike in vanilla where there are 2 idea ideagroup setups with little sense to differ from them.
时间线拓展(Extended Timeline)
Idea Variation is compatible with Extended Timeline if an additional compatibility addon is installed.
破碎欧洲(Shattered Europa)
Idea Variation is compatible with Shattered Europa if an additional compatibility addon is installed.