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Europa Universalis IV to Victoria II Converter


The EU4 to Vic2 converter is a tool that takes a Europa Universalis 4 save and generates a Victoria 2 scenario from it. It can be downloaded from this forum thread or from Steam.


A list of version and their changes will go here.


Q: Can this be used on Mac or Linux?
A: Not at this time, sadly. While the code should be easily portable, we do not have any Mac or Linux developers to actually build the converters on those platforms. If you know any who would be willing to help, we would love their assistance!

Q: Does the converter work with the latest version of Europa Universalis?
A: The last version of the converter, the 1.0G, works with patch 1.22.

Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted?
A: Yes! But you need to convert it to a non-ironman save. Unfortunately, the method to do so changes frequently and the converter team have stopped researching how to do so. You will need to find help elsewhere to de-ironman your save.

Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong?
A: You probably placed the mod in the My Documents mod folder. It needs to go in the Vic2 install location's mod folder. Alternately, you don't have AHD of HoD. The converter doesn't support non-HoD Vic2 (though it might work anyway), and vanilla Vic2's mod folder doesn't work at all. If you really want to try, you'll have to make a copy of your game install and copy the mod on top of the copy. But really, do yourself a favor and get AHD and HoD.

Q: Vic2 is crashing at converting history. What do I do?
A: Try going into the mod and deleting history/units. If it now loads, likely a navy got placed badly. Open up log.txt and search for warnings. If any mention whitelisting and blacklisting, open port_blacklist.txt and add the provinces in the warnings to file file. Save it and reconvert. Repeat checking for the warnings and adding the provinces until there are no more warnings. You should now get a working mod. Make sure to inform the team of any provinces you had to add so we can include them in future releases.

Q: Vic2 is crashing at Initializing Maplogic. What do I do?
A: Clear your map cache by deleting the cache folder inside ".../victoria 2/map/" in both My Documents and the Victoria 2 install location.

Q: Vic2's map is all blue. What do I do?
A: Clear your map cache by deleting the cache folder inside ".../victoria 2/map/" in both My Documents and the Victoria 2 install location.

Q: The converter crashes after no time with no errors and no log.txt (when running through the frontend). What went wrong?
A: You may need to install this if you are not on Windows 10: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2999226

Q: The converter says my save is compressed. What do I do?
A: You'll need to save it again in EU4. When you do, the save dialog has an option to compress the save. Make sure it is not selected.

Q: The converter says my save is ironman. What do I do?
A: You will need to convert your save to a non-ironman save. Unfortunately, the method to do so changes frequently and the converter team have stopped researching how to do so. You will need to find help elsewhere to de-ironman your save..

Q: How can I customize my game after converting?
A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the converter subdirectory.

Helping with development

V2 Modders - We're going to need your expertise in generating things, fixing bugs, etc.

Programmers - We always need more programmers. If you give me your GitHub username, I'll follow you. But you can always fork and get right to work.

Everyone - Review the existing mappings. We can post the existing ones here, or I can give you repository access.
Do some thread archaeology to find the details of the EU3 to V2 Converter (and why we did things how we did)
Discuss various conversion mechanics
Invite as many programmers as you know to help out

Conversion details

This section details how the converter handles various items. More information will be added in time.

Configuration Options

These options are best set in the frontend, but the descriptions there are somewhat short and potentially cryptic. And every so often, it is useful to set them manually by editing configuration.txt and then running the converter manually. Here is some more detail on the different options.

Feature Status
Europa Universalis 4 Directory A path on your computer where Europa Universalis 4 is installed. The converter uses this to look up the various localisations, country colors, the military unit strengths, the continents, the cultures, the religions, the regions, and the colonial regions.

It will typically be in the Steam folder, and the frontend should find it automatically. When properly set in the configurations file, it should look something like the following.

   EU4directory = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Europa Universalis IV"
Europa Universalis 4 Documents Directory A path on your computer where Europa Universalis 4 keeps temporary files. It is used to look up needed mods.

It will typically be in My Documents, and the frontend should find it automatically. When properly set in the configurations file, it should look something like the following.

   EU4DocumentsDirectory = "C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV"
Crusader Kings 2 export directory

A path on your computer where Crusader Kings 2 keeps exported games. It is used to look up needed mods. If the game was not a CK2->EU4 conversion game, this does not need to be set.

It will typically be in My Documents, and the frontend should find it automatically. When properly set in the configurations file, it should look something like the following.

