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这是ParaTranz汉化包中转换的.yml文本。一部分废弃的旧任务或者复用的关键字在/Europa Universalis IV/mod/eu4_chinese/localisation/text_l_english.yml之中,未单独列出。

1.25以前既有任务 本地化代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/mod/eu4_chinese/localisation/missions_l_english.yml

1.25及以后新任务 本地化代码位于:/Europa Universalis IV/mod/eu4_chinese/localisation/new_missions_l_english.yml。 以及其他位置

  1. build_army_mission - 大规模征兵Build to Force Limit
  2. expand_country_mission - 拓展[Root.GetName]Expand [Root.GetName]
  3. conquer_states - 开疆扩土Conquer New States
  4. assemble_an_army - 建立一支军队Assemble An Army
  5. unite_home_region - 统一地区Unite Home Region
  6. building_alliances - 可靠的盟友Trustworthy Allies
  7. have_two_subjects - 寻求附庸Acquire Subjects
  8. establish_high_seas_navy - 组建一支舰队Create a Grand Fleet
  9. dominate_home_trade_node - 主导本地贸易Dominate Trade
  10. trade_company_region_abroad - 海外扩张Expand Overseas
  11. high_income_mission - 提高收入High Income
  12. build_temples - 建设建筑Build Buildings
  13. build_treasury - 建立金库Build a Treasury
  14. build_manufactories - 建造工场Build Manufactories
  15. imperial_ambition_mission - 帝国征服Imperial Conquest
  16. gen_eur_trade_node - 主导全球贸易Global Dominance
  17. gen_eur_defender_faith - 守护信仰Faith's Bastion
  18. gen_hre_electors - 帝国雄心Imperial Ambition
  19. gen_hre_emperor - 查理曼遗产Charlemagne's Legacy
  20. gen_hre_imperial_ban - 保卫帝国Defend the Empire
  21. gen_hre_theocracy_house_of_god - 上帝的居所The House of God
  22. gen_hre_theocracy_lords_army - 上帝之军The Lord's Army
  23. gen_hre_theocracy_divine_empire - 神圣帝国Divine Empire
  24. gen_hre_relations_with_emperor - 与皇帝的关系Relations with the Emperor
  25. gen_hre_financial_centre - 商贸中心A Center of Commerce
  26. gen_hre_republic_reform_government - 行政改革Reform the Administration
  27. invade_novgorod_mission - 入侵诺夫哥罗德Invade Novgorod
  28. subjugate_novgorod - 征服诺夫哥罗德Conquer Novgorod
  29. consolidate_russia_mission - 统一俄罗斯Consolidate Russia
  30. russia_partitions_poland_new - 解放鲁塞尼亚Liberate Ruthenia
  31. conquer_finland - 征服芬兰Conquer Finland
  32. access_to_the_baltic_sea - 西方的窗口Window on the West
  33. conquer_steppes_russia_mission - 驯服草原Tame the Steppes
  34. subjugate_kazan - 征服喀山Subjugate Kazan
  35. cross_the_mongol_border - 征服大草原Claim the Steppes
  36. subjugate_crimea - 征服克里米亚Subjugate the Crimea
  37. russian_colony_in_west_siberia_new - 殖民西伯利亚Colonize Western Siberia
  38. russian_colony_in_east_siberia - 殖民西伯利亚Colonize Eastern Siberia
  39. conquer_remaining_steppes_mission - 统一草原Consolidate the Steppes
  40. emp_hab_austrian_netherlands - 奥属尼德兰Austrian Netherlands
  41. emp_hab_ostend_company - 奥斯坦德公司The Ostend Company
  42. emp_hab_indian_trading - 印度的领地Holdings in India
  43. emp_hab_foothold_in_china - 中国的财富The Riches of China
  44. emp_hab_austrialasia - 定居澳大拉西亚Settle Austrialasia
  45. emp_hab_develop_hungary_bohemia - 投资省份Invest in the Provinces
  46. end_sound_toll - 终止海峡税End the Sound Toll
  47. hun_poland_alliance - 旧联盟Old Alliances
  48. hun_vassal_states - 支配瓦拉几亚Control Wallachia
  49. hun_vassal_states_three - 支配塞尔维亚Control Serbia
  50. hun_vassal_states_two - 支配摩尔达维亚Control Moldavia
  51. hun_vassal_states_four - 支配波斯尼亚Control Bosnia
  52. hun_ottoman_borders - 安纳托利亚威胁Anatolian Threat
  53. hun_ottoman_borders_three - 保护保加利亚Secure Bulgaria
  54. hun_ottoman_borders_two - 保护马其顿Secure Macedonia
  55. hun_ottoman_borders_four - 向君士坦丁堡推进Push on to Constantinople
  56. africa_slave_trade - 黑奴贸易The Slave Trade
  57. africa_modernization - 非洲现代化African Modernization
  58. african_wealth_mission - 非洲财富Wealth of Africa
  59. alb_skanderbeg_rebellion - 斯坎德培起义Skanderbeg's Rebellion
  60. alb_withstand_the_turks - 对抗土耳其人Stand Against the Turks
  61. alb_inspire_resistance - 激励抵抗运动Inspire Resistance
  62. alb_lord_of_albania - 阿尔巴尼亚之主Lord of Albania
  63. alb_end_turkish_rule - 终结土耳其的统治End Turkish Rule
  64. destroy_ayyubids - 摧毁阿尤布Destroy the Ayyubids
  65. defeat_black_sheep - 击败黑羊Defeat the Black Sheep
  66. conquer_the_caucasus_akk - 征服高加索Conquer the Caucasus
  67. invade_persia_akk - 入侵波斯Invade Persia
  68. conquer_iraq_akk - 征服伊拉克Conquer Iraq
  69. gen_ara_defender_faith - 伊斯兰之盾Shield of Islam
  70. ara_gen_holy_city - 圣城The Holy City
  71. ara_gen_trade_leader - 生产龙头Production Leader
  72. yem_gen_buildforces - 战争准备Prepare for War
  73. yem_gen_recon_one - 征服下也门Conquer Lower Yemen
  74. yem_gen_recon_two - 征服上也门Conquer Upper Yemen
  75. vassalize_navarra - 附庸纳瓦拉Vassalize Navarre
  76. ara_crowns_of_iberia - 伊比利亚王冠Crowns of Iberia
  77. integrate_naples - 吞并那不勒斯Integrate Naples
  78. conquer_athens - 征服雅典Conquer Athens
  79. control_spice_trade_asia - 香料贸易The Spice Trade
  80. asia_silk_road - 丝绸之路The Silk Road
  81. secure_the_imperial_crown - 确保选票Secure Electors
  82. subjugate_bohemia - 控制波希米亚Control Bohemia
  83. recover_silesia - 收复西里西亚Recover Silesia
  84. partition_poland - 征服加利西亚Conquer Galicia
  85. subjugate_hungary - 匈牙利的衰落Decline of Hungary
  86. austrian_hungary - 联姻匈牙利Royal Hungary
  87. austrian_croatia - 保护克罗地亚Secure Croatia
  88. conquer_transylvania - 征服特兰西瓦尼亚Conquer Transylvania
  89. austrian_italian_ambition - 意大利雄心Italian Ambition
  90. hsn_buildforces - 战争准备Prepare for War
  91. conquer_al_jazira_hsn - 征服杰兹拉Conquer Al Jazira
  92. conquer_aleppo_hsn - 收复阿勒颇Reconquer Aleppo
  93. bav_reunite_bavaria - 统一而强大的巴伐利亚United and Strong Bavaria
  94. bav_expand_in_bavaria - 扩展巴伐利亚Expand Bavaria
  95. conquer_franken - 征服法兰克尼亚Conquer Franconia
  96. conquer_ansbach - 征服施瓦本Conquer Swabia
  97. conquer_alzey - 统一维特尔斯巴赫家族Uniting the Wittelsbachs
  98. berber_corsair_fleet - 组建一支突袭舰队Construct a Raiding Fleet
  99. berber_barbary_pirates - 袭击地中海Raid the Mediterranean
  100. berber_turkish_alliance - 土耳其外交Turkish Diplomacy
  101. berber_new_world_raiders - 新大陆的海盗Corsairs of the New World
  102. berber_invade_iberia - 入侵伊比利亚Invade Iberia
  103. boh_hussite_one - 复兴胡斯Hussite Resurgence
  104. boh_integrate_silesia - 吞并西里西亚Integrate Silesia
  105. boh_prem_conquest - 普热梅斯遗产Premyslid Heritage
  106. boh_prem_conquest_two - 夺回波美拉尼亚Pomerelian Reconquest
  107. boh_development_one - 市政工程Municipal Works
  108. reclaim_neumark - 收复诺伊马克Reclaim Neumark
  109. pru_conquer_pomerania - 波美拉尼亚继承权Pomeranian Succession
  110. connect_the_prussian_lands - 普鲁士扩张Prussian Expansion
  111. pru_conquer_silesia - 征服西里西亚Conquer Silesia
  112. pru_duchy_of_cleves - 克里维斯公国The Duchy of Cleves
  113. prussia_partitions_poland - 征服大波兰Conquest of Greater Poland
  114. fla_lowlands_one - 征服佛兰德土地Conquer the Flemish Lands
  115. fla_lowlands_two - 控制瓦隆尼亚Control Wallonia
  116. fla_lowlands_three - 统一低地国家Unite the Low Countries
  117. fla_flemish_trade - 佛兰德贸易Flemish Trade
  118. fla_further_urbanization - 城市扩张Expand the Cities
  119. fla_commercial_infrastructure - 商会Chambers of Commerce
  120. fla_flemish_cloth - 在佛兰德斯的工厂In Flanders Factories
  121. fla_european_networks - 欧洲代理人European Agents
  122. bri_build_alliances - 建立同盟Build Alliances
  123. bri_expand_up_the_loire - 向卢瓦尔河上游扩张Expand up the Loire
  124. bri_seize_normandy - 征服诺曼底Conquer Normandy
  125. bri_shatter_france - 疯狂战争La Guerre Folle
  126. bri_brest - 布雷斯特船坞Brest Dockyards
  127. bri_new_brittany - 建立新布列塔尼Found New Brittany
  128. bri_better_weather - 寻觅气候宜人之地Seeking Better Weather
  129. bri_atlantic_trade - 主导大西洋贸易Dominate Atlantic Trade
  130. bul_independence - 保加利亚独立Bulgarian Independence
  131. bul_restore_empire - 保加利亚帝国Bulgarian Empire
  132. bul_extend_empire - 扩张帝国Extend the Empire
  133. bur_subjects - 安抚附庸Placate Subjects
  134. bur_lorraine - 王国分裂A Kingdom Divided
  135. bur_liege - 支配列日Control Liege
  136. bur_frisia - 征服弗里西亚Frisian Conquest
  137. bur_nevers - 吞并讷韦尔Integrate Nevers
  138. bur_romandie - 收复巴塞尔Reclaim Transjurania
  139. bur_cisjurania - 阿尔勒王国Kingdom of the Arles
  140. recover_greece - 重夺希腊Recover Greece
  141. recover_the_balkans - 征服保加利亚Conquer Bulgaria
  142. recover_south_italy - 保证南意大利的安全Secure Southern Italy
  143. recover_sicily - 收复西西里Reclaim Sicily
  144. recover_rome - 永恒之城The Eternal City
  145. destroy_venice - 摧毁威尼斯Annihilate Venice
  146. recover_the_coast_of_asia_minor - 收复小亚细亚海岸线Recover the Coastline
  147. reestablish_the_theme_system - 重建军区系统Reestablish the Theme System
  148. convert_asia_minor - 使小亚细亚皈依Convert Asia Minor
  149. the_pentarchy - 重建五大牧首区Restore the Pentarchy
  150. colonize_taiwan - 殖民台湾Colonize Taiwan
  151. mandate_of_heaven_mission - 天命The Mandate of Heaven
  152. annex_dai_viet - 吞并大越Annex Dai Viet
  153. defend_korea - 征服朝鲜Conquer Korea
  154. coptic_conquest_of_alexandria - 解放亚历山大Liberate Alexandria
  155. coptic_conquest_of_yerevan - 解放埃里温Liberate Yerevan
  156. coptic_conquest_of_antioch - 安条克牧首The Patriarch of Antioch
  157. coptic_conquest_of_qasr_ibrim - 征服伊布里姆堡Conquer Qasr Ibrim
  158. coptic_conquest_of_cairo - 解放开罗Liberate Cairo
  159. cro_reconquer_dalmatia - 收复达尔马提亚Reconquer Dalmatia
  160. cro_dominate_dubrovnik - 支配杜布罗夫尼克Dominate Dubrovnik
  161. cro_expel_italians - 驱逐意大利人Expel the Italians
  162. cro_withstand_ottomans - 对抗土耳其人Withstand the Turks
  163. cro_independence - 克罗地亚独立Croatian Independence
  164. cro_reclaim_bosnia - 收复波斯尼亚Reclaim Bosnia
  165. cro_croatian_fleet - [Root.GetAdjective]舰队[Root.GetAdjective] Fleet
  166. cro_conquer_carniola - 征服卡尔尼奥拉Conquer Carniola
  167. cro_gosti - 客商Gosti Guests
  168. cro_zagreb - 重修萨格勒布Renovate Zagreb
  169. denmark_norway_integration - 合并挪威Integrate Norway
  170. denmark_sweden_integration - 统一斯堪的纳维亚Unite Scandinavia
  171. denmark_baltic_fleet - 波罗的海舰队The Baltic Fleet
  172. control_osel - 征服厄塞尔Conquer Osel
  173. danish_controlled_cot - 丹麦贸易Danish Trade
  174. brahman_administrators - 婆罗门官僚Brahmin Administrators
  175. empower_deccani_nobles - 德干Deccanis
  176. marathi_fiefs - 马拉塔封地Marathi Fiefs
  177. metropolis_of_the_deccan - 德干大都会Metropolis of the Deccan
  178. recover_konkan_coast - 收复康坎港口Recover Konkan Ports
  179. gharbians_mission - 西方人Gharbians
  180. mahmud_gawans_madrassah - 加万宗教学院Gawan's Madrasa
  181. persianate_empire - 波斯帝国Persianate Empire
  182. secure_khandesh - 保护坎德什Secure Khandesh
  183. conquer_gujarat - 征服古吉拉特Conquer Gujarat
  184. arabian_sea_trade_ports - 阿拉伯海贸易Arabian Sea Trade
  185. persian_gulf - 控制波斯湾Dominate Persian Gulf
  186. city_of_victory - 胜利之城City of Victory
  187. southern_frontier - 南部边界Southern Frontier
  188. bijapur_karnatak - 比贾布尔 卡纳塔克The Bijapur Karnatak
  189. conquer_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  190. crush_delhi - 摧毁德里Crush Delhi
  191. rein_in_the_velamas - 控制韦拉马Rein in the Velamas
  192. conquer_andhra - 征服安德拉Conquer Andhra
  193. growth_of_golconda - 发展戈尔康达Growth of Golconda
  194. golconda_karnatak - 科罗曼德扩张Coromandel Expansion
  195. coromandel_entrepot - 印度中转港Entrepot of India
  196. bng_conquer_orissa - 征服克塔克Conquer Cuttack
  197. bng_garjat_fealty - 要求迦贾德效忠Demand Garjat Fealty
  198. bng_conquer_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  199. bng_conquer_multan - 向阿拉伯海前进Advance to the Arabian Sea
  200. bng_army - 火器战争Gunpowder Warfare
  201. bng_conquer_jaunpur - 恒河运动The Ganges Campaign
  202. bng_conquer_delhi - 向拉合尔前进Onward to Lahore
  203. bng_grand_trunk_road - 大干道The Grand Trunk Road
  204. bng_conquer_arakan - 终结阿拉干海盗End Arakan Piracy
  205. bng_conquer_burma - 征服缅甸Conquer Burma
  206. bng_tiger_mission - 老虎凯旋The Tiger Triumphant
  207. bng_conquer_koch - 征服科奇Conquer Koch
  208. bng_conquer_assam - 征服阿萨姆Conquer Assam
  209. bng_conquer_china - 挑战恶龙Defy the Dragon
  210. bng_conversion - 让孟加拉改宗Convert Bengal
  211. bng_mint_towns - 建立铸币城镇Establish Mint Towns
  212. bng_manufactories - 现代化生产Modernize Production
  213. bng_sufis - 资助苏菲派学者Patronize Sufi Scholars
  214. bng_clear_delta - 清理三角洲Clear the Delta
  215. bng_shipyards - 孟加拉大造船厂Grand Bengali Shipyards
  216. hin_west_india - 统一西印度Unite West India
  217. hin_khorasan - 深入西方Into the West
  218. hin_persia - 征服波斯Conquer Persia
