/Europa Universalis IV/gfx/interface/ideas_EU4/*.dds 中的图标,主要用于修正。
分类“Ideas EU4”中的媒体文件
(上一页)(下一页)- Absolutism.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Accepted culture threshold.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Adm advisor cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Adm tech cost modifier.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Administrative efficiency.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Admiral cost.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Advisor cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Advisor pool.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Ae impact.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Alert powerful estate.png
- Alert weak estate.png
- All power cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Allowed num of buildings.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Amount of banners.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Army tradition decay.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Army tradition from battle.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Army tradition.png 28 × 28;1 KB
- Artillery bonus vs fort.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Artillery cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Artillery fire.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Artillery power.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Artillery shock.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Attrition.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Auto explore adjacent to colony.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Autonomy change time.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Backrow artillery damage.png 48 × 48;2 KB
- Blockade efficiency.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Build cost opposite.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Build cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Build time.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Bureaucrats influence.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Can fabricate for vassals.png 64 × 64;16 KB
- Candidate random bonus.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Capture ship chance.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Caravan power.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Cav to inf ratio.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Cavalry cost.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Cavalry fire.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Cavalry flanking.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Cavalry power.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Cavalry shock.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Cb on government enemies.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Cb on overseas.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Cb on primitives.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Cb on religious enemies.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Center of trade upgrade cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Church power modifier.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Climate arctic.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Climate arid.png 48 × 48;2 KB
- Climate tropical.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Colonist placement chance.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Colonist time.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Colonists.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Convert province religion blocked.png
- Core creation.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Core decay on your own.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Culture conversion cost.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Defense fort.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Defensiveness.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Development cost.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Dip advisor cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Dip tech cost modifier.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Diplomatic annexation cost.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Diplomatic reputation opposite.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Diplomatic reputation.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Diplomatic upkeep.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Diplomats.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Discipline.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Discovered relations impact.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Drill decay modifier opposite.png
- Drill decay modifier.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Drill gain modifier.png 48 × 48;2 KB
- Election cycle.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Embargo efficiency.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Embracement cost.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Enemy core creation.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Enemy core creation02.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Enuchs influence.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Envoy travel time.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Establish order cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Estuary icon.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Expel minorities cost.png 64 × 64;16 KB
- Extra manpower at religious war.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Fabricate claims cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Female advisor chance.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Fire damage received.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Fire damage.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Fort level.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Fort maintenance modifier.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Free adm policy.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Free dip policy.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Free leader pool.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Free mil policy.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Free policy.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Galley cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Galley power.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Garrison growth.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Garrison size.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- General cost.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Global autonomy.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Global colonial growth.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global foreign trade power.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global garrison growth.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global heretic missionary strength.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global institution spread.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Global manpower modifier.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Global manpower.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global missionary strength.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global naval engagement modifier.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Global own trade power.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global prov trade power modifier.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global regiment cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global regiment recruit speed.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global sailors modifier.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Global sailors.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Global ship cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global ship recruit speed.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global ship repair.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Global ship trade power.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global spy defence opposite.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Global spy defence.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global supply limit modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global tariffs.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global tax income.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global tax modifier opposite.png 48 × 48;2 KB
- Global tax modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global trade goods size modifier opposite.png
- Global trade goods size modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global trade goods size.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Global trade income modifier.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Global trade power.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Global unrest opposite.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Global unrest.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Harmonization speed.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Harsh treatment cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Heavy ship cost.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Heavy ship power.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Heir chance opposite.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Heir chance.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Horde unity.png 28 × 28;1 KB
- Hostile attrition.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Idea claim colonies.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Idea cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Idea may siberian frontier.png
- Immortal.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Imperial authority growth modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Imperial authority opposite.png
- Imperial authority value.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Imperial mandate.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Improve relation modifier opposite.png 48 × 48;2 KB
- Improve relation modifier.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Infantry cost.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Infantry fire.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Infantry power.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Infantry shock.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Inflation action cost.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Inflation reduction.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Innovativeness gain.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Institution growth.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Institution spread from true faith.png 40 × 40;4 KB
- Interest.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Justify trade conflict cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Land attrition.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Land forcelimit modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Land forcelimit.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Land maintenance modifier.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Land morale opposite.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Land morale.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Leader cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Leader land fire.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Leader land manuever.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Leader land shock.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Leader naval fire.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Leader naval manuever.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Leader naval shock.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Leader siege.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Legitimacy.png 28 × 28;1 KB
- Liberty desire.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Light ship cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Light ship power.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Local amount of banners.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local autonomy.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Local build cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local build time.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local core creation.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local culture conversion cost.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local defensiveness.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Local development cost.png 48 × 48;9 KB
- Local friendly movement speed.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Local hostile attrition.png 48 × 48;6 KB
- Local hostile movement speed.png 48 × 48;3 KB
- Local institution spread.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Local manpower modifier.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Local manpower.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Local missionary maintenance cost.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Local missionary strength.png 48 × 48;7 KB
- Local monthly devastation.png 48 × 48;4 KB
- Local naval engagement modifier.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Local production efficiency.png 48 × 48;5 KB
- Local recruitment time.png 48 × 48;5 KB