   CK2ExportDirectory = "C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\eu4_export\mod"
Victoria 2 directory

A path on your computer where Victoria 2 is installed. It isused to look up a great many items for the converter.

If Victoria 2 was installed from Steam, it will typically be in the Steam folder, and the frontend should find it automatically. If Victoria 2 was not installed from Steam, it will be wherever the game was installed, and the frontend will need to be shown where it is. When properly set in the configurations file, it should look something like the following.

   V2directory = "D:\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 2"
Victoria 2 Documents directory

A path on your computer where Victoria 2 keeps temporary files. It is used to look up province adjacencies.

It will typically be in My Documents, and the frontend should find it automatically. When properly set in the configurations file, it should look something like the following.

   V2Documentsdirectory = "C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Victoria II"
Victoria 2 Mod Directory

Used by the frontend to copy the converted mod so that you don't have to. Note that while Victoria 2 may have created a mod directory under My Documents, this needs to be set to the mod directory under the Victoria 2 install location.

This setting does not get saved to configuration.txt.

Converter .exe

Used by the frontend to start the converter. It should be set automatically.

This setting does not get saved to configuration.txt.

Save game

Used to instruct the frontend on which game to convert. It must contain the full path and the save game itself. If the EU4 Documents Directory has been set properly, the browse button should easily lead you to the save.

This setting does not get saved to configuration.txt.

Vic2 Game Type

What version of Vic2 to convert to. Note that while many options are listed, only the HOD option is currently fully supported. HoD_NNM will hopefully be supported in the future, but Vanilla Vic2 and AHD will likely never be supported.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   V2gametype = "HOD"
Start Date

The date on which the Vic2 game is to start. The default is January first 1836. Note that setting this to January first 1835 or before will, in all likelyhood, crash Victoria 2! Though with more modding, that could be a valid option.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   start_date = 1836.1.1
Reset Provinces

Provinces that are marked as 'resettable' in the province mappings will be reset to the vanilla Victoria 2 state. Most often used for 'decolonizing' western Africa.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   resetProvinces = "no"
Max Literacy

The maximum literacy a nation will start with. If a nation would otherwise convert with higher literacy, it will be capped to this value. The default is 100%. Note that setting this to less than 10% will begin to cause counter-intuitive behavior. See the literacy section for more information.

This setting is in decimal notation, from 0.0 to 1.0. This matches how Victoria 2 stores literacy internally.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   max_literacy = 1.0
Remove type/Types of Landless Nations to Remove

Which landless nations to remove. The possible options are

  • None - all EU4 cores will be converted to Vic2. Nations that have no provinces and no cores will not be converted.
  • Dead - if a nation has no cores on provinces that share its primary culture, all of its cores will be removed and it will not be converted.
  • All - any nation with no provinces will have all of its cores removed, and will not be converted.

The converter's method of handling landless nations is probably out of date given the differences in culture conversion between EU3 and EU4, and how cores fade over time in EU4. For that matter, we don't need to worry about converting too many nations as we did for most of EU3->Vic2's life. So it unlikely you will need to change this option from None, and it may be removed in future version of the converter.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   Removetype = "none"
Liberty Desire Threshold

Colonies with liberty desire above this value will convert as satellites of their overlord. Colonies with liberty desire below this value will be absorbed on conversion, but cores will remain. The default is 100%, meaning colonies are always absorbed.

This is set from 0 to 100, to match how EU4 stores liberty desire. However, it has been reported that the converter does not calculate liberty desire properly, so even if this setting is changed, all colonial nations may be absorbed during conversion.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   libertyThreshold = 100
Convert pop totals

Whether or not the total population in a province should be determined from the EU4 game. By default, the total population in each province is unchanged from default Victoria 2 (though the culture, religion, and jobs of all the pops will be changed). If this is set to yes, then the pops will be moved throughout the world based on a number of factors. See the pop totals section for more details.