  219. hin_hindustan - 统一印度斯坦Unite Hindustan
  220. hin_arabian_trade - 阿拉伯贸易Arabian Trade
  221. hin_riches - 印度的财富The Riches of India
  222. hin_industrial - 孟加拉工业化Industrialize Bengal
  223. hin_deccan - 统一德干Unite the Deccan
  224. hin_india - 印度帝国Indian Empire
  225. hin_unity - 宗教和睦Religious Harmony
  226. hin_south_india - 统一科罗曼德Unite Coromandel
  227. hin_indochina - 通往南中国海To the South China Sea
  228. hin_bengal - 统一孟加拉Unite Bengal
  229. hin_burma - 入侵缅甸Invade Burma
  230. hin_malaya - 朱罗运动The Chola Campaigns
  231. dlh_agra_mission - 建立阿格拉城Found the City of Agra
  232. dlh_textile_industry - 发展纺织工业Expand Textile Industry
  233. dlh_jnp_reconquest - 收复失地Reclaim Lost Territory
  234. dlh_jnp_reconquest_2 - 击败章普尔Defeat Jaunpur
  235. dlh_conquer_bengal - 征服孟加拉Conquer Bengal
  236. dlh_grand_trunk_road - 大干道The Grand Trunk Road
  237. dlh_conquer_orissa - 征服奥里萨Conquer Orissa
  238. dlh_lodi_sayyids - 维护德里的统治Assert Control over Delhi
  239. dlh_reconquer_multan - 恢复对木尔坦的统治Restore Rule over Multan
  240. dlh_restore_sultanate - 恢复苏丹国了The Sultanate Restored
  241. dlh_conquer_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Subdue Malwa
  242. dlh_conquer_gujarat - 征服古吉拉特Conquer Gujarat
  243. dlh_restore_empire - 光复德里Delhi Resurgent
  244. dlh_conquer_afghans - 征服阿富汗人Subdue the Afghans
  245. dlh_conquer_sind - 征服信德Conquer Sind
  246. dlh_conquer_rajputs - 征服拉吉普塔纳Conquer Rajputana
  247. dlh_conquer_marathas - 征服马哈拉施特拉Conquer Maharashtra
  248. dlh_conquer_deccan - 入侵德干Invade the Deccan
  249. guj_walls_of_ahmadabad_mission - [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]的发展Growth of [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]
  250. guj_subjugate_saurashtra - 使索罗施特拉臣服Subjugate Saurashtra
  251. guj_junnagadh_fort - 朱纳格特要塞Junagadh Fort
  252. guj_naval_dominance - 海军主宰Naval Dominance
  253. guj_rajputana_frontier - 拉杰普塔纳边界Rajputana Frontier
  254. dh_conquest_of_champaner - 削弱尚庞Reduce Champaner
  255. guj_mahmudabad - 穆罕默达巴德Mahmudabad
  256. guj_conquer_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  257. guj_paper_mills_of_ahmadabad - 艾哈迈达巴德纸Ahmadabad Paper
  258. guj_break_mewar - 征服梅瓦尔Conquer Mewar
  259. guj_subjugate_rajputana - 使拉杰普塔纳臣服Subjugate Rajputana
  260. guj_textile_industry - 古吉拉特纺织品Gujarati Textiles
  261. guj_bankers_of_cambay - 坎贝的银行家Bankers of Cambay
  262. guj_shipyards_of_gujarat - 古吉拉特造船厂Shipyards of Gujarat
  263. guj_gujarati_diaspora - 古吉拉特流民Gujarati Diaspora
  264. guj_south_africa - 南非基地South African Bases
  265. guj_merchant_of_gujarat - 古吉拉特的商人Merchant of Gujarat
  266. guj_clear_konkani_coast - 康坎海盗Konkani Pirates
  267. guj_growth_of_surat - 苏拉特的发展Growth of Surat
  268. guj_arabian_ports - 阿拉伯港口Arabian Ports
  269. guj_zambezi_gold_mines - 赞比西金矿Zambezi Gold Mines
  270. mlw_rewakantha - 征服罗坎蒂Conquer Rewakantha
  271. mlw_conquer_gujarat - 入侵古吉拉特Invade Gujarat
  272. mlw_gujarat_trade - 主导古吉拉特贸易Dominate Gujarati Trade
  273. mlw_rajput_estate - 容纳拉杰普特人Accommodate the Rajputs
  274. mlw_army - 准备一支入侵部队Prepare an Invasion Force
  275. mlw_conquer_mewar - 击败梅瓦尔Defeat Mewar
  276. mlw_conquer_nagaur - 征服纳高尔Conquer Nagaur
  277. mlw_conquer_the_doab - 征服河间地Conquer the Doab
  278. mlw_integrate_gonds - 合并贡德人Integrate the Gonds
  279. mlw_get_baghels - 毁灭巴格尔人Consume the Baghels
  280. mlw_hindu_marriages - 宗教间关系Interfaith Relations
  281. mlw_allies - 可靠的盟友Reliable Allies
  282. mlw_fort - 加固曼杜的防御Fortify Mandu
  283. mlw_architecture_mission - 摩腊婆式建筑风格Malvi Architecture
  284. mlw_madrasa - 宫廷教育Court Education
  285. mer_marwar_rivalry - 领内秩序Order in the Domain
  286. mer_conquer_kathiawar - 征服卡提阿瓦Conquer Kathiawar
  287. capital_for_rajputana - 邬阇衍那城City of Ujjain
  288. mer_avanti - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  289. mer_unite_rajputana - 统一拉杰普塔纳Unite Rajputana
  290. mer_reclaim_delhi - 收复德里Reclaim Delhi
  291. mer_restore_kanyakubja - 征服曲女城Conquer Kannauj
  292. mer_magadha - 摩揭陀和瓦拉纳西Magadha & Varanasi
  293. mer_fortify_rajputana - 建立拉杰普塔纳堡垒Fortify Rajputana
  294. mer_jawar_silver_mine - 贾瓦尔银矿Jawar Silver Mine
  295. mer_conquer_punjab - 征服旁遮普Conquer Punjab
  296. mer_udaipur - 建设乌代浦Found Udaipur
  297. mer_conquer_sindh - 征服信德Conquer Sindh
  298. mer_renovate_kannauj - 修缮曲女城Renovate Kannauj
  299. mer_hills_of_gondwana - 冈瓦纳的群山Hills of Gondwana
  300. mer_rajput_trade_guilds - 拉杰普特贸易行会Rajput Trade Guilds
  301. mer_marwari_horses - 马瓦里战马Marwari Horses
  302. mer_integrate_purbias - 整合普尔比亚人Integrate the Purbias
  303. mer_new_rajput_army - 新军New Army
  304. mug_pacify_punjab - 平定旁遮普Pacify Punjab
  305. mug_afghan_frontier - 阿富汗边界Afghan Frontier
  306. mug_abu_saids_dream - 阿布 赛义德之梦Abu Said's Dream
  307. mug_follow_the_brahmaputra - 沿着雅鲁藏布江Follow the Brahmaputra
  308. mug_upper_burma_campaign - 上缅甸之征Upper Burma Campaign
  309. mug_open_up_china - 叩开中国大门Open China
  310. mug_general_land_assessement - 土地普查General Land Assessment
  311. mug_sind_campaign - 信德战役Sindh Campaign
  312. mug_ganges_delta - 恒河三角洲Ganges Delta
  313. mug_conquer_orissa - 征服奥里萨Conquest of Orissa
  314. mug_bengal_entrepot - 孟加拉转运口岸Bengal Entrepot
  315. mug_lower_burma_campaign - 下缅甸之征Lower Burma Campaign
  316. mug_subah_of_ayuddhya - 阿瑜陀耶苏巴Subah of Ayuddhya
  317. mug_malaccan_viceroyalty - 马六甲总督Malaccan Viceroyalty
  318. mug_emperor_of_hindustan - 印度斯坦的皇帝Emperors of Hindustan
  319. mug_bengal_campaign - 孟加拉战役Bengal Campaign
  320. mug_fortify_the_plains - 巩固恒河平原Fortify the Plains
  321. mug_grand_trunk_road - 大干道Grand Trunk Road
  322. mug_embassy_to_the_west - 西方盟友Western Allies
  323. mug_control_the_desh - 控制德什Control the Desh
  324. mug_sufi_shrines - 印度的苏菲派圣地Indian Sufi Shrines
  325. mug_subdue_rajputana - 征服拉杰普塔纳Subdue Rajputana
  326. mug_rajput_mansabdars - 拉杰普特的曼萨布达尔Rajput Mansabdari
  327. mug_fatehpur_sikri - 法塔赫布尔 西格里Fatehpur Sikri
  328. mug_din_i_illah - 伊拉赫教派Din-i Ilahi
  329. mug_conquer_central_deccan - 征服德干中部Conquer Central Deccan
  330. mug_viceroyalty_of_the_deccan - 德干总督区?Viceroyalty of the Deccan?
  331. mug_gwalior_and_ranthambore - 瓜廖尔和伦滕波尔Gwalior and Ranthambore
  332. mug_conquer_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  333. mug_secure_hajj_ports - 保护朝觐港口Secure the Hajj Ports
  334. mug_across_vindhyas - 跨过温迪亚山脉Across the Vindhyas
  335. mug_riches_of_golconda - 戈尔孔达的财富Riches of Golconda
  336. mug_coromandel_coast - 科罗曼德尔海岸Coromandel Coast
  337. ori_vassals_mission - 统治迦贾德Rule the Garjats
  338. ori_expand_inland - 拓展内陆Expand Inland
  339. ori_bahmanis - 入侵德干Invade the Deccan
  340. ori_conquest_of_the_reddy_kingdom_dh - 征服安得拉Conquer Andhra
  341. ori_conquest_of_telingana_dh - 征服特伦甘纳Conquer Telingana
  342. ori_buildforces_dh - 征战准备Prepare for Conquest
  343. ori_to_the_kaveri_river_and_beyond_dh - 高韦里河The Kaveri River
  344. ori_coromandel_trade - 科罗曼德贸易Coromandel Trade
  345. ori_pegu_conquest - 征服下缅甸Conquer Lower Burma
  346. ori_bengal_coast - 夺取孟加拉海岸Seize the Bengal Coast
  347. ori_bengal_trade - 主导孟加拉贸易Dominate Trade in Bengal
  348. ori_arakan_conquest - 征服阿拉干Conquer Arakan
  349. ori_bengal_trade_value_mission - 孟加拉的繁荣Prosperity in Bengal
  350. ori_jagannath_mission - 扎格纳特的仆从Servitors of Jagannath
  351. ori_theological_education - 吠陀式教育Vedic Education
  352. ori_bengal_inland - 向高尔前进Onward to Gaur
  353. ori_divert_burma_malacca_trade - 把贸易引导至孟加拉Steer Trade To Bengal
  354. tau_conquer_shan - 结束掸邦统治End the Shan Domination
  355. tau_pacify_shan - 镇压掸人Suppress the Saophas
  356. tau_conquer_lxa - 百万大象A Million Elephants
  357. tau_conquer_prome - 吞并卑谬Annex Prome
  358. tau_conquer_ava - 重建蒲甘王国Restore the Pagan Kingdom
  359. tau_universal_ruler - 东吁第一帝国First Taungu Empire
  360. tau_conquer_lanna - 百万稻田A Million Rice Fields
  361. tau_rule_indochina - 转轮圣王Chakravarti
  362. tau_conquer_pegu - 征服下缅甸Conquer Lower Burma
  363. tau_build_palace - 迁都勃固Move Capital to Pegu
  364. tau_conquer_siam - 征服暹罗Conquer Siam
  365. tau_conquer_arakan - 入侵阿拉干Invade Arakan
  366. tau_conquer_bengal - 征服孟加拉Conquer Bengal
  367. tau_restore_pagodas - 重建宝塔Restore Pagodas
  368. tau_protect_lankan_buddhism - 保护斯里兰卡佛教Protect Lankan Buddhism
  369. tau_conquer_manipur - 停止曼尼普尔人的掠夺End Manipuri Raids
  370. tau_great_mandala - 大曼荼罗A Great Mandala
  371. tau_dragon_throne - 坐上龙椅Seize the Dragon Throne
  372. dh_tim_army_built - 战争准备Prepare for War
  373. dh_tim_khorasan_one - 支配东呼罗珊Control East Khorasan
  374. dh_tim_khorasan_two - 支配西呼罗珊Control West Khorasan
  375. dh_indian_raid - 劫掠印度Indian Raid
  376. dh_conquer_punjab_MUG - 征服旁遮普Conquer Punjab
  377. dh_conquer_delhi - 德里的征服Conquest of Delhi
  378. vij_bah_reconquest - 赖久尔之战The Battle for Raichur
  379. vij_defeat_bahmanis - 向卡雅那挺进Advance to Kalyana
  380. vij_marathas - 入侵马哈拉施特拉Invade Maharashtra
  381. vij_africa_conquest - 进入非洲Into Africa
  382. vij_africa_trade - 桑给巴尔贸易Zanzibari Trade
  383. vij_integrate_jaffna - 合并贾夫纳Integrate Jaffna
  384. vij_ceylon_conquest - 征服兰卡Conquer Lanka
  385. vij_aden_conquest - 征服亚丁Conquer Aden
  386. vij_aden_trade - 主导亚丁贸易Dominate Trade in Aden
  387. vij_tamil_trade - 泰米尔贸易工会The Tamil Trade Guilds
  388. vij_mysore_conquest - 恢复对迈索尔的统治Restore Rule Over Mysore
  389. vij_malabar - 保护马拉巴尔海岸Secure the Malabar Coast
  390. vij_indian_trade - 南印度贸易South Indian Trade
  391. vij_city_of_victory - 胜利之城City of Victory
  392. vij_tamil_rebels - 终止泰米尔的暴动End Tamil Insurgency
  393. vij_conquer_andhra - 征服安得拉Conquer Andhra
  394. vij_conquer_orissa - 征服奥里萨Conquer Orissa
  395. vij_bengal - 从孟加拉转移贸易Divert Trade from Bengal
  396. vij_war_plunder - 战利品Spoils of War
  397. vij_develop_capital - 发展首都Develop the Capital
  398. vij_local_temples - 崇尚当地的神灵Patronize Local Gods
  399. vij_jains_mission - 保护耆那教社区Protect Jain Communities
  400. vij_empower_brahmins - 赞助寺庙Temple Patronage
  401. vij_chola_conquest - 征服朱罗The Chola Conquests
  402. vij_rajendra_ambition - 拉金德拉的野心Rajendra's Ambition
  403. peasants_likedealers - 恢复利基迪勒斯Renew the Likedeelers
  404. peasants_hemmingstedt - 黑明施泰特战役The Battle of Hemmingstedt
  405. peasants_denmark - 击败丹麦Defeat Denmark
  406. peasants_conquest_of_bread - 面包与自由The Conquest of Bread
  407. peasants_means_of_production - 生产资料The Means of Production
  408. peasants_bremen - 虔敬的同盟Pious Alliance
  409. peasants_north_germany - 对抗封建制Resist Feudalism
  410. peasants_protect_frisia - 互助同盟Mutual Aid
  411. peasants_the_peasants_war - 农民起义The Peasants' War
  412. peasants_break_the_chains - 挣脱枷锁Break the Chains
  413. peasants_terror_in_russia - 俄罗斯的恐怖The Terror in Russia
  414. ned_lowlands_one - 统一低地Unite the Lowlands
  415. ned_lowlands_two - 收复低地Lowlands Reconquest
  416. ned_religious_unity - 宗教统一Religious Unity
  417. ned_caribbean_discovery - 探索加勒比海Explore Caribbean
  418. ned_american_discovery - 定居北美洲Settle North America
  419. ned_south_africa_colony - 殖民开普Colonize the Cape
  420. ned_brazil_colony - 殖民巴西Colonize Brazil
  421. ned_india_ceylon - 占据锡兰Seize Ceylon
  422. ned_spice_australia - 发现澳大利亚Discover Australia
  423. ned_indonesia_cot - 印度尼西亚贸易Indonesian Trade
  424. ned_malacca - 征服马六甲Conquer Malacca
  425. ned_taiwan - 荷兰的福尔摩沙Dutch Formosa
  426. bishop_elector_relations_with_emperor - 与皇帝的关系Relations with the Emperor
  427. bishop_elector_elect_emperors - 票选皇帝Elect the Emperors
  428. bishop_elector_ecclesiastic_league - 教士同盟Ecclesiastic League
  429. bishop_elector_unity_in_faith - 信仰的联合Unity in Faith
  430. mai_take_erfurt - 埃尔福特的所有权Ownership of Erfurt
  431. kol_consolidate_lands - 巩固领土Consolidate our Holdings
  432. kol_subdue_munster - 征服明斯特Subdue Münster
  433. tri_found_the_university - 建立特里尔大学Found Trier University
  434. emp_hab_union_with_poland - 波兰国王King of Poland
  435. emp_hab_no_one_to_threaten_us - 帝国的支配地位Imperial Ascendancy
  436. emp_hab_imperial_border - 帝国边疆The Imperial Border
  437. emp_hab_empire_united_in_religion - 「神圣」帝国A Holy Empire
  438. emp_hab_an_empire_roman - 「罗马」帝国A Roman Empire
  439. emp_hab_empire_pass_reforms - A.E.I.O.U.A.E.I.O.U.
  440. emp_hab_balanced_estates - 平衡阶层Balance the Estates
  441. emp_hab_prospering_nation - 奥地利的繁荣Austria Prospers
  442. emp_hab_imperial_capitals - 帝国诸都Imperial Capitals
  443. emp_hab_viennese_waltz - 维也纳华尔兹The Viennese Waltz
  444. emp_hab_the_hungarian_question - 匈牙利问题The Hungarian Question
  445. emp_hab_all_minorities_are_welcome - 多元文化帝国Multicultural Empire
  446. emp_hab_take_salzburg - 处理主教区Deal with the Bishoprics
  447. emp_hab_union_bayern - 巴伐利亚公国Duchy of Bavaria
  448. emp_hab_swabia - 控制施瓦本Control Swabia
  449. emp_hab_union_brandenburg - 处理勃兰登堡Deal with Brandenburg
  450. emp_hab_connect_further_austria - 连接前奥地利Connect Further Austria
  451. emp_hab_conquer_switzerland - 盖斯勒的复仇Gessler's Revenge
  452. emp_hab_conquer_burgundy - 收复勃艮第Reclaim Burgundy
  453. emp_hab_conquer_france - 削弱法兰西Weaken France
  454. emp_hab_take_serbia - 击败塞尔维亚人Defeat the Serbs
  455. emp_hab_take_wallachia_bulgaria - 向保加利亚推进Push on to Bulgaria
  456. emp_hab_scourge_of_europe - 欧洲之鞭The Scourge of Europe
  457. emp_hab_veneto_lombardy - 米兰公国Duchy of Milan
  458. emp_hab_naples - 那不勒斯之王King of Naples
  459. emp_hab_balance_of_power - 势力均衡The Balance of Power
  460. emp_hab_spread_dynasties - [Root.GetSpreadDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle][Root.GetSpreadDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle]
  461. emp_hab_our_balance_of_power - 扭转均衡Shift the Balance
  462. emp_hab_crush_the_revolution - [Root.GetEmbraceOrCrushRevolutionMissionTitle][Root.GetEmbraceOrCrushRevolutionMissionTitle]
  463. emp_hab_power_to_habsburg - [Root.GetGloryToDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle][Root.GetGloryToDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle]
  464. emp_bav_cultural_center - 发展[Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]Develop [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]
  465. emp_bav_splendour - 帝王威严Regal Splendor
  466. emp_bav_oktoberfest_mission - 设立慕尼黑啤酒节Establish Oktoberfest
  467. emp_bav_union_with_palatinate - 统一维特尔斯巴赫家族Unite the Wittelsbachs
  468. emp_bav_sway_cologne - 拉拢科隆Sway Cologne
  469. emp_bav_tame_brandenburg - 驯服勃兰登堡Tame Brandenburg
  470. emp_bav_standing_army - 组建一支常备军Establish a Standing Army
  471. emp_bav_cultural_dominance - 巴伐利亚文化优先Boarisch als Leitkultur
  472. emp_bav_be_good_at_religion - 展现虔诚Show Piety
  473. emp_bav_center_of_counter_reformation - 传播虔诚Spread Piety
  474. emp_bav_illuminati_mission - 与光明会的协议Deal with the Illuminati
  475. emp_bav_conquer_tirol - 宣称蒂罗尔Claim Tirol
  476. emp_bav_union_with_austria - 联合统治奥地利Union with Austria
  477. emp_bav_italian_sun - 向意大利扩张Expand into Italy
  478. emp_bav_netherlands - 巴伐利亚属低地Bavarian Netherlands
  479. emp_boh_hussite_start - 胡斯摄政Hussite Regency
  480. emp_boh_hussite_one - 复兴胡斯信仰Hussite Resurgence
  481. emp_boh_defenestrate_the_heretics - 把异端掷出窗外Defenestrate the Heretics
  482. emp_boh_bohemian_crystal - 波希米亚水晶Bohemian Crystal
  483. emp_boh_development_one - 市政工程Municipal Works
  484. emp_boh_bergordnung_reforms - 改革采矿法Reform Bergordnung
  485. emp_boh_integrate_silesia - 吞并西里西亚Integrate Silesia
  486. emp_boh_great_moravia - 征服尼特拉Conquer Nitra
  487. emp_boh_hungarian_union - 联统匈牙利Hungarian Union
  488. emp_boh_protect_against_turks - 防范土耳其人Protect against the Turks
  489. emp_boh_revenge_for_nicopolis - 为尼科波利斯复仇Revenge for Nicopolis
  490. emp_boh_polish_diplomacy - 波兰外交Polish Diplomacy
  491. emp_boh_prem_conquest - 普热梅斯遗产Premyslid Heritage
  492. emp_boh_prem_conquest_two - 征服波美拉尼亚Pomerelian Conquest
  493. emp_boh_bohemian_commonwealth - 波希米亚联邦Bohemian Commonwealth
  494. emp_boh_humiliate_austria - 羞辱奥地利Humiliate Austria
  495. emp_boh_electorate_of_brandenburg - 勃兰登堡选帝侯Electorate of Brandenburg
  496. emp_boh_electorate_of_saxony - 萨克森选帝侯Electorate of Saxony
  497. emp_boh_reformatio_sigismundi - 西吉斯蒙德改革Reformatio Sigismundi
  498. emp_boh_peace_in_europe - 欧罗巴和平Peace in Europe
  499. emp_bur_nevers - 吞并讷韦尔Integrate Nevers #copied from bur_nevers
  500. emp_bur_romandie - 收复巴塞尔Reclaim Transjurania #copied from bur_romandie
  501. emp_bur_cisjurania - 阿尔勒王国Kingdom of Arles
  502. emp_bur_lombardy - 入侵伦巴第Invade Lombardy
  503. emp_bur_italy - 意大利王国Kingdom of Italy
  504. emp_bur_unite_the_realm - 团结低地Unite the Realm
  505. emp_bur_secure_the_lowlands - 保护低地Secure the Lowlands
  506. emp_bur_flemish_trade - 主导海峡贸易Dominate Channel Trade
  507. emp_bur_subjects - 安抚附庸Placate Subjects #copied from bur_subjects
  508. emp_bur_lorraine - 王国分裂A Kingdom Divided #copied from bur_lorraine
  509. emp_bur_liege - 征服列日Conquer Liege
  510. emp_bur_frisia - 征服弗里西亚Frisian Conquest #copied from bur_frisia
  511. emp_bur_appease_the_estates - 安抚各阶层Appease the Estates
  512. emp_bur_chivalry_is_not_dead - 骑士精神永存Chivalry is not Dead
  513. emp_bur_english_alliance - 英格兰-勃艮第联盟English Alliance
  514. emp_bur_league_of_public_weal - 公益同盟League of the Public Weal
  515. emp_bur_king_of_the_franks - 法兰克之王King of the Franks
  516. emp_bur_influence_the_princes - 影响邦国Influence the Princes
  517. emp_bur_lead_the_empire - 引领帝国Lead the Empire
  518. emp_bur_kingdom_of_bavaria - 巴伐利亚王国Kingdom of Bavaria
  519. emp_bur_papal_relations - 教廷关系Papal Relations
  520. emp_bur_feast_of_pheasants - 野鸡盛宴Feast of Pheasants
  521. emp_bur_secure_succession - 确保继承安全Secure the Succession
  522. emp_bur_join_the_empire - 加入帝国Join the Empire
  523. emp_bur_crown_of_lothair - 洛泰尔的王冠The Crown of Lothair
  524. emp_bur_east_francia - 征服东法兰克Conquer East Francia
  525. emp_bur_carolingian_empire - 加洛林帝国Carolingian Empire
  526. EMP_crusader_antioch - 重建医院骑士团Restore the Hospitallers
  527. EMP_crusader_convert_the_holy_land - 使圣地皈依Convert the Holy Land
  528. EMP_crusader_navy - 十字军舰队Crusader Fleet
  529. EMP_crusader_jerusalem - 耶路撒冷!Jerusalem!
  530. EMP_crusader_syria - 天国王朝Kingdom of Heaven
  531. EMP_crusader_egypt - 摩西之地The Land of Moses
  532. EMP_crusader_ark_of_the_covenant - 约柜Ark of the Covenant
  533. EMP_crusader_pope - 拉拢教宗Sway the Pope
  534. EMP_crusader_greece - 在希腊的立足点Foothold in Greece
  535. EMP_crusader_latin_empire - 拉丁帝国The Latin Empire
  536. EMP_crusader_catholic - 天主之盾Shield of Christendom
  537. EMP_crusader_spain - 海上同盟Maritime Allies
  538. EMP_crusader_malta - 巩固马耳他Fortify Malta
  539. EMP_crusader_africa - 非洲基地Base in Africa
  540. EMP_crusader_piracy - 对海盗发起十字军Crusade Against Piracy
  541. EMP_crusader_knights_of_the_new_world - 新大陆的骑士Knights of the New World
  542. EMP_crusader_fountain_of_youth - 青春之泉The Fountain of Youth
  543. emp_ned_seize_ceylon - 夺取锡兰Seize Ceylon
  544. emp_ned_found_batavia - 建立巴达维亚Found Batavia
  545. emp_ned_conquer_malacca - 征服马六甲Conquer Malacca
  546. emp_ned_dutch_formosa - 荷兰属福尔摩沙Dutch Formosa
  547. emp_ned_secure_dejima - 确保出岛Secure Dejima
  548. emp_ned_assert_dutch_sovereignty - 维护我们的主权Assert Our Sovereignty
  549. emp_ned_challenge_spanish_power - 挑战西班牙霸权Challenge Spanish Power
  550. emp_ned_fixed_garrison_system - 整复驻军系统Fixed Garrison System
  551. emp_ned_leiden_university - 莱顿大学Leiden University
  552. emp_ned_leiden_university_fla - 莱顿大学Leiden University
  553. emp_ned_charter_the_voc - 特许东印度公司Charter the VOC
  554. emp_ned_control_coromandel_trade - 控制科罗曼德Control Coromandel
  555. emp_ned_indonesia_cot - 印度尼西亚贸易Indonesian Trade
  556. emp_ned_dutch_east_indies - 荷属东印度Dutch East Indies
  557. emp_ned_sea_beggars - 海上乞丐Sea Beggars
  558. emp_ned_reform_the_admiralty_colleges - 海军学院Admiralty Colleges
  559. emp_ned_baltic_bulk_trades - 支持大宗贸易Support the Bulk Trades
  560. emp_ned_invest_in_the_rich_trades - 投资富裕贸易Invest in the Rich Trades
  561. emp_ned_charter_the_wic - 特许西印度公司Charter the WIC
  562. emp_ned_colonize_the_cape - 殖民开普Colonize the Cape
  563. emp_ned_discover_australia - 发现澳大利亚Discover Australia
  564. emp_ned_strengthen_the_vroedschappen - 加强智者议会Strengthen the Vroedschappen
  565. emp_ned_reform_the_generality_lands - 等级议会领土Generality Lands
  566. emp_ned_adjust_the_general_means - 调整「广开财路」Adjust the General Means
  567. emp_ned_interest_of_holland - 荷兰的利益Interest of Holland
  568. emp_ned_the_true_freedom - 真正的自由The True Freedom
  569. emp_ned_explore_caribbean - 探索加勒比Explore Caribbean
  570. emp_ned_settle_north_america - 定居北美Settle North America
  571. emp_ned_merge_the_stadtholders - 整合省总督Merge the Stadtholders
  572. emp_ned_contracts_of_correspondence - 摄政家族契约Regents' Contracts
  573. emp_ned_general_reglement - 颁行一般法Issue General Reglement
  574. emp_ned_the_glorious_revolution - 光荣革命The Glorious Revolution
  575. emp_ned_je_maintiendrai - 坚持不懈Je Maintiendrai
  576. emp_ned_colonize_brazil - 殖民巴西Colonize Brazil
  577. emp_lan_confront_the_lombards - 面对伦巴第Confront the Lombards
  578. emp_lan_adriatic_access - 亚德里亚海的通行Adriatic Access
  579. emp_lan_personal_diplomacy - 个人外交Personal Diplomacy
  580. emp_lan_italian_league - 意大利联盟The Italian League
  581. emp_lan_tuscan_birthright - 托斯卡纳的天命Tuscan Birthright
  582. emp_lan_heights_of_grandeur - 宏达之梦Dreams of Grandeur
  583. emp_lan_end_genoese_competition - 终结热那亚的竞争End Genoese Competition
  584. emp_lan_reaffirm_civic_values - 重申民政价值Reaffirm Civic Values
  585. emp_lan_hand_picked_bureaucrats - 精心挑选的官僚Hand-Picked Bureaucrats
  586. emp_lan_immaculate_government - 无懈可击的政府Immaculate Government
  587. emp_lan_make_haste_slowly - 欲速则不达Make Haste Slowly
  588. emp_lan_florentine_renaissance - 佛罗伦萨文艺复兴Florentine Renaissance
  589. emp_lan_commission_the_mona_lisa - 创作蒙娜丽莎Commission the Mona Lisa
  590. emp_lan_influence_the_church - 影响教会Influence the Church
  591. emp_lan_control_the_church - 掌控教会Control the Church
  592. emp_lan_academy_of_the_bran - 秕糠学会Academy of the Bran
  593. emp_lan_reform_the_monte - 改革银行Reform the Monte
  594. emp_lan_reliable_mints - 美第奇银行账户Medici Bank Ledgers
  595. emp_lan_public_works - 公共工程Public Works
  596. emp_lan_levee_the_arno - 修建阿诺河堤坝Levee the Arno
  597. emp_fra_subjugate_brittany - 征服布列塔尼Subjugate Brittany
  598. emp_fra_brest - 布雷斯特船坞Brest Dockyards
  599. emp_fra_auld_alliance - 强化老同盟Strengthen the Auld Alliance
  600. emp_fra_england - 击败英格兰Defeat the English
  601. emp_fra_conquer_flanders_wallonia - 征服佛兰德斯Conquer Flanders
  602. emp_fra_france_discovers_north_america - 发现北美Discover North America
  603. emp_fra_french_colony_in_north_america - 在北美立足Bases in North America
  604. emp_fra_louisiana - 密西西比贸易公司Mississippi Company
  605. emp_fra_american_independence - 美国独立American Independence
  606. emp_fra_reconquer_normandy - 收复诺曼底Reconquer Normandy
  607. emp_fra_end_hyw - 百年战争The Hundred Years' War
  608. emp_fra_conquer_picardy_fra - 征服皮卡第Conquer Picardy
  609. emp_fra_recover_calais - 收复加莱Recover Calais
  610. emp_fra_conquer_milan - 征服米兰Conquer Milan
  611. emp_fra_french_claim_to_naples - 法兰西的那不勒斯宣称French Claim to Naples
  612. emp_fra_spanish_succession - 继承西班牙The Spanish Succession
  613. emp_fra_south_america - 法属安塔尔提克France Antarctique
  614. emp_fra_native_relations - 与原住民通商Trade with the Natives
  615. emp_fra_indian_dominance - 主导印度Indian Dominance
  616. emp_fra_reconquer_gascony - 夺回加斯科涅Reconquer Gascony
  617. emp_fra_conquer_provence - 征服普罗旺斯Conquer Provence
  618. emp_fra_toulon_dockyard - 土伦船坞Toulon Dockyards
  619. emp_fra_annex_savoy - 吞并萨伏依Annex Savoy
  620. emp_fra_annex_genoa - 吞并热那亚Annex Genoa
  621. emp_fra_switzerland - 征服瑞士Helvetic Conquest
  622. emp_fra_france_discovers_the_carribean - 殖民扩张Colonial Expansion
  623. emp_fra_india_expansion - 法属东印度French East Indies
  624. emp_fra_indochina - 法属印度支那French Indochina
  625. emp_fra_establish_the_musketeers - 成立火枪卫队Establish the Musketeers
  626. emp_fra_les_invalides - 荣军院Les Invalides
  627. emp_fra_conquer_burgundy_area - 征服勃艮第Conquer Burgundy
  628. emp_fra_subjugate_lorraine - 征服洛林Subjugate Lorraine
  629. emp_fra_annex_alsace - 吞并阿尔萨斯Annex Alsace
  630. emp_fra_germany - 主宰帝国Dominate the Empire
  631. emp_fra_poland - 附庸波兰Polish Subjects
  632. emp_fra_russia - 远征俄罗斯The Russian Campaign
  633. emp_fra_integrate_vassals - 法兰西的中央集权Centralize France
  634. emp_fra_wars_of_religion - 部署龙骑兵Institute the Dragonnades
  635. emp_fra_i_am_the_state - 朕即国家L'État, c'est moi
  636. emp_fra_move_court_to_versailles - 凡尔赛宫Versailles Palace
  637. emp_fra_revolution - 法国大革命French Revolution
  638. emp_fra_client_states - 建立傀儡国Establish Client States
  639. emp_fra_empire - 法兰西霸权French Hegemony
  640. emp_gen_trade_league - 纯属商业Purely for Commerce
  641. emp_gen_safety_at_home_and_abroad - 确保[Root.GovernmentName]Secure the [Root.GovernmentName]
  642. emp_gen_reinvigoration - 复兴共和国Reinvigorate the Republic
  643. emp_gen_mare_nostrum - 我们的海Mare Nostrum
  644. emp_gen_expand_genoese_coastline - 碾碎比萨Pulverize Pisa
  645. emp_gen_grand_fleet - 防备西班牙Protect against Spain
  646. emp_gen_take_sardinia - 夺取撒丁尼亚Seize Sardinia
  647. emp_gen_the_spanish_question - 西班牙问题A Question of Spain
  648. emp_gen_venetian_naval_power - 威尼斯的阴影Overshadow Venice
  649. emp_gen_two_cities - 征服威尼斯Vanquish Venice
  650. emp_gen_dominate_italian_trade - 主导意大利贸易Dominate Italian Trade
  651. emp_ger_hlr_lowlands - 控制低地国家Secure the Low Countries