When properly set in the configurations file, this setting should look something like the following.

   convertPopTotals = "no"

Relevant Links
1 2 3 4 5

General Conversion Topics

Feature Status Relevant Links
Religions Religions are relevant two places in Victoria 2: as the primary religions of nations, and as the religions of pops. The nuances of pops' religions is further discussed in the pops culture and religions section and in the minority pops section. But in both cases, an EU4 religion must become a Victoria 2 religion. These are simply mapped from one to the other, with the occasional extra condition. The mappings are in religionMap.txt in the converter directory. As well, many religions have been added to the converter for a better transition. They have new icons, but some are missing localisations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Cultures Cultures are relevant two places in Victoria 2: as the primary or accepted cultures of nations, and as the cultures of pops. The nuances of pops' cultures is further discussed in the pops culture and religions section and the minority pops section. But in both cases, an EU4 culture must become a Victoria 2 culture. These are simply mapped from one to the other, with the occasional extra condition. The mappings are in cultureMap.txt. As well, several cultures have been added to the culture for a smoother transition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Start Date The converted game starts in 1836, which leaves a fifteen year gap between EU4 and Vic2. Future updates might close that gap, if members of the community provide the needed modding changes for the converter to work between 1821 and 1836. 1 2 3
Random World EU4 Random world saves are fully supported, and convert just as you would expect. 1 2 3
Random New World Random New World games cannot be converted in a sensible way. They may convert if you try, but everything in the Americas would be a mess.

Country Conversion

Feature Status Relevant Links
Capital Capitals are directly converted from the EU4 capital location. If the converted capital somehow does not correspond with a province owned by the country in Vic2, Vic2 will automatically make the lowest-numbered province a capital.

As well, there are reports of capitals ending up in strange locations. If you observe this, please report it. If you are able to adjust the province mappings to keep this from happening, please provide those.

Primary culture Mapped directly, using the rules described in the culture conversion section. 1 2
Additional cultures Mapped directly, using the rules described in the culture conversion section. If any vassals are absorbed, all of their accepted cultures and their primary culture will become accepted culture of the nation that absorbed them. For cultural unions, all cultures in the union will become additional cultures 1 2
Religion Mapped directly, using the rules described in the religion conversion section. 1 2
Plurality Plurality is simply set to zero 1 2 3 4 5 6
Prestige Prestige comes from the score in EU4. The nation with the highest score gets 100 prestige, and all other nations get an amount of prestige proportional to that according to their scores.

Victoria 2 automatically assigns prestige for the prestige inventions unlocked at the start of the game.

1 2
Consciousness Consciousness is set to zero at the point of conversion. 1 2 3
Technology Tech conversion is based on the default V2 tech progression at the 1836 start.

There are three tech categories in EU4 and five in V2. Combinations of EU4 categories map to the V2 categories:
Army: Military + Admin
Navy: Military + Diplomacy
Commerce: Admin + Diplomacy
Culture: Diplomacy
Industry: Military + Admin + Diplomacy

Each nation's tech scores are calculated where the world's average level corresponds to zero and the highest tech level corresponds to 1. If this tech score is greater than or equal to level specified below, it gets the specified technology.


Technology Required Score
Flintlock Rifles -1.0
Bronze Muzzle Loaded Artillery -0.9
Post-Napoleonic Army Doctrine -0.2
Army Command Principle 0.2
Military Staff System 0.6
Army Professionalism 1.0


Technology Required Score
Post-Nelsonial Thought 0
The Command Principle 0.036
Clipper Design 0.571
Naval Design Bureaus 0.571
Alphabetic Flag Signalling 0.571
Battleship Column Doctrine 0.857
Steamers 0.857
Naval Professionalism 1.0


Technology Required Score
No Standard Any
Guild Based Production -0.777
Private Banks -0.555
Early Classical Theory -0.333
Freedom of Trade -0.277
Stock Exchange 0.333
Ad Hoc Money Bill Printing 0.777
Market Structure 0.777
Late Classical Theory 1.0


Technology Required Score
Classicism and Early Romanticism Any
Late Enlightenment Philosophy Any
Enlightenment Thought -0.333
Malthusian Thought 0.333
Introspectionism 0.333
Romanticism 0.666


Technology Required Score
Water Wheel Power -1.0
Publishing Industry -0.714
Mechanized Mining -0.143
Basic Chemistry -0.143
Practical Steam Engine 0.143
Experimental Railroad 0.428
Mechanical Production 0.714
Clean Coal 1.0

As well, achieving certain idea levels count as Vic2 tech levels before the calculation happens. Each level of the idea (as well as taking the idea group) counts as the specified number of EU4 tech levels. This is defined in idea_effects.txt and can easily adjusted.

Idea Group Tech Affected Amount Affected
Offensive Army 0.25
Defensive Army 0.10
Trade Commerce 0.15
Martime Navy 0.10
Martime Commerce 0.10
Quality Army 0.15
Quality Navy 0.10
Administrative Industry 0.15
Humanist Culture 0.20
Naval Navy 0.25

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Literacy Literacy is set on a per-country basis for accepted cultures. Non-accepted cultures receive the default literacy of 10%. It is possible to set a maximum literacy in the configuration file. The default maximum is 100%.