  652. emp_ger_hlr_rhineland - 莱茵兰工业化Industrialized Rhineland
  653. emp_ger_hlr_education - 义务教育Compulsory Education
  654. emp_ger_hlr_france - 入侵法兰西Invade France
  655. emp_ger_hlr_urbanization - 促进城市化Promote Urbanization
  656. emp_ger_hlr_dominant_economy - 主导经济Dominant Economy
  657. emp_ger_hlr_chancellorship - 设立宰相Establish the Chancellorship
  658. emp_ger_hlr_junkers - 控制容克贵族Control the Junkers
  659. emp_ger_hlr_kaiserreich - 德意志帝国Kaiserreich
  660. emp_ger_hlr_holy_state - 神圣之国Holy State
  661. emp_ger_hlr_roman_politics - 解决罗马Roman Resolution
  662. emp_ger_hlr_centralized_empire - 集权帝国Centralized Empire
  663. emp_ger_hlr_blood_and_iron - 铁与血Blood and Iron
  664. emp_ger_hlr_italy - 入侵意大利Italian Invasion
  665. emp_ger_hlr_protected_markets - 受保护的市场Protected Markets
  666. emp_ger_hlr_burn_the_wooden_wall - 焚毁木墙Burn the Wooden Wall
  667. emp_ger_hlr_concert_of_europe - 欧洲指挥官Concert of Europe
  668. emp_ger_hlr_crush_the_revolution - 镇压革命Crush the Revolution
  669. emp_ger_hlr_poland - 吞并波兰Annex Poland
  670. emp_ger_hlr_baltic - 征服波罗的海Baltic Conquest
  671. emp_ger_hlr_imperial_navy - 帝国海军Imperial Navy
  672. emp_ger_hlr_scramble_for_africa - 争夺非洲Scramble for Africa
  673. emp_ger_hlr_overseas_empire - 海外帝国Overseas Empire
  674. emp_ger_hlr_caprathian_conquest - 征服喀尔巴阡Carpathian Conquest
  675. hsa_hanseatic_army_mission - 保卫城市Defend the City
  676. hsa_hanseatic_mecklenburg_mission - 维斯马与罗斯托克Wismar & Rostock
  677. hsa_return_visby_mission - 归还维斯比予汉萨联盟Return Visby to the League
  678. hsa_return_novgorod_mission - 诺夫哥罗德商栈The Novgorod Kontor
  679. hsa_hanseatic_bookkeeping_mission - 汉萨同盟记账法Hanseatic Bookkeeping
  680. hsa_build_lubeck_krantor_mission - 吕贝克起重机The Lübeck Krantor
  681. hsa_queen_of_the_league_mission - 汉萨女王Queen of the League
  682. hsa_dominate_commerce_mission - 主导贸易Dominate Commerce
  683. hsa_london_steelyard_mission - 伦敦商会The London Steelyard
  684. hsa_baltic_trade_mission - 保护波罗的海贸易Secure Baltic Trade
  685. hsa_seize_jutland_mission - 夺取日德兰Seize Jutland
  686. hsa_subjugate_norway_mission - 征服挪威Subjugate Norway
  687. hsa_london_channel_mission - 与英格兰的纽带Ties with England
  688. hsa_edinburgh_mission - 苏格兰的据点A Base in Scotland
  689. hsa_north_sea_trade_mission - 保护北海贸易Secure North Sea Trade
  690. hsa_newfoundland_trading_ports_mission - 纽芬兰贸易站Newfoundland Trading Ports
  691. hsa_new_lubeck_mission - 新吕贝克New Lübeck
  692. hsa_merchant_navy_mission - 护航商船队The Merchant Navy
  693. hsa_hanseatic_shipwrights_mission - 汉萨船匠Hanseatic Shipwrights
  694. hsa_adler_von_lubeck_mission - 海上雄鹰The Eagle of the Seas
  695. hsa_unite_hanseatic_league_mission - 合并同盟Unite the League
  696. emp_hun_fund_monasteries - 资助修道院Fund the Monasteries
  697. emp_hun_religious_unity - 信仰统一Unity in Belief
  698. emp_hun_take_galicia - 削弱波兰Weaken Poland
  699. emp_hun_jagiellonian_union - 联合雅盖隆Jagiellonian Union
  700. emp_hun_black_army_supreme - 荣耀属于黑军Glory to the Black Army
  701. emp_hun_improve_economy - 强劲的经济A Strong Economy
  702. emp_hun_corviana_library - 科尔维纳图书馆Bibliotheca Corviana
  703. emp_hun_nagyszombat_university - 瑙吉松鲍特大学Nagyszombat University
  704. emp_hun_great_city_of_pest - 伟大之城[Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]The Great City of [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]
  705. emp_hun_strong_government - 强力的政府A Strong Government
  706. emp_hun_hungarian_succession - 匈牙利继承问题The Hungarian Succession
  707. emp_hun_bohemian_borderlands - 波希米亚边境Bohemian Borderlands
  708. emp_hun_bohemian_crown - 波希米亚王冠The Bohemian Crown
  709. emp_hun_weaken_austria - 削弱奥地利Weaken Austria
  710. emp_hun_duchy_of_austria - 奥地利公国The Duchy of Austria
  711. emp_hun_bulwark_of_christianity - 基督之盾Bulwark of Christianity
  712. emp_ita_prosperity_for_all - 共享繁荣Prosperity For All
  713. emp_ita_develop_the_south - 发展南部Develop The South
  714. emp_ita_continue_the_renaissance - 承续文艺复兴Continue the Renaissance
  715. emp_ita_italia_transalpina - 山外意大利Italia Transalpina
  716. emp_ita_the_seven_provinces - 七省管区The Seven Provinces
  717. emp_ita_the_gallic_wars - 高卢战争The Gallic Wars
  718. emp_ita_give_him_back_his_legions - 还我军团Return His Legions
  719. emp_ita_alpine_defenses - 布防阿尔卑斯Alpine Defenses
  720. emp_ita_take_the_littoral - 掌控海岸Take The Littoral
  721. emp_ita_redeem_tirolo - 夺回蒂罗尔Redeem Tirolo
  722. emp_ita_humiliate_austria - 羞辱奥地利Humiliate Austria
  723. emp_ita_a_real_roman_empire - 真正的罗马帝国A Real Roman Empire
  724. emp_ita_spagna_tarraconense - 塔拉科西班牙Spagna Tarraconense
  725. emp_ita_hispaniae - 希斯帕尼亚Hispaniae
  726. emp_ita_complete_the_risorgimento - 完成复兴运动Complete The Risorgimento
  727. emp_ita_answer_the_roman_question - 罗马问题The Roman Question
  728. emp_ita_a_place_among_the_great_powers - 跻身列强Among The Great Powers
  729. emp_ita_cross_the_pindus - 跨越品都斯山脉Cross The Pindus
  730. emp_ita_reclaim_our_latin_heritage - 收复拉丁遗产Reclaim Our Latin Heritage
  731. emp_ita_anatolian_frontier - 安纳托利亚边疆Anatolian Frontier
  732. emp_ita_a_worthy_navy - 名副其实的海军A Worthy Navy
  733. emp_ita_africa_proconsulare - 阿非利加领事馆Africa Proconsulare
  734. emp_ita_befriend_ethiopia - 结交埃塞俄比亚Befriend Ethiopia
  735. emp_ita_invade_egypt - 入侵埃及Invade Egypt
  736. emp_ita_terra_santa - 神圣的土地Terra Santa
  737. emp_mlo_subdue_genoa - 征服热那亚Subdue Genoa
  738. emp_mlo_emilia_romagna - 向南方扩张Expand to the South
  739. emp_mlo_tuscany - 征服托斯卡纳Conquer Tuscany
  740. emp_mlo_union_with_naples - 联合统治那不勒斯Union with Naples
  741. emp_mlo_reclaim_ducal_lands - 重新宣称公爵领地Reclaim the Ducal Lands
  742. emp_mlo_terra_firma - 占领威尼斯本土Capture the Terra Firma
  743. emp_mlo_kingdom_of_lombardy - 伦巴第王国Kingdom of Lombardy
  744. emp_mlo_destroy_austria - 摧毁奥地利Destroy Austria
  745. emp_mlo_friends_in_high_places - 高朋满座Friends in High Places
  746. emp_mlo_ambrosian_republic_mission - 共和主义者的愿望Republican Yearnings
  747. emp_mlo_secure_rule - 稳固我们的统治Secure our Rule
  748. emp_mlo_university_rules - [Root.GetMLOMissionUniversityRulesTitle][Root.GetMLOMissionUniversityRulesTitle]
  749. emp_mlo_milan_victorious - 米兰的凯旋Milan Victorious
  750. emp_mlo_swiss_mercs - 控制瑞士人Harness the Swiss
  751. emp_mlo_fortify_alps - 强化关隘Fortify the Passes
  752. emp_mlo_alpine_wall - 阿尔卑斯屏障The Alpine Wall
  753. emp_mlo_italian_freedom - 意大利的自由Italian Freedom
  754. emp_mlo_renaissance_city - 文艺复兴城市Renaissance City
  755. emp_mlo_develop_po_valley - 开发伦巴第Develop Lombardy
  756. emp_mlo_italian_riches - 意大利的财富The Wealth of Italy
  757. emp_mlo_all_roads_lead_to_milan - 条条大路通米兰All Roads Lead to Milan
  758. emp_mlo_control_the_vatican - 控制梵蒂冈Control the Vatican
  759. emp_nap_roman_relations - 罗马关系Roman Relations
  760. emp_nap_defender_of_the_faith - 信仰守护者Defender of the Faith
  761. emp_nap_state_of_the_presidi - 要塞之国State of the Presidi
  762. emp_nap_italian_wars - 赢得意大利战争Win the Italian Wars
  763. emp_nap_dalmatian_conquest - 征服达尔马提亚Dalmatian Conquest
  764. emp_nap_independent_naples - 那不勒斯独立Independent Naples
  765. emp_nap_two_sicilies - 统一两西西里Unite the Two Sicilies
  766. emp_nap_despot_of_epirus - 伊庇鲁斯专制公Despot of Epirus
  767. emp_nap_king_of_jerusalem - 耶路撒冷国王King of Jerusalem
  768. emp_nap_crown_of_aragon - 阿拉贡王冠Crown of Aragon
  769. emp_nap_neapolitan_navy - 那不勒斯海军Neapolitan Navy
  770. emp_nap_med_islands - 掌控地中海Secure the Mediterranean
  771. emp_nap_barbary_pirates - 击败巴巴里海盗Defeat the Barbary Pirates
  772. emp_nap_renaissance_city - 文艺复兴城市Renaissance City
  773. emp_nap_develop_naples - 发展[Root.GetName]Develop [Root.GetName]
  774. emp_nap_rein_in_nobility - 控制贵族Rein in the Nobles
  775. emp_nap_neapolitan_governance - 那不勒斯的统治方式Neapolitan Governance
  776. emp_pap_patrimony_of_st_peter - 圣彼得的遗产Patrimony Of St. Peter
  777. emp_pap_suppress_the_italian_cities - 粉粹意大利城邦Crush The Italian Cities
  778. emp_pap_sweep_the_po - 横扫波河Sweep The Po
  779. emp_pap_island_screens - 岛屿屏卫Island Screens
  780. emp_pap_italian_supremacy - 意大利霸权Italian Supremacy
  781. emp_pap_end_the_schism - 终结东西教会大分裂End The Schism
  782. emp_pap_swiss_guard - 组建瑞士卫队Form The Swiss Guard
  783. emp_pap_catholic_volunteers - 天主教志愿者Catholic Volunteers
  784. emp_pap_roman_navy - 建立罗马海军Build A Roman Navy
  785. emp_pap_the_holy_league - 神圣同盟The Holy League
  786. emp_pap_levantine_missions - 黎凡特布教团Levantine Missions
  787. emp_pap_mission_to_china - 赴华传教使团Mission To China
  788. emp_pap_catholic_alliances - 天主教兄弟情谊Catholic Confraternity
  789. emp_pap_support_the_knightly_orders - 支援骑士团Support The Orders
  790. emp_pap_eastern_alliances - 东方同盟Eastern Alliances
  791. emp_pap_prester_john - 祭司王约翰Prester John
  792. emp_pap_pontifical_universities - 宗座大学Pontifical Universities
  793. emp_pap_mission_to_japan - 赴日传教使团Mission To Japan
  794. emp_pap_rebuild_the_papal_treasury - 重建教宗圣库Rebuild The Papal Treasury
  795. emp_pap_restore_curia_funding - 恢复教廷资助Restore Curia Funding
  796. emp_pap_new_st_peters_basilica - 新圣彼得大教堂New St. Peter's Basilica
  797. emp_pap_establish_vatican_library - 建立梵蒂冈图书馆Found The Vatican Library
  798. emp_pap_subiaco_press - 苏比亚科出版社Subiaco Press
  799. emp_pap_support_eastern_catholiczation - 公教向东扩张Eastern Catholicization
  800. emp_pap_start_the_counter_reformation - 反宗教改革Counter The Reformation
  801. emp_pap_concessions - 提出妥协Offer Concessions
  802. emp_pap_back_the_catholic_powers - 支持同盟Back The League
  803. emp_pap_fight_the_heretics - 与异端作战Fight The Heretics
  804. emp_pap_destroy_heretic_strongholds - 摧毁异端据点Crush Heretic Strongholds
  805. emp_pro_aragon - 阿拉贡国王King of Aragon
  806. emp_pro_hungary - 匈牙利国王King of Hungary
  807. emp_pro_corsica - 好王勒内的宣称The Claims of King René
  808. emp_pro_naples - 那不勒斯国王King of Naples
  809. emp_pro_sicily - 西西里国王King of Sicily
  810. emp_pro_jerusalem - 耶路撒冷国王King of Jerusalem
  811. emp_pro_king_of_kings - 万王之王King of Kings
  812. emp_pro_lorraine - 整合洛林Integrate Lorraine
  813. emp_pro_join_the_empire - 加入神圣罗马帝国Join the Empire
  814. emp_pro_avignon - 有关阿维尼翁的交涉Negotiate for Avignon
  815. emp_pro_occitania - 统一奥克西塔尼亚Unite Occitania
  816. emp_pro_france - 法兰西国王King of France
  817. emp_pro_arts - 赞助艺术Sponsor the Arts
  818. emp_pro_marseille - 发展普罗旺斯Develop Provence
  819. emp_pro_toulon - 土伦船坞Toulon Dockyards
  820. emp_pro_la_marseillaise - 《马赛曲》La Marseillaise
  821. emp_brapru_reclaim_neumark - 收复诺伊马克Reclaim Neumark
  822. emp_brapru_conquer_pomerania - 波美拉尼亚继承权Pomeranian Succession
  823. emp_brapru_connect_the_prussian_lands - 普鲁士扩张Prussian Expansion
  824. emp_brapru_konigsberg_development - 建设柯尼斯堡Develop Königsberg
  825. emp_brapru_army_reforms_1 - 职业化军队制Professional Army
  826. emp_brapru_renovate_berlin - 修缮柏林Renovate Berlin
  827. emp_brapru_army_reforms_2 - 陆军改革Army Reforms
  828. emp_brapru_army_reforms_3 - 一支拥有国家的军队An Army with a State
  829. emp_brapru_ansbach_succession - 安斯巴赫继承权Ansbach Succession
  830. emp_brapru_franconian_conquest - 法兰克尼亚征服Franconian Conquest
  831. emp_brapru_conquer_silesia - 征服西里西亚Conquer Silesia
  832. emp_brapru_prussia_partitions_poland - 征服大波兰Conquer Greater Poland
  833. emp_brapru_chinese_trade - 广州贸易Trade in Canton
  834. emp_brapru_empower_the_junkers - 扶植容克贵族Empower the Junkers
  835. emp_brapru_reform_the_state - 国家改革Reform the State
  836. emp_brapru_enlightened_absolutism - 开明专制Enlightened Absolutism
  837. emp_brapru_show_of_strength - 展现力量A Show of Strength
  838. emp_brapru_lower_saxony - 征服下萨克森Conquer Lower Saxony
  839. emp_brapru_emden_company - 埃姆登公司The Emden Company
  840. emp_brapru_kiel_canal - 建造基尔运河Construct the Kiel Canal
  841. emp_brapru_edict_of_potsdam - 波茨坦敕令Edict of Potsdam
  842. emp_brapru_the_balance_of_power - 势力均衡The Balance of Power
  843. emp_brapru_westphalian_conquest - 征服威斯特伐利亚Westphalian Conquest
  844. emp_brapru_duchy_of_cleves - 克里维斯公国The Duchy of Cleves
  845. emp_brapru_rhineland_conquest - 征服莱茵兰Rhineland Conquest
  846. emp_brapru_german_empire - 德意志邦联German Confederation
  847. emp_sav_conquer_counties - 整合皮埃蒙特Unify Piedmont
  848. emp_sav_conquer_genoa - 征服热那亚Conquer Genoa
  849. emp_sav_conquer_sardinia - 统一撒丁尼亚Unite with Sardinia
  850. emp_sav_conquer_sicily - 夺取西西里Take Sicily
  851. emp_sav_union_with_naples - 联合那不勒斯Union with Naples
  852. emp_sav_integrate_geneva - 整合日内瓦Integrate Geneva
  853. emp_sav_defeat_the_swiss - 登城Monter l'Escalade
  854. emp_sav_conquer_burgundy - 征服勃艮第Conquer Burgundy
  855. emp_sav_conquer_lombardy - 夺取伦巴第Seize Lombardy
  856. emp_sav_conquer_UPCI - 推进托斯卡纳Push on to Tuscany
  857. emp_sav_conquer_provence - 接管普罗旺斯Take the Provence
  858. emp_sav_conquer_occitania - 萨伏依的奥西塔尼亚Savoyard Occitania
  859. emp_sav_claim_france - 宣称法兰西Claim France
  860. emp_sav_conquer_venetia - 占领威尼斯Capture Venice
  861. emp_sav_have_a_friend - 数量就是力量Strength in Numbers
  862. emp_sav_cover_your_bases - 万全之策All Bases Covered
  863. emp_sav_fortify_all - 阿尔卑斯山脉防御工事Alpine Fortifications
  864. emp_sav_self_reliant_army - 军事自主Military Self-Reliance
  865. emp_sav_wealth_of_the_alps - 皮埃蒙特的繁荣Prosper in Piedmont
  866. emp_sav_glorious_citadel - 荣耀属于[Root.Capital.GetName]!Glory to [Root.Capital.GetName]!