Literacy starts at 10%, and is adjusted by the following factors.


Each of these ideas increases literacy by 10%:

  • Level 3 of Innovative Ideas
  • Level 4 of Innovative Ideas
  • Level 2 of Religious Ideas
  • Level 1 of Economic Ideas
  • Level 2 of Economic Ideas
  • Level 5 of Economic Ideas
  • Level 6 of Administrative Ideas


The following religions get a 5% literacy boost:

  • Protestant
  • Reformed
  • Confucianism


The following modifiers each give a 4% boost to literacy:

  • The School Establishment Act
  • Sunday Schools
  • The Education Act
  • Monastic Education System
  • Western Embassy Mission


Either the ratio of colleges to provinces or the number of colleges (whichever is greater) is directly added to literacy, with a maximum of a 20% bonus.


Each University gives a 10% boost to literacy.

Tech Group

Any country not in the Western, Eastern, Ottoman, or High American tech groups will have its literacy divided by ten.

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National Values

Each nation calculates scores towards Order, Equality, and Liberty. The nations are sorted according to the values of these scores. The first five nations with equality as their highest score get the equality national value. Of the remaining nations, the first twenty with a higher liberty score than an order score get the liberty national value. The remaining nations get the order national value.

The national value scores are derived from the EU4 ideas. Taking an idea group adds or removes a point towards the respective value, each idea taken in the group does the same, and completing the group adds or removes one final point.


Idea Group Add or Remove
Aristocracy Remove
Plutocracy Add
Innovative Add
Religious Remove
Quantity Add


Idea Group Add or Remove
Aristocracy Remove
Plutocracy Add
Spy Remove
Administrative Remove


Idea Group Add or Remove
Innovative Remove
Religious Add
Quality Add
Quantity Remove

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Social Reforms Social reforms are not converted, and all nations start with no social reforms.
Political Reforms Each reform is decided by a country's 'score' for that reform type. The score starts by looking at the upper house composition, which is rated from -1 (reactionaries and no liberals) to 1 (liberals and no reactionaries). This is multiplied by a constant, then added to another constant. See this table for the exact constants.
Reform Type Multiplicative Constant Additive Constant
Vote Franchise 9.5 10
Upper House Composition 4.5 5
Voting System 3 4
Public Meetings 12 10.5
Press Rights 24 0
Trade Unions 1.0 0
Political Parties 2.0 0

So the voting franchise score is

   vote_franchise == (9.5 * Upper House Factor) + 10

For trade unions, this score is then multiplied by a constant determined by the (Victoria 2) government type.

Government Type Constant
absolute monarchy 0.0
democracy 5.0
presidential dictatorship 1.0
hms government 2.0

Government type either adds a constant, multiplies by a constant, or sets the reform to a certain value.

Government Type Slavery Vote Franchise UH Composition Voting System Public Meetings Press Rights Trade Unions Political Parties
absolute monarchy + 0 = -1 = 0 + 1 + 2.5 - 16 + 0 + 4
democracy + 0 + 0 - 5 - 1 = 20 * 10000000 - 0.26 + 1.0
presidential dictatorship + 0 = -1 = 0 - 2 + 2.5 + 2 * 10000000 + 0.14 - 4.0
hms government + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 20 + 8 + 0.14 + 1.5

Finally, this score is compared to various numbers to see which reform applies.

Vote Franchise Option Required Score
universal voting 20
universal weighted voting 15
wealth voting 10
wealth weighted voting 5
landed voting 0
none voting
Upper House Option Required Score
population equal weight 10
state equal weight 5
appointed 0
party appointed
Voting System Option Required Score
proportional representation 10
jefferson method 5
first past the post 0
Public Meetings Option Required Score
yes meeting 10
no meeting
Press Rights Option Required Score
free press 8
censored press -8
state press
Trade Unions Option Required Score
all trade unions 1
non-socialist 0.01
no trade unions
Political Parties Options Required Score
non-secret ballots 0
gerrymandering -0.66
harassment -0.75
underground parties
Uncivilized Nation Reforms Unicvilized nation reforms are based on the nation's tech group. Different tech groups give varying levels of reform progress, and this progress is placed into reforms. Reforms are selected based on the focus into either admin tech or military tech, and leftover reform progress is used wherever it can be.
Tech Group Reform Progress
Sub-Saharan 20%
Nomad 30%
Chinese 36%
Indian 40%
Muslim 44%
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