  867. emp_sav_powerhouse_of_the_north - [Root.GetSavPowerhouseNorthOrSouthTitle][Root.GetSavPowerhouseNorthOrSouthTitle]
  868. emp_sav_order_of_saints_maurice_and_lazarus - 信仰的中心A Center of Belief
  869. emp_sav_kingdom_of_cyprus - 塞浦路斯王国Kingdom of Cyprus
  870. emp_sax_conquer_erzgebirge - 宣称边境之地Claim the Borderlands
  871. emp_sax_conquer_silesia - 夺取西里西亚Take Silesia
  872. emp_sax_conquer_brunswick - 向西方扩张Expand Westwards
  873. emp_sax_reclaim_ancestral_lands - 收回我们的先祖之地Reclaim our Ancestral Lands
  874. emp_sax_conquer_brandenburg - 征服勃兰登堡Conquer Brandenburg
  875. emp_sax_defragment - 避免分裂Avoid Fragmentation
  876. emp_sax_conquer_franconia - 征服法兰克尼亚Conquer Franconia
  877. emp_sax_found_wittenberg - 威登堡大学Wittenberg University
  878. emp_sax_victor_for_faith - 正信的胜利Victor for the True Faith
  879. emp_sax_union_with_poland - 波兰国王King of Poland
  880. emp_sax_weimar_classicism - 魏玛古典主义Weimar Classicism
  881. emp_sax_spread_wettins - [Root.GetSpreadDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle][Root.GetSpreadDynastyOrFallbackMissionTitle]
  882. emp_sax_become_king - 成为国王Become King
  883. emp_sax_manufacturing - 萨克森制造业Saxon Manufacturing
  884. emp_sax_meissen_porcelain - 迈森瓷Porcelain from Meissen
  885. emp_sax_industrialisation - 萨克森工业化Industrialize Saxony
  886. emp_ser_law_of_the_pious - 虔诚皇帝的法律Law of the Pious Emperor
  887. emp_ser_reissue_the_novo_brdo_code - 重新编撰矿业法典Reissue the Mining Code
  888. emp_ser_great_school_of_belgrade - 大学校The Great School
  889. emp_ser_moravian_arms - 摩拉维亚军队Moravian Arms
  890. emp_ser_hungarian_belgrade - 专制公斯特凡的遗产Despot Stefan's Legacy
  891. emp_ser_fortress_of_belgrade - 贝尔格莱德要塞Fortress of Belgrade
  892. emp_ser_danubian_power - 多瑙河强国Danubian Power
  893. emp_ser_northern_trade - 北方贸易Northern Trade
  894. emp_ser_pacify_albanian_lands - 平定阿尔巴尼亚Pacify the Albanian Lands
  895. emp_ser_expand_adriatic_presence - 占领亚得里亚港Capture Adriatic Ports
  896. emp_ser_suppress_bosnian_heresy - 清除波斯尼亚异端Fight Bosnian Heresies
  897. emp_ser_secure_the_sava - 确保萨瓦河Secure the Sava
  898. emp_ser_encroach_on_the_germans - 击败日耳曼人Encroach on the Germans
  899. emp_ser_tame_the_magnates - 驯服贵族Tame the Magnates
  900. emp_ser_retake_macedonia - 重夺马其顿Retake Macedonia
  901. emp_ser_legacy_of_the_sclavinias - 斯卡拉维尼亚遗产Legacy of the Sclavinias
  902. emp_ser_protectors_of_christendom - 基督教守卫者Protectors of Christendom
  903. emp_ser_take_constantinople - 夺取君士坦丁堡Take Constantinople
  904. emp_ser_emperor_and_autocrat - 皇帝与专制者Emperor and Autocrat
  905. emp_ser_reform_the_nomocanon - 改革基督教法Reform the Nomocanon
  906. emp_ser_promote_the_patriarchate - 增设牧首区Promote the Patriarchate
  907. emp_ser_guardians_of_st_sava - 圣萨瓦的守卫者Guardians of Saint Sava
  908. emp_swi_vaud_wallis - 沃州与瓦莱Vaud and Wallis
  909. emp_swi_geneva - 拉拢日内瓦Sway Geneva
  910. emp_swi_start - 巩固瑞士Consolidate Switzerland
  911. emp_swi_three_leagues - 整合三同盟Integrate the Three Leagues
  912. emp_swi_confederacy - 重组邦联Reorganize the Confederacy
  913. emp_swi_imperial_status - 瑞士与帝国Switzerland and the Empire
  914. emp_swi_swiss_guard - 扩大瑞士卫队Expand the Swiss Guard
  915. emp_swi_mercenaries - 佣兵团Mercenary Companies
  916. emp_swi_swabia - 扩大联盟Expand the Confederacy
  917. emp_swi_mountain_forts - 阿尔卑斯壁垒Alpine Bastions
  918. emp_swi_protect_against_austria - 防御奥地利Protect Against Austria
  919. emp_swi_end_the_habsburgs - 终结哈布斯堡End the Habsburgs
  920. emp_swi_reformation - 香肠事件Affair of the Sausages
  921. emp_swi_convert - 解决宗教分歧Religious Resolution
  922. emp_swi_evangelize - 日内瓦会议Geneva Conventions
  923. emp_ven_aldine_monopoly - 阿杜思垄断Aldine Monopoly
  924. emp_ven_plague_doctor_training - 培养疫病医生Plague Doctor Training
  925. emp_ven_promote_the_carnevale - 扩大狂欢节规模Promote The Carnevale
  926. emp_ven_new_pilings - 新的木桩New Pilings
  927. emp_ven_patronize_the_scuole_grandi - 赞助大学校Patronize The Scuole Grandi
  928. emp_ven_expand_the_doges_palace - 扩大总督府Expand The Doge's Palace
  929. emp_ven_standardize_relazioni - 标准化报告Standardize Relazioni
  930. emp_ven_nuova_promissione_ducale - 总督誓言Promissione Ducale
  931. emp_ven_hire_more_venture_captains - 更多的佣兵队长More Venture Captains
  932. emp_ven_land_grants_for_free_companies - 承包商的赠礼Grants For Contractors
  933. emp_ven_expand_the_terraferma - 扩展缓冲区Expand The Terraferma
  934. emp_ven_north_italian_rivals - 北意大利的宿敌North Italian Rivals
  935. emp_ven_up_the_adige - 沿阿迪杰河而上Up The Adige
  936. emp_ven_destroy_austria - 摧毁奥地利Destroy Austria
  937. emp_ven_expand_the_arsenal - 拓展大兵工厂Expand The Arsenal
  938. emp_ven_contest_genoese_trade - 争夺热那亚贸易Contest Genoese Trade
  939. emp_ven_the_francocracy - 法兰克拉提亚The Francocracy
  940. emp_ven_challenge_papal_supremacy - 挑战教宗权威Challenge Papal Power
  941. emp_ven_monopolize_adriatic_trade - 垄断亚得里亚海贸易Monopolize Adriatic Trade
  942. emp_ven_reclaim_the_aegean - 收回爱琴海Reclaim The Aegean
  943. emp_ven_annex_cyprus - 吞并塞浦路斯Annex Cyprus
  944. emp_ven_control_the_means_of_transaction - 贸易手段The Means Of Transaction
  945. emp_ven_this_mythical_realm - 这片神秘的国土This Mythical Realm
  946. emp_ven_the_shape_of_trades_to_come - 贸易的未来The Future Of Trade
  947. eng_mighty_army - 征集部队Levy the Troops
  948. conquer_ireland - 征服爱尔兰Conquer Ireland
  949. conquer_scotland - 征服苏格兰Conquer Scotland
  950. eng_war_france - 百年战争The Hundred Years' War
  951. eng_reclaim_arm_paris - 战略控制Strategic Control
  952. vassalize_france - 征服法兰西Subjugate France
  953. eng_discover_america_caribbean - 发现美洲Discover the Americas
  954. english_colony_in_north_america - 定居北美Settle in America
  955. english_colony_in_the_carribean - 殖民加勒比Colonize the Caribbean
  956. establish_trade_in_american_cot - 美洲贸易American Trade
  957. england_discovers_india - 发现印度Discover India
  958. england_discovers_australia - 绘制南大洋Chart the Southern Seas
  959. establish_trade_in_indian_cot - 在印度建立贸易Establish Trade in India
  960. eng_establish_trade_in_home_cot - 垄断英吉利海峡Monopolize the Channel
  961. fkn_defeat_rivals - 击败宿敌Defeat Our Rivals
  962. fkn_liberty - 法兰克尼亚自由Franconian Liberty
  963. fkn_greater_franconia - 统一大法兰克尼亚Unite Greater Franconia
  964. fkn_subjugate_bavaria - 附庸巴伐利亚Subjugate Bavaria
  965. fkn_kingdom_of_the_franks - 法兰克人的王国Kingdom of the Franks
  966. fkn_franconian_prosperity - 法兰克尼亚的繁荣Franconian Prosperity
  967. fkn_patronage_of_the_arts - 赞助艺术Patronage of the Arts
  968. fkn_industrial_revolution - 广建工场Spread the Manufactories
  969. fkn_sanspareil - 无与伦比的宏伟Grandeur Sans Pareil
  970. fkn_union_with_brandenburg - 宣称勃兰登堡Claim Brandenburg
  971. french_minors_independence - 独立公国Ducal Independence
  972. french_minors_claim_state - 公国扩张Expand the Duchy
  973. french_minors_paris - 夺取巴黎Capture Paris
  974. french_minors_become_france - 宣称王位Usurp the Throne
  975. reconquer_normandy - 收复诺曼底Reconquer Normandy
  976. subjugate_brittany - 征服布列塔尼Subjugate Brittany
  977. conquer_picardy_fra - 征服皮卡第Conquer Picardy
  978. recover_calais - 收复加莱Recover Calais
  979. conquer_flanders_wallonia - 征服佛兰德斯Conquer Flanders
  980. build_french_fleet - 扩张法兰西海军French Naval Power
  981. france_discovers_north_america - 发现北美Discover North America
  982. french_colony_in_north_america - 在北美立足Bases in North America
  983. france_discovers_the_carribean - 殖民扩张Colonial Expansion
  984. fra_india_expansion - 法属东印度French East Indies
  985. conquer_milan - 征服米兰Conquer Milan
  986. french_claim_to_naples - 法兰西的那不勒斯宣称French Claim to Naples
  987. reconquer_gascony - 夺回加斯科涅Reconquer Gascony
  988. conquer_provence - 征服普罗旺斯Conquer Provence
  989. conquer_burgundy_area - 征服勃艮第Conquer Burgundy
  990. subjugate_lorraine - 征服洛林Subjugate Lorraine
  991. annex_alsace - 吞并阿尔萨斯Annex Alsace
  992. annex_savoy - 吞并萨伏依Annex Savoy
  993. annex_genoa - 吞并热那亚Annex Genoa
  994. gc_ara_consultate_of_the_sea - 海洋理事会Consulate of the Sea
  995. gc_ara_valencian_silk - 巴伦西亚丝绸Valencian Silk
  996. gc_ara_industry - 工业地区Industrial Districts
  997. gc_ara_golden_age - 黄金世纪Golden Century
  998. gc_ara_genoa - 控制热那亚Dominate Genoa
  999. gc_ara_trade_guilds - 巴塞罗那行会Guilds of Barcelona
  1000. gc_ara_banking - 交换表Table of Exchange
  1001. gc_ara_crowns_of_iberia - 伊比利亚王冠Crowns of Iberia
  1002. gc_ara_portugal - 联合统治葡萄牙Union with Portugal
  1003. gc_ara_venice - 控制威尼斯Control Venice
  1004. gc_ara_italy - 统治意大利Rule Italy
  1005. gc_ara_navarra - 附庸纳瓦拉Vassalize Navarre
  1006. gc_ara_provence - 羞辱普罗旺斯Humiliate Provence
  1007. gc_ara_occitania - 入侵奥西塔尼亚Invade Occitania
  1008. gc_ara_naples - 吞并那不勒斯Integrate Naples
  1009. gc_ara_athens - 宣称雅典Claims on Athens
  1010. gc_ara_albania - 保护阿尔巴尼亚Protect Albania
  1011. gc_ara_constantinople - 世界渴望之城City of the World's Desire
  1012. gc_ara_mare_nostrum - 我们的海Mare Nostrum
  1013. gc_ara_navy - [Root.GetAdjective]海军[Root.GetAdjective] Navy
  1014. gc_ara_barbary_ports - 打击巴巴里海盗Combat Barbary Piracy
  1015. gc_ara_tunis - 征服突尼斯Conquer Tunis
  1016. gc_ara_alexandria - 占领亚历山大Occupy Alexandria
  1017. gc_ara_envoy_to_ethiopia - 埃塞俄比亚使节Envoy to Ethiopia
  1018. gra_refugees_flock_to_us - 同胞的困境The Plight of our Kin
  1019. gra_palace_of_alhambra - 阿尔罕布拉宫Qalat Al-Hamra
  1020. adu_develop_cordoba - 重建古尔图巴Restore Qurtuba
  1021. adu_monopolize_africa - 垄断几内亚Monopolize Guinea
  1022. gra_friends_in_high_places - 摩洛哥的联系Moroccan Ties
  1023. gra_war_footing_with_castile - 准备战争Prepare for War
  1024. gra_reconquer_valencia - 夺回巴伦西亚Retake Balansiyah
  1025. gra_restore_the_andalusian_caliphate - 重建安达卢西亚Restore al-Andalus
  1026. gra_restore_caliphate_cordoba - 科尔多瓦哈里发国Caliphate of Cordoba
  1027. gra_own_iberia - 伊比利亚黎明Iberian Dawn
  1028. gra_into_france - 十字军诸王Crusader Kings
  1029. adu_buy_africa - 非洲的机遇African Opportunities
  1030. gra_retake_ceuta - 塞卜泰港The Port of Sebtah
  1031. gra_reconquer_sevilla - 解放古尔图巴Liberate Qurtuba
  1032. adu_conquer_portugal - 葡萄牙王国终结End Kingdom of Portugal
  1033. adu_explore_further - 继续探索Continue Exploration
  1034. adu_caribbean_cn - 加勒比The Caribbean
  1035. gra_rival_portuguese_fleet - 葡萄牙海军较量Portuguese Naval Rivalry
  1036. gra_restore_trade_superiority - 抢占贸易主导地位Seize Trade Dominance
  1037. adu_conquer_med_islands - 地中海岛屿Islands of the Mediterranean
  1038. adu_retake_sicily - 夺回西西里Retake Sicily
  1039. adu_moroccan_conquest - 摩洛哥的征服Moroccan Conquest
  1040. adu_brazilian_cn - 巴西海岸Coast of Brazil
  1041. adu_reclaim_mecca - 至圣之城Holiest of Cities
  1042. adu_down_tigris - 沿着底格里斯河Follow the Tigris
  1043. gra_overcome_internal_strife - 击溃篡位者!Rout the Pretenders!
  1044. gra_restore_faith_in_the_throne - 恢复王权的威信Restore Faith in the Throne
  1045. adu_own_tunisia_1 - 穆瓦希德之地Almohad Lands
  1046. adu_fatimid_lands - 进入埃及Into Egypt
  1047. adu_levantine_restoration - 恢复黎凡特Levantine Restoration
  1048. adu_persian_conquest - 曾经的帝国中心The Heartland
  1049. gc_mor_imperial_cities - 帝都Imperial Cities
  1050. gc_mor_saharan_route - 撒哈拉商路Saharan Route
  1051. gc_mor_timbuktu - 征服廷巴克图Conquer Timbuktu
  1052. gc_mor_songhai - 进攻桑海The Songhai Campaign
  1053. gc_mor_mali - 入侵马里Invade Mali
  1054. gc_mor_benin - 征服贝宁Conquer Benin
  1055. gc_mor_privateer - 劫掠伊比利亚贸易Raid Iberian Trade
  1056. gc_mor_palace - 巴迪宫El Badi Palace
  1057. gc_mor_black_guard - 建立黑人卫队Establish the Black Guard
  1058. gc_mor_kanem - 入侵卡奈姆Invade Kanem
  1059. gc_mor_wattasid - 解决瓦塔斯家族Wattasid Resolution
  1060. gc_mor_algiers - 征服阿尔及尔Conquer Algiers
  1061. gc_mor_pirates - 海盗的安息所Pirate Havens
  1062. gc_mor_iceland - 劫掠冰岛Raid on Iceland
  1063. gc_mor_north_sea - 北海海盗Corsairs of the North Sea
  1064. gc_mor_ceuta - 收复休达Reconquer Ceuta
  1065. gc_mor_protect_granada - 保护格拉纳达Protect Granada
  1066. gc_mor_tunis - 征服突尼斯Conquer Tunis
  1067. gc_mor_canaries - 宣称加那利群岛Claim the Canaries
  1068. gc_mor_brazil - 殖民西方Colonize the West
  1069. gc_mor_new_world - 新大陆的势力New World Power
  1070. gc_mor_reclaim_andalucia - 收复安达卢西亚Reclaim Andalucia
  1071. gc_por_portugal_discovers_south_america - 向西前进Go Westward
  1072. gc_por_establishes_foothold_brazil - 主导巴西Brazilian Dominance
  1073. gc_por_bandeirantes - 振兴班代兰蒂斯Promote the Bandeirantes
  1074. gc_por_jesuits - 设立耶稣会教会Establish Jesuit Missions
  1075. gc_por_wine_monopolies - 酒类垄断Wine Monopolies
  1076. gc_por_trading_houses - 大贸易公司Great Trading Houses
  1077. gc_por_universities - 艺术与文学Arts and Letters
  1078. gc_por_discover_african_coast - 远方的博哈多尔角Beyond Cape Bojador
  1079. gc_por_colonise_west_africa - 殖民西非Colonize West Africa
  1080. gc_por_colonise_central_africa - 定居中非Settle in Central Africa
  1081. gc_por_triangle_trade - 三角贸易The Triangle Trade
  1082. gc_por_african_gold - 非洲黄金African Gold
  1083. gc_por_ceylon - 葡属锡兰Portuguese Ceylon
  1084. gc_por_burma - 葡属缅甸Portuguese Burma
  1085. gc_por_english_alliance - 葡英联盟English Alliance
  1086. gc_por_caribbean - 殖民加勒比Colonize the Caribbean
  1087. gc_por_discovers_cape_good_hope - 好望角The Cape of Good Hope
  1088. gc_por_discovers_east_africa - 东方造船厂Shipyards of the East
  1089. gc_por_conquers_zanzibar - 征服桑给巴尔Conquer Zanzibar
  1090. gc_por_malabar - 葡属马拉巴尔Portuguese Malabar
  1091. gc_por_surat - 控制苏拉特Control Surat
  1092. gc_por_indian_investment - 印度事务院Casa da Índia
  1093. gc_por_flagship - 建造旗舰Launch a Flagship
  1094. gc_por_intervene_in_castile - 介入卡斯蒂利亚Intervene in Castile
  1095. gc_por_lusitanian_empire - 卢西塔尼亚帝国Lusitanian Empire
  1096. gc_por_discovers_horn_africa - 非洲之角Horn of Africa
  1097. gc_portugal_discovers_india - 向印度推进Push to India
  1098. gc_por_discovers_indonesia - 定居印度尼西亚Settle Indonesia
  1099. gc_portugal_discovers_the_far_east - 向中国前进Onward to Cathay
  1100. gc_por_trade_with_china - 与中国贸易Trade with Cathay
  1101. gc_por_japanese_trade - 与日本贸易Trade with Japan
  1102. gc_por_build_the_navy - 竞争优势Competitive Advantage
  1103. gc_por_conquer_tangiers - 征服丹吉尔Conquer Tangiers
  1104. gc_conquer_the_north_african_coast - 扩张缓冲地带Expand the Buffer Zone
  1105. gc_por_conquers_hormuz - 征服霍尔木兹海峡Conquer Hormuz
  1106. gc_por_oman - 葡属阿曼Portuguese Oman
  1107. gc_por_malacca - 葡属马六甲Portuguese Malacca
  1108. gc_por_indonesia_dominance - 保护贸易Secure Trade
  1109. gc_cas_spa_plus_ultra - 航向更远方Plus Ultra
  1110. gc_cas_spa_caribbean_discovery - 发现加勒比Discover Caribbean
  1111. gc_cas_spa_caribbean_colony - 加勒比殖民地Caribbean Colony
  1112. gc_cas_spa_havana - 发现哈瓦那Found Havana
  1113. gc_cas_spa_mayans - 征服玛雅Mayan Conquest
  1114. gc_cas_spa_california - 殖民加利福尼亚Colonize California
  1115. gc_cas_spa_navarra - 征服纳瓦拉Subjugate Navarra
  1116. gc_cas_spa_expel_moriscos - 驱逐摩尔人Expel the Moriscos
  1117. gc_cas_spa_hispaniola - 宣称伊斯帕尼奥拉Claim Hispaniola
  1118. gc_cas_spa_aztecs - 征服阿兹特克Aztec Conquest
  1119. gc_cas_spa_new_spain - 新西班牙总督区Viceroyalty of New Spain
  1120. gc_cas_spa_florida - 加固佛罗里达Fortify Florida
  1121. gc_cas_spa_army_ready - 准备收复失地Prepare Reconquista
  1122. gc_cas_spa_reconquista_one - 收复安达卢西亚Reclaim Andalucia
  1123. gc_cas_spa_iberia_christian - 改变伊比利亚的信仰Convert Iberia
  1124. gc_cas_spa_reconquista_four - 继续收复失地Continue Reconquista
  1125. gc_cas_spa_spanish_main - 新西班牙大陆The Spanish Main
  1126. gc_cas_spa_incans - 印加的财富Incan Hoards
  1127. gc_cas_spa_potosi - 波托西银矿Potosi Silver
  1128. gc_cas_spa_native_reductions - 同化原住民Native Reductions
  1129. gc_cas_spa_reconquista_three - 宣称阿拉贡Claims in Aragon
  1130. gc_cas_spa_italian_ambition - 意大利野心Italian Ambition
  1131. gc_cas_spa_italian_ambition_2 - 征服意大利Italian Conquest
  1132. gc_spa_spanish_armada - 西班牙无敌舰队Spanish Armada
  1133. gc_spa_invade_england - 入侵英格兰Invade England
  1134. gc_cas_spa_la_plata - 建立拉普拉塔Establish La Plata
  1135. gc_cas_spa_west_africa - 西非港口West African Ports
  1136. gc_cas_spa_discover_spice_islands - 航向东印度群岛Sail to the East Indies
  1137. gc_cas_spa_conquer_philippines - 菲律宾群岛Las Islas Filipinas
  1138. gc_cas_spa_reconquista_two - 光复葡萄牙Recover Portugal
  1139. gc_spa_spanish_netherlands - 西属尼德兰Spanish Netherlands
  1140. gc_spa_austrian_union - 奥地利继承The Austrian Succession
  1141. gc_spa_hre - 君临欧罗巴Universal Monarchy
  1142. gc_cas_spa_new_granada - 新格拉纳达王国New Kingdom of Granada
  1143. gc_tun_tribes - 平定柏柏尔人Pacify the Berbers
  1144. gc_tun_sahara - 穿越撒哈拉Traverse the Sahara
  1145. gc_tun_air - 空气斩Air Strike
  1146. gc_tun_kanem - 征服卡奈姆-博尔努Conquer Kanem Bornu
  1147. gc_tun_genoa - 劫掠热那亚Raid on Genoa
  1148. gc_tun_valencia - 掠夺巴伦西亚Raid on Valencia
  1149. gc_tun_fleet - 建造海盗船队Construct a Corsair Fleet
  1150. gc_tun_med_islands - 夺取群岛Seize the Isles
  1151. gc_tun_east_med_islands - 制霸地中海Dominate the Mediterranean
  1152. gc_tun_venice - 劫掠威尼斯Raid on Venice
  1153. gc_tun_barbary_coast - 控制巴巴里海岸Control the Barbary Coast
  1154. gc_tun_privateer - 赞助海盗行为Sponsor Piracy
  1155. gc_tun_morocco - 摩洛哥的港口Moroccan Ports
  1156. gc_tun_ottomans - 奥斯曼外交Ottoman Diplomacy
  1157. gc_tun_alexandria - 征服亚历山大Conquer Alexandria
  1158. gc_tun_art_religion - 资助艺术与宗教事务Patronize Art and Religion
  1159. genoa_trade_node_power - 主导热那亚的贸易Genoese Trade Dominance
  1160. conquer_tunis_gen - 征服突尼斯Conquer Tunis
  1161. tradenode_tunis - 突尼斯的贸易争端Trade Trouble in Tunis
  1162. tradenode_tangiers - 丹吉尔的贸易争端Trade Trouble in Tangiers
  1163. tradenode_gibraltar - 直布罗陀的贪婪Greed in Gibraltar
  1164. tradenode_alexandria - 亚历山大争端Ale in Alexandria
  1165. gen_leave_the_empire - 对帝国的质疑The Question of the Empire
  1166. tradenode_ferrara - 费拉拉盛宴Feast in Ferrara
  1167. tradenode_ragusa - 拉古萨的炮声Rumble in Ragusa
  1168. end_bosphorous_sound_toll - 终止海峡税End The Sound Toll
  1169. guj_buildforces - 征战准备Prepare for Conquest
  1170. conquest_of_champaner - 征服尚庞Conquest of Champaner
  1171. han_unite_the_welfs - 统一韦尔夫家族Unite the Welfs
  1172. han_defend_against_neighbors - 抵抗萨克森人Defend against the Saxons
  1173. han_expand_into_saxony - 向萨克森扩张Expand into Saxony
  1174. han_subdue_brandenburg - 征服勃兰登堡Subdue Brandenburg
  1175. han_herrenhausen_gardens_mission - 华丽的海恩豪森Splendor of Herrenhausen
  1176. han_hansa_cities - 汉萨同盟的贸易港口The Hansa Trade Ports
  1177. han_rule_the_waves - 统治海洋Rule the Waves
  1178. han_english_crown - 英国王冠The English Crown
  1179. han_anglo_german_unity - 盎格鲁-日耳曼一统Anglo-German Unity
  1180. gain_foothold_in_ireland - 入侵爱尔兰Invade Ireland
  1181. ha_conquer_ireland - 征服不列颠Conquer Britain
  1182. gain_foothold_in_france - 入侵法兰西Invade France
  1183. ha_conquer_france - 征服法兰西Conquer France
  1184. gain_foothold_in_spain - 入侵西班牙Invade Spain
  1185. ha_conquer_spain - 征服西班牙Conquer Spain
  1186. csu_buildforces - 征战准备Prepare for War
  1187. conquer_the_wankas - 征服万卡Conquer Wanka
  1188. gen_north_india_unite_culture - 文化中心Center of Culture
  1189. gen_north_india_conquer_delhi - 征服德里Conquer Delhi
  1190. gen_north_india_warrior_castes - 提拔刹帝利阶级Promote Warrior Castes
  1191. gen_north_india_grand_trunk_road - 大干道The Grand Trunk Road
  1192. gen_north_india_empire - 北印度帝国North Indian Empire
  1193. gen_south_india_reparations - 战争掠夺War Plunder
  1194. gen_south_india_forts - 巩固$COUNTRY$Fortify $COUNTRY$
  1195. gen_south_india_maratha - 招募马拉塔人Recruit the Marathas
  1196. gen_south_india_deccan_conquest - 支配德干Deccan Domination
  1197. gen_south_india_empire - 南印度帝国South Indian Empire
  1198. gen_hindu_temples - 重建神庙Restore Temples
  1199. gen_hindu_caste_loyalty - 种姓忠诚度Caste Loyalty
  1200. gen_hindu_education - 印度教育Hindu Education
  1201. gen_hindu_administration - 稳定的内政Stable Administration
  1202. gen_hindu_sapta_puri - 沙他普里Sapta Puri
  1203. gen_indian_muslim_harem - 扩大后宫Expand the Harem
  1204. gen_indian_muslim_brahmins_church - 宗教审议Religious Deliberation
  1205. gen_indian_muslim_hajj - 控制朝圣港口Control Hajj Ports
  1206. gen_indian_muslim_gunpowder_empire - 火药帝国Gunpowder Empire
  1207. gen_indian_muslim_sufi_shrines - 控制苏菲神社Control Sufi Shrines
  1208. gen_indian_sikh_khalsa - 武装卡尔萨Arm the Khalsa
  1209. gen_indian_sikh_punjab - 征服旁遮普Conquer Punjab
  1210. gen_indian_sikh_amritsar - 金殿The Golden Temple
  1211. gen_indian_sikh_empire - 建立锡克帝国Found the Sikh Empire
  1212. gen_indian_sikh_five_thrones - 五圣座The Five Takhts
  1213. gen_north_india_cot - 贸易中心Center of Trade
  1214. gen_north_india_powerful_subject - 一个强有力的属国A Powerful Subject
  1215. gen_north_india_gujarat_bengal - 印度沿海贸易Indian Coastal Trade
  1216. gen_north_india_jains - 庇护耆那教徒Patronize the Jains
  1217. gen_north_india_textiles - 发展纺织工业Expand Textile Industry
  1218. gen_south_india_production - 提高生产力Improve Production
  1219. gen_south_india_navy - 一支商船舰队A Merchant Fleet
  1220. gen_south_india_trade - 科罗曼德贸易Coromandel Trade
  1221. gen_south_india_spice_textile - 发展工业Expand Industry
  1222. gen_south_india_diamonds - 戈尔康达的钻石Golkonda Diamonds
  1223. itm_italian_renaissance - 意大利文艺复兴Italian Renaissance
  1224. itm_urbanization - 鼓励城市化Encourage Urbanization
  1225. itm_merchant_princes - 商人王公Merchant Princes
  1226. itm_princely_rule - 王公的统治Rule of the Prince
  1227. itm_educated_court - 文明的宫廷Educated Court
  1228. itm_spheres_of_influence - 影响范围Spheres of Influence
  1229. itm_prelate_power - 教会的力量Prelate Power
  1230. itm_assuming_control - 篡夺控制权Assuming Control
  1231. JAP_pacify_the_north - 平定北方Pacify the North
  1232. JAP_take_the_thousand_islands - 夺取千岛群岛Take the Kurils
  1233. JAP_siberian_intervention - 干涉西伯利亚Siberian Intervention
  1234. the_divine_wind - 神风The Divine Wind
  1235. conquer_southern_korea - 征服南朝鲜Conquer Korea
  1236. establish_footholding_in_manchuria - 入侵满洲Invade Manchuria
  1237. JAP_emperor_of_china - 帝国天命Imperial Mandate
  1238. JAP_go_to_indochina - 印支霸权Indochinese Hegemony
  1239. JAP_expand_the_kokka - 拓展国家Expand the Kokka
  1240. JAP_establish_political_supremacy - 夺取政治霸权Win Political Supremacy
  1241. conquer_okinawa - 征服冲绳Conquer Okinawa
  1242. jap_colonize_taiwan - 殖民台湾Colonize Taiwan
  1243. JAP_secure_the_pacific - 太平洋安保Secure the Pacific
  1244. JAP_colonize_california - 殖民加利福尼亚Colonize California
  1245. strengthen_the_bushido - 武士道准则The Bushido Code
  1246. unite_japan_mission - 统一日本Unite Japan
  1247. JAP_construct_the_gokaido - 建设五街道Construct the Gokaido
  1248. JAP_sankin_kotai - 参勤交代Sankin-Kotai
  1249. JAP_regulate_the_social_order - 规范社会秩序Regulate the Social Order
  1250. JAP_balance_the_four_divisions - 平衡四民Balance the Four Divisions
  1251. JAP_issue_new_erizeni_rei - 颁布新撰钱令Issue New Erizeni-Rei
  1252. JAP_permit_ryogaesho - 准允两替商Permit Ryogaesho
  1253. JAP_survey_the_secret_fields - 调查隐田Survey the Secret Fields
  1254. JAP_encourage_financial_cliques - 鼓励财阀Encourage Wealth Cliques
  1255. JAP_dominate_the_market - 主导市场Dominate the Markets
  1256. kor_conquer_changbai - 白头山通道Access to Mount Paektu
  1257. kor_seize_southern_manchuria - 夺取边境之地Seize the Borderlands
  1258. goguryeo_restoration - 光复高句丽Restore Goguryeo
  1259. kor_end_manchuria - 终结满洲End Manchuria
  1260. kor_build_army_mission - 征兵至上限Build to Force Limit
  1261. kor_harness_seokleon - 驾驭石战Harness the Seokjeon
  1262. kor_expand_hwacha - 点燃火车!Fire the Hwacha!
  1263. kor_control_yellow_sea - 控制黄海Control the Yellow Sea
  1264. kor_seize_celestial_throne - 驯服巨龙Tame the Dragon
  1265. kor_befriend_ming - 对中外交Chinese Diplomacy
  1266. kor_fortify_korea - 重建北长城Restore the Northern Wall
  1267. kor_fortify_korea_2 - 隐士王国The Hermit Kingdom
  1268. kor_righteous_army - 正义之师The Righteous Army
  1269. kor_japanese_piracy - 抵御倭寇Protect against Japanese Piracy
  1270. kor_foothold_in_japan - 立足日本A Foothold in Japan
  1271. kor_defeat_shogun - 击败幕府Defeat the Shogun
  1272. kor_turtle_ships - 龟船启航Set Sail the Turtle Ships
  1273. kor_settle_north - 定居北方Settle the North
  1274. kor_settle_general - 扩张国土Expand the Homeland
  1275. kor_harmonise_shinto - 和谐日本Harmony with Japan
  1276. kor_higher_income - 繁荣的经济Prospering Economy
  1277. kor_peasant_struggles - 农民的困境The Plight of the Peasantry
  1278. kor_develop_korea - 建设朝鲜Develop Korea
  1279. kor_achieve_juche - 朝鲜自立Korean Self-Reliance
  1280. kor_develop_capital - 拓展[Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]Expand [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]
  1281. kor_end_factional_strife - 摆脱了派系争斗!Freedom from Factional Strife
  1282. kor_korean_trade_ports - 朝鲜贸易港口Korean Trade Ports
  1283. kor_japanese_trade - 主导日本贸易Dominate Japanese Trade
  1284. develop_ukraine_1 - 发展鲁塞尼亚Develop Ruthenia
  1285. lit_religious_unity - 宗教定居地Religious Settlement
  1286. lit_ukraine_2 - 重建基辅Restore Kiev
  1287. lit_develop_sluck - 斯卢茨克腰带Sluck Sashes
  1288. mission_lit_polish_union - 强制建立一个联邦Enforce a Commonwealth
  1289. lit_jag_university - 雅盖隆大学Jagiellonian University
  1290. mission_lit_cossacks - 交好哥萨克Befriend the Cossacks
  1291. lit_conquer_crimea - 征服克里米亚Conquer the Crimea
  1292. polish_alliance_lit - 波兰王位的继承The Polish Succession
  1293. defeat_the_livonian_order - 征服利沃尼亚骑士团Conquer Livonia
  1294. lit_conquer_novgorod - 控制诺夫哥罗德Secure Novgorod
  1295. lit_conquer_muscovy - 联统莫斯科Union over Muscovy
  1296. mam_holy_cities - 圣城The Holy Cities
  1297. mam_yemeni_trade - 也门贸易Yemeni Trade
  1298. mam_alexandria_trade - 亚历山大贸易Alexandrian Trade
  1299. mam_pacify_bedouins - 安抚贝都因人Pacify the Bedouins
  1300. mam_subjugate_beyliks - 征服比利克斯Subjugate the Beyliks
  1301. mch_mountain - 山中圣地Shrines at the Mountain
  1302. mch_great_wall - 绕过长城Bypass the Great Wall
  1303. start_the_conquest_of_ming_china - 入侵中国Invade China
  1304. mch_mandate_of_heaven - 天命The Mandate of Heaven
  1305. mch_green_standard_army - 绿营The Green Standard Army
  1306. mch_devastate_china - 屠城Devastate a Metropolis
  1307. mch_extinguish_ming - 灭明Extinguish Ming
  1308. mch_ten_great_campaigns - 十全武功The Ten Great Campaigns
  1309. mch_subjugate_dai_viet - 收服大越Subjugate Dai Viet
  1310. mch_burma_campaign - 缅甸之征The Burma Campaign
  1311. dominate_jurchens_mission - 支配敌对女真部落Dominate Rival Jurchens
  1312. unite_manchu - 统一女真三大部Unite the Jurchen Tribes
  1313. mch_eight_banners - 八旗The Eight Banners
  1314. mch_khan_of_the_mongols - 收服蒙古诸部Subjugate the Mongols
  1315. mch_establish_tributaries - 建立朝贡体系Establish Tributaries
  1316. mch_three_feudatories - 三藩The Three Feudatories
  1317. mch_revoke_the_feudatories - 撤藩Revoke the Feudatories
  1318. mch_harmonious_empire - 和谐的帝国Harmonious Empire
  1319. mch_integrate_taiwan - 合并台湾Integrate Taiwan
  1320. mch_invade_joseon - 进军朝鲜Invade Joseon
  1321. mch_confucian_administration - 儒家官僚Confucian Administration
  1322. mch_reform_the_censorate - 改革都察院Reform the Censorate
  1323. mch_library_of_the_four_treasuries - 四库全书Library of the Four Treasuries
  1324. mch_secure_inner_asia - 都护中亚Secure Inner Asia
  1325. mch_annex_tibet - 吞并西藏Annex Tibet
  1326. oir_tumu_crisis - 土木堡之变The Tumu Crisis
  1327. mongols_restore_yuan - 恢复大元Reforge Great Yuan
  1328. mongols_reconquer_china - 恢复对中国的统治Restore Rule over China
  1329. mongols_subjugate_korea - 征服朝鲜Subjugate Korea
  1330. mongols_invade_japan - 摧毁幕府Destroy the Shogunate
  1331. mongols_restore_the_khanate - 宣称汗位Claim the Khanate
  1332. mongols_unite_the_mongols - 统一蒙古Unite the Mongols
  1333. mongols_central_asia - 恢复对草原的统治Restore Rule on the Steppe
  1334. mongols_persia - 重建伊利汗国Restore the Ilkhanate
  1335. mongols_anatolia - 入侵叙利亚和安纳托利亚Invade Syria and Anatolia
  1336. mongols_annex_tibet - 吞并西藏Annex Tibet
  1337. mongols_religion_mission - 确保信仰Secure the Faith
  1338. mongols_tatars - 征服鞑靼Subjugate the Tatars
  1339. mongols_yam - 重建站赤系统Restore the Yam
  1340. mongols_pax_mongolica - 蒙古治下的和平Pax Mongolica
  1341. mongols_russia - 击败罗斯Defeat the Rus
  1342. mug_hindustan - 夺取下印度斯坦Take Lower Hindustan
  1343. mug_malwa - 征服摩腊婆Conquer Malwa
  1344. mug_gujarat - 夺取古吉拉特Seize Gujarat
  1345. mug_north_bengal - 夺取北孟加拉Take North Bengal
  1346. mug_south_bengal - 夺取南孟加拉Seize South Bengal
  1347. nav_basque_fisheries - 巴斯克渔业Basque Fisheries
  1348. nav_north_sea_whaling - 北海捕鲸North Sea Whaling
  1349. nav_terranova - 特拉诺瓦Terranova
  1350. nav_newfoundland_labrador - 大海湾贸易Grandbaya Trade
  1351. nav_reclaim_coast - 收复海岸Reclaim the Coast
  1352. nav_conquer_lapurdi - 征服拉布尔Conquer Lapurdi
  1353. nav_claims_in_gascony - 宣称加斯科涅Claims in Gascony
  1354. nav_union_with_france - 联统法兰西Union with France
  1355. nav_aragonese_inheritance - 阿拉贡的继承Aragonese Inheritance
  1356. nav_dominate_espainiako - 制霸西班牙Dominate Espainia
  1357. new_world_modernization - 新大陆现代化New World Modernization
  1358. new_world_remove_euro - 赶走欧洲人Drive out the Europeans
  1359. nw_sunset_invasion - 日落入侵Sunset Invasion
  1360. oma_buildforces - 战争准备Prepare for War
  1361. oma_conquest_of_batinah - 征服巴提奈Conquer Batinah
  1362. oma_conquest_of_dhofar - 支配佐法尔Control of Dhofar
  1363. oma_conquest_of_mombasa - 征服蒙巴萨Conquer Mombasa
  1364. oma_conquest_of_zanzibar - 征服桑给巴尔Conquest of Zanzibar
  1365. ori_buildforces - 征战准备Prepare for Conquest
  1366. ori_conquest_of_the_reddy_kingdom - 征服安德拉Conquer Andhra
  1367. ori_conquest_of_telingana - 征服特伦甘纳Conquer Telingana
  1368. ori_to_the_kaveri_river_and_beyond - 高韦里河The Kaveri River
  1369. defeat_the_byzantine_empire - 世界渴望之城City of the World's Desire
  1370. conquer_southern_greece - 征服希腊Conquer Greece
  1371. conquer_serbia - 征服塞尔维亚Conquer Serbia
  1372. conquer_bosnia - 征服波斯尼亚Conquer Bosnia
  1373. conquer_hungary - 控制多瑙河Control the Danube
  1374. vassalize_wallachia - 征服瓦拉几亚Conquer Wallachia
  1375. vassalize_transylvania - 征服特兰西瓦尼亚Conquer Transylvania
  1376. army_reforms_of_mehemed_II - 改革帝国军Reform the Imperial Army
  1377. consolidate_asia_minor - 巩固小亚细亚Consolidate Asia Minor
  1378. safeguard_eastern_anatolia - 保护安纳托利亚Safeguard Anatolia
  1379. conquer_mesopotamia - 征服美索不达米亚Conquer Mesopotamia
  1380. conquer_haasa - 征服哈萨Conquer Al-Ahsa
  1381. conquer_trebizond - 征服特拉比松Conquer Trebizond
  1382. take_kaffa - 征服卡法Conquer Caffa
  1383. conquer_levant - 征服黎凡特Conquer Levant
  1384. conquer_egypt - 征服埃及Conquer Egypt
  1385. defeat_the_knights - 最后的十字军堡垒Last Crusader Bastion
  1386. take_crete_from_venice - 征服克里特Conquer Crete
  1387. conquer_tripolitania - 征服的黎波里塔尼亚Conquer Tripolitania
  1388. conquer_tunisia - 征服突尼斯Conquer Tunisia
  1389. subjugate_algiers - 征服阿尔及尔Subjugate Algiers
  1390. conquer_hedjaz - 征服汉志Conquer Hejaz
  1391. conquer_mocha - 征服摩卡Conquer Mocha
  1392. pal_expand_a_bit - 扩展我们的势力Expand our Holdings
  1393. pal_connect_oberpfalz - 通往安贝格之路The Road to Amberg
  1394. pal_one_true_wittelsbach - 统一维特尔斯巴赫家族Unite the Wittelsbachs
  1395. pal_kingdom_of_the_rhine - 莱茵王国Kingdom of the Rhine
  1396. pal_religious_leadership - 宗教领导权Religious Leadership
  1397. pal_kingdom_of_bohemia - 波希米亚王冠The Bohemian Crown
  1398. pal_protect_from_france - 西部边境The Western Border
  1399. pal_glorious_palatine - 光荣的普法尔茨The Glorious Palatine
  1400. integrate_urbino - 合并乌尔比诺Integrate Urbino
  1401. conquer_ferrara - 收复费拉拉Reclaiming Ferrara
  1402. catholic_italy - 与异端战斗Combating the Heresy
  1403. conquest_of_azerbaijan - 波斯的阿塞拜疆Persian Azerbaijan
  1404. consolidate_iran - 统一伊朗Consolidate Iran
  1405. conquest_of_arabian_iraq - 纳杰夫和卡尔巴拉Najaf & Karbala
  1406. persian_khorasan - 波斯的呼罗珊Persian Khorasan
  1407. persian_afghanistan - 帝国坟场Graveyard of Empires
  1408. prussian_confederation_mission_pol - 普鲁士邦联The Prussian Confederation
  1409. conquer_warmia - 收复普鲁士Reclaim Prussia
  1410. vassalize_the_teutonic_order - 击败骑士团Defeat the Knights
  1411. polish_navy_mission - 波兰海军The Polish Navy
  1412. swedish_deluge_mission - 瑞典大洪水Swedish Deluge
  1413. revenge_for_varna_mission - 瓦尔纳复仇Revenge for Varna
  1414. annex_mazovia - 合并马佐维亚Reincorporate Mazovia
  1415. vassalize_lithuania - 波兰立陶宛联邦The Commonwealth
  1416. union_over_hungary_mission - 匈牙利联盟Hungarian Union
  1417. conquer_silesia - 征服西里西亚Conquer Silesia
  1418. union_over_bohemia_mission - 波希米亚联盟Bohemian Union
  1419. mission_restore_ruthenia - 重建鲁塞尼亚Restore Ruthenia
  1420. break_the_rus_mission - 击败罗斯Break the Rus
  1421. polish_renaissance_mission - 波兰的文艺复兴Polish Renaissance
  1422. expand_kazimierz_mission - 扩张卡齐米日Expand Kazimierz
  1423. deal_with_the_sejm_mission - 处理色姆议会Deal with the Sejm
  1424. invest_in_eastern_poland_mission - 投资东波兰Invest in Eastern Poland
  1425. pom_unite_pomerania - 统一波美拉尼亚Unite Pomerania
  1426. pom_reclaim_frontiers - 收复边疆Reclaim the Frontiers
  1427. pom_subdue_brandenburg - 控制米特尔马克Control Mittelmark
  1428. pom_strengthen_old_ties - 强化过去的联系Strengthen Old Ties
  1429. pom_revenge_on_knights - 向骑士团复仇Revenge on the Knights
  1430. pom_hanseatic_seat - 汉萨同盟的席位Seat of the Hansa
  1431. pom_control_hanseatic - 控制易北河下游Control the Lower Elbe
  1432. pom_baltic_struggle - 为波罗的斗争Struggle for the Baltic
  1433. por_discover_african_coast - 远方的博哈多尔角Beyond Cape Bojador
  1434. por_colonise_west_africa - 殖民西非Colonize West Africa
  1435. por_colonise_central_africa - 定居中非Settle in Central Africa
  1436. por_build_the_navy - 竞争优势Competitive Advantage
  1437. conquer_tangiers - 征服丹吉尔Conquer Tangiers
  1438. conquer_the_north_african_coast - 扩张缓冲地带Expand the Buffer Zone
  1439. portugal_discovers_south_america - 向西前进Go Westward
  1440. por_establishes_foothold_brazil - 主导巴西Brazilian Dominance
  1441. por_discovers_cape_good_hope - 好望角The Cape of Good Hope
  1442. por_discovers_east_africa - 东方造船厂Shipyards of the East
  1443. por_discovers_horn_africa - 非洲之角Horn of Africa
  1444. portugal_discovers_india - 向印度推进Push to India
  1445. por_discovers_indonesia - 定居印度尼西亚Settle Indonesia
  1446. portugal_discovers_the_far_east - 向中国前进Onward to Cathay
  1447. por_establish_south_african_trade_company - 控制海路Control the Shipping Lanes
  1448. por_conquers_zanzibar - 征服桑给巴尔Conquer Zanzibar
  1449. por_indonesia_dominance - 保护贸易Secure Trade
  1450. por_conquers_hormuz - 征服霍尔木兹海峡Conquer Hormuz
  1451. recover_albania - 收复阿尔巴尼亚Recover Albania
  1452. recover_western_balkans - 征服巴尔干半岛Conquer The Balkans
  1453. recover_northern_balkans - 北部边境Northern Border
  1454. destroy_venice_pp - 消灭威尼斯Annihilate Venice
  1455. recover_rome_pp - 永恒之城The Eternal City
  1456. recover_north_italy - 收复北意大利Recover Northern Italy
  1457. recover_lombardia - 收复伦巴第Recover Lombardia
  1458. recover_east_islands - 收复东地中海诸岛Recover Eastern Islands
  1459. recover_west_islands - 收复西地中海诸岛Recover Western Isles
  1460. recover_tripoli - 收复的黎波里Recover Tripoli
  1461. recover_tunis - 收复突尼斯Recover Tunis
  1462. recover_south_spain - 收复西班牙Recover Hispania
  1463. convert_asia_minor_pp - 使小亚细亚皈依Convert Asia Minor
  1464. recover_antioch - 收复安条克Recover Antioch
  1465. recover_jerusalem - 收复耶路撒冷Recover Jerusalem
  1466. recover_alexandria - 收复亚历山大Recover Alexandria
  1467. the_pentarchy_pp - 重建五大牧首区Restore the Pentarchy
  1468. convert_rome - 光复罗马!Rome Reclaimed!
  1469. recover_west_anatolia - 安纳托利亚西部Western Anatolia
  1470. recover_central_anatolia - 安纳托利亚中部Central Anatolia
  1471. reestablish_the_theme_system_pp - 重建军区系统Reestablish the Theme System
  1472. recover_crimea - 收复卡法Recover Caffa
  1473. eng_mighty_navy - 海上帝国Maritime Empire
  1474. eng_rb_take_gibraltar - 夺取直布罗陀Take Gibraltar
  1475. eng_rb_take_baleares - 扩大我国疆域Increase our Reach
  1476. eng_rb_take_mediterranean_islands - 地中海霸权Mediterranean Authority
  1477. eng_rb_take_delta - 夺取亚历山大Seize Alexandria
  1478. eng_rb_take_bahari - 埃及霸主Egyptian Authority
  1479. eng_rb_war_of_roses - 玫瑰战争War of the Roses
  1480. eng_rb_control_state_religion - 控制国教Control State Religion
  1481. eng_rb_empire_status - [Root.GetAdjective]帝国The [Root.GetAdjective] Empire
  1482. eng_rb_conquer_burgundy - 占领勃艮第Seize Burgundy
  1483. eng_rb_canada - 殖民加拿大Colonize Canada
  1484. eng_rb_trade_value - 发展海峡Grow the Channel
  1485. eng_rb_universities - 修缮大学Renovate Oxbridge
  1486. eng_rb_coal - 建造工场Build Manufactories
  1487. eng_rb_furnaces - 工业革命Industrial Revolution
  1488. eng_rb_brittany - 征服布列塔尼Conquer Brittany
  1489. eng_rb_angevin - 安茹王国Angevin Kingdom
  1490. eng_rb_hre_electors - 操纵选帝侯Control Electors
  1491. eng_rb_hre_emperor - 大不列颠至尊Great Britain, Ascendant
  1492. eng_rb_spice_islands - 殖民香料群岛Colonize Spice Islands
  1493. gbr_rb_india_landfall - 征服孟加拉Conquer Bengal
  1494. gbr_rb_india_coast - 取得印度沿海地区Take Indian Coast
  1495. gbr_rb_india_landgrab - 取得北印度Take North India
  1496. gbr_rb_india_princedoms - 印度内陆Inland India
  1497. eng_rb_take_shetland_and_faro_isles - 北海群岛North Sea Islands
  1498. eng_rb_greenland - 定居格陵兰岛Settle the North
  1499. eng_rb_own_thirteen_colonies - 十三殖民地The Thirteen Colonies
  1500. eng_establish_trade_in_home_cot_gb - 垄断海峡Monopolize the Channel
  1501. eng_hanseatic_one - 控制汉萨同盟Control the Hansa
  1502. eng_hanseatic_two - 汉萨东部Hanseatic East
  1503. ire_conquer_ulster - 征服乌尔斯特Conquer Ulster
  1504. ire_conquer_munster - 征服芒斯特Conquer Munster
  1505. unite_the_clans_ire - 联合氏族Unite the Clans
  1506. beyond_the_pale - 打破藩篱Beyond the Pale
  1507. conquer_wales - 征服威尔士Conquer Wales
  1508. conquer_west_england - 入侵英格兰Invade England
  1509. ire_conquer_connacht - 征服康诺特Conquer Connacht
  1510. ire_conquer_isles - 征服高地Conquer the Highlands
  1511. ire_conquer_scotland - 征服苏格兰Conquer Scotland
  1512. ire_rule_britannia - 统治不列颠尼亚Rule Britannia
  1513. ire_conquer_leinster - 征服伦斯特Conquer Leinster
  1514. trinity_college_ire - 建立圣三一学院Foundation of Trinity College
  1515. irish_america - 爱尔兰裔美国人Irish America
  1516. ire_import_potatoes - 进口马铃薯Import Potatoes
  1517. sco_highlands_mission - 收回群岛Revoke The Isles
  1518. sco_bank - 苏格兰银行The Bank of Scotland
  1519. sco_religious_unity - 苏格兰之路Weather the Reformation
  1520. sco_education_acts - 教育运动The Education Acts
  1521. sco_college_of_justice - 苏格兰高等法院College of Justice
  1522. sco_early_industry - 苏格兰中部地带煤矿挖掘Central Belt Coal Mining
  1523. sco_auld_alliance - 古老同盟The Auld Alliance
  1524. sco_advance_frontier - 推进前线Advance the Frontier
  1525. sco_conquer_midlands - 进军英格兰Into England
  1526. sco_conquer_london - 征服伦敦Conquer London
  1527. sco_british_empire - 统治大不列颠Rule Britannia
  1528. sco_into_ireland - 进军爱尔兰Into Ireland
  1529. sco_conquer_ireland - 征服爱尔兰Conquer Ireland
  1530. sco_north_sea - 北海贸易North Sea Trade
  1531. darien_scheme - 达连计划The Darien Scheme
  1532. claiming_orkney - 宣称北部诸岛Claiming the Northern Isles
  1533. sco_north_atlantic - 鳕鱼战争Cod Wars
  1534. sco_nova_scotia - 新斯科舍Nova Scotia
  1535. order_of_the_dragon - 龙骑士团The Order of the Dragon
  1536. rmn_impale_the_sultan - 穿刺苏丹Impale the Sultan
  1537. rmn_drive_out_the_turks - 驱逐土耳其人Drive out the Turks
  1538. rmn_heir_of_rome - 罗马的继承人Heir of Rome
  1539. unite_the_voivodes - 团结军阀Unite the Voivodes
  1540. found_bucharest - 建设布加勒斯特Found Bucharest
  1541. rmn_conquer_transylvania - 征服特兰西瓦尼亚Conquer Transylvania
  1542. rmn_fortify_romania - 强化罗马尼亚Fortify Romania
  1543. rmn_appoint_dregatori - 委任总督Appoint Dregatori
  1544. sco_auld_alliance_free - 征服艾查捷拉The Auld Alliance
  1545. sco_advance_frontier_free - 推进前线Advance the Frontier
  1546. conquer_orkney_free - 宣称群岛Claiming the Isles
  1547. spa_rb_caribbean_discovery - 发现加勒比Discover Caribbean
  1548. spa_rb_caribbean_colony - 加勒比殖民地Caribbean Colony
  1549. spa_rb_la_plata - 建立拉普拉塔Establish La Plata
  1550. spa_rb_incans - 印加的财富Incan Hoards
  1551. spa_rb_incans_two - 征服印加Conquer the Inca
  1552. spa_rb_spanish_main - 新西班牙大陆The Spanish Main
  1553. spa_rb_aztecs - 征服阿兹特克Aztec Conquest
  1554. spa_rb_iberia_christian - 改变伊比利亚的信仰Convert Iberia
  1555. spa_rb_zapotecs - 征服塔拉斯卡Conquer Tarasca
  1556. spa_rb_army_ready - 准备收复失地Prepare Reconquista
  1557. spa_rb_reconquista_one - 收复安达卢西亚Reclaim Andalucia
  1558. spa_rb_reconquista_three - 宣称阿拉贡Claims in Aragon
  1559. spa_rb_reconquista_four - 继续收复失地Continue Reconquista
  1560. spa_rb_reconquista_two - 光复葡萄牙Recover Portugal
  1561. spa_rb_christian_fleet - 海军统治力Naval Dominance
  1562. spa_rb_italian_ambition - 意大利的野心Italian Ambition
  1563. unite_austria - 哈布斯堡域Habsburg Domain
  1564. head_of_the_habsburgs - 奥地利天下共尊AEIOU
  1565. swa_expand_a_bit - 主宰施瓦本Dominate Swabia
  1566. swa_swabian_league_mission - 施瓦本联盟The Swabian League
  1567. swa_swabian_liberty - 解放施瓦本Swabian Liberty
  1568. swa_stem_duchy - 部落公国The Stem Duchy
  1569. swa_austria_shall_fall - 奥地利必将陨落Austria Shall Fall
  1570. swa_foothold_in_italy - 意大利的立足点A Foothold in Italy
  1571. swa_lombard_league - 击溃伦巴第Crush the Lombards
  1572. swa_kingdom_of_sicily - 西西里王国Kingdom of Sicily
  1573. swa_supremacy - 日耳曼的意大利国王Rex Italiae et Germaniae
  1574. swa_war_on_infidel - 踏上十字军征程Embark on Crusade
  1575. swa_balkans_freed - 解放巴尔干Free the Balkans
  1576. swa_crusader - 耶路撒冷王国Kingdom of Jerusalem
  1577. swe_win_independence - 结束卡尔马联合End the Kalmar Union
  1578. control_scania - 征服斯堪尼亚Conquer Scania
  1579. vassalize_norway_swe - 保护挪威Protect Norway
  1580. swedish_colonialism - 瑞典新大陆Swedish New World
  1581. swe_baltic_fleet - 波罗的海舰队The Baltic Fleet
  1582. control_latvia - 征服利沃尼亚Conquer Livonia
  1583. swedish_pommerania - 瑞属波美拉尼亚Swedish Pomerania
  1584. unite_the_tatars - 统一鞑靼诸部Unite the Tatars
  1585. mission_conquer_caucausus - 穿越高加索Cross the Caucasus
  1586. mission_conquer_persia_tatars - 重建伊利汗国Restore the Ilkhanate
  1587. mission_secure_the_silk_road - 保护丝绸之路Secure the Silk Road
  1588. mission_conquer_kazakhstan - 征服哈萨克Subjugate the Kazakhs
  1589. mission_conquer_samarkand - 宣称撒马尔罕Claim Samarkand
  1590. mission_conquer_central_asia - 支配中亚Dominate Central Asia
  1591. mission_conquer_mongolia - 万汗之汗Khan of Khans
  1592. mission_conquer_china - 入侵中国Invade China
  1593. crimean_expansion_horde - 扩张克里米亚Crimean Expansion
  1594. ruin_ruthenia - 摧毁鲁塞尼亚Ruin Ruthenia
  1595. subjugate_ryazan_horde - 征服梁赞Subjugate Ryazan
  1596. tatar_yoke_mission - 鞑靼枷锁The Tatar Yoke
  1597. tib_unite_west_tibet - 统一西藏西部Unite Western Tibet
  1598. tib_steppe_alliance - 草原游牧政策Steppe Politics
  1599. tib_conquer_kashmir - 转化克什米尔Convert Kashmir
  1600. tib_the_tarim_basin - 塔里木盆地The Tarim Basin
  1601. tib_unite_tibet - 统一西藏Unite Tibet
  1602. tib_chinese_reconquest - 汉人边界The Chinese Frontier
  1603. tib_emperor_of_china - 终结汉人威胁End the Chinese Threat
  1604. tib_tebetan_empire_restored - 重建吐蕃帝国Restore Great Tibet
  1605. tib_unite_east_tibet - 统一西藏东部Unite Eastern Tibet
  1606. tib_support_the_gelug_school - 赞助格鲁派Support the Gelug School
  1607. tib_conquer_nepal - 启发尼泊尔Enlighten Nepal
  1608. tib_restore_the_pala_kingdom - 重建波罗王国Restore the Pala Kingdom
  1609. tim_freedom - [Root.GetAdjective]领导[Root.GetAdjective] Leadership
  1610. tim_persia_one - 支配下波斯Control Lower Persia
  1611. tim_persia_two - 支配上波斯Control Upper Persia
  1612. tim_army_built - 征战准备Prepare for War
  1613. tim_khorasan_one - 支配东呼罗珊Control East Khorasan
  1614. tim_khorasan_two - 支配西呼罗珊Control West Khorasan
  1615. tim_stability - 稳固[Root.GetName]Stabilize [Root.GetName]
  1616. tim_transoxiana_one - 支配东部草原Control Eastern Steppes
  1617. tim_transoxiana_two - 夺取西部草原Take Western Steppes
  1618. conquer_punjab_MUG - 印度的财富The Riches of India
  1619. conquer_delhi - 征服德里Conquest of Delhi
  1620. nov_recover_cores - 重夺沃洛格达Reconquer Vologda
  1621. nov_defeat_mos - 击败莫斯科Defeat Muscovy
  1622. nov_conquer_tver - 征服特维尔Conquer Tver
  1623. nov_conquer_princes - 废黜留里克王朝Dethrone the Rurikovichs
  1624. nov_build_navy - 开发涅瓦河口岸Develop the Neva's Ports
  1625. nov_conquer_riga - 征服里加Conquer Riga
  1626. nov_conquer_danzig - 但泽或战争Danzig or War
  1627. nov_conquer_lubeck - 汉萨同盟的中心Heart of the Hansa
  1628. nov_best_node - 伟大的诺夫哥罗德Novgorod the Great
  1629. nov_arkhangelsk - 建设阿尔汉格尔斯克Found Arkhangelsk
  1630. nov_white_sea - 保护白海贸易Protect White Sea Trade
  1631. nov_conquer_finland - 征服芬兰Conquer Finland
  1632. nov_scandinavian_ports - 斯堪的纳维亚港务局Scandinavian Port Authority
  1633. nov_archbishopric - 自治大主教区Autocephalous Archbishopric
  1634. nov_cathedrals - 大教堂城Cathedral Cities
  1635. nov_north_sea - 垄断北海贸易Seize North Sea Trade
  1636. tr_conquer_mos - 征服莫斯科Conquer Moscow
  1637. tr_independence - 独立公国Sovereign Principality
  1638. tr_conquer_russia - 统一诸侯Unite the Princes
  1639. tr_tatar_yoke - 解放鞑靼的奴役Break the Tatar Yoke
  1640. tr_conquer_nov - 征服诺夫哥罗德Conquer Novgorod
  1641. tr_cossacks - 招募哥萨克人Recruit the Cossacks
  1642. tr_stability - 巩固国家Consolidate the State
  1643. tr_dniepr - 挺进第聂伯河Advance to the Dniepr
  1644. tr_ruthenia - 统治鲁塞尼亚Rule Ruthenia
  1645. tr_kiev - 重建基辅Restore Kiev
  1646. rus_churches_mission - 教堂之国Land of Churches
  1647. rus_patriarchate_mission - 俄罗斯牧首Russian Patriarchate
  1648. tr_access_to_the_baltic_sea - 西方之窗Window on the West
  1649. rus_partition_poland_mission - 瓜分波兰Partition Poland
  1650. tr_invade_novgorod_mission - 入侵诺夫哥罗德Invade Novgorod
  1651. tr_subjugate_novgorod - 征服诺夫哥罗德Conquer Novgorod
  1652. tr_consolidate_russia_mission - 统一俄罗斯Consolidate Russia
  1653. tr_russia_partitions_poland_new - 解放鲁塞尼亚Liberate Ruthenia
  1654. rus_romania_conquest - 征服罗马尼亚Conquer Romania
  1655. rus_third_rome_mission - 第三罗马The Third Rome
  1656. rus_streltsy_mission - 雇佣射击军Recruit Streltsy
  1657. russian_abolutism_mission - 专制统治Autocratic Rule
  1658. tr_conquer_finland - 征服芬兰Conquer Finland
  1659. rus_manchuria_coast - 获得阿穆尔河The Amur Acquisition
  1660. time_of_troubles_mission - 终结动乱时期Weather the Troubles
  1661. tr_revolution_mission - 俄国革命Russian Revolution
  1662. tr_conquer_steppes_russia_mission - 驯服草原Tame the Steppes
  1663. tr_cross_the_mongol_border - 征服大草原Claim the Steppes
  1664. tr_subjugate_crimea - 征服克里米亚Subjugate the Crimea
  1665. rus_complete_west_siberia - 征收牙萨克Collect Yasak
  1666. rus_complete_east_siberia - 向东拓展牙萨克Extend Yasak to the East
  1667. tr_prikazy_mission - 设立指挥司Establish the Prikazy
  1668. tr_state_manufactories - 国家工场State Manufactories
  1669. tr_subjugate_kazan - 征服喀山Subjugate Kazan
  1670. tr_conquer_remaining_steppes_mission - 统一草原Consolidate the Steppes
  1671. rus_integrate_perm - 吞并彼尔姆Integrate Perm
  1672. tr_russian_colony_in_west_siberia_new - 殖民西伯利亚Colonize Western Siberia
  1673. tr_russian_colony_in_east_siberia - 殖民东部西伯利亚Colonize Eastern Siberia
  1674. rus_alaskan_colony - 殖民阿拉斯加Colonize Alaska
  1675. usa_independence - 美国独立American Independence
  1676. defend_the_american_colonies - 保卫自由Defend Liberty
  1677. conquer_florida - 征服佛罗里达Conquer Florida
  1678. reach_the_mississippi - 到达密西西比河Ol' Man River
  1679. monopolize_italian_cot - 主导意大利贸易Dominate Italian Trade
  1680. disrupt_genoese_trade - 打击热那亚的贸易Disrupt Genoese Trade
  1681. monopolize_adriatic_cot - 垄断亚得里亚海贸易Monopolize Adriatic Trade
  1682. conquer_cyprus - 征服塞浦路斯Conquer Cyprus
  1683. wes_enforce_sovereignty - 强化我们的主权Enforce Our Sovereignty
  1684. wes_conquest_of_westfalen - 宣称威斯特伐利亚Claim Westphalia
  1685. wes_unite_westphalia - 统一威斯特伐利亚Unite Westphalia
  1686. wes_widukind - 维杜金德的遗产Widukind's Legacy
  1687. wes_hre_peace - 威斯特伐利亚和约Peace of Westphalia
  1688. wes_rheinland_start - 莱茵贸易霸权Rhenish Trade Supremacy
  1689. wes_rheinland_mid - 莱茵-威斯特伐利亚人Rhenish Westphalians
  1690. wes_rheinland_end - 统治莱茵河Dominate the Rhine
  1691. pirate_trade_practices - 海盗贸易制度Pirate Trade Practices
  1692. pirate_trade_ports - 自由贸易港Free Trading Ports
  1693. pirate_trade_in_gold - 用黄金贸易Trading In Gold
  1694. pirate_triangle_trade - 开发三角贸易Exploiting The Triangle Trade
  1695. pirate_a_second_madagascar - 第二马达加斯加A Second Madagascar
  1696. pirate_an_old_fort - 一个古老的要塞An Old Fort
  1697. pirate_running_down_to_cuba - 奔向古巴Running Down To Cuba
  1698. pirate_pirates_of_the_caribbean - 加勒比海盗Pirates Of The Caribbean
  1699. pirate_all_of_the_gold - 海盗的黄金时代The Golden Age Of Piracy
  1700. pirate_a_pirate_fleet - 一支海盗舰队A Pirate Fleet
  1701. pirate_a_scourge_on_the_seven_seas - 七海之鞭A Scourge On The Seven Seas
  1702. pirate_the_pirate_code - 没有猎物,就没有晚饭No Purchase, No Pay
  1703. pirate_diplomacy - 海盗外交Pirate Diplomacy
  1704. pirate_the_pirate_threat - 海盗威胁The Pirate Threat
  1705. pirate_hoard - 一个海盗宝藏A Pirate Hoard
  1706. pirate_federation - 一个海盗联邦A Pirate Federation
  1707. pirate_a_famous_pirate - 声名显赫的海盗Renowned Buccaneer
  1708. pirate_the_pirate_round - 海盗航路The Pirate